Member Intros



  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Hi ladies! Join this month's challenge, if you will:

    We tend to all update there far more often. I think the group has totally fallen to the way-side, actually... :ohwell:
  • Tet005
    Tet005 Posts: 32 Member
    Hey Everyone!

    My name is Taylor. I'm 20 and am a student at Louisiana Tech University (GO DAWGS!!). I'm studying biology. I started using MFP late summer of 2011, I had used a different site before then. I have lost a total of 95lbs (some of it before MFP) and I have about 18 more to go! I enjoy working out! I love zumba, spin, yoga, and (am shocked to hear myself admit this) running! I have recently picked up swimming laps and am quite enjoying that as well! Best of luck to all of you out there! We can do this!
  • butterballnomore
    on here. gonna do it right. anyone who wants to friend me, please do, i'm a good supporter and could use support myself.
  • bunsofsteele77
    Hi Everyone!

    I'm Liz! I'm 23 and from Florida! I have lost 15 lbs in the past few years but I lose weight really slowly. I am trying to lose weight the healthy way. I just joined MFP and want to lose 14 more lbs. I love this group and the challenges!
  • KLK1986
    KLK1986 Posts: 89
    Hi, I'm Kari. I'm a 26 year old woman living in southeast Wisconsin. I'm a teacher (teaching kindergarten this year, past two years I taught first grade) for now, but will be going back to school full time in September to get a B.S. in Healthcare Administration w/ a minor in Business Administration.

    I'm recently engaged and would like to get down to 125lbs before we get married (we haven't set a date yet). I started at 150.2 and am now 146.2. Just started MFP yesterday.

    I have Type 1 diabetes (almost 20 years now) and use an insulin pump to help me control it.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Welcome ladies and gents! We have a monthly challenge going on for January and it's never too late to join. We'll start up a new on in February, as well.

    Feel free to add your goals and join in! :bigsmile:
  • Nigerianebony
    Nigerianebony Posts: 182 Member
    Use this thread to introduce yourself.

    Add age, fav activities, location and anything else you want us to know!!

    Howdy everyone!!!! How are ya'll?? I am Elizabeth from Dallas, Texas. I am 26 years old. I joined MFP a couple of months ago, and I am glad that I did. I currently work as a solution architect for a fortune 100 company, but will be going back to school in the fall to pursue pharmacy. (ugh going back to school...its been forever.)

    I love to do everything but my favorite activities is running, dancing, singing, and playing sports (Way too competitive...). I am part-time fitness instructor and personal trainer. I teach all formats except yoga. My favorite class to teach is Zumba and Dance Jam. I usually participate in 5-6 sprint races a year. Feel free to add me as a friend. And if you have any questions, feel free to ask.
  • constellationxx
    constellationxx Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all! I'm Connie from Dallas, TX. I'm (almost) 24 yrs old. I've been using MFP off and on for awhile, but am ready to really stick with it this time. I got my first job out of college, moved here from out of state (Orlando, FL) and of course packed on a few pounds from all the stress of leaving home and moving to a new place! My job has me sitting at my desk all day, but I've been really good about getting to the gym 2-3 times a week and working with a personal trainer--it's just my diet that needs work! Plus, I'm looking into getting my masters starting this fall, so I DEFINITELY don't want the stress of school added to the mix and end up gaining any more!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    You guys can find our monthly goals and updates in this thread - The group is pretty well defunked, as far as I can tell....
  • shanc84
    shanc84 Posts: 10
    Hi everyone!! My name is Shannon. I joined a while ago, but have really started tracking and taking my health seriously the last few months. I am slowly but surely losing weight!! I just turned 28 on April 1st and I work in an office job where I sit all day :( I have been trying to mix up my workouts every week to keep it new and and wine are my weaknesses
  • Liveformiracles
    Hi I am Laura, I am 26 living in home now..and working with children in a daycare center. I weigh 150 now and want to be at 130 and get into single digit jean sizes again. I love Zumba, boxing training, I was running but fell out of it. I love using the Xbox Kinect dancing games to work out too, I was a DDR player about five years ago too.i live near the beach and the woods so I do like to be outside, walking my dog usually. I'm looking to get more motivation by learning from others, hopefully get back out dating again. ::flowerforyou:
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    Hey everyone! I was a part of these boards a long time ago (over a year I think) and I decided to come back :smile:

    My name is Mandy. I'm 27 years old, married 4 years, no kids yet (unless you count my furbabies), and trying to lose weight (duh, right?). I'm 5'5" and 197.6lbs. My highest weight was 201 earlier this year. Due to some medical issues, I am now on metformin. My husband and I are going on a cruise in April 2013, so I want to get serious about getting healthy and losing some of this baggage around my waist. My ultimate goal is to be a toned size 10, but for the cruise, a 12 would be nice :smile:

    Fun facts about me:
    -I love animals! I have 3 cats: Angel-blue tabby, Gizmo-brown/black tiger, and Ace-gray/black tiger. I also have a new brindle shepherd/pit mix puppy named Sadie that we rescued after she was dumped. I would have more animals if we had more room! :happy:

    -I used to be quite the writer...songs and poetry mostly.

    -I am a volunteer firefighter and EMT.

    -I work as a medical laboratory scientist at a community hospital, but I am hoping to advance into administration as a non-profit foundations director at the hospital.

    -I am a country girl at heart (truck and all).

    -I've helped a mare give birth.

    Well, that's a good start. If you'd like to know more about me, just ask! I'm a pretty open book :smile:
  • Sumner100Christ_follower
    I hope this group still alive. I am Al. I am ashamed to admit this, but I have heard the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. I am overweight. I am a binge-eater, and I need help to quit binge eating forever. The day before I began my fitness pal I consumed approximately 8,830 calories in one day, and it wasn't even a special occasion. I calculated it. Though, I am sure there were many days in which I consumed more than this. In fact, I don't know if that day would even make my top 100 binge-eating days, but I never calculated how many calories I consumed those other days. One day I ate two medium full-size delivery pizzas loaded with toppings. Another day, my mother gave me a huge extremely sweet, rich, and chocolatey ice cream cake for my birthday, and I ate the entire cake within two days except for two small slices. In December, I went to the movie theater, and just while watching one film I consumed 3 jumbo popcorn containers with extra butter by myself. I think I could talk about my binge-eating failures for hours. However, when I am not binge-eating I eat mostly low-calorie healthy food. When I am not binge-eating I am a strong proponent for saving the environment and eating healthy, and when I am binge eating I feel like a hypocrite. Though, I love good tasting food so much that I feel like I could eat it forever. I really appreciate food that makes my taste senses explode with joy. I also binge-eat during almost all celebrations or when I am depressed. Additionally, when I am not binge-eating I think very few people eat healthier than me. I have been doing okay recently, but I do not know when I will not be able to resist the urge to binge eat again. To complicate things I am a Christian, and in Christianity over eating is considered the sin of gluttony. I am trying to get in shape because 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 ESV reads: "Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body." Thus, I really want to get in as good of shape as possible spiritually and physically. Though, I may need some support.