Give me 5 reasons



  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    @ RisiM....To not wear big knickers from Monday to Friday lol
    and the weekend???? ;)
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    tru2one wrote: »
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    We are unique individuals. A little more healthy selfishness in this world would make it all a better place. **end rant**

    Amen, sistah!! ;-) Couldn't agree with you more. There is nothing wrong with living your life in a "self-ish" way, ie: putting on your OWN oxygen mask first. I want to be strong and fit again because when I'm healthy I have the energy and the desire to give and do so much more for others. But ME first right now, THEN I will be capable of being the giver I thrive on being.

    I totally "get" the wanting to do it for those in your life whom you love...the kids "deserve" a mom who's not husband "deserves" a hot, sexy thing on his arm, etc. But what happens when life disappoints (as it so often does) and those who were so "deserving" of your thinness suddenly become the ones who've hurt you and you're angry with? "I can't believe I've done all this for YOU and this is what I get in return??" Yeah, no. Just like any other self-harming behavior (drugs, alcohol abuse, gambling, etc.), the motivation needs to be based on your own desire to be the best you can be for yourself.

    **ending MY rant** ;-)

    Truly a woman after my own heart, @tru2one!!
  • Keliandra
    Keliandra Posts: 170 Member
    jumanajane wrote: »
    @ RisiM....To not wear big knickers from Monday to Friday lol
    and the weekend???? ;)

    Commando? ;)
  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    1. To not have digestive issues/heartburn every time I eat
    2. So I don't crash throughout the day because I want a Snickers (or 'cause I ate a Snickers...for breakfast...with a Dr. Pepper)
    3. So I can THINK
    4. So I can move faster than a sloth
    5. So I can actually get to the point where I move on with life instead of focusing on food
  • Sajyana
    Sajyana Posts: 518 Member
    I started this for one reason:

    I want to be in England.

    That's it. We're planning to retire early and spend a few months every year overseas. I LOVE ENGLAND. I want to wander through the villages, explore the history, smell the flowers, eat at the pubs, stay in stone cottages. I can't do that if I can't move around or walk very far.

    That one reason keeps me focused on my end goal. That's how badly I want it. It's been my dream for 15 years and I'm going to get there. It's all about me. The kids will be old enough to look after themselves, the hubby and I have worked and saved hard. I can just about touch it. :)
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Good for you @Sajyana! It's great to see dreams coming true! Sounds awesome!
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    @Sajyana I would love to do that too. Haven't been to the UK since I grew up there, but left at age 15 (1972) and I do miss the English countryside, flowers, birds and animals very much! Thatched cottages, tiny villages, country churches, narrow country lanes lined by hazelnut trees and blackberry bushes all make me sigh wistfully.
  • spush
    spush Posts: 132 Member
    1. To be able to not have any complications from being a t2 diabetic
    2. To not have to end up on 101 different medicines as I get older for cholesterol, blood pressure and goodness knows what like my parents
    3. To wear normal clothes, being tall and fat is a double whammy in the clothes buying dept
    4. To prove I have the will power to stick to something
    5. I deserve to be the best person I can be in everything and I feel that person only has one chin!

  • spush
    spush Posts: 132 Member
    edited April 2015
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    Sajyana wrote: »
    I started this for one reason:

    I want to be in England.

    That's it. We're planning to retire early and spend a few months every year overseas. I LOVE ENGLAND. I want to wander through the villages, explore the history, smell the flowers, eat at the pubs, stay in stone cottages. I can't do that if I can't move around or walk very far.

    That one reason keeps me focused on my end goal. That's how badly I want it. It's been my dream for 15 years and I'm going to get there. It's all about me. The kids will be old enough to look after themselves, the hubby and I have worked and saved hard. I can just about touch it. :)

    I like this reason! I do genealogy when I have time, and there are so many little villages in England and Scotland I want to visit to take pictures and look at church records. Best I can do now is look them up on Google Maps and hope there's a view of a cemetery at the right angle.
  • Sajyana
    Sajyana Posts: 518 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »

    I like this reason! I do genealogy when I have time, and there are so many little villages in England and Scotland I want to visit to take pictures and look at church records. Best I can do now is look them up on Google Maps and hope there's a view of a cemetery at the right angle.

    I have spent a few years dabbling in genealogy. I'm like 99% English! That was a discovery in itself. I'm collating all the information so that when I get back I can visit the houses, churches and cemeteries I've been looking at on Google Maps. Many genealogists are happy to take photos and share info with me but it's not the same as standing there with it.
  • penash
    penash Posts: 35 Member
    1. I have a family history of heart disease and diabetes...I want to avoid both of these.
    2. I want to have the stamina to keep up with my active friends when we go hiking, kayaking, cycling, etc.
    3. I have struggled with my weight my entire life and I honestly feel much better physically and emotionally when I'm slim.
    4. I want to wear cute clothes without looking dumpy.
    5. I really want to look good naked.
  • minties82
    minties82 Posts: 907 Member
    edited April 2015
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    minties82 wrote: »
    I only need 2 reaaons and their names are Thomas and Sophie (my kids).

    CAVEAT - please know that this is not a dig on anyone - but a reminder and a lesson I learned long ago that I hope you never have to suffer through learning the hard way yourself.

    Just remember that you need to be doing this FOR YOU, too, or you will never succeed long term. That is a lot of intention and expectation to set on the heads of two little ones. I know you meant this well-intentionally, but I can tell you as a woman who did so many things for, around, and because of my daughter that this is not fair to them. If you can't find something to do for you, you don't need to be doing it. You should be number one on that list. Then they are number two. Or number 1.b.

    This is a hard lesson it took me a lifetime to learn. I don't want my children to put someone before themselves as they grow and mature. I know that I personally I was always taught to put myself last. That's part of how I ended up here in the first place. I want to live my life in a wonderful balance so that my children NEVER have to suffer this way, wondering at their own value and describing themselves only in terms of their relations to others. We are unique individuals. A little more healthy selfishness in this world would make it all a better place. **end rant**

    HUGS to all - again, not meant as an insult to anyone. This is a just a horribly painful lesson I had to learn...the very hard way.

    I'm not putting anything on them, they aren't even old enough to realise I have changed my eating ways or that I am getting smaller (nor would they care as they adore me anyway). They are not at all aware of looks or weight or anything like that at age 4 and 2.

    I don't mind you having a rant but didn't enjoy the implication that I am somehow harming their mental stability by my losing weight. Of course it's mainly for myself, but a massive part of it is wanting to be alive to raise my family. I don't wish for them to notice or even care that mummy looks different. They won't anyway. I am just mummy to them. I don't put any of my food issues on them.

    My whole life I have only looked out for myself. Done what I wanted. Obviously was happy enough to eat my way to 115kg at under 5 feet tall no matter the emotional or financial cost to my family. I've never held a proper job and I am 32 because I am lazy and self centered and like being at home. It is time I DID think of others.

    My 2 year old was hit by a reversing car in November and could have died. She was walking ahead of me and if I wasn't so huge I could have lunged forward quicker and she may not have beeb hit at all.

    Do not judge my reasons on your own life. You do not know me. I owe my kids a mother who lives past age 32.
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    @Minties I understood what you meant. Probably pretty much the same as me when I mentioned my grandchildren. We want to be there 'for them' to love them and guide them, which is the ultimate gift to ourselves by enjoying their love and to have the personal pleasure of gifting love to others. Not at all through any kind of obligation for reciprocation on their part, or making them responsible for our happiness.
  • Chrysalid2014
    Chrysalid2014 Posts: 1,038 Member
    The reason that tops all others for me: because I believe it is unethical to be overweight, in a world where millions are starving. For me, being overweight is a constant reminder that I have taken far more than I need.
    Secondary to that, I want to feel better (physically and emotionally) and look better.

  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    minties82 wrote: »
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    minties82 wrote: »
    I only need 2 reaaons and their names are Thomas and Sophie (my kids).

    CAVEAT - please know that this is not a dig on anyone - but a reminder and a lesson I learned long ago that I hope you never have to suffer through learning the hard way yourself.

    Just remember that you need to be doing this FOR YOU, too, or you will never succeed long term. That is a lot of intention and expectation to set on the heads of two little ones. I know you meant this well-intentionally, but I can tell you as a woman who did so many things for, around, and because of my daughter that this is not fair to them. If you can't find something to do for you, you don't need to be doing it. You should be number one on that list. Then they are number two. Or number 1.b.

    This is a hard lesson it took me a lifetime to learn. I don't want my children to put someone before themselves as they grow and mature. I know that I personally I was always taught to put myself last. That's part of how I ended up here in the first place. I want to live my life in a wonderful balance so that my children NEVER have to suffer this way, wondering at their own value and describing themselves only in terms of their relations to others. We are unique individuals. A little more healthy selfishness in this world would make it all a better place. **end rant**

    HUGS to all - again, not meant as an insult to anyone. This is a just a horribly painful lesson I had to learn...the very hard way.

    I'm not putting anything on them, they aren't even old enough to realise I have changed my eating ways or that I am getting smaller (nor would they care as they adore me anyway). They are not at all aware of looks or weight or anything like that at age 4 and 2.

    I don't mind you having a rant but didn't enjoy the implication that I am somehow harming their mental stability by my losing weight. Of course it's mainly for myself, but a massive part of it is wanting to be alive to raise my family. I don't wish for them to notice or even care that mummy looks different. They won't anyway. I am just mummy to them. I don't put any of my food issues on them.

    My whole life I have only looked out for myself. Done what I wanted. Obviously was happy enough to eat my way to 115kg at under 5 feet tall no matter the emotional or financial cost to my family. I've never held a proper job and I am 32 because I am lazy and self centered and like being at home. It is time I DID think of others.

    My 2 year old was hit by a reversing car in November and could have died. She was walking ahead of me and if I wasn't so huge I could have lunged forward quicker and she may not have beeb hit at all.

    Do not judge my reasons on your own life. You do not know me. I owe my kids a mother who lives past age 32.

    I think you completely missed the part where I said that this was not about anyone, you specifically. I was citing my own bitterly painful experiences and lessons learned. I understand that your reasons were all "summed up" in wanting to be there for your was just the focus of "I only need two reasons...(my kids)," inspired my knee jerk reaction to your comment - based on the hell I've lived through this last 5-10 years.

    I was not attempting to judge anyone. I just know what I have lived through and with. I am not going to go through this line by line, despite the fact that I desperately want to, as it will just keep this going, but I was not saying you were damaging your children at all. I was talking about our own perspectives and such.

    I hope you don't spend a great deal of time worrying about what could have happened. You could have been in perfect health walking right by her side and still not been able to prevent the accident. You cannot predict what might have happened, any more than you can go back and change it.

    I was not judging anything. I was sharing my own experiences. I am sorry that you took this as a judgment against yourself despite my statements at the beginning and end of my post that this was not about anyone but myself. Your post was merely a trigger of wanting to share my own experience so that no one else has to go through it unless they choose to do so.
  • nikoba
    nikoba Posts: 291 Member
    1. Health first and foremost. I do not feel "right" at this weight.
    2. Be able to paint my toenails without wrestling with my belly and suffocating myself in the process.
    3. Have my outside reflect my insides...they don't match and it's truly an identity struggle sometimes.
    4. Gain back my self worth, as the self esteem is non existent.
    5. Survive a zombie attack (or bear attack or creepy dude attack) this weight, there is no way I'm out running anyone/anything.
  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    nikoba wrote: »
    5. Survive a zombie attack (or bear attack or creepy dude attack) this weight, there is no way I'm out running anyone/anything.

    Make friends with slower people! But not bestest friends, if you're planning to outrun them...
  • Keliandra
    Keliandra Posts: 170 Member
    nikoba wrote: »
    3. Have my outside reflect my insides...they don't match and it's truly an identity struggle sometimes.

    ^This! I am astonished every time I see myself in the mirror. I don't recognize that fat person, because that is NOT what I look like at all.
  • Fvaisey
    Fvaisey Posts: 5,506 Member
    1. When the 1st commercial flights to the moon are available I want to be in good enough condition to go.
    2. I want to see my great great grandchildren.
    3. I want to feel healthy.
    4. I want to look healthy.
    5. I want to bike across the US and it would help to not carry and extra 50 lbs.