Charlie horse/leg cramps?



  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    I have this, too, @DittoDan. Not generally during exercise, during routine movement or in odd stretches. In fact, I try really hard to avoid stretches if I'm feeling any tension at all...
  • Quatroux
    Quatroux Posts: 51 Member
    Mention this to your doctor next time you get blood work done. There are other magnesium tests they could consider running. I've seen this listed in either Gary Taubes of Phinney/Volek (athletes book).
    “A serum test for magnesium is actually worse
    than ineffective, because a test result that
    is within normal limits lends a false sense
    of security about the status of the mineral
    in the body. It also explains why doctors
    don’t recognize magnesium deficiency; they
    assume serum magnesium levels are an accurate
    measure of all the magnesium in the body.”
    Dr. Carolyn Dean from ’The Magnesium Miracle
  • Jbarnes1210
    Jbarnes1210 Posts: 308 Member
    Thanks again. I drank so much broth that night that the cramps did resolve, down side was that my ankles swelled up, I think from soooo much sodium....since then no more cramps and back to normal size ankles.
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    Here is a pic of the Mag I take:


    400 mg

    I hope this helps,

    Dan the Man from Michigan
    "Keto-flu" and Sufficient Intake of Electrolytes
    Are You Having Charlie horse/leg cramps?
    Need Potassium?
  • sweetteadrinker2
    sweetteadrinker2 Posts: 1,026 Member
    Magnesium abd potassium are always the culprits for me, since I was a kid.
  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    Yes, I get this often - usually at night (sometimes when I point my toes too Dan!). I am bad at remembering to take my supplements tho... I take Solgar Chelated Magnesium and Solgar Potassium. I don't supplement sodium as I feel like I get enough from diet.

    But obviously I'm not getting something right as I still get cramps occasionally and never did when eating SAD-style (or in my case SUKD)
  • wrkm2038
    wrkm2038 Posts: 7 Member
    Pickle juice works for me, I used to get a lot of cramps when swimming always worked like a charm.
  • GSD_Mama
    GSD_Mama Posts: 629 Member
    So tell me, how much of what you need to take? I'm trying to up my potassium but can never get up to 3500, my sodium is often higher than 2400 but should it be more with drinking lots of water? and magnesium is not part of MFP so I have no clue here and will take 400 here and there. Too confusing. I have been experiencing cramps in my legs as well but I thought it was due to exercising and maybw straining a muscle.
  • MizTenaciousT
    MizTenaciousT Posts: 69 Member
    This is so helpful! I woke up with a beast of a cramp in my left calf this morning. I have some magnesium citrate called "Natural Calm." I'll give that a try!