March Melting



  • coueswhitetail
    coueswhitetail Posts: 309 Member
    Oh and just to share a victory with you all, I hit 30 lbs lost this morning! Yeah! Still want to lose 20 more, but progress makes me happy and I try not to think how long it will take to lose that 20. I get depressed thinking about that (it never comes off fast enough does it?), but I try to remember a journey of a 1000 miles begins with one step. :smile:
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,945 Member
    That's awesome coues! Congrats!
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    edited March 2015
    Congrats coues!! 30 lbs - what a great accomplishment!!

    Today was workout #8. I found out that one of the girls who SERIOUSLY puts me to shame has been doing this class for 3 years. THAT made me feel better. She is STRONG!! I want to be like that. I'm going to keep going...

    My dad showed up at my house after work last night with 3 days' worth of juices all ready to go. YEAH! Without the time suck of trying to feed my family AND get all my juices made, I am TOTALLY going to ROCK IT this time!!! :):):) I feel a shift this time; like I am really going to go the distance. I hope I still feel that way in a couple weeks!!

    Today is juicing day #2. My 1 day progress report is that I lost a whopping 3 lbs. I love the first few days of juicing! I know it's just purging my system, but it still makes me smile. AND I HAVE NO WITHDRAWAL TO REPORT. No headache, no feeling like garbage. I actually drove home after my workout thinking "hey - I feel pretty darn good today!!" Score 1 for juicing and getting all those sluggish carbs out of my system...

    Alright. That's my report. Going well. Optimistic. Now I just need to spend my non-class days moving my legs to get ready for my big race!!!!! (eeeeek!)
  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    I haven't had a chance to read what's been going on, but first let me share two great recipes I made for dinner tonight. Both surprisingly low calorie and downright filling as well as tasty: First there's Lemon Cauliflower Risotto from my ETL cookbook (p. 221) and second is Spicy Mumbai Potatoes from my old Art Of Tofu cookbook by Akasha Richmond. You can get the recipe from this DAVEGAN website too. LINK:
  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    OK now I have caught up with everyone. Boy, I feel like a slug hearing about T25 and zombie runs and heavy lifting. I can't remember the last time I stepped inside the gym for which we pay membership fees. Hubby and I did get out for a walk on Monday, and I got a short bike ride in on Tuesday, but nothing today.
    For liapr I just want to say I didn't lose a pound all of one year (2013) so don't get discouraged. Just keep doing what you're doing. Weight is only part of being healthy and you are on the right path.
    LOVED the poppies in AZ. Brother lives in Phoenix and he's been sending some lovely wildflower pictures. So pretty!
    Guess I will just have to try the chocolate hummus. I have the recipe. It does sound weird, but I didn't think chocolate and peanut butter in a smoothie would be any good and it is!
    Congrats to coueswhitetail for hitting 30 lbs lost! That's a significant amount of weight. Well done!
    Hubby's doctor told him he needs to eat more fiber and get regular exercise, so maybe with him getting out more often, it will rub off on me and I'll go with him. I wake up on Wednesdays and tell myself I am going swimming at the community center today, and then nothing happens. So I know I have to just push myself out the door. I have about 5 more pounds to lose to hit my lowest weight in 25 years, and I know consistent exercise will help greatly. I have to fight that lazy streak in myself!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,945 Member
    Lisa thanks for the recipes! Karrie, that's so nice of your mom to help you out by making your juices.

    I'm still fighting this cold and feeling pretty blah. Off to bed.
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Yeah, my mom is pretty amazing. She's always ready to help me out in anything I'm doing. When I told her about the strength training class, she asked if I needed help to watch the kids so I could attend, because she thought when I said it was at 5, that I meant pm... She's just always ready to jump in - I'm spoiled...

    Total weight loss after 2 days of juicing is 3.8 lbs. But my daughter was sick last night and we didn't get a great sleep - we were busy cleaning up her path between her bed and the bathroom (SO GROSS!) I think if I would have had a better sleep, I would have seen a better loss... Ah well, it's still a loss, and I'm happy!!

    I'm looking forward to trying that chocolate hummus with fruit when I'm all done juicing - sounds like a GREAT way to get your serving of both chickpeas and fruit in the mornings!!
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    edited March 2015
    Wait, I must have missed that earlier... Karrie your strength class is at 5am ?!?! I don't think I could lift anything at 5am... how does it feel? Now that I'm commuting, I find I can't get workouts done in the morning, and I do miss that feeling of having it done for the day so early!

    Lisa, thanks for that encouragement. That actually really helps a lot!! I have decided I'm going to try and stray from the scale for awhile and just focus on my quality of ETL foods. I vacillate between being free and totally obsession for numbers (calories and weight) and I think I've been in a good ETL routine that I can deviate from the numbers for awhile.

    Mihani, bah I hope you feel better soon! It seems like it's been a terrible year for colds!! Did the soup help? It is delicious at least. PS I don't think I've had green beer either?! At least not since college maybe... but I didn't really like beer then.

    Coues, WOW 30 lbs!!?!?! That is heroic! Congratulations :) Thanks for sharing the gorgeous video too!

    I am impressed with how great my back has been feeling since I started T25 - the first week or two was rough, but I finally feel like I've developed a stronger core again and I know that is protecting my back, woohoo!
  • coueswhitetail
    coueswhitetail Posts: 309 Member
    For those looking for different back exercises, I found these to be powerful....
    it feels odd doing the "founder" but it really works out your back muscles.

    His exercises are great for anyone....those who are highly trained athletes and those that are sitting all day in an office....
  • coueswhitetail
    coueswhitetail Posts: 309 Member
    edited March 2015
    oh and in case anyone needs a dinner idea.....these sweet potato black bean burgers were excellent!

    Dr Fuhrman emailed out a recipe recently....or you can google it to find a different version. I varied the recipe by adding in some leftover smoked, grilled eggplant, some candied jalapeno and some ground flaxseed, turmeric and cumin and garlic. The burger mixture is mostly sweet potato and black beans and cashews. And topped with mushrooms in a blue cheese sauce and mashed up avocado and tomato and onions.

    Anyway, however you make it, it will be good! My husband said it was as satisfying as any real meat burger he has ever had. And he LOVES real burgers, so it's nice when I can get him to love better nutrition!



  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    OMG those burgers look amazing!!! Where is that recipe?!?!?!

    Yes, my class is at 5am. I get up at 4:30 so I can get ready and head out. I don't think having it in the morning makes it any more tough - I think I would suck just as bad if it were in the afternoon. ;) And yes, it does feel MUCH better knowing that I'm done for the day. Morning workouts are my favorite...

    Down another .8 lbs today for a 3-day total of 4.6 lbs. Gotta love the juice. :smiley: My hubby and kids all mentioned that I was looking more trim last night. The bloat is definitely gone. Now I just have to keep chipping away at the weight.

    Happy Friday to you all & have a wonderful weekend!!
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Awesome loss, Karrie! Woohoo!

    Coues, delicious looking photos. You sound like you have awesome cooking intuition too.

    Happy Friday, all :) I missed working out two nights this week (I had a super social week) and I actually missed it, so I'm going to fit something in tonight and tomorrow. Hope you have a great weekend!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Those burgers look fantastic!!
  • coueswhitetail
    coueswhitetail Posts: 309 Member
    edited March 2015
    here is Dr. F's recipe:

    I didn't have cilantro, lime juice, cider vinegar or nutritional yeast and they still turned out great. I used the substitutions that I mentioned above in earlier post.

    Sweet Potato Black Bean Burgers

    Serves: 6
    Preparation Time: 20 minutes (active prep time)

    1/2 cup raw cashews
    1 1/2 cups cooked black beans or 1 (15 ounce can) can no-salt-added or low-sodium black beans, drained
    3/4 cup baked sweet potato, mashed
    1/2 cup diced red onion
    1/2 jalapeno pepper, deseeded and diced
    3 tablespoons chopped cilantro
    1 teaspoon garlic powder
    1/2 teaspoon black pepper
    2 teaspoons cider vinegar
    1 tablespoon fresh lime juice
    3 tablespoons nutritional yeast
    old fashioned oats or 100% whole grain bread crumbs if needed to adjust consistency
    Place nuts in a food processor and grind to a fine powder. Add remaining ingredients except for oats and pulse to combine.

    Form mixture into 6 burgers. If mixture is too wet, a small amount of oats or whole grain bread crumbs may be added. Place on a lightly-oiled or parchment lined baking sheet. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes until lightly browned.

    Serve with avocado, tomato and red onion slices.

    Per Serving:
  • sharon9597
    sharon9597 Posts: 33 Member
    Thank you, I'll be trying them next week
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,945 Member
    Hello ETL'ers... I am finally feeling somewhat normal. That was a nasty cold. Not sick enough to keep me from working, just enough to make my days entirely miserable. I am heading to the office today to do some more catching up. Boss is back from vacation and my catch up week while he was gone was not as productive as hoped with being sick.

    Back on track starting today!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Mihani wrote: »
    Hello ETL'ers... I am finally feeling somewhat normal. That was a nasty cold. Not sick enough to keep me from working, just enough to make my days entirely miserable. I am heading to the office today to do some more catching up. Boss is back from vacation and my catch up week while he was gone was not as productive as hoped with being sick.

    Back on track starting today!

    Glad that cold is working it's way out!
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Ugh - Mihani, I hope you're feeling better soon. Dragging your butt into work when you're sick is the worst!!

    Today was day 1 of week 4 of my strength training class. Arms & chest again. Getting better, but I'm also thinking that I should probably increase my weight now. I really do NOT want to do that...

    Today is also day 7 of juicing. My weigh loss is grinding to a halt. I did a 4-mile walk yesterday, hoping to increase my loss for today, and then today I'm up .2 lbs. Grr... I know I'm doing weights and I can barely move after my workouts, and that means I'm retaining water. I KNOW this, but I still want to see SOME movement on the scale!!

    Fortunately, I can tell in my clothes. My jeans aren't tight at all anymore, even right out of the dryer. So there is that... If I didn't even have that, I think I'd be crying right now.

    I'm struggling a bit with the juicing already, and it's only been a week. I'm now telling myself that I can stop when I lose 10 more lbs. We'll see.

    AND my half marathon is looming - only 10 weeks away. I've gotta start adding running back into the mix. Yesterday's work was my day 1 of that. Tonight I'm going to do some sprints - I do HIIT first alternating with walking days to build up my cardio - in a couple of weeks I add some slow runs and tempo runs. Then hopefully in about 6 weeks I'll be running 10km nonstop. It all seems like so much effort - I had BETTER see some results already!!!

  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Hey Karrie, feeling your pain! Especially with the strength training... I know it's a different beast where the scale is concerned. Great job with the juicing though!! 7 days is nothing to scoff at. LOVE that the jeans aren't tight at all too, that's the best feeling!

    Mihani, glad you're feeling more normal!!! I am not sure what kind of sickness you would have to have to keep you away from the office lol. I think it is secretly your practice and your boss doesn't know it. Tai chi tonight?

    I'm starting Week 2 of beta tonight and loving the exercises. They are a bit more challenging but more fun too. I am totally staying away from the scale though. I went a bit snack crazy on the weekend. Nothing too unhealthy though but still a bit carby. Have a nice healthy day scheduled for tonight though :)

    Thanks for the recipe, Coues!

    Sharon nice to see you here!

    Hope everyone has a great Monday :)
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    liapr wrote: »

    Thanks for the recipe, Coues!

    Oh yeah - THANKS for the recipe. It's on my "to do" list when I'm eating real food again!!

    And thanks for the encouragement, Lia!!!