Calling all pre-oppers for a fun questionnaire & support!



  • chckmeowt
    chckmeowt Posts: 18 Member
    Not a strict plan by any means - focusing on eating protein, no drinking while eating, and eating slowly. And using those methods along with tracking my foods.
  • IslandSneezerooo
    IslandSneezerooo Posts: 268 Member
    Anyone else feeling READY and sick of waiting?! I just want this surgery already!!!
  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    It shouldn't be waiting. It is preparing.
  • IslandSneezerooo
    IslandSneezerooo Posts: 268 Member
    edited April 2015
    @rpyle111 I don't have my first dietician appt or results from my bloodwork and EKG (done on April 10th) till mid June... Feels a lot like waiting... Don't get me wrong, I hear what you're saying and I'm doing my best to prepare in the meantime, but it is still a whole lot of hurry up and wait... Semantics schmantics
  • Ramla_J
    Ramla_J Posts: 14 Member
    Where you are in the WLS process? Do you have a surgery date yet?
    January 2015 I saw a doctor about four hernias. He told me that I'm an excellent candidate for WLS. I have completed everything and see the dietician for the last time this Monday. I was told to lose 5 pounds and I have lost 15. I wasn't going to have them tell me they made a mistake because 5 pounds seems to little to me.
    I was told to get my A1C under 9 and it's now 7.6.

    Personal stats?
    I'm almost 56 years old. Live in the frozen tundra of Minnesota. Hubby and I are empty nesters.

    What is your weight loss/gain history?
    Because of a tramatic childhood, mentally - my obesity served as a protection against further abuse. Well, that's how my mind perceived it. I'm 5'1" and managed to weigh in at over 325 pounds. I went through five years of therapy, but never managed to lose the weight.

    In 2000, I had my stomach stapled. I lost 157 pounds. The only education I had was a 20-minute video. I managed to keep it off for over six years, then I started gaining weight back. In 2010, I sought out a gastric by-pass sugery. I went through the entire process only to be told by insurance company they would not pay for the surgery. I appealed, but still denied. The insurance company said it wasn't medically nescessary, even though I have sleep apnea, A1C of 12, insulin dependant, and have had two knee surgeries.

    I always felt so guitly that I was given a gift of WLS and I failed.

    These last few years, I have been having terrible stomach issues, which have landed me twice in the hospital with psuedo heart attacks. After two endoscopies and a cat scan, it was discovered that I had four hernias. I went to a hernia specialiast (who was also a bariatric specialist) who told me that according to my cat scan, I also had a hole in my staple line. It wasn't me that failed, it was my surgery. He told me I was an excellent candidate for WLS. I told him that I was denied before. He said because my previous surgery had failed, that he was sure he could get this one approved. So, I'm approaching this positively.

    What made you decide to get WLS?
    The desire to be healthy. Since I'm insulin depedant and have had diabetes for so long, it is unlikely that it will go away when I have the surgery. But as long as I can keep it under control, I will be happy. I want to walk without pain. I want to live and enjoy my retirement.

    I'm not looking to be model thin. I know that won't happen. If I could lose the 75 pounds that I've gained, I would be estatic.

    Do you have any co-mobidities or health challenges?

    Joint pain, Diabetes II, Sleep Apnea, Obesity related asthma

    Do you have a good support system?

    My husband is my cheer leader. He has changed his eating habits along with mine to help me. I am on a "eating schedule" and recently we went out of town and he planned all of our activities around my schedule and sought out places to eat that would offer me various heathly choices. There isn't anything he wouldn't do for me.

    What kind of pre-op diet are you on right now?

    As I mentioned, I was told to lose FIVE pounds. It didn't seem like a challenge, but I was surprised that it wasn't as easy as I thought. I was also told to give up my Coke Zero. I was only drinking 15 - 18 cans a day. I did that. I'm now drinking close to 120 ounces of water. I was told no snacking. I was a grazer and now I only eat at meal times. I'm totally shocked that I'm able to go five hours without eating. I never realized I could do that. Eating a healthy, low cal, high protein meal three times a day has helped me lose the 15 pounds. Also, hubby and I take a 3-mile walk every morning. My daily goal is to get those 10K steps/5 miles.
  • Ramla_J
    Ramla_J Posts: 14 Member
    chckmeowt wrote: »
    I met with the psych and dietitian yesterday. It was my second appointment with the psych and first with the dietitian.

    I've officially passed the psych eval - although I was a little affronted when he said I was of average intelligence (AS IF).

    My psych guy said that I'm easily manipulated by men....then he told me that if my husband was in the room, he would tell him to withhold sex from me if I fell off my eating routine. I think he needs a psych evalu.
  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Ramia_J; you've got a great attitude going in! Use the pre-op time to get as much weight off and exercise in as possible. It will make the post-op time most useful and get you best prepared for surgery!

  • chckmeowt
    chckmeowt Posts: 18 Member
    edited April 2015
    Ramla_J wrote: »
    chckmeowt wrote: »
    I met with the psych and dietitian yesterday. It was my second appointment with the psych and first with the dietitian.

    I've officially passed the psych eval - although I was a little affronted when he said I was of average intelligence (AS IF).

    My psych guy said that I'm easily manipulated by men....then he told me that if my husband was in the room, he would tell him to withhold sex from me if I fell off my eating routine. I think he needs a psych evalu.

    @Ramla_J what a jerk!

    who is your surgeon. I'm also in MN and my husband just got 4 hernias fixed.
  • IslandSneezerooo
    IslandSneezerooo Posts: 268 Member
    @Ramla_J Sounds like you're off to a great start! Well done on getting a jump start on your weight loss. And WOW... that psych guys needs to be reported, that's SO out of line...
  • Ramla_J
    Ramla_J Posts: 14 Member
    chckmeowt wrote: »
    Ramla_J wrote: »
    chckmeowt wrote: »
    I met with the psych and dietitian yesterday. It was my second appointment with the psych and first with the dietitian.

    I've officially passed the psych eval - although I was a little affronted when he said I was of average intelligence (AS IF).

    My psych guy said that I'm easily manipulated by men....then he told me that if my husband was in the room, he would tell him to withhold sex from me if I fell off my eating routine. I think he needs a psych evalu.

    @Ramla_J what a jerk!

    who is your surgeon. I'm also in MN and my husband just got 4 hernias fixed.

    Dr. Bradley Pierce at Southdale Hosp.
  • Ramla_J
    Ramla_J Posts: 14 Member
    @Ramla_J Sounds like you're off to a great start! Well done on getting a jump start on your weight loss. And WOW... that psych guys needs to be reported, that's SO out of line...

    I told the psych guy that sex should never be used as a condition in a relationship and then he tells me that conditions are a part of life. We went back and forth on the subject and he saw that he wasn't going to shut me up, so he caved and changed the subject. I was just glad to be done with the process.
  • IslandSneezerooo
    IslandSneezerooo Posts: 268 Member
    Ramla_J wrote: »
    @Ramla_J Sounds like you're off to a great start! Well done on getting a jump start on your weight loss. And WOW... that psych guys needs to be reported, that's SO out of line...

    I told the psych guy that sex should never be used as a condition in a relationship and then he tells me that conditions are a part of life. We went back and forth on the subject and he saw that he wasn't going to shut me up, so he caved and changed the subject. I was just glad to be done with the process.

    Wow, I bet his wife just LOVES being blackmailed and manipulated... Not... Good for you challenging that comment... I would have too!!

  • badhair56
    badhair56 Posts: 239 Member
    @Ramla_J Sounds like you're off to a great start! Well done on getting a jump start on your weight loss. And WOW... that psych guys needs to be reported, that's SO out of line...
    Ramla_J wrote: »
    chckmeowt wrote: »
    Ramla_J wrote: »
    chckmeowt wrote: »
    I met with the psych and dietitian yesterday. It was my second appointment with the psych and first with the dietitian.

    I've officially passed the psych eval - although I was a little affronted when he said I was of average intelligence (AS IF).

    My psych guy said that I'm easily manipulated by men....then he told me that if my husband was in the room, he would tell him to withhold sex from me if I fell off my eating routine. I think he needs a psych evalu.

    @Ramla_J what a jerk!

    who is your surgeon. I'm also in MN and my husband just got 4 hernias fixed.

    Dr. Bradley Pierce at Southdale Hosp.

    the hospital has a patient advocate, I'd start by giving them his name