Find Your 'Not That Heavy' Twin!



  • taryndupuis
    taryndupuis Posts: 1 Member
    height- 5ft8
    heaviest-232(many moons ago. never went that high again!)

    I think I may be your twin!
    Height: 5'8
    Heaviest : 160 (after baby)
    Current :149
    Goal weight:135
  • misszania1982
    misszania1982 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi thought I'd join aswell
    Age 32 (mum of 4)
    H 5ft 7
    HW 133 lb
    CW 129 lb
    GW 126 lb
    Feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • audriesmama
    audriesmama Posts: 6 Member
    Hi girls!

    I've been on here for about a week and hoping to get back into shape...

    I'm 26 and have a daughter that's
    Height: 5'6"
    HW: 155(when I gave birth I was 172)
    LW: 128
    CW: 138

    GOAL: A healthy 125-120 and to feel better about the way I look.

    Hi! You are right on par with me! Would love to be motivational partners. :)
    I'm 23
    Height: 5'7"
    HW: 154
    LW: 125
    CW: 137

    Goal: I want to be at the very least at my lw: 125 but my ultimate goal is 118.

    Hope to hear back :)

    Hi! That would be great! I was hoping someone would look at me post haha!
  • audriesmama
    audriesmama Posts: 6 Member
    Hi girls!

    I've been on here for about a week and hoping to get back into shape...

    I'm 26 and have a daughter that's
    Height: 5'6"
    HW: 155(when I gave birth I was 172)
    LW: 128
    CW: 138

    GOAL: A healthy 125-120 and to feel better about the way I look.

    Hi! You are right on par with me! Would love to be motivational partners. :)
    I'm 23
    Height: 5'7"
    HW: 154
    LW: 125
    CW: 137

    Goal: I want to be at the very least at my lw: 125 but my ultimate goal is 118.

    Hope to hear back :)

    Hi! (Both of you, haha!) Not to steal anyone's twin but I'm about the same.

    I'm 22
    HW: 145
    LW: 125
    CW: 140

    I'd like to drop 15-20 and become healthier overall, but it has been difficult for the past three or so years. Would love to have some buddies on here for motivation!
    Hi girls!

    I've been on here for about a week and hoping to get back into shape...

    I'm 26 and have a daughter that's
    Height: 5'6"
    HW: 155(when I gave birth I was 172)
    LW: 128
    CW: 138

    GOAL: A healthy 125-120 and to feel better about the way I look.

    Hi! You are right on par with me! Would love to be motivational partners. :)
    I'm 23
    Height: 5'7"
    HW: 154
    LW: 125
    CW: 137

    Goal: I want to be at the very least at my lw: 125 but my ultimate goal is 118.

    Hope to hear back :)

    Hi! (Both of you, haha!) Not to steal anyone's twin but I'm about the same.

    I'm 22
    HW: 145
    LW: 125
    CW: 140

    I'd like to drop 15-20 and become healthier overall, but it has been difficult for the past three or so years. Would love to have some buddies on here for motivation!

    Hi! I feel like I'm in the same boat! I just need some motivation to get up and go haha! I have a 5yr old and I like to run around with her but I'd like to do more than just chase my child ;)
  • BicepsAndBows
    BicepsAndBows Posts: 197 Member
    I'm in!

    I'm 5'6"

    Highest weight: 125-130 lbs.
    Current weight: Somewhere between 117-120 lbs. (I fluctuate so much on a daily basis!)
    Goal weight: Somewhere between 105-110

    Alright twin, find me and add me! :)
  • hdonaldsonm
    hdonaldsonm Posts: 22 Member
    5'8" 22 years old
    HW: 171 lbs
    CW: same as above - just starting out
    LW: 135 lbs (in highschool)
    GW: 140 -145 lbs

    We're pretty close!
    Why not?

    Age: 21
    Height: 5'7"
    CW: 165
    HW: 175
    LW: 120 (in high school)
    GW: 125-130

  • TheProspitPrincess
    TheProspitPrincess Posts: 10 Member
    mathera26 wrote: »
    I'm in!
    HW 178 (after baby)
    CW 150
    LW 120
    GW 135

    Im 5'4" and 153 pounds! Albeit, my lowest weight is 130 and my goal weight is 120 or under. Close enough?
  • Need some friends to help get back to it! Had a baby 9 months ago and between baby and working exercise has fallen by the wayside!

    HW 175 (@ 41 weeks pregnant)
    CW 144
    LW 130
    GW 135

    Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • maggidawson
    maggidawson Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 44 and a mother of 5 kids who has not had alot of time to concentrate on myself and getting back into shape. Now that my youngest is 8 I've decided its definitely time and would love a twin to encourage each other :-D motivation is my downfall :-/ but getting there with having just started the C25K app!

    CW 160lbs
    HW 160lbs!
    LW 128.8 (pre kids) :-/
    GW 133lbs

    feel free to add me for mutual motivation, support and cheering :smile:
  • BleuBerryS
    BleuBerryS Posts: 80 Member
    Age 20
    Height : 5'4
    HW :144
    CW 132
    GW 120

    Feel free to add me as a friend. :smile:
  • steelaxitute2127
    steelaxitute2127 Posts: 159 Member
    Hi gals!

    Hoping to find my "twin" and other sisters as well! :)

    Age: 25
    Height: 5'4"
    HW: 163
    CW: 158
    GW1: 150
    GW2: 142
    GW3: 135

    I work at a law office, so I'm usually stuck sitting most of the time, though I try to get up and move every 15-20 minutes or so. In the off season (I play co-ed softball in the spring and club field hockey in the summer) right now, so I try to get to the gym 3x a week with on of my coworkers. But she's already a stick figure, so her goals are wayy different than mine, so hence why I'm here.

    Anyways, if I sound like a possible "twin" or just someone you want to add, please feel free to do so :)
  • pam_l
    pam_l Posts: 4 Member
    edited March 2015
    Hi, my name is Pamela and I'm 20 years old.

    Height: 5.5 ft
    HW: 137 lbs
    CW: 134 lbd
    LW: 109lbs

    ULTIMATE GOAL!!! - 110 lbs :smiley:

    Body Fat : 21%
    Goal: 19%
  • mishmish2
    mishmish2 Posts: 5 Member
    KirstinM0 wrote: »
    Highest Weight:192
    Current Weight:133
    Goal Weight: 125

    8 more pounds !

    KirstinM0, we may be twins!

    Heaviest: 170 lbs
    Current: 137 lbs
    Goal: 125 lbs

    It would be great to be in touch with someone who has a similar goal! It seems the closer I get the harder it is to reach my goal!
  • francineb4
    francineb4 Posts: 20 Member
    HW: 135+
    CW: 110-115
    UGW: maintain / tone / lose fat

    BF%: 20-22%
    Goal: 15%
    Rawveganflirt, I am close to your twin- 5'1, CW 110, body fat 21, want to get body fat down to maybe 18? lose a few more pounds. I'm not vegan, but I am vegetarian!

    ChasingStarlight and Rawveganflirt, I might be your triplet. 5'1. CW 115, HW 120, want to get back to my usual somewhere under 110 (my goal is to never be able to be eligible to donate blood). current BF=22; goal bf= 19-20. No longer a vegetarian, but I don't eat meat :smile: I eat fish a 1-2 times a month, so consider myself a lacto-ovo pescatarian.
  • xoxorunning
    xoxorunning Posts: 2 Member
    HW: 160
    CW: 150

    I'm not sure what my body fat % is, I know my BMI is 27.44.

    I love to run. I lift some but want to get into it more. I also want to try yoga more. I'm horrible at it which makes me want to practice it more.

    Hopefully I have a twin out there!
  • Lauralou_getslean
    Lauralou_getslean Posts: 8 Member
    I am 5'3
    Heaviest: 173
    Current: 138
    GOAL!!!! : 133

    Current Body Fat: 19.1%
    Dream Body Fat: 12% ! - with a *kitten* ton of muscle :)
  • annziexo
    annziexo Posts: 90 Member

    Age: 20 (21 This month!)
    I am 5'0
    HW: 146
    CW: 132
    GW: 115-120

    Body Fat: Scales say 30% ?!?!??!?!?!
    Dream Body Fat: 20%


  • Optom123
    Optom123 Posts: 1
    edited April 2015
    Age: 22
    HW: 135
    CW: 130
    GW: 112
  • evonthie
    evonthie Posts: 3 Member
    Age 43...
    5'6" and shrinking sigh*
    Heaviest: 166
    Current: 154
    GOAL!!!! : 125
    Hoping my waist doesnt exceed my bust size lol!
  • snowboardandasuitcase
    snowboardandasuitcase Posts: 222 Member
    Hi girls!

    I've been on here for about a week and hoping to get back into shape...

    I'm 26 and have a daughter that's
    Height: 5'6"
    HW: 155(when I gave birth I was 172)
    LW: 128
    CW: 138

    GOAL: A healthy 125-120 and to feel better about the way I look.

    Hi! You are right on par with me! Would love to be motivational partners. :)
    I'm 23
    Height: 5'7"
    HW: 154
    LW: 125
    CW: 137

    Goal: I want to be at the very least at my lw: 125 but my ultimate goal is 118.

    Hope to hear back :)


    I'm 27
    Height: 5'6"
    HW: 148
    LW: 129
    CW: 138

    Goal: ~125. My end goal isn't a number, it's more about strength and health, and how sexy I look. :blush:
    Anyone's welcome to add me, but please send a quick msg saying you're from this group. :smile: