losing it's luster. This is what always happens to me...



  • Teneko
    Teneko Posts: 314 Member
    Yes yes yes. Broth for electrolytes. You can even add fat to it if you need.
    For magnesium, I found a product called Natural Calm that works very well. I really don't know where to suggest looking in Norway for similar products, but perhaps you can have something like that shipped in bulk.

    The electrolyte packets with no sugar added are not going to be a good price.
    Alternatives would be:
    Oxylent in a canister
    Aminolast amino powder - you can probably find something similar at sports nutrition stores online, or "brick and mortar".
    Try to look for products like this in canisters instead of packets. That will really help with the money. You may have to resort to buying it online.

    You mentioned that you miss crackers. I have seen flax seed crackers here in the States, and I swear I found a recipe for them somewhere as well.
    Ahhh, here's one: http://www.ibreatheimhungry.com/2012/01/low-carb-rosemary-sea-salt-flax.html
    And here are the crackers I buy sometimes. I had to fight my fiance's mom for them last time I visited.

    I am lucky to have a supporting fiance - he was on this diet before me.
    You are lucky because now you have us.
    Your husband is lucky because he will have a HEALTHY NEW YOU for many years to come - like it or not! :)

  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    If you aren't losing weight, you aren't in a caloric deficit and your macros don't really matter.

    I would suggest opening your diary.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    If you aren't losing weight, you aren't in a caloric deficit and your macros don't really matter.

    Not necessarily. (Scale) Weight loss isn't linear, especially for women. Those funny little things called hormones tend to screw with the number on the scale. And yes, it can do it for weeks at a time. No, it doesn't mean she's not still losing fat, it just means the scale isn't reflecting the fat loss due to water retention.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    edited April 2015
    Dragonwolf wrote: »
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    If you aren't losing weight, you aren't in a caloric deficit and your macros don't really matter.

    Not necessarily. (Scale) Weight loss isn't linear, especially for women. Those funny little things called hormones tend to screw with the number on the scale. And yes, it can do it for weeks at a time. No, it doesn't mean she's not still losing fat, it just means the scale isn't reflecting the fat loss due to water retention.

    At two weeks, I agree. It's a warning sign, but not certain yet.

    If it continues for another two weeks, the most likely cause is the OP eating more than she thinks.
  • tlmeyn
    tlmeyn Posts: 369 Member
    edited April 2015
    well.. I weigh in grams. So I use a scale for EVERYTHING. I usually add a gram or two for good measure. My TDEE is 2170, I was eating about 2500 a day, when I first started I cut down to 1800, then 1700, which SHOULD be enough of a deficit to give me about a pound a week. I have had a few "party days" but I actually added my calories for a full month and averaged them out, that got me to about 1570, so if CICO is the rule, I should not be stalled....

    add the fact that I have been way more active the last 3 weeks than normal, it's even stranger....
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,050 Member
    @timeyn I've a feeling that poster is not a low carb person so don't worry about the calorie or 'macros not mattering' statements. Nor the accusation that you're eating more than you think. They sound very CICO oriented IMHO. In the low carb WOE sometimes your body stalls on the scales because it's healing you, not because you're doing anything wrong. It will start losing again when it's done the important work of healing your health. I've stalled regularly, but the fat is almost literally melting away, even though the scales don't have a whole lot to report.

    Here, we have a product named Gastrolyte and it's some fizzy tablets that you put in water to recover from gastro where you've lost a lot of fluid (and electrolytes). They're not too expensive and can be purchased from a supermarket or pharmacy/chemist. Perhaps you could find some of those?
  • camtosh
    camtosh Posts: 898 Member
    Also check out www.iherb.com -- in California. They probably will ship to Norway. I am in Japan and just ordered Effer-C packets and also Nuun drops, not too expensive. If you order enough, the shipping is free to Japan, so look for deals.
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    I use the Nuun electrolyte tablets. They taste good and really help restore me when I feel like I'm dragging.
  • TribalmamaEmily
    TribalmamaEmily Posts: 41 Member
    @timeyn I took the liberty of looking at your food diary. Granted I don't know what some of those things are, being from the states, i did notice the counts are generally higher in protein and lower in fat. Try reversing this consistently for a week and see if that doesn't move the scale.
    When i first went LC my pie chart was 5% carb, 30% protein and 65% fat. This worked fabulous for me at first. Then stalls. When I changed that to 5% carb, 20%protein, and 75% fat the scales moved again and consistently. I know it doesn't look like that much of a difference but it was really hard for me to increase my fat and limit the protein in order to keep my calorie count the same. I'm a HFLCer that actually believes that there is some creditability in CICO. I know I'm gonna get a lot of back biting for this but I cannot eat all the calories I want and still lose weight, even if it is in the form of meat. I also know of others who are the same as me and been eating LC way longer than me.
    Like others have mentioned experiment. Some eat all meat and it works, some do a fat or egg fast and that triggers the scales to move again.
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,050 Member
    @TribalmamaEmily I think there are quite a lot of people who here who know that calories do matter so don't expect to be jumped all over; it's not going to happen ♥
  • TribalmamaEmily
    TribalmamaEmily Posts: 41 Member
    @GrannyMayOz thanks ((hugs))
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    edited April 2015
    @timeyn I took the liberty of looking at your food diary. Granted I don't know what some of those things are, being from the states, i did notice the counts are generally higher in protein and lower in fat. Try reversing this consistently for a week and see if that doesn't move the scale.
    When i first went LC my pie chart was 5% carb, 30% protein and 65% fat. This worked fabulous for me at first. Then stalls. When I changed that to 5% carb, 20%protein, and 75% fat the scales moved again and consistently. I know it doesn't look like that much of a difference but it was really hard for me to increase my fat and limit the protein in order to keep my calorie count the same. I'm a HFLCer that actually believes that there is some creditability in CICO. I know I'm gonna get a lot of back biting for this but I cannot eat all the calories I want and still lose weight, even if it is in the form of meat. I also know of others who are the same as me and been eating LC way longer than me.
    Like others have mentioned experiment. Some eat all meat and it works, some do a fat or egg fast and that triggers the scales to move again.

    The only jumping you'll get from most of us is the correction of your misconception that we think calories don't matter. No one here argues that you can eat 5000 calories and not gain weight. What we do say is that most people can maintain a deficit without having to count calories, because satiety usually self limits them. Some people can't do this at any given moment for whatever reason, but most can.
  • tlmeyn
    tlmeyn Posts: 369 Member
    I know calories matter... that's why I am counting, but I know that they aren't the ONLY thing that matters.. that much is clear. I will try to increase my fat. I have had a hard time doing that, because I actually hate fat bombs and things swimming in butter.. and I already eat too much cheese :) but I will see what I can do and hopefully it will work. Thank you :)
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    tlmeyn wrote: »
    I know calories matter... that's why I am counting, but I know that they aren't the ONLY thing that matters.. that much is clear. I will try to increase my fat. I have had a hard time doing that, because I actually hate fat bombs and things swimming in butter.. and I already eat too much cheese :) but I will see what I can do and hopefully it will work. Thank you :)

    What about simply incorporating fattier cuts of meat? Whole roasted chicken with the skin on, rib eyes, chuck roasts, higher fat ground beef? Look at some traditional French recipes for ways to incorporate more fat into your cooking that's delicious. A high fat diet does not have to be made up of fat bombs or greasy food! Just go back in time a bit and remember how food used to be prepared before low fat became a thing. Best wishes to you. :smile:

  • tlmeyn
    tlmeyn Posts: 369 Member
    Also check out www.iherb.com -- in California. They probably will ship to Norway. I am in Japan and just ordered Effer-C packets and also Nuun drops, not too expensive. If you order enough, the shipping is free to Japan, so look for deals.

    thanks for that. I found the Nuun on iherb and the shipping was reasonable if you don't order too much weight :) also found those miracle noodles I have been looking for :) I know should probably avoid carb substitutions, but sometimes you just need something :)
  • Sajyana
    Sajyana Posts: 518 Member
    When I started I was looking for food to replace carbs. Researching what I could cook, buy or otherwise to fill those gaps. You know what? You don't need it and life is much easier without it.

    Here what I do now: KISS - Keep it simple, Sunshine!

    (I refuse to call myself or anyone else stupid, hence the Sunshine. :) )

    I eat:

    Meats. All of them. Beef, chicken, pork, fish. And bacon. Glorious bacon.
    A little cheese.
    Heavy Cream.

    Add sauces: curry, stroganoff, hollandaise, any French, creamy or cheesy sauce, plain melted butter.

    Fry, roast, slow cook, braise, steam.

    If you want vegetables, stick with a green side veg and you can't go wrong.

    It's easier. It's simpler. Less planning, less worrying about whether you have x, y or z to make such and such a recipe. It's also more filling. What Goat refers to as Faux Foods and I like to call Frankenfoods make life more complicated. You do not need them.

    Eat fresh, Eat Simple. That's how our bodies are designed to work.

  • tlmeyn
    tlmeyn Posts: 369 Member
    @Sajyana I am trying to eat simple. I am a foodie and love to cook, so it's hard for me! lol. And I guess I feel I need those things when I really want pasta ( I make zucchini pasta, but it just doesn't do it) or a bread for breakfast (I make some coconut flour flatbread) I just need a few more things (soy wraps and stuff) and hopefully I will be satisfied.

    BUT on another note. I guess all the whining paid off! the scale finally moved 2.5 kg.

    Thank you all for your kind words, good advice, tough love and support. It really helped me and stopped me from getting a croissant!
  • JAnn319
    JAnn319 Posts: 28 Member
    Dragonwolf wrote: »
    Girl, you live in Norway. Scandinavia is...like...the meat capital of the world. Look at this stuff! Okay, maybe not smalahove unless you're really brave or used to it, but cloudberries and whipped cream? I don't even know what cloudberries are, but that sounds really good! Lamb's ribs? Leg of lamb? Yes please. Moose? Reindeer? Ptarmigan? I'm practically drooling here. Who needs "low carb!" products? They're full of crap usually anyway.

    As for your husband's snide comments, tell him to stuff it. Then explain to him that he's being a jacka$$ and if he keeps it up, he can lie in the bed he's thoroughly made for himself -- on the couch. You're doing this for your health and if he doesn't get that, then he's not worth your time. Men just need a swift kick in the butt sometimes (even the men who get stuff like this, like Goat, have thoroughly inserted foot in mouth at times).

    Do you really need electrolyte drinks? Perhaps take some time to figure out what you actually need out of it and make sure you get more of that in your regular food (and remember -- MFP is notoriously horrible about potassium values, because nutrition labels are horrible about them, so you're probably getting a lot more than MFP says you are). If you still need more, make bone broth from all that lovely meat you have available to you. Nature's electrolyte drink right there.

    One of the differences between a "diet" and a "lifestyle change" is attitude. If you keep thinking about all the things you can't have for one reason or another, you're going to feel deprived and miserable (just like you currently are), but if you instead think about all the wonderful stuff you can have, and what you choose to partake in, you'll find it much easier to stick to.

    Find a reindeer farmer and get yourself 1/4 or 1/2 of one. Invest in a dehydrator and maybe a meat grinder. Make jerky and meat sticks, so you have awesome stuff that you want to take with you when you go places. Who needs a boring beef burger when you have reindeer or moose burgers waiting for you at home? Who needs bland chicken when you have Ptarmigan? (For those that don't know, it's a type of grouse, or for you Texans, prairie chicken.) Seriously, grouse beats chicken any day of the week.

    I do get it. I have PCOS. I am the queen of plateaus. It's all about perspective, though. Think about all the good things that have come from what you're doing.

    Oh, and if you don't feel good in ketosis, then don't aim for ketosis. Whether you keep your carbs or your protein high enough to stay out of it is up to you. You don't need ketosis to reap the benefits of LCHF.

  • JAnn319
    JAnn319 Posts: 28 Member
    LOL!! Absolutely Dragomwolf!! ;)
  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    tlmeyn wrote: »
    @Sajyana I am trying to eat simple. I am a foodie and love to cook, so it's hard for me! lol. And I guess I feel I need those things when I really want pasta ( I make zucchini pasta, but it just doesn't do it) or a bread for breakfast (I make some coconut flour flatbread) I just need a few more things (soy wraps and stuff) and hopefully I will be satisfied.

    BUT on another note. I guess all the whining paid off! the scale finally moved 2.5 kg.

    Thank you all for your kind words, good advice, tough love and support. It really helped me and stopped me from getting a croissant!

    Good for you! Hopefully the loss will provide the encouragement you need!