Will levothyroxine help me lose weight faster?

I just started taking levothyroxine for hypothyroidism and I already feel a difference in my energy level (it's been about a week). Should I expect to be able to shed some belly fat faster now that my thyroid will be "right"?


  • iwantmydenimback
    iwantmydenimback Posts: 194 Member
    no faster than the average human who's losing weight. you'll probably get a bit of a bump in the beginning as your levels normalize, but it's not a magic pill. you'll need to consistently monitor your levels and keep up a proper diet and exercise routine.
  • grammyhoyt
    grammyhoyt Posts: 19 Member
    I have had hypothyroid for a little over a year, and have had no success losing the 20 lbs gained prior to diagnosis until I went to a nutritionist. She suggested this site, and a few changes in diet and exercise. So far, I have lost two lbs in about three weeks, so my response to you would be that yes, you can lose weight, but you may find it more difficult than you previously did.
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,299 Member
    It will all depend on how far adrift your thyroid issues are. The standard medication is T4 only to lab numbers. I would expect you to have a repeat blood test in 6 weeks or so to see how your numbers are changing with a view to increasing or confirming your dose. When I started I had a rush of euphoria but it went. My numbers are "right" but the symptoms remain.

    Pre 1960 treatment was with natural thyroid which combines all thyroid hormones till symptoms were relieved. FM, chronic fatigue syndrome and more are on the ascendancy since the implementation of synthetic substitutes and lab numbers. Natural is not always the best treatment tough. The available tests do not have the ability to tell us how much t3 is reaching our cells. How well the t3 is being utilised within them, each and every cell has three receptors for the three parts of the T3. Nor do the tests indicate if we are a person who functions best at which end of the dreaded "normal range".

    Treating with t4 supplementation expects your system to be able to turn the additional t4 into t3's the active part of the thyroid hormones. t4 is seen as storage only. Good levels of certain vitamins and minerals are required. (information available elsewhere) Were you tested for deficiencies? Probably not. The conversion process in some is not as effective as it should be. There are so many points at which difficulties can arise.

    As an old hand. It seems we are not given t3 in the first place because there is a fear in the medical profession that we would all keep overdosing ourselves brining about hypos wantonly. We are not credited with any common sense when all any of us really want is to feel well, be ourselves. Set against the possible mental health symptoms and implications, (recent research cites low t3 in the brain as contributory to anorexia and more) then there is brain fatigue/fog inability to think clearly and express yourself. Inaccurate cell replacement can happen, can lead to some cancers. Like in the womb lining due to protracted or infrequent cycles, (often reported but never investigated properly, we are told to take this regulating pill. This cancer only happens in the elderly doesn't it. Not)

    Weight gain alone is IMHO trivial.

    I am pleased for you that you are probably being treated in good time. Please Keep your optimism. I hope it will not prove essential for you to keep on and on at your service provider.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    I just started taking levothyroxine for hypothyroidism and I already feel a difference in my energy level (it's been about a week). Should I expect to be able to shed some belly fat faster now that my thyroid will be "right"?

    I have Hashimoto's (autoimmune thyroid disease). Thyroid meds (in my case, Synthroid & Cytomel) reduce the fatigue so I can be more active. But I still kept gaining until I learned to log everything I eat & drink accurately & honestly.

    Logging works.
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    edited April 2015
    I think it all depends on your perspective. Ideally, once you figure out your treatment regime (and this can take quite a bit of trial and error), theoretically you should lose rather similar to a "normal" person. If you've been trying to lose as a hypo person and have had to cut down significantly to do so (1000+ cal daily deficit to barely lose), it can fee like a magic pill because all of a sudden all that hard work does show results when previously it didn't or just barely.

    In practice, results seems to vary. Some people will notice weight loss akin to a "normal" person. Others will find it slower. Some notice that there is no difference in what they eat so long as their macros and cals are similar. Others find a big difference in results and how they feel depending on what they eat. I personally find that I feel much better eating a Paleo/Primal style diet. I can't tell you exactly what it is -- perhaps gluten, grains, etc. -- but whatever it is, I have more energy and the calorie cut doesn't feel as difficult. Either way, you'll need some realistic expectations and patience.

    That being said, it's not a magic pill beyond the general nutrition and dieting parameters. Some prefer to calorie count (I personally like this to just figure out a baseline), others will prefer to choose a WOE where that isn't as necessary (LCHF, Paleo, Whole30, 5:2, etc.). Either way is fine -- it just depends on your preferences and what works best for you.

    The only caution I'd throw in there is that LCHF may not be so great for those of us with thyroid issues because it may cause greater drops in T3, to which we're obviously already very sensitive. If you do restrict calories significantly, it may help to do periodic refeeds of either carbs/cals depending on what you're restricting to give your body a chance to reset the various hormones. Prolonged caloric deficits are quite stressful on the body, and those of us with hypo issues seem to be even more susceptible to it. Those prolonged stresses can cause various hormones to go out of whack and make it very difficult to lose fat. Same goes for periods of intense exercise. If you're lifting heavy, running regime, etc. -- something that is consistently stressful on the body -- you may wan to take a rest week every 6 weeks or so for the same reasons.
  • allergictodiets
    allergictodiets Posts: 233 Member
    Taking my L-Thyro makes absolutely no difference for me. Yes I have more energy but no I am not losing weight. Recently I was overmedicated for a couple of weeks before my doc corrected the dosage. I was hyperactive and suffered from anxiety attacks but it made no impact on the scale.
    WHPFORD Posts: 4 Member
    It isn't a magic fix. I just switched Drs to a specialist and my thyroid with T3 and T4 within "normal" ranges was still actually out of wack so he is increasing my dose. I'm hoping that along with medicating for my nearly dangerously low levels of vit D will make it easier to stay active and therefore easier to lose weight. As it stands, if I don't stay right on top of it I gain weight.
  • FoxyMoxi
    FoxyMoxi Posts: 8 Member
    I have also been taking the same med for a week too. I am still very tired. I have a LOT of weight to loose. I brought in my food diary and my Endo said I am not eating nearly enough calories and that that she sees that a lot with obese thyroid patients. She is having me see her nutritionist. I upped my calories this week and have lost a bit. I think though that the medicine is helping to ease the edema I have problems with b/c of my thryroid, so hard to say what kind of "weight" it is. xoxo
  • FoxyMoxi
    FoxyMoxi Posts: 8 Member
    She really drilled into me how important it is to not eat or take any suppliments that have calcium within 4 hours of the thyroid med or it won't be absorbed properly. Just wanted to share that in case it's helpful!
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    FoxyMoxi wrote: »
    She really drilled into me how important it is to not eat or take any suppliments that have calcium within 4 hours of the thyroid med or it won't be absorbed properly. Just wanted to share that in case it's helpful!

    Synthroid & Cytomel should be taken with a full glass of water on an empty stomach—2 hours after eating or drinking anything but water and 4 hours after taking any supplements (including vitamins, minerals, and fiber.)

    Then take nothing but water for at least a half hour.

    These precautions help ensure your meds are properly absorbed.
  • ramsounds
    ramsounds Posts: 16 Member

    Ideally, once you figure out your treatment regime (and this can take quite a bit of trial and error), theoretically you should lose rather similar to a "normal" person. If you've been trying to lose as a hypo person and have had to cut down significantly to do so (1000+ cal daily deficit to barely lose), it can fee like a magic pill because all of a sudden all that hard work does show results when previously it didn't or just barely.

    This is what happened to me. My dose is finally right to make my metabolism somewhat "normal" and so I have lost weight. My pre-treatment calorie levels were too high for my metabolism then, but they are now at a deficit. I signed up for MFP to increase that deficit and lose a little faster. I don't lose at the rate MFP says I should be (2 lbs per week), but when I am really good about logging, I can average 1-1.5 lbs per week (this is with my goals set to 2 lbs per week). I know it will always be harder to lose the weight and I may not ever have a "normal" BMI. That's OK.

    It also took me about a month to feel "better" on my new dose and then several months of tweaking the doses to feel "even better." I am still more run-down than my peers, and I just accept it. It sucks, but we have a chronic illness, and I find it easier to just accept my limitations, work towards small improvements (staying up till 10:30 p.m.!), and move on.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    ramsounds wrote: »
    I don't lose at the rate MFP says I should be (2 lbs per week), but when I am really good about logging, I can average 1-1.5 lbs per week (this is with my goals set to 2 lbs per week). I know it will always be harder to lose the weight and I may not ever have a "normal" BMI. That's OK.

    A healthy, sustainable loss with a "normal" thyroid is .5 lb. per week for every 25 lbs. you're overweight.

    I have Hashimoto's (autoimmune thyroid disease), and it took me a year & a half to lose 30 lbs. So be patient! But I did it all before my levels ever reached the "normal" range.
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,533 Member
    OP - its been several days since this post, how are you feeling now? Have you seen any result on your scale?
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    editorgrrl wrote: »
    ramsounds wrote: »
    I don't lose at the rate MFP says I should be (2 lbs per week), but when I am really good about logging, I can average 1-1.5 lbs per week (this is with my goals set to 2 lbs per week). I know it will always be harder to lose the weight and I may not ever have a "normal" BMI. That's OK.

    A healthy, sustainable loss with a "normal" thyroid is .5 lb. per week for every 25 lbs. you're overweight.

    I have Hashimoto's (autoimmune thyroid disease), and it took me a year & a half to lose 30 lbs. So be patient! But I did it all before my levels ever reached the "normal" range.

    This seems a little austere. I know a lot of people that have to go down to that rate when they're in the last 10 lbs or so, but I think most can drop 1-1.5 lbs per week who have 20+ lbs to lose, not 50-75 lbs to lose.

  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Everybody's different, but as I said I lost on average 0.4167 lb. per week.

    Far too many people join MFP, set their loss to 2 lbs. per week (no matter their size), then give up when it doesn't "work."

    Hands down, the best weight-loss advice I ever received was to read the Sexypants post: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/1080242/a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants/p1
  • HappilyDistracted
    HappilyDistracted Posts: 1,700 Member
    It took me a long time to get my meds to the point where I felt good- I've had hypo for 10 years or so. Some people get the right meds/dose and are good to go, others need more tinkering.

    After I had my son, I was around 250 and I lost 70 lbs over 2 years or so. I did WW, watched what I ate and stayed active. At some point, I stopped losing on WW, maintained for a long time. Got discouraged that I wasn't losing, stopped paying as much attention/ate too much, got more thyroid symptoms, gained 20 lbs and readjusted my meds. The weight is still on. I did not magically lose it when I readjusted my meds (wouldn't have minded, though!)

    Since then, my commitment has been up and down. I eat too little, get hungry, then eat too much- I tend to net at maintenance mode. I finally sucked it up and did very intense charting of how much I eat everyday and my calorie range. Looks like my metabolism is still lower than a "normal" person. (Probably should have guessed that.) Just means I have to eat a bit less in order to lose weight.
  • ramsounds
    ramsounds Posts: 16 Member
    editorgrrl wrote: »
    A healthy, sustainable loss with a "normal" thyroid is .5 lb. per week for every 25 lbs. you're overweight.

    I also have Hashimoto's and am quite overweight ;), by multiples of 25 lbs., making a 1-1.5 lb loss within that range!

    I think the important thing for us all to remember is that it's not a race and you can live a healthy, active, and happy life no matter your weight. The excess weight hinders that a little, as does the brain fog and lethargy, but this group is here to support us getting on the right medications and staying on track to lose the weight we want to. Neither levo nor Armour are magic pills but they are WAY better than the alternative... aka no treatment.

  • Vickiti
    Vickiti Posts: 21 Member
    I have hashis. I am more than 5 stone overweight. I lost a little weight when initially on medication, but then put on when it clearly needed raised and the docs wouldn't. Now I am NDT and finally have enough energy to make some effort and am losing weight - plus nearly all my other symptoms have gone too :)

    They key when you have lots to lose is not to try to lose as much as possible as fast as possible, but to work out how much you can eat and still lose a bit. So, I still eat some yummy foods and as long as I do exercise I lose a pound a week. (Mind you with my new Fitbit increasing my motivation I lost 3 pound this week - and ate really well!) I am going to be doing this over a few years, so I may as well enjoy it as much as possible :smiley:
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    Levothyroxine won't help anyone lose weight, just as hypothyroidism won't cause anyone to gain weight. What it will do is drive the metabolic chain so that you can exercise, which will burn calories. Continue to track your TSH and work with your endocrinologist to get in the range of 0.3 - 3.0.

    Think long term strategy - small changes which have dramatic impact over time.

  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    edited May 2015
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    Levothyroxine won't help anyone lose weight, just as hypothyroidism won't cause anyone to gain weight. What it will do is drive the metabolic chain so that you can exercise, which will burn calories. Continue to track your TSH and work with your endocrinologist to get in the range of 0.3 - 3.0.

    Think long term strategy - small changes which have dramatic impact over time.

    You do realize that one of the symptoms of hypothyroidism is unexplained weight gain?


    Also, you can't out train a bad diet.