Calling all pre-oppers for a fun questionnaire & support!



    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    @josie1970 - good luck tomorrow! Keep us posted on how you are doing.
  • joysie1970
    joysie1970 Posts: 415 Member
    RENAEJAE wrote: »
    @josie1970 - good luck tomorrow! Keep us posted on how you are doing.
    Thanks so much! I am spending today getting ready, prepping the house for sleeping in the living room, going out for some last minute groceries and meditating :)
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Nice - I should learn to meditate. So excited for you!!!
  • IslandSneezerooo
    IslandSneezerooo Posts: 268 Member
    @joysie1970 Please keep us posted on how your surgery goes... Best of luck! :smile:
  • joysie1970
    joysie1970 Posts: 415 Member
    @joysie1970 Please keep us posted on how your surgery goes... Best of luck! :smile:

    Thanks so much! I'm ready :wink: I don't have my surgery time yet but will check in tomorrow as soon as I am able
  • lmryoung
    lmryoung Posts: 47 Member
    TN_Tinker wrote: »
    I got my surgery date!!! April 29th!

    Congrats and best of luck!! So exciting!
  • mbk830
    mbk830 Posts: 164 Member
    Hi! I thought I'd jump in here.

    Where you are in the WLS process? Do you have a surgery date yet?

    Close to just starting. I met the surgeon at the end of February. They are looking at a July surgery date. I wasn't expecting so soon so it's a little scary.

    Personal stats?

    I live in Philadelphia. I'm 36 and 5'7". When I initially met the surgeon I was just over 302. So far I've lost 9 lbs. My goal is 170; my stretch goal is 150.

    What is your weight loss/gain history?

    I've been heavy since I was 5 or 6. I kept weight under control growing up by doing sports. I was still a teenager in a size 14. When I went to college, my weight more sports. Since then I've been up and down, never below 238.

    What made you decide to get WLS?

    My mom has had several issues this year limiting her mobility. I've seen her and my dad struggle for years whether it's climbing the stairs at my house or walking around the city. I don't want the co-morbidities in my life.

    Also, I can't take myself any longer.

    Do you have any co-mobidities or health challenges?

    No, thank heavens. I will if I keep going down this path. I do have migraines. They say they'll likely go away. I will be happy, but don't expect it. There seems to be some concern that I can't get insurance to pay for it without them.

    Do you have a good support system?

    Um.....I hope so! I've told 2 friends. One is fully supportive. The other says he'll support me but expressed reservations. I need to tell my parents, but I'm afraid of their response. I'm sure I'll have to tell others, but I don't know how.

    What kind of pre-op diet are you on right now?

    Im just using MFP to keep track of calories and journaling feelings while I eat to try and find patterns. Also, increasing cardio.

  • cassybaca
    cassybaca Posts: 23 Member
    Hi, brand new here. Just recently starting the process. I'm on my 2nd month of the 6 month required documented weight loss per my insurances so hope to get my surgery day in the early fall. I've completed most of the other steps already (I'm very eager lol).

    Highest weight: 365 Current weight: 320

    My goal weight is just to be out of plus size and into normal matching bra & panty sets!! Lol I want to ride roller coasters with my kids! I've never gotten to do that with them and I love that!! I want to fly on an airplane without a belt extender! I want to fit comfortably in regular chairs and toilet stalls! Lol Silly, every day things that thin people take for granted ;-)

    Health issues: PCOS, extremely high bp, pre-diabetes, back problems.

    What got me to my bottom so to speak: my doctor flat out told me I was going to die because my blood pressure was so high and I was already on 4 medications. I don't want to die :-( I've struggled with my weight pretty much my whole life after major childhood traumas I didn't deal with properly and then it got really bad when I married a sex addict who had multiple affairs and left me feeling even more unattractive and worthless. I finally had enough and we are currently separated. Sigh. I started going through this bariatric process a couple years ago but stopped because I couldn't leave him alone while I was in the hospital. Issues, I know. Anyway, this time I am doing it!!!!

    I am 34 mother of 3 kiddos ages 15, 12, & 6. My 12 year old has high functioning autism. I had a miscarriage a few weeks ago which made this separation even more difficult (yes it was my husband's baby and we've been separated for almost 4 months). I homeschool our children. I don't really have a great support system honestly other than my therapist and current spousal support group I've been going to but I am strong and I am a survivor and dang it! I am determined!! I welcome any new friends on here though so feel free to add me :-)

    I am following the Paleo/Primal & Zone diet meshed lol. It makes sense for me and it seems the closest to what I will have to eat after the surgery anyway so that's what I've been going with. My whole family has been eating much healthier and we all walk together and go to the gym together. Since I homeschool, we do most activities together. I am a what you see is what you get kind of person! I am real! I find humor in most any situation but I can't wait to not just be the funny fat friend you know?! I'm a professional photographer when I'm not a mother. I love my job because it's also my passion!
  • IslandSneezerooo
    IslandSneezerooo Posts: 268 Member
    @mbk830 & @cassybaca so gld to have you here, thanks for sharing where you're at in the process.

    I had my Bariatric orientation today... Next step is blood work in the morning and forwarding my sleep study results... Once they have that info back I can make an appt with the internalist and nutritionist got further testing. Very exciting!!!
  • IslandSneezerooo
    IslandSneezerooo Posts: 268 Member
    edited April 2015
    Had my EKG and bloodwork done this morning for the bariatric clinic. Also got an email from my NUT confirming they got my sleep study report... My doctor upped my PCOS metformin meds this morning to 500 mg 2x/day and while I was there we chatted about surgery and he's pushing me to go for the gastric bypass over the vertical sleeve. That's what I've been leaning towards anyways as that one seems much more successful longterm for people with PCOS...
  • chckmeowt
    chckmeowt Posts: 18 Member
    Had my EKG and bloodwork done this morning for the bariatric clinic. Also got an email from my NUT confirming they got my sleep study report... My doctor upped my PCOS metformin meds this morning to 500 mg 2x/day and while I was there we chatted about surgery and he's pushing me to go for the gastric bypass over the vertical sleeve. That's what I've been leaning towards anyways as that one seems much more successful longterm for people with PCOS...

    The bariatrician I saw also said that gastric bypass was more effective than VGS for people with PCOS. Since one of my main reasons for surgery is to get/have a healthy pregnancy, that is what I'm choosing.

    I have my second set of appointments next week - 1st with dietitian and 2nd with psychologist. Fingers crossed it will be a straightforward process to surgery, sooner rather than later!
  • IslandSneezerooo
    IslandSneezerooo Posts: 268 Member
    Interesting thing I learned about my program... There's no govt funding to cover mental health assessments, so they don't require them. If you are on meds for your mental health, they ask for a letter from your doctor, but that's it... Crazy how different our system is to other countries or even other provinces who require numerous psychologist appts!! Don't necessarily think it's a good thing...
  • new_me_jrp
    new_me_jrp Posts: 7 Member
    edited April 2015
    Where you are in the WLS process? Do you have a surgery date yet?

    I saw my PCP on February 23, 2015 for my annual physical. We discussed WLS and she agreed it would be the best thing for me. Bariatric seminar on March 12, and first appointment with the program April 1. I have my psych evaluation on April 28, EGD on May 20, follow-up on June 1. I'm still waiting for the sleep study to be scheduled. No surgery date yet.

    Personal stats?

    I'm 38 years old, living in the suburbs of Buffalo, NY. I am 5'6". My weight at home on the morning of my first appointment was 330, current weight 320. I haven't discussed a goal weight with the program, but I'd like to get to 180.

    What is your weight loss/gain history?

    I starting getting 'chunky' around 8 years old. I never really thought about it til junior high, when other kids started teasing me. I never let on that it bothered me, but looking back there were signs that it did.

    When I was 13, I began having stomach pains that were so bad the doctor was concerned I had an ulcer. I even had to have an upper GI.

    The next year was high school, and it was better. But I think that was because my older sister was there. She's also overweight, but has always seemed more at ease with it. I think she was a sort of buffer for me that year.

    The next year was extremely difficult for me. I began having excruciating migraines, and developed depression/anxiety issues. At one point I literally couldn't leave my house. Eventually, when I turned 16 I dropped out of school, and home-schooled myself.

    As I got older, everything got better; and I was able to get back out in the world. Through my 20's and 30's the weight just kept piling on. I've tried Weight Watchers, Atkins, Paleo; but I found them impossible to stick with and the weight always comes back.

    What made you decide to get WLS?

    The pain in my back and knees getting steadily worse, and watching the scale just creep up no matter what I do.

    Do you have any co-mobidities or health challenges?

    I'm actually in fairly good health, other than my weight. My cholesterol is slightly elevated, and I do have moderate back and knees pain.

    Do you have a good support system?

    My mother is actually going through the program with me, working towards getting surgery herself. My father and sister are somewhat supportive; they 'get' why we're doing this. One of my best friends got WLS several years ago, and she has been really great. Another of my best friends is actually driving my mom and I to our EGD appointments (we have them on the same day). Other family and friends have been incredibly supportive of us.

    What kind of pre-op diet are you on right now?

    The program uses the South Beach diet for pre-surgery weight loss. I'm currently on day 10 of the 2-week Phase 1.
  • MS954
    MS954 Posts: 13 Member
    I thought it would be fun to get to know each other a little in order to better support each other as we get our surgeries... Feel free to answer these questions or add more... Skip any you don't want to share...

    Where you are in the WLS process? Do you have a surgery date yet?

    I was referred to my surgeon on November 9th, 2014. Had my first consult with my bariatric surgeon on Jan 22nd, and he referred me to his bariatric clinic. I have a group orientation on April 9th. After that session I can book my tests and NUT appts. They said I should have a surgery date by Nov of this year. *fingers crossed!*

    Personal stats?

    I live on a gulf island in BC Canada and my surgeon is in Victoria, BC. I'm turning 39 years old in May & am 5'4". I weighed in at 290 lbs on my home scale and 295 lbs at the surgeon's office the day of my consult (01/22/15), so that's my starting weight. I'm currently ~288 lbs on my home scale. My personal goal weight is 170 lbs, although I'm open to changing that, depending on how I feel when I get there.

    What is your weight loss/gain history?

    I was a petite slim child who was very active and never gave my body or weight a second thought. I went through a big growth spurt when puberty hit and was full height, DD breasts, and had a curvy woman's body at age 13 - I suddenly became hyper aware and critical of my body and my mom put me on a WW diet even though I was only 130 lbs. At age 15 I started having PCOS symptoms. I had a cyst burst, had a lot of body hair, and heavy irregular cycles.. When I graduated high school I was 140 lbs but had to work hard at it, and was very active.

    My 20's were intensely stressful and not in a good way. Lost my mom to cancer, hated my dad's new wife, married a guy who was physically and emotionally abusive, had infertility issues, miraculously had a baby, multiple cross continent moves, poverty, homelessness, separations, single parenting, divorce... by age 23 I was 210 lbs, and my weight yo-yo'd between 210 and 230 as I alternated between emotional/stress binge eating and strict dieting.

    My 30's have been stressful too, but in a much better way... found the love of my life, remarried, did trauma counselling and stopped binge eating, hubs adopted my son and is an amazing father, moved to a gorgeous gulf island, made a career change, graduated from college, started a couple successful businesses, bought our first home... Despite switching to a primarily organic whole food diet, trying lots of different exercise regimes (C25K, boxing, gym workouts, pilates, walking), and going on metformin for a year to try to get pregnant again (had a miscarriage) I was up to 280 lbs by my 35th birthday. I got my tubes tied and went off of metformine and decided to try the HCG protocol. Initially I lost 45 lbs, but then I slowly regained it plus another 10...

    What made you decide to get WLS?

    Last year an old SI joint injury flared up quite badly affecting my mobility. All my weight loss efforts have been short lived and regain has always been a struggle, so after 3 years of discussing the option of WLS with my family doc, researching it thoroughly, and trying to lose weight on my own, I finally decided it was time to go for WLS.

    Do you have any co-mobidities or health challenges?

    In addition to the SI joint injury restricting my mobility in the past year, my PCOS symptoms are the worst they've ever been. I recently started taking metformin again for PCOS related insulin resistance, and had added inositol (Vit B8) which is supposed to help. I also take iron/B-complex, calcium/magnesium, Vit D & zinc supplements.

    The only other health challenge I have is allergies, food and environmental... My allergy specialist recently diagnosed me with Oral Allergy Syndrome, and I have eliminated all the foods I'm allergic to (nuts, soy, wheat, hemp, whey, carrots, melons, bananas, MSG, artificial sweeteners, caffeine), plus take a daily antihistamine and use nasal sprays to control ongoing hayfever.

    Do you have a good support system?

    My support system is my husband, son, aunt, dad, and one friend. Most of my other friends and in-laws are very outspoken and opinionated and I just don't have the energy to deal with explaining myself or defending my decision. Not sure if I'll ever tell anyone else in my real life, honestly... I also vlog on YT (my username is IslandSneezer if you want to sub) and the WLS community there is very supportive. I'm also hoping this group will be a great support. I have an account on a WLS forum, but find the most active members to be quite harsh and lacking empathy for the most part, which isn't my style at all, so I rarely login (they don't let you delete your account).

    What kind of pre-op diet are you on right now?

    The day after my surgeon's consult I started weighing, measuring and logging everything I ate in MFP. I also started slowly adding in more activity. At first I could barely do 5 minutes of exercise because of my SI joint flare up, but now I can do 25 minutes of stretching/core yoga, walk up to 40 minutes, or do 15 min on my deskcycle. I'm using the default MFP macros to lose 1 lb/week, and am basically maintaining, weight is fluctuating up and down the same 2 lbs... Once I have instructions from my NUT next month I'll do whatever they say...

  • MS954
    MS954 Posts: 13 Member
    I thought it would be fun to get to know each other a little in order to better support each other as we get our surgeries... Feel free to answer these questions or add more... Skip any you don't want to share...

    Where you are in the WLS process? Do you have a surgery date yet?

    I was referred to my surgeon on November 9th, 2014. Had my first consult with my bariatric surgeon on Jan 22nd, and he referred me to his bariatric clinic. I have a group orientation on April 9th. After that session I can book my tests and NUT appts. They said I should have a surgery date by Nov of this year. *fingers crossed!*

    Personal stats?

    I live on a gulf island in BC Canada and my surgeon is in Victoria, BC. I'm turning 39 years old in May & am 5'4". I weighed in at 290 lbs on my home scale and 295 lbs at the surgeon's office the day of my consult (01/22/15), so that's my starting weight. I'm currently ~288 lbs on my home scale. My personal goal weight is 170 lbs, although I'm open to changing that, depending on how I feel when I get there.

    What is your weight loss/gain history?

    I was a petite slim child who was very active and never gave my body or weight a second thought. I went through a big growth spurt when puberty hit and was full height, DD breasts, and had a curvy woman's body at age 13 - I suddenly became hyper aware and critical of my body and my mom put me on a WW diet even though I was only 130 lbs. At age 15 I started having PCOS symptoms. I had a cyst burst, had a lot of body hair, and heavy irregular cycles.. When I graduated high school I was 140 lbs but had to work hard at it, and was very active.

    My 20's were intensely stressful and not in a good way. Lost my mom to cancer, hated my dad's new wife, married a guy who was physically and emotionally abusive, had infertility issues, miraculously had a baby, multiple cross continent moves, poverty, homelessness, separations, single parenting, divorce... by age 23 I was 210 lbs, and my weight yo-yo'd between 210 and 230 as I alternated between emotional/stress binge eating and strict dieting.

    My 30's have been stressful too, but in a much better way... found the love of my life, remarried, did trauma counselling and stopped binge eating, hubs adopted my son and is an amazing father, moved to a gorgeous gulf island, made a career change, graduated from college, started a couple successful businesses, bought our first home... Despite switching to a primarily organic whole food diet, trying lots of different exercise regimes (C25K, boxing, gym workouts, pilates, walking), and going on metformin for a year to try to get pregnant again (had a miscarriage) I was up to 280 lbs by my 35th birthday. I got my tubes tied and went off of metformine and decided to try the HCG protocol. Initially I lost 45 lbs, but then I slowly regained it plus another 10...

    What made you decide to get WLS?

    Last year an old SI joint injury flared up quite badly affecting my mobility. All my weight loss efforts have been short lived and regain has always been a struggle, so after 3 years of discussing the option of WLS with my family doc, researching it thoroughly, and trying to lose weight on my own, I finally decided it was time to go for WLS.

    Do you have any co-mobidities or health challenges?

    In addition to the SI joint injury restricting my mobility in the past year, my PCOS symptoms are the worst they've ever been. I recently started taking metformin again for PCOS related insulin resistance, and had added inositol (Vit B8) which is supposed to help. I also take iron/B-complex, calcium/magnesium, Vit D & zinc supplements.

    The only other health challenge I have is allergies, food and environmental... My allergy specialist recently diagnosed me with Oral Allergy Syndrome, and I have eliminated all the foods I'm allergic to (nuts, soy, wheat, hemp, whey, carrots, melons, bananas, MSG, artificial sweeteners, caffeine), plus take a daily antihistamine and use nasal sprays to control ongoing hayfever.

    Do you have a good support system?

    My support system is my husband, son, aunt, dad, and one friend. Most of my other friends and in-laws are very outspoken and opinionated and I just don't have the energy to deal with explaining myself or defending my decision. Not sure if I'll ever tell anyone else in my real life, honestly... I also vlog on YT (my username is IslandSneezer if you want to sub) and the WLS community there is very supportive. I'm also hoping this group will be a great support. I have an account on a WLS forum, but find the most active members to be quite harsh and lacking empathy for the most part, which isn't my style at all, so I rarely login (they don't let you delete your account).

    What kind of pre-op diet are you on right now?

    The day after my surgeon's consult I started weighing, measuring and logging everything I ate in MFP. I also started slowly adding in more activity. At first I could barely do 5 minutes of exercise because of my SI joint flare up, but now I can do 25 minutes of stretching/core yoga, walk up to 40 minutes, or do 15 min on my deskcycle. I'm using the default MFP macros to lose 1 lb/week, and am basically maintaining, weight is fluctuating up and down the same 2 lbs... Once I have instructions from my NUT next month I'll do whatever they say...

  • MS954
    MS954 Posts: 13 Member
    Island sneezeroo don't let any one stop you your health and happiness is between you and you hubby. I got all kinds of *kitten* from my family including my hubby until I sat him down and explained I have to have this its not a choice, he's my biggest supporter now I explain nothing to anyone else. I just got my date 2 weeks ago May 6th I'm almost done with pre-ops lots of them. If you need to vent this is the place I went from 130 lbs to 218 today I have a bad back and every time I get a injection for pain I gain 5 to 10 lbs I loose some and get another shot it's a cycle that's killing me I can't fight the cravings anymore getting weak I guess lol. I can't wait till May. Good luck were here for you.
  • IslandSneezerooo
    IslandSneezerooo Posts: 268 Member
    Island sneezeroo don't let any one stop you your health and happiness is between you and you hubby. I got all kinds of *kitten* from my family including my hubby until I sat him down and explained I have to have this its not a choice, he's my biggest supporter now I explain nothing to anyone else. I just got my date 2 weeks ago May 6th I'm almost done with pre-ops lots of them. If you need to vent this is the place I went from 130 lbs to 218 today I have a bad back and every time I get a injection for pain I gain 5 to 10 lbs I loose some and get another shot it's a cycle that's killing me I can't fight the cravings anymore getting weak I guess lol. I can't wait till May. Good luck were here for you.

    Thanks and I totally agree... Congrats on getting your surgery date!!

  • IslandSneezerooo
    IslandSneezerooo Posts: 268 Member
    edited April 2015
    @new_me_jrp Sounds like we're in pretty similar places in the pre-op process. I'm doing a LCHF (low carb high fat) diet while waiting for my appointment on June 12th with the dietician and with the bariatric clinic's in-house doctor who does the pre-op tests and assessment. I've had my EKG, blood work and sleep study done. Once I have my appt in June I'll find out when they are putting me on my pre-op diet, which is 1 month of liquids. YIKES! I'm determined to get through this though and not going to be scared out of the program because I want to feel WELL.
  • chckmeowt
    chckmeowt Posts: 18 Member
    I met with the psych and dietitian yesterday. It was my second appointment with the psych and first with the dietitian.

    I've officially passed the psych eval - although I was a little affronted when he said I was of average intelligence (AS IF).

    I have my next appointment with the dietitian on May 11. I'm to continue tracking my food and following the eating guidelines for post WLS. If I go in there successful with those things, then I should get the green light to meet the surgeon and schedule my surgery.

    I'm super annoyed though. I've been off pop for 3 weeks now, completely cold turkey. And I've improved what I'm eating. And still gained 2 lbs from the last time I was there. ARGH.
  • IslandSneezerooo
    IslandSneezerooo Posts: 268 Member
    edited April 2015
    @chckmeowt how rude of that psych guy to tell you that! Average, indeed!! I feel your pain on the slow to no results... I started logging, exercising, cut WAY back on carbs and 10 weeks later was the exact same weight... What kind of eating plan does your program have you on? I'm doing low carb high fat now and the scale is finally moving a bit... In the right direction, for once!