2015 Monthly Measurements



  • Sumiblue
    Sumiblue Posts: 1,597 Member
    @giusa, it sounds like water retention.
  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    edited March 2015
    Sumiblue wrote: »
    @giusa, it sounds like water retention.

    ...you think so... I *am* having a difficult time drinking water during the day...that was one of my goals for the month of March.
  • Sumiblue
    Sumiblue Posts: 1,597 Member
    If your body fat % went down and you are eating at a deficit it seems like the increase must be water. But I'm no expert!
  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    After looking at it objectively (minus emotions), yea, you’re right. Thanks.
  • Sumiblue
    Sumiblue Posts: 1,597 Member
    edited April 2015
    Whoa! I was feeling a little down because my weight has gone up a bit from a couple of days ago but I took my measurements-5.5 INCHES lost! And my weight is 3.4 lbs down from last month, anyway! (I made the math correction in my handwritten spreadsheet. Originally wrote 6 inches lost)
  • Jennifer_Lynn_1982
    Jennifer_Lynn_1982 Posts: 567 Member
    Sumiblue wrote: »
    Whoa! I was feeling a little down because my weight has gone up a bit from a couple of days ago but I took my measurements-5.5 INCHES lost! And my weight is 3.4 lbs down from last month, anyway! (I made the math correction in my handwritten spreadsheet. Originally wrote 6 inches lost)

    Congrats, that's so awesome!! Definitely can't be down about that loss :)
  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    Totally AWESOME! Great achievement!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    It is that time again. Been a month since I last measured, so here is the ones for April.

    Height: 4' 11.5"
    Waist: 42"
    Chest: 39.5"
    Hips: 40.5" (some reason my excel had 41.5 in March and here I posted 42)
    Arm: 12.5"
    Leg: 22"
    I've also lost a little bit in my neck, which is one I haven't posted.

    Weight: 161
    Bodyfat: 37.9% (haven't measured since last time, maybe will in June)
    BMI: 31.4 (based on web site, and nearing that 30 line, which brings overweight status closer)

    Have to admit, I like when some of the measurements are slower, like chest and hips as I want that waist fluff to go the most. Not necessarily hour-glass wishes but would be nice if it was smaller than the others by even half an inch maybe. All in good time, I hope.
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    edited April 2015
    Oops, forgot to update these at the beginning of April.

    Current measurements (difference since March's measurements)
    Neck: 12.5 (0)
    Bust: 34 (0)
    Bicep: 12.5 (-0.5)
    Forearm: 10.25 (0)
    Waist (at narrowest point): 27.25 (-0.25)
    Waist (at belly button): 30 (0)
    Hips: 41 (-0.5)
    Thigh: 23 (0)
    Calf: 15 (0)
    Total inches: 268
    Total inches lost / gained in March: loss of 1.75" total
    Total inches lost / gained for 2015: loss of 4" total

    Weight: 181.2 (up 3 pounds this year so far, working on figuring out maintenance and deal with 2 weeks of vacation in March)
    Body Fat %: (using last bodpod reading) 28.7
    Body Fat %: (using calculations) 25.4
    BMI: 27.5
  • AngInCanada
    AngInCanada Posts: 947 Member
    Can I join in on the measurements etc now? :) starting stronglifts 5x5 tonight
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    Can I join in on the measurements etc now? :) starting stronglifts 5x5 tonight

    Heck yes!! THe more the merrier!
  • justmytype
    justmytype Posts: 117 Member
    Measurements as of 4/11/2015:

    Waist: 34 (0)
    Waist at smallest: 31 (-1")
    Hips: 40 (-1")
    Thighs: 24.5 (-1")
    Arms: 12.5 (-.75") Finally!!
    Calves: 15.75 (-.5")
    Chest: 35.5 (-1") No, no!! Can't afford to lose here.

    Height: 5' 3"
    Weight: 153 lbs.
    BMI: 27.1
    Body fat %: ?? Would love to get measured with DEXA or BodPod some day.
  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    edited April 2015
    I GIVE UP!

    Checkin as of April 18
    Weight: +2.5
    Waist: 0
    Hips: -.25
    BF%: +1.4
    BMI: +.25
    Stomach: +.25
    Thigh: +1.5

    THREE STRAIGHT MONTHS of increases!

    I've increased/decreased cals, changed macros, nothing has helped! Don't care about scale weight, it's the measurements that is upsetting, and discouraging :'(

    /Sulk over.

    Readjusted my fat & protein, cals back down 15%. It will happen!

    Until next month, crossing fingers, toes and every other body part!
  • Jennifer_Lynn_1982
    Jennifer_Lynn_1982 Posts: 567 Member
    So I just did my measurements. Since I haven't updated any of my measurements in this group, I'll update my measurement comparison from the beginning of the year to today. I started SL in February doing 2 sessions/week and increased to 3 sessions/week about 4 weeks ago.

    Height: 5'4.5" Age 32
    Weight 151.8 / 152.8 - not really in the right direction but...
    BF% (est.) 29.6 / 25.3 - this works for me!
    Neck 12.5 / 12.5
    Waist 29.5 / 28
    Navel 31 / 30
    Hips 38.5 / 37
    Butt 40.5 / 38.5
    Bust 37/35
    Ribcage 32 / 28.5
    Thigh 24.5 / 23.5
    Bicep 11.5 / 11.5
    Total Inches Lost -12.5" - whoo hoo!
    Total Weight Lost +1.0 lbs

    SL 5x5 Working Weights - Feb / Apr
    Squats 40# / 70#
    Bench 30# / 60#
    Row 40# / 60#
    OHP 30# / 40#
    DL 50# / 70#

    In January, I had set my calorie goal to 1300 calories plus 50% of exercise calories.
    Today, I've set my calorie goal to 1575-1675 calories (15%-10% deficit from TDEE) including my activity level/exercise calories.

    Couldn't be happier from seeing the inches lost so far, especially with how discouraged I've been on my weight going up. I've gained about 2.5 lbs in the last 2.5 weeks, which I'm sure some of it is water weight but with my BF% going down (and hence LBM going up), I'm really happy with the progress. Looking forward to my measurements in a few weeks!
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    TravelsWithHuckleberry Posts: 955 Member
    I haven't done measurements since the end of January. Here goes nothing! (And I only do my right limbs just to make it easy.)

    Total inches lost (since late-January 2015): -1.2 (Meh!)
    Total inches lost / gained (since late-March 2014): -18.75

    I really hope the less than stellar losses over the last three months are due to some water weight from the recent return to lifting. GRRRR :angry:

    Measurements below are: Since Jan. 30 / Since Jan. 2. / Total since March 2014

    Neck: +0.12 / -0.25 / Total: -1.25
    Bust: 0 / -1.0 / Total: -1.0
    Rib cage: -1.13 / -1.5 / Total: -1.5 (new measurement spot as of Jan.)
    Bicep (right): 0 / -0.13 / Total: -1.5
    Waist (at narrowest point): -0.38 / -1.5 / -4.0
    Waist (at belly button): -0.5 / -0.75 / Total: -0.75 (new measurement spot as of Jan.)
    Hips: 0 / -1.0 / Total: -4.5
    Thigh (right):
    - Top: 0 / -0.25 / Total: -1.5
    - Mid: -0.08 / -0.5 / Total: -1.5 (new measurement spot as of Jan.)
    - Knee: +0.75 / +0.5 / Total: +0.5 (I think I'm doing this one wrong?)
    Calf (right): 0 / -0.44 / Total: -1.75

    Height: 5'4"
    Weight: -25.2 (since my highest, on 08/03/14)
    Body Fat %: ?
    BMR: 1466
    TDEE: 2016
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    TravelsWithHuckleberry Posts: 955 Member
    edited May 2015
    Technical difficulties. Sorry.
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    TravelsWithHuckleberry Posts: 955 Member
    edited May 2015
    Grrr MFP blah blah grr damn site grr blah GAH! (Sorry for the triple posts.)
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    You've had a lot go on in the last three months. I'd definitely just keep going, get used to the routine again with lifting and the walks, and see how it goes for June measurements.

    I dunno about the knee either as I've never measured there. Though I still find the waist measurements interesting because for me, if I measured at belly button that would be the smallest part of my waist. Instead, I measure above it cause that's where I need to see inches decreasing. I tried on a size 14 dress a few days ago and that spot was where it couldn't zip past. Close but not there yet.

    Will measure on the 15th. Weight is in a slow spot so hope to still see progress then.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Small bit of progress this time. I've lost a little since last month but the last week or so it has been an up down on the scale. We'll see if I make my May goals or move them to June. That's for a different post though. Time for measurements.

    Height: 4' 11.5"
    Waist: 41.5"
    Chest: 39"
    Hips: 39.5"
    Arm: 12"
    Leg: 22"

    Weight: 157
    Bodyfat: 37.9% (haven't measured in a while)
    BMI: fitbit site says 30.7, other side says 31.2 with right height and 30.7 if add .5 inches to height. So, I guess I pretended to be 5' on fitbit, lol. Just half an inch off. 31.2 is probably the more accurate as I don't remember if I was going off 5' or 4'11.5" the times before using the web site. Either way, I'm so close to being overweight instead of obese based on the BMI standards.
  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    edited May 2015
    Checkin as of May 16
    Scale Weight: -2
    BF%: -1% (using JeFit)
    Waist: -.5
    Hips: +.5
    Stomach: -1
    Thigh: 0

    FINALLY!!!HALLELUJAH!!! My first decrease in MONTHS!!!

    Had to double check my hips but realized that my butt lifted/rounded which caused the increase, lol! My TDEE must be lower than the calculators estimate, needless to say I'm staying at my current cals/macros!!! (…the StrongLifts recommended cals was correct.)