Motivation, Support and Accountability Thread, April 6th - 12th



  • craftscout
    craftscout Posts: 290 Member
    Ugh, Matt, that sounds like you're having an awful week.

    Yesterday, my knee actually felt pretty good. I got my 10,000 steps in easy, did my strength training (arms only). Gained .1 pound when I had a 900 calorie deficit. le sigh. ;)

    Today is payday, so I am gonna get myself a brace! :D I never thought I would be so happy about getting a knee brace . . .

    Yesterday, I also decided to get myself a new primary care physician. My last one wasn't really prepared to talk to me about weight loss, didn't feel comfortable telling me that since there is no apparent damage to my knees and no arthritis my problems probably stem from being overweight, and the last straw was when they sent my bill to the wrong insurance company and then expected me to pay it because I didn't have coverage. O.o Huh??? I have had only one insurance company since I started going to that doctor, in fact my insurance company's requirement that I have an annual checkup is THE REASON I started going to a doctor!

    The good news is that I found a new doctor who is even closer (I could ride a bike or walk to see her), specializes in preventative care and is passionate about helping her patients achieve and maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle - without a single mention of surgery! She isn't available to until the end of May, but one of the other doctors in her office can see me on Monday - the one who specializes in SPORTS MEDICINE. WHEEEEEE!!! I get to see a doctor who specializes in helping active people heal joint and muscle injuries so they can continue to be active!

    You can not imagine how excited I am to go to the doctor. :D
  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    Losing: it's not easy to pick yourself up, wtg :)

    Whatsher:yay 70 lbs in less than a year is awesome, you can do the 100

    ScrAgn: sounds like the bike was not meant to be this week, hope your car isn't to badly damaged!!

    I thought I was holding it together this week and then I did my mid week weigh in, just to keep me on track, not.official and not doing good! I got 3 days left to pull this week together. I am meeting my goals except for evening hydration which happy

    When I get paid on Friday my husband and I are going to get a ymca membership so that I can access exercise equipment besides my treadmill. I also have a work out buddy so I have a motivator I won't want to let her down

    Hope everyone has a good day.
  • ScrAgnX
    ScrAgnX Posts: 368 Member
    Was a poor week until my scale took pity on me this morning. Now I'm in a pretty good mood. Guess I underestimated calories burned underground on Monday, and had some residual losses from last week's exercise.

    Insurance will take care of the deer damage, and I'm resigned it will happen occasionally... it's a hazard of commuting three hours through southern Illinois deer country every day. Just stinks.

    Scout, it sounds like a good find on the new doctor. Hopefully they will be able to help with your knee pain.

    I worked at a Y back in high school, and wish I had one closer to home now; they have nice facilities.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member

    Sorry I have been MIA a bit this week.....I was worn out from having a houseful of grown children all Easter weekend and have been so tired I have literally fallen asleep sitting up every night since lol, however, today is my day off, I had a nap and will be heading for the Y shortly. Unfortunately I am on late shift tomorrow night, however, because of one of my co-workers needing to change shifts, after tomorrow, I won't have another one for four weeks instead of two! WOOHOO!! So I plan on fighting really hard to get back on an early schedule on the weekend and maintaining good sleep and exercise for FOUR straight weeks!

    Another exciting thing is that my SO comes home this weekend, after being out of the country for a LONG time....we have not seen each other since early very happy about this!

    Craft - I hope your knee feels better soon....I know how much pain like that can suck. I have arthritis in my hip and it is terrible at times! Glad you found a better DR!

    Nassi - I hope you have fun at the party! As far as your evening meal situation goes, if you tend to lose control while trying to figure out what to eat, why not just plan what you are having for dinner for the next night each evening, that why you are not spending time trying to figure it out? That is what I do, so I can take my meat out in the morning before going to work......

    ScrAngX - I am sorry to hear about your car (and that deer :( ) I hope your week gets better

    Skittles - how are you feeling??

    HLaR79 - colds suck! I do not work out at all when I have a cold, I just need all my energy to BE. Being diabetic makes it worse because my blood sugar is not usually well controlled while I am sick and that makes me feel worse!
    As far as your blood sugar control goes, better needles than complications.....I know it might seem scary at first, but it really becomes second nature. Maybe the increase in exercise will help....I LOVE the YMCA, been a member since 1993....I have had several friends try and get me to switch to cheaper gyms.....not happening.....

    Losin - I know exactly what you mean! I ate what I wanted on Easter and didn't really worry about it. However, one of my biggest food issues is that when I have a lot of leftovers that I am scared are close to going bad, I will eat as much of them as I can to avoid wasting them. There have literally been times in the past that I would eat two complete dinners because that was the last night those could be eaten safely. Once I realized this last fall, I have been careful not to have too many at once and it has been working most of the time. However, with a meal like Easter....we ate leftovers for three days, which is fine, but last night I ate THREE servings of desserts because I was scared that they would not be good after yesterday as I started baking them on Friday. I even gave some away, but my son and I finished it all off last night.....
    Glad you were able to dust yourself off and get back on track....I did that today....however, I am up three pounds since before the weekend!!

    Whatsherface - great lose! You are doing awesome! I do not recall seeing you before, so welcome!

  • Camilleathome
    Camilleathome Posts: 99 Member
    Woooh! So I'm on day nine of logging food and watching what I eat. This is the easiest it has been for me so far and I'm feeling good about it. I weighed in today and at first I couldnt remember what my last weight was so I had this moment of seeing the high number and just feeling super down untill I went to log it in and realised I lost four pounds in a bit less than a week! My first official week since I restarted and I had a loss. I'm feeling pretty good.

    The only problem i've had is exercising. I'm stuck in the house which makes it a little hard and I still feel tired all the time due to my anemia, sleep apnea and hypothyroidism. I'll have to push through!
  • craftscout
    craftscout Posts: 290 Member
    O. M. G.

    Knee braces are amazeballs. Why didn't I get one earlier?!?!

    Oh, yeah. Cuz I was too fat. Le sigh. The one I got was the biggest one at CVS and it's too tight to wear while doing a lot of sitting, but it was great on the treadmill. I was able to bring my pace back up, and really get my heart running, and didn't feel like I needed to hold on to the side rail the whole time.


    I'm gonna try it at work tomorrow and see if it will prevent me killing my knee. And ohemgeeeeeeee I can't wait to see what my new doctor has to say on Monday, maybe he can come up with an ACTUAL solution! :)
  • Losin_W8
    Losin_W8 Posts: 12 Member
    HLaR-your right usually I have a hard time doing it. But this time it seemed easy for me. Maybe it's because I told myself ahead of time no matter what happens, to start fresh on Monday. So I did.
    Italian- I hear what you are saying. I'm glad that there were no left overs in my house. That's one of the reasons I ate all the junk (that was mine) on Sunday. Figured if it was gone then it would no longer tempt me. My boyfriend isn't eating healthy at the moment. He is much smaller then me and has a metabolism that makes me jealous. He has decided that he will start working out with me which makes me happy.

    Tomorrow is my birthday. And the girls from work want to take me out to lunch. We're going to have Indian food. So as long as I don't eat to much of the rice I should be ok.
    I am a baker and decorator at s cupcake shop. Have been for the past 5 years. And when I wasn't counting calories I never really wanted to eat them. But it has been so tempting lately. I'm proud of myself for resisting!

  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Well tonight is my dreaded late shift, but I am excited to get it over, and even more excited for tomorrow! Have a good day everyone!

    Craft - so glad that brace is helping you :D
  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    Craft: sounds like a great choice in new doctors, if they do sports medicine there they maybe able to recommend or prescribe a well fitted brace or a custom brace!! I'm glad it's helping
    ScRang: every time I type your name in my phone it picks a different name for you including scrawny and now sprang, it really dislikes your nickname. Where I live we have lots of deer too, even in the city we see them all the time, once seen two deer crossing the street at a set of lights, thankfully their light was green.

    Italian: I am scared of the needles I get super anxiety even for testing I'm scared if I go on insulin I won't take it properly because of my anxiety. It's why I'm so determined to find a way!
    That's a long time apart from your SO, I hope you have a great weekend!

    Losing: happy birthday
  • Losin_W8
    Losin_W8 Posts: 12 Member
    HLaR79 wrote: »
    Losing: happy birthday
  • craftscout
    craftscout Posts: 290 Member
    Okay, so I really don't get this whole weight loss thing. I had a really rough day at work yesterday. I knew it would be long and full of walking (8500 steps, no treadmill or additional walking) and emotionally draining. So I let myself get a couple of plain sausage kolaches for breakfast (for everyone not in the Houston/Texas Hill Country region - a kolache is a baked bun made from a fluffy, slightly sweet yeast dough. It is usually filled with some kind of savory filling, the most common is sausage or sausage and cheese, reflecting the Polish and German heritage which created these wonders. However, I have seen BBQ pork, ham and cheese, boudin, chicken with spinach, potato, and even crawfish.) I avoided the cheese and the jumbos, which is a small win.

    Then work was waaaaaaaay worse than I thought it would be. So I called my husband and said we are going out for dinner. My dinner was over 1600 calories. It included 2 1/2 pints of beer. And cheesy crab dip in tortilla chips. And then a whole bunch of steamed seafood.

    2600 calories for the day. No exercise other than work. I was terrified to get on the scale this morning.

    Down by over a pound.



    No wonder weight loss is so freaking hard. If we could just get some kind of consistency from our own bodies, I don't think anyone would ever give up until they reached their goal.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Losin - Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great day today!!

    HLaR - If you can do it without insulin, that is great, but just do not let things get out of control if you are not able to. That is the most scary situation.

    Thanks it has been a LONG time, trust me.....I have about 7 hours to go and I am -trying- to be patient, lol

    Craft - Sorry you had such a rough day!!

    I have fallen off the food wagon, three nights in a row.....late at night, last night was particularly bad after work.....I have gained some weight for sure, maybe even close to starting over >.<
    My scale broke yesterday so I am not sure exactly now....gonna have to weigh myself at the gym for the next while, which annoys me cuz it won't be a first thing in the morning weigh in.....

  • nassi1984
    nassi1984 Posts: 43 Member
    Craft: Maybe it's just because you've been so good on the previous days? Another lb though :smile:

    Italian_buju: Good luck tomorrow!

    I went out last night and had a few nice ciders (all calorie counted and within limit)... and then I decided a cocktail would be a great idea to finish off the night and, well, it was STRONG and I had such a hangover this morning! Good night though, and a couple of people liked the new top I'd bought, and I'm alive enough today to work on my essay so it's all good :)

    Desperately wanted a takeaway tonight but resisted and made us a 'fakeaway' instead.. probably just as unhealthy but we ate FAR less than when we order out and get all the sides and fizzy drinks and things!

    We're all going for a long walk tomorrow, even if it rains, because I need exercise! Now, On with the essay of doom!
  • Camilleathome
    Camilleathome Posts: 99 Member
    I've had a lot of trouble exercising this week. I managed one fifteen minute workout. I'm really proud of my eating but the exercise has been tough. Mainly I feel really tired lately due to my health issues.
  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    Had my weigh in today and I went up, I had such a yo-yo week I'm not surprised! I loaded up on fruits and veggies and yogurt for the week.

    I had my step kids today so I decided to make hamburger helper for dinner, homemade not boxed, and I added 3 times the veggies I usually do and they ate it like wild people, they are picky so this made me very happy!! Next time I take the pasta out and do only meat and veggies!

    Hope everyone has a great weekend

  • rdmoore85
    rdmoore85 Posts: 84 Member
    Sorry I've been absent the last few weeks. I'm going to try to be online more and better at keeping up with my journey on here.
  • craftscout
    craftscout Posts: 290 Member
    Robert, you gotta do what you gotta do. Didn't you just get off the ship for a while? I remember you were looking forward to having control over your menu options for a while. :) hope that is going well!
  • jltheis7
    jltheis7 Posts: 496 Member
    My goal this was simple--replace the battery in the scale. But I didn't do it til today. Procrastination is such a bad habit of mine.