Do you get off of work and go home just to sit down again?



  • allison0820
    allison0820 Posts: 323 Member
    Ummm well honestly most days I do.... I try to get my workout in at lunch time or first thing in the morning so yeah I do... My hubby is the chef in the house so he does most of the cooking on his days off...
  • amandab1669
    amandab1669 Posts: 86 Member
    Hells no I look forward to getting off work to begin to get my workout in. I don't get up early enough to workout and if I don't do it as soon as I get off then I know I will slip back in to my bsing ways. I don't even make a stop after work to run errands just straight home and get my workout in then whatever needs to be done can be done afterwards
  • cjigg
    cjigg Posts: 3
    Haha, I just was thinking about this the other day. I work a 8-5 job sitting all day, doing administrative work in an office. Then when I get home I eat sitting down and then i lay down in my bed and watch tv until the next day. So sad. I workout during my work time most days or right when I get off work. I am having a hard time losing weight and I think its because I am stationary all day! :(
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 839 Member
    I used to, but now there aren't enough hours in my evening to do everything I want to do. As soon as I get home, I walk my dog. We walk 20-30 minutes. Then I do 30 minutes of yoga or pilates. I also have a ton of yard work to do - never is really done, housework, and my never-ending sewing project. I've also taken up golf, which needs a lot of practice, so try to get out to the driving range or hit balls in the yard a couple evenings a week in addition to playing 9 holes once a week. I wish I could work part time so I'd have more time to do all the things I enjoy after work!
  • How can I not???.. I work 8 hours a day 5 times a week from 2 pm up to 11 pm. Aside from I end my work during sleeping hours facing the computer all day is just so draining. After I arrive home I just sleep directly and the worst thing is I usually over sleep up to 12 hours that I can't do any exercise or work out at all.

    Hope I can change my habit and find some encouragement and support here. :flowerforyou:
  • patmonroern
    patmonroern Posts: 4 Member
    I too sit for my job but it is mostly in the car between patients. What I do when I get home depends on if the kids are with me that week. (we do an every other week custody thing) I haven't started at a club or anything yet cause of finances but really need motivation to DO SOMETHING after work.
  • red0801
    red0801 Posts: 283 Member
    I get the best results if i stop by the gym on my way home & hit the treadmill. Something about getting my heart pumping again helps keep me motivated throughout the evening.
  • emsicle_o
    emsicle_o Posts: 162 Member
    I did but have just started exercising after work instead. Wakes me up a bit :smile:
  • krystal193
    krystal193 Posts: 38 Member
    As an office manager I sit at a desk and stare at a computer all day. :indifferent: The only time I get up is to go to the restroom or to go to the printer. Im also a full time online student so when I get home I have to sit at another desk and stare at another computer screen to take quizzes and write academic essays. :indifferent:

    After scowering the land for a local gym with daycare and reasonable prices, I finally found Fitness Evolution.:love: Luckily my son fell in love with the daycare center they have on site because when I get off work and pick him up from after-school care he begs me to tak him to the gym. This motivates me to go and hit the eliptical at least for a little while before I get home. I even signed up for a personal trainer to help get me on the right path. The workout gives me a boost of energy so I can get my homework done.

    I have no time for anything now between work, school, gym, preparing healthy meals instead of processed junk or fast food, and spending time with my son and boyfriend. Still trying to develop a routine so I can allot time for other things and people.
  • Ephebiphobia
    Ephebiphobia Posts: 4 Member
    I'm always so busy with working full time and going to school again that I find it hard to balance my "free time" between studying and working out. It's also super tempting to eat junk food.

    Anyone else in a similar boat?
  • I like to go home and sit in my lazy boy and knit.
  • I work 10 hours a day on the phones and computer sitting at a desk, but in my environment I can walk around for a few minutes here and there. Sometimes I walk in place ( like Leslie Sansone) right at my desk so that I can still see the computer. I am not sure this counts for anything but it makes a difference on my Garmin and in my head.
  • Tizwiz7
    Tizwiz7 Posts: 11 Member
    Yep. Even though I'm not active at work, somehow I'm still drained and exhausted. Apart from the 15 mins or so spent walking to the bus stop, I'm hardly doing any exercise in the evening. But I'm planning on restarting swimming and Zumba soon, so will see how I get on.
  • I work as an office assistant. Sometimes I get the opportunity to move around a little but most of my day is spent at my desk. Now that Spring has finally decided to show up here, I'd like to start biking to work every day beginning next week in order to get extra exercise in. That will add 40 miles to my totals each week!
  • guinevere96
    guinevere96 Posts: 1,445 Member
    Im so bad for this, im a customer service agent so there's no getting up and walking around. I get 2 15 minute breaks and a lunch, I try to move around on those but its hard! I get home at 6 oclock and eat dinner and go to sleep, its so bad for me. I cant wait to get back in school and get out of this office.
  • CindyD1512
    CindyD1512 Posts: 2 Member
    yes I do that but baseball season for my son is here so I try going to the park for his pratices and walk 30 min each day so far I done it all week and I feel good

  • CindyD1512
    CindyD1512 Posts: 2 Member
    Great job!!
  • LJFJ
    LJFJ Posts: 73 Member
    Hi! I just joined yesterday, and I'm so glad I found this group.

    I work from home, teaching at an online university. Because my left leg swells so much, I have to get up regularly and walk around. My physical- and occupational therapists visit me every week, and each has given me exercises I need to do to build up my legs and arms. I'm definitely sweating by the time I'm done, both from exertion and pain. Because of the pain, I don't do the exercises twice a day like I'm supposed to, but I'm really going to try to get my butt in gear. Walking in the halls is another twice/day exercise, but it's boring. I walk the length of the building twice and take two stairways (slowly, as I'm just learning to take stairs again). I figure any movement at this point is good. The laundry room is a ways down the hallway, so doing two loads every other day makes me walk, too. The trash area is waaaay on the other side of the apartment building, outside. That's a good walk, pulling my little green wagon with trash, garbage (no disposal), and recycling.

    Cleaning is cathartic for me, thank goodness, because I have four cats to clean up after. I once read that housecleaning is the best exercise of all because of pushing, pulling, bending, lifting, wiping, drying, stretching... And works up sweat! I keep going until I have sweat dripping in my eyes or my legs really hurt, and then I rest for a few minutes. Then, back to it.

    When my legs heal, I want to get a bicycle so I can explore the neighborhood. I moved here on 9/15/14, but I've had seven operations on my legs since that time. I want to get out and explore!

    I have to admit, despite it all, motivation is lacking. I get up when I'm hungry, when the therapists- and home care nurse show up, when a cat yells at me, or I need the endorphins from cleaning the apartment. When I'm really tired or in pain, it's terribly hard to get up and do any physical activity. What I have to remember, though, is that working at a desk on the computer all day is mentally exhausting, but the body needs to get tired, too; otherwise, I can't sleep.

  • DianePK
    DianePK Posts: 122 Member
    Totally! I really should hit the gym after work, but if I go when I wake up I can't find excuses.
  • Kimberly_Harper
    Kimberly_Harper Posts: 409 Member
    I used to. Getting home early was even worse because the moment my butt hit the couch, that was it. Sometimes I would muster up the energy to go to the gym. After a while, the gym became boring and I'm awful at doing home workout DVD's. Lately, though, I have scheduled a class or training after work most days, so by the time I get home I don't have time to just sit down again until that couple of hours after dinner and before bed.