Which week did you find challenged you the most?



  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,573 Member
    Why not accept that you run slow? My best distance in 25 minutes so far has been just below 2 miles. But hey, I didn't need to walk and I can still work on speed later on.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    I just finished Week 7 and I've never felt so discouraged about running. Every single day I ended up taking at least 1 walking break. I still got about 2.5 miles done in 30 minutes each day, but my pace has slowed down substantially. I'm actually going to redo this week in hopes that I can get about 2.6 miles done.

    You're running further or longer, it's fine to slow down. If increasing distance or time didn't slow people down, Usain Bolt would also be a world record marathon runner.

    Honestly if you're taking unplanned breaks, then slow down. Forget about distance and run by time. Once you're comfortable at 30min's of running, increase time running to 35 or 40, etc and do it again. With more running will come speed.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    I just finished Week 7 and I've never felt so discouraged about running. Every single day I ended up taking at least 1 walking break. I still got about 2.5 miles done in 30 minutes each day, but my pace has slowed down substantially. I'm actually going to redo this week in hopes that I can get about 2.6 miles done.

    You're building endurance capacity, that takes time, consistency and effort. Speed comes with time on your feet. The point of the plan is to train you to keep moving, once you've cracked that and you're consistently running longer then you'll find that both your average pace improves, and your ability to push harder, for shorter periods, allows you to improve your short distance pace as well.
  • lisasp4
    lisasp4 Posts: 73 Member
    I started day 1 today and I couldn't even finish it. I can only imagine what the rest of the weeks are going to be like!!
  • HannahsMother2012
    HannahsMother2012 Posts: 47 Member
    lisasp4 wrote: »
    I started day 1 today and I couldn't even finish it. I can only imagine what the rest of the weeks are going to be like!!

    I Finished week 6 today (22mins of non stop running). I was less winded, less tired, and not near as sweaty as I was during the first few weeks. You can do this!! Trust the program! :)
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    lisasp4 wrote: »
    I started day 1 today and I couldn't even finish it. I can only imagine what the rest of the weeks are going to be like!!

    I Finished week 6 today (22mins of non stop running). I was less winded, less tired, and not near as sweaty as I was during the first few weeks. You can do this!! Trust the program! :)

    Crumbs, you've changed over the last few weeks. What a difference in confidence. You own this programme!!

  • JoyT613
    JoyT613 Posts: 162 Member
    Week 6 Day 3 in my program was 10R 3W 10R and it almost killed me. I finished it but didn't feel confident AT ALL about the next day. Things got busy this week so I had to push Week 6 Day 3 (15R 3W 5R) back a few days. I ran Week 6 Day 3 this morning and I felt like a superstar! I think a little more rest, and a different playlist really changed everything!

    If you ever feel like you can't do the next day, it's ok to give yourself an extra day to recover, but remember you just gotta TRY it anyway and see how it goes. I've been constantly surprising myself with this program! I've run 22.4 miles so far this month and I don't even understand how I did that willingly and happily lol.
  • smilelaughlove17
    smilelaughlove17 Posts: 134 Member
    Aine8046 wrote: »
    I am on week 7 and this is the most difficult one for me. Long runs are challenging - my legs get heavy and I constantly think that it's ok to have a walking break in the middle. I am pretty sure it's mental, since it feels the worst around 10-15 min, but when I know that I did more than a half it gets easier...

    This is exactly what I found! My halfway mark is the worst once I'm past that I am ok., pretty sure its mental. Week 7 day 1 was my first terrible run I just didn't think I was going to be able to finish but I did and the next 2 runs were great. Today I'm on to week 8 day 1. I'm almost done I can run 28 mins now without stopping. My first 5k is in June so I'm going to focus on increasing distance and speed from now on.Good luck!
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    JoyT613 wrote: »

    If you ever feel like you can't do the next day, it's ok to give yourself an extra day to recover, but remember you just gotta TRY it anyway and see how it goes. I've been constantly surprising myself with this program! I've run 22.4 miles so far this month and I don't even understand how I did that willingly and happily lol.

    Well done for working it out, the programme works our programming is sometimes faulty. Pushing past the point the mind thinks it wants to stop is liberating. It is one of the fundamentals of the programme. Keep going you have it beat
    Aine8046 wrote: »
    I am on week 7 and this is the most difficult one for me. Long runs are challenging - my legs get heavy and I constantly think that it's ok to have a walking break in the middle. I am pretty sure it's mental, since it feels the worst around 10-15 min, but when I know that I did more than a half it gets easier...

    This is exactly what I found! My halfway mark is the worst once I'm past that I am ok., pretty sure its mental. Week 7 day 1 was my first terrible run I just didn't think I was going to be able to finish but I did and the next 2 runs were great. Today I'm on to week 8 day 1. I'm almost done I can run 28 mins now without stopping. My first 5k is in June so I'm going to focus on increasing distance and speed from now on.Good luck!

    Congratulations, look at Bridge to 10k as a logical follow on, it uses c25k as a base.

  • Angel_Grove_
    Angel_Grove_ Posts: 205 Member
    Week 5 - day 3 specifically. It took me 3 or 4 weeks to work up to that 2 mile run without walking once I hit that point in the program; however, by the time I made it the full 2 miles, I was feeling great and kept on going all the way home for a total of 3.4! It felt amazing! I've since ditched the C25K program and am just working on continuing to hit that benchmark and increase my pace each time, which I have done twice now. One more week just proving to myself that I really can still make it that far, and I think I'll start a 5K improver plan. I signed up for a September 5K thinking it would take me that long to actually get there, but now I'm thinking, how cool would it be to actually be competitive in that race??!?! (I started out in January, pre-C25K, barely making it a minute on the treadmill without walking.)
  • NicoleLohse
    NicoleLohse Posts: 3 Member
    I thought week 4 was the hardest so far. I don't move onto the next day till I feel comfortable with the run I just finished. I think week 4 I did for almost 2 weeks. But when I moved on to week 5 I finally found my "stride". Running seems a lot easier now. I'm starting week 6 tomorrow and am looking forward to the longer runs :) I think I can do it now!