Can't do this anymore



  • MACnificence
    MACnificence Posts: 419 Member
    Yes I defintely didn't eat 47 bananas haha !! There's a error there somewhere I think it's funny it doesn't seem to be showing on my phone
  • mymodernbabylon
    mymodernbabylon Posts: 1,038 Member
    What you are feeling is not unusual for people with EDs. You CAN'T see your body objectively. So, your tummy may be a bit distended due to gas and water, but you'll see it as huge (whereas most people will barely notice it). You own clothing from when you were at your lowest and unhealthy weight and so now, having to get larger sizes seems horrible (even though they are probably still small sizes). The feelings that many women get on here about this process is even worse with an ED. And it's hard to deal with without the help that you need.

    Is there any reason why you can't see a therapist before May? That is a long while for someone who is struggling with an ED. Have you thought about asking to be part of an outpatient recovery programme - they have some pretty good intense ones where you will work with a therapist, doctor and nutritionist. Seriously - tell your doctor that you are in major need to see someone NOW. Be a pain in the tushy about it.

    If worse comes to worse and you can't see someone, then I might be able to suggest some self-help stuff, but it's not really what you need. It would just be a bandaid/plaster (not sure where in the world you are).
  • MACnificence
    MACnificence Posts: 419 Member
    My doctor tried to get me seen earlier but even going private there seems to be a waiting period she wasn't happy about this either

    I have good and bad days unfortunetely my bad days are starting to outweigh my good days

    I was working with a coach and did great because I had his guidance and even he was just monitoring my weight I felt great because I had someone who could help me rationally see things and he monitored my weight but he stopped working with me because of my ED tendencies and since then everything spiraled downwards

    I second guess everything I do

    Im meeting with my dietician again tomorrow
  • MACnificence
    MACnificence Posts: 419 Member
    Hi guys

    So after meeting with my dietician she has said there's no more she can do for me but I have her number if I need her
    She thinks it's a control thing that seems to be the problem and not actually food
    She said it sounds like something happened that was out of my control and I took to food because that was something I could control , So its my therapist that's going to help me the most
    She also said its common for people with aneorexia to be depressed because we have been starving our brain of the nutrients it needs

    She said I'm in a good place because I'm open to change and most importantly I want to change

    I suppose the one place where I fall down big time is I second guess myself too much , am I eating enough or too much ?

    So if anyone can recommend a coach that can help me with this I would appreciate it or anyone that is knowledgable

    I'm so ready to start to feel better
  • Graceious1
    Graceious1 Posts: 716 Member
    Hello MACnificance,
    I have been following this thread with interest and haven't got involved until now. I really think a therapist would be more beneficial for you than a coach because they can help you to explore your issues with food. I'm a professional coach and I work with people by getting them to look at where they are now and where they want to be. A therapist would help you by getting you to go back to when it started, what happened and why.

    I wish you all the best with it and I hope you get all of the help you need.
