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  • swingsnatchlift
    swingsnatchlift Posts: 194 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Jennifer. Age 42 and mom to 4 kids. I am facing losing 50-60 pounds (I have a body fat % goal, not a specific goal weight). I am currently working through a 12-week kettlebell program, but also love to lift and will likely be working through a lifting program next. Would love some support, so feel free to add me. I have found that I need to log or the weight creeps back on. I've been lax in logging and am starting back today. Looking forward to the support from this group!
  • kilroy317
    kilroy317 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi there - new to this group. I'll be 41 in July and have about 120lbs to lose. Just started my journey on Saturday and so far it hasn't been terrible. The challenge has been to be mindful of my eating and not grab something to snack on because it's there. Anyway - it's nice to be a part of this group!
  • luvmymonkeykids
    luvmymonkeykids Posts: 17 Member
    Hello. My name is Dawn and I am 42. I am working on losing 100 pounds (down 21) as of 150423. I have to kids (16 and 12) and work full time. My health is good right now but I know I have to lose this weight if I am going to fully enjoy life and my future grandkids (though that better be way in the future). I am doing this one day at a time with very little true support from anyone.
  • Anital1230
    Anital1230 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello there... Trying to find my fabulous 40's and get out of my flabulous 40's! I would like to lose about 90 lbs but more importantly I want to become healthy! I have grandkids that I want to watch grow up and a zillion things on my bucket list that I want to achieve so I need to live a healthier lifestyle to do it!
  • Nikkishappy
    Nikkishappy Posts: 6 Member
    Hi my name is Nichole. I recently turned 43 and I have a 6 year old son. I joined my first gym this year and love going to it when I go. I still am trying to train my brain to eat healthy and go to the gym and stick to the routine I have in place. I have well over 100 pounds to go. But I set small goals for myself to reach. I try not to get discouraged when I hit a bump in the road. No matter how many times I fall off the wagon I climb back on. It is easy to gain the weight and maintain it, it is harder then hell to get it off and retrain your brain.
  • Blessed1221
    Blessed1221 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello. My name is Wanda. I am 49. I lost 20 lbs on MFP 2 years ago got lazy and stopped logging and working out. It didn't take too long to gain back that 20 pounds. Here I am for round 2.
    My youngest son (24) just left for the AirForce and I am heart broken and need a few good friends :)
  • GrEyedRose
    GrEyedRose Posts: 90 Member
    I am Rebecca! Got near goal weight, stopped logging my food and gained most of what I lost back! I am back and determined to go to my 30th class reunion at goal! That means 17 lbs by Sept.

    I live in Indianapolis. Love to hike, go Geocaching and am active in community theatre.

  • christabelle66
    christabelle66 Posts: 83 Member
    I am Christine. Trying to take off (and finally keep off) 70 pounds of baby weight and having- my- thyroid- removed- weight. I am 49 and the baby is now 13! It is time to get serious and stop the yoyo cycle. I have lost 6.5 pounds since joining MFP but know it will be a long, long journey and could use some support along the way.
  • socalgardengal
    socalgardengal Posts: 116 Member
    Hello, I'm Christine. Just joined MFP a couple days ago. I'm 43, married with 3 grown kids. Finally time for me to get my butt off the couch and do something for myself. Forgot how to do that the last 10 years or so :)
  • opalle
    opalle Posts: 234 Member
    Hi Christine. I just joined a couple days ago too. I'm 41 and also have 3 almost grown kids (one still in High school). Time sure flies. Wishing you much success
  • PDeRouin
    PDeRouin Posts: 3 Member
    edited June 2015
    Hi I'm Patty. I am 41 years old, married with 2 children, ages 16 and 20 and my husband is a wonderful cook (but it's not usually something I'd call healthy food)! I have a Vivofit which I love and thought I'd try this since they can sync. Overall, I really want to lose some weight and simply feel better about myself. Sad to say but I have looked at pictures of friends that have passed away and wondered if my family would have any pictures of me when the time comes. I am usually hiding in the back of the crowd trying not to be in the picture because I can't stand the site of myself. I say it's time for that to change! I would like to realistically lose about 36 lbs. but know that I have to set small goals for myself to start with. I have been trying to lose weight through various methods and a variety of expensive diet pills for years but nothing works. I so wish I weighed as much as I did the first time I thought I was fat. I think it might be nice to have some support along the way and to be able to read other people's posts so that I know I'm not alone! :) Hoping this helps, wish me luck! :)
  • opalle
    opalle Posts: 234 Member
    Hi patty. I'm shooting for 37 and am also setting mini goals. You can do it.
  • Mandymae6375
    Mandymae6375 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I just turned 40 two weeks ago-yikes!! Still adjusting!! I have been using MFP consistently for about a month now and have lost about 10 pounds. I would like to lose about 40 more to feel healthier.
    I am married with 2 kids and I work part time. I think something just "clicked" inside me as I was approaching 40 that I really need to finally address my weight.
    I still need help with staying motivated so any support I can get to help "cheer me on" I would appreciate. I have also realized I can't do this alone anymore!!
  • Harleydiva68
    Harleydiva68 Posts: 50 Member
    I am 47. Having hard time losing with my age. I try to eat the good things. Get on scales, and get depressed. Nothing lost. Help!!
  • opalle
    opalle Posts: 234 Member
    Are you measuring portions? It was a real eyeopener to me. I was eating a lot more than I thought I was.
  • Dlane72
    Dlane72 Posts: 14 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hi everyone - 43 here, and definitely feeling/looking frumpy blah. Feel free to add me - I can use all the moral support I can get...needing to lose more than 50lbs is a big mountain to climb alone. I still feel like I could be fabulous in my 40's but all this weight really holds me back. I've recently realized that my favorite person to spend time with (hubz) is a huge eater and I tend to just join in. Yikes! He's 6ft 2 so he can get away with so much more! - lucky So, knowledge is power, right? Am trying to look away when I see him reach for the chips. lol Good luck to all of us!!
  • likes_to_dream
    likes_to_dream Posts: 1 Member
    I joined a healthy living group close to where I live and someone was talking about MFP. I'm new and want/need to get myself into a better healthy living groove. Like many other Moms, I readily take care of others all this time. Right now I need to take the time to do this for me. I'm happy to join this group and learn from all of you
  • 2cminime
    2cminime Posts: 2 Member
    HI, I'm an expat living in Brittany, surrounded by patisseries, gourmet food, cheap wine and skinny women! Can't shop in the French womens' clothes shops as I'm taller than the average Breton woman and I have boobs! It's tougher now with the summer, the thought of bearing flesh uuughhh! So time to change and the time is NOW - Anyone doing Shaun T hip hop abs ?? I love dancing, but have bad back and weak hips.... have done Davina and I now feel it's a new start so new routines.
  • provence9
    provence9 Posts: 119 Member
    Hi, I'm Barb,
    I'm 45 and am trying to recommit to MFP. I have had my weight loss ups and downs over the years. This past year has been pretty stressful and I added 15-20 lbs. I definitely want to reverse this trend. Losing 30-40 lbs would be even better. I'm a full-time secondary teacher and have a 10-year old daughter. I'm trying to watch my calories like a hawk, and keep my carbs low-ish. I'm pretty good about exercising and regularly do elliptical, zumba and strength-training. Please friend me if you're looking for support/accountablility.
  • Seasidemom
    Seasidemom Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'm Susan. I'm a 46 year old recent graduate of nursing school and I'm a mom to five kids. I've tracked on and off for years, but really need to get serious as I have 30lbs to lose. I can't use school as an excuse any longer. :) I've been trying to keep active, but keep getting sidelined with injuries - I'm back to walking again.