Daily Check In Thread



  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    W5D3 done! I was terrified of this day from day 1. In awe of what I'm capable of! I doubted myself up until today. Now I know I can do this!!

    See, you are capable of this and so much more. I saw the achievement on your newsfeed, well done, be proud and celebrate YOUR success. Big hugs from me.

  • jdctrumpet
    jdctrumpet Posts: 64 Member
    Just got back in from W4D2. Took a couple of days off due to weather, and I'm kind of bummed I did. Today was just one of those days where every step was a task. Looking forward to the next run though.
  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    W5D3 done! I was terrified of this day from day 1. In awe of what I'm capable of! I doubted myself up until today. Now I know I can do this!!
    Awesome! I had no doubts you'd do this!
  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    yirara wrote: »
    Aine8046 wrote: »

    Great! Cannot imagine running in the heat! It started raining yesterday after I ran away 2.5 miles from home. Cold rain and strong wind made me shivering, so on my way home instead of 20 min walking I did some extra running too just to warm up :)

    Brr... sounds really unpleasant! I guess I would have passed this session!
    It is windy here as well, but it feels more like a hairdryer at the moment. Mind you, I had placed a bottle of water on my garbage bin in front of my house door as I'm still struggling with where to leave my phone as I want to be able to look at and use the screen. First round it was still there. Second round it was gone *sigh*

    I just hold my phone in my hand all the time :)
  • sherbear3606
    sherbear3606 Posts: 6 Member
    My first 5k this year my goal 35. My time 33.05
  • Brans34
    Brans34 Posts: 599 Member
    Missed my w2d2 today, but I got my fitted running shoes! Yay me. Had to drive an hour and a half to a store that did a gait analysis. I'm so excited to go for my run tomorrow! Still can't believe that I shelled out $130 for a pair of shoes, but the guy there was SUPER nice and helpful, and even showed me some exercises to strengthen the outside of my hips to make sure my legs go straight when running, and don't try to bend in at the knees. That's why my knees have been sore. I had to get a pair with extra padding on the inside of my foot because I have a slight inward roll. Never would have guessed it!
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    My first 5k this year my goal 35. My time 33.05

    Well done

  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,499 Member
    Aine8046 wrote: »
    I just hold my phone in my hand all the time :)

    Yep, but the outside temperatures, even at night dictate I should take a bottle of water along. I tried running with something in both my hands and it didn't work. I need to build a phone holder with which I can see the screen and operate it (I love my stats!) or need a bottle holder of sorts.
  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    edited April 2015
    Well, it was not a very good idea to run first thing after attending an all-night Easter vigil. I slept only few hours and had a headache. To make it worse it's warm and sunny here today. I missed cold rain we had two days ago :) Anyway, I ran my first mile, walked the second one and ran (very slowly) the third one... I added some more brisk walking to compensate. To summarize, my last run (toady was W8D3) left much to be desired :) But I know I can run 5k, I did it two days ago, and hopefully will be doing it over and over again.

    I am moving to preparing for 10 k in June and wish all of you here nice runs! You all can do it!
  • Brans34
    Brans34 Posts: 599 Member
    Well, I did my w2d2 run in my new shoes! I think I had them tied too tight; my pinky toes started going numb. And I could tell a massive effect from taking a 2 day brake from exercise! (I did spend about 4 hours walking around the mall, but not actually going out for a walk) My running periods were pretty rough! I forced myself through it, though, and the only truly uncomfortable part of my run was the creepy guy by the edge of the track making perverted grunting noises while starring at me as I ran past. Creep!
  • jdctrumpet
    jdctrumpet Posts: 64 Member
    Finished W4D3 today! Excited to get to week 5. I have been using a pair of Nike Men's Revolution 2s since I didn't have money for new sneakers when I started this. I told myself that if I stuck with it for a month I would treat myself, so I went and got fitted today and now have a pair of Saucony Omni 13s!
  • Brans34
    Brans34 Posts: 599 Member
    coviman wrote: »
    Finished W4D3 today! Excited to get to week 5. I have been using a pair of Nike Men's Revolution 2s since I didn't have money for new sneakers when I started this. I told myself that if I stuck with it for a month I would treat myself, so I went and got fitted today and now have a pair of Saucony Omni 13s!

    AWESOME! And congrats
  • Brans34
    Brans34 Posts: 599 Member
    Aine8046 wrote: »
    Brans34 wrote: »
    Week 2, day 2 done. Nice little thunderstorm to make it a short, quick run, but at least I got my mile and a half done.
    I got wet today too! But at least there was no lightening!

    We had some lightning and thunder, but it was far enough away that I wasn't worried. I kinda enjoyed it, since it was warm, and I was getting hot from running. Started getting worried about my phone though! Lol
  • hbarnesccs
    hbarnesccs Posts: 59 Member
    I did w2d1 today! I finally invested in a heart rate monitor this morning, and it was fun to try and stay in the upper range of my target zone, and get a more accurate count of my calories burned. Way to go everybody! Those of you who have made it through or are far into the program -- y'all inspire me!
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,499 Member
    Brans34 wrote: »
    Well, I did my w2d2 run in my new shoes! I think I had them tied too tight; my pinky toes started going numb. And I could tell a massive effect from taking a 2 day brake from exercise! (I did spend about 4 hours walking around the mall, but not actually going out for a walk) My running periods were pretty rough! I forced myself through it, though, and the only truly uncomfortable part of my run was the creepy guy by the edge of the track making perverted grunting noises while starring at me as I ran past. Creep!

    Congrats of smashing this run! Are you sure there's enough space at the front of the foot? I think running shoes should have a lot of extra space there as feet move more around the shoes than when walking.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,499 Member
    I did W7D2 yesterday. We had a new heat record for this year of 44C during daytime and after sunset it was still 34C. This time I really had to drink. It's amazing how fast the throat dries out! As I still haven't found the right solution yet I placed a water bottle on my car and took some sips every time I passed by while running a small round to the opposite side of the road and back again. I managed to run for 25 minutes, and it was really easy and relaxed. But the heat is taking it's toll. This was one of the slowest runs I've recorded so far and my recovery time was somewhat longer. I did a few smaller, shorter intervals afterwards and ended up at 7km after 1 hour. Longest and furthest run yet B)
  • Brans34
    Brans34 Posts: 599 Member
    yirara wrote: »
    Brans34 wrote: »
    Well, I did my w2d2 run in my new shoes! I think I had them tied too tight; my pinky toes started going numb. And I could tell a massive effect from taking a 2 day brake from exercise! (I did spend about 4 hours walking around the mall, but not actually going out for a walk) My running periods were pretty rough! I forced myself through it, though, and the only truly uncomfortable part of my run was the creepy guy by the edge of the track making perverted grunting noises while starring at me as I ran past. Creep!

    Congrats of smashing this run! Are you sure there's enough space at the front of the foot? I think running shoes should have a lot of extra space there as feet move more around the shoes than when walking.

    I'm pretty sure they were tied too tight. I loosened them up quite a bit after my run (didn't wanna miss my run prompt), and then went for a walk. They were a lot better after that.

    My knees were still pretty sore, though. Possibly even worse than in my old shoes. Is that normal? I was expecting some kind of miracle, I guess. Like if I spend a bunch of money on shoes, and I wouldn't get shin splints or hurt knees...
  • bbandme
    bbandme Posts: 90 Member
    I did 5k!!! I started the programme midFeb I couldn't even run for one minute without stopping and now I have done 5K!! Well, I say run, I jogged it, and not a fast jog, but I don't care, I set myself a goal and I have hit it :smiley:
    I did it in 37:58, I'm soooo chuffed with the time, I don't care that its not that fast, I DID IT!!!
  • HannahsMother2012
    HannahsMother2012 Posts: 47 Member
    bbandme wrote: »
    I did 5k!!! I started the programme midFeb I couldn't even run for one minute without stopping and now I have done 5K!! Well, I say run, I jogged it, and not a fast jog, but I don't care, I set myself a goal and I have hit it :smiley:
    I did it in 37:58, I'm soooo chuffed with the time, I don't care that its not that fast, I DID IT!!!

    That's fantastic!!! I just finished w6 d1, im so excited to finish and start working towards a 5k!

    Congrats on your success!
  • Brans34
    Brans34 Posts: 599 Member
    That's awesome! Congratulations!