Weekly post 27.04-03.05



  • HollandOats
    HollandOats Posts: 202 Member
    cal0rina wrote: »
    My fast went bust too, but sort of evened it out with 1000 cals of exercise, bloomin hormones! Will now fast thurs and sat as at work and it's easier. At least with 5:2 its not a disaster and I can move on and let it go, usually I would just go bonkers and "break" the diet completely

    Yes @cal0rina ! That's why I love the 5:2, too... messing up in the past always put me in a shame kind of place and I'd just give up, why bother... but, and perhaps it's just because of so much trial and error, but my mindset nowadays doesn't get frazzled when the diet doesn't go according to plan.. I guess because it's not about the diet, it;s about my life, and the quality thereof... and knowing I can always try again tomorrow really, really helps.
    priyac1987 wrote: »
    I had my first fast day yesterday, and it went surprisingly well! Ended the night with 3 scrambled eggs and an episode of Diners Driveins and Dives. Made my mouth super watery, so needless to say I had to go sleep early to stop myself thinking of burgers. lol. Happy Wednesday everyone!

    Congratulations on your first fast day! ( :smile: Happy Wednesday to you, too!
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Today is a special day... It's been exactly two years. .. Did two weeks of dinner cancelling and then discovered 5:2 on May 12th, 2013 through Mosley's documentary. I started the next day.

    I started at 86kg on April 29th, 2013 after a lifetime of obesity. This wasn't my highest weight, but I was slowly going back to it and I didn't want to. I reached 57kg in a bit over a year on 5:2 and have maintained at mostly between 57-58kg using 5:2 for the rest of that time. The last few months have been a bit trying in many ways, with lots of fasts, that turned into low days at best. My weight went up 2 kg during this time.

    My little hiking retreat and some quality alone time have helped me turned it around again. I still have issues and work to do, but I'm feeling better and my b2b fast this week was very easy. I will continue on this path until June. Then it'll be time for my second and last operation. The skin removal on tummy and abs should lead to another 1-1.5kg off. Looking forward to the outcome! No more extra skin to bother me during workouts or that needs to be packed up in my clothes. After my recuperation it'll be time for those last 2 kg to go to reach my ultimate goal of 54-55kg.

    I couldn't have done it alone and it definitely only would have been half as much fun! So I want to thank each and every one of you for your support along the way. <3

    For anyone stalling or going through hard times, try to stick with it. Even if the fasts aren't perfect, the days with a deficit help can keep your weight from skyrocketing again.

    Have a great day! And best of luck to you! :)
  • cal0rina
    cal0rina Posts: 111 Member
    Thanks for sharing your story flumi, it helps and good luck with your surgery x
  • karen_fitzgibbon
    karen_fitzgibbon Posts: 736 Member
    Happy anniversary @flumi_f. I love that your starting weight is almost exactly the same as mine! It gives me hope that maybe i can do this too.
  • iwannabeonthebeach
    iwannabeonthebeach Posts: 146 Member
    @flumi_f Such a heartfelt story, thanks for sharing, you are an inspiration.
    I think I've found the winning formula for this 5:2 thing, but will wait and see what the scales say later this week before declaring that I've "nailed it".

    Okaaaaay so maybe not, or not yet anyway. In other NSV news, there's another pair of jeans heading for the charity bag this weekend! :D Non FD today and I'm going to treat my DS to a take-away pizza tonight as he's had exams this week and been a bit stressed even after studying and revising his little socks off, so salad for lunch today ;)
  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    @Flumi_f two years...You are such an inspiration! I want to thank you because having you here with all of us, helps us! So glad we can share your journey with you.
  • priyac1987
    priyac1987 Posts: 115 Member
    What a great story @flumi_f you are truly amazing!

    @iwannabeonthebeach well done on the jeans!! My little sister is in the same position as your son. Shes on her last year of Uni and shes got exams and her disso. I just feel for her! I remember when I was that stressed at Uni! A treat for him will do him some good! :)

    Second fast day today and feeling optimistic despite the miserable weather. Nailed yesterdays non fast day and went to sleep pretty satisfied. Really hoping I see some lower numbers tomorrow! Got a lovely ham and cheese salad for this afternoon.

    Knees are giving me a lot of grief recently.. not sure if its to do with all the high impact stuff im doing with insanity max. Literally had to modify all the moves and cut out any jumping. Anyone know any good ways to help with knee pain.. How can you even tell when its just normal muscle pain or whether its something serious?? I usually put heat rub on it at night and by the morning it feels a bit better, but as the day goes on, it starts developing a dull ache. More so on the right then the left...

    On a more exciting note, I feel ridiculously slimmer today and I can actually see very small ab cuts in my stomach! Hurrah for abs!

    Have a lovely day everyone!
  • Foxgym
    Foxgym Posts: 59 Member
    priyac1987 wrote: »
    What a great story @flumi_f you are truly amazing!

    @iwannabeonthebeach well done on the jeans!! My little sister is in the same position as your son. Shes on her last year of Uni and shes got exams and her disso. I just feel for her! I remember when I was that stressed at Uni! A treat for him will do him some good! :)

    Second fast day today and feeling optimistic despite the miserable weather. Nailed yesterdays non fast day and went to sleep pretty satisfied. Really hoping I see some lower numbers tomorrow! Got a lovely ham and cheese salad for this afternoon.

    Knees are giving me a lot of grief recently.. not sure if its to do with all the high impact stuff im doing with insanity max. Literally had to modify all the moves and cut out any jumping. Anyone know any good ways to help with knee pain.. How can you even tell when its just normal muscle pain or whether its something serious?? I usually put heat rub on it at night and by the morning it feels a bit better, but as the day goes on, it starts developing a dull ache. More so on the right then the left...

    On a more exciting note, I feel ridiculously slimmer today and I can actually see very small ab cuts in my stomach! Hurrah for abs!

    Have a lovely day everyone!

    Hi Priyac1987

    Insanity max is a very high impact programme, many people have knee problems, it is possible that you have some muscle imbalance (Most people do, particularly if you sit down a lot) which will cause tightness and lesions within the ligaments around your knees, a foam roller and stretching can-over time, correct this. I suffered from knee and back pain over the years that I was a competitive cyclist due to muscle imbalance, it wasn't until I stopped racing and began Yoga and stretching that I became pain free. Personally I would also argue that p90 is a far better, more balanced programme than insanity and gives as good if not better results, Tony Horton can kick your *kitten* in a kinder way on your knees. Good luck
  • HollandOats
    HollandOats Posts: 202 Member
    My fast attempt went bust for the second time this week... ended up over 1000 calories, but I did work out and kill over 500 (only logged 475 burned, as that was my goal...)

    When I got home, I made homemade whipped cream for an icebox cake for my favorite coworker's birthday... a lot of the cream somehow found it's way into my face... mmmmmmmm...

    Non-fast today - fit a large portion of the cake (which is just whipped cream and Nabisco chocolate wafers, but soooo decadent tasting) into my goal for the day... and I also cut up some fresh strawberries for the side... it's going to be just lovely!

    Friday's work pretty well for me for fasting... perhaps I'll try again... I know it's not official 5:2, but a 1000 cal day with exercise works well for me, maybe that'll be my baby step to actually accomplishing good fasts.

    Love to hear about your journey and successes @flumi_f... You sound so, so good!

    Best wishes to everyone for a wonderful Thursday! :*
  • priyac1987
    priyac1987 Posts: 115 Member
    @Foxgym I do sit down most of the day (desk job) - but thats kind of why I have started to encorperate Piyo into my exercise regime.. would like to stretch out a little, but i've only done it for 2 weeks so not sure if im going to see results so soon. I have only got 2 weeks left of Max so want to finish it and maybe consider something different to relax a little with my knees.. Will defo look into p90.. I was just never really that fond of Tony Horton. I love Shaun T way too much!!
    Maybe Ill go back to doing another round of 30 day shred, with maybe a bit of T25 mixed in....
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Thanks all!!

    Had a 50% TDEE day today instead of a fast, as we went for a beer after my afternoon meeting. I knew that would be the case, but fasting tomorrow isn't an option. A good week though...two fasts, 1x TDEE day and one 50% TDEE, not much exercise due to lack of time. A bit of exercise planned on a rainy weekend. Will probably visit Jillian and my rebounder B)

    And I will enjoy my three day weekend and dinner out with friends tomorrow.

    Have a great weekend!
  • karen_fitzgibbon
    karen_fitzgibbon Posts: 736 Member
    Went out to dinner tonight. Geez it was awesome not watching my calories. Fast day tomorrow!!
  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    Happy May 1st everyone! Can't believe it's already May.

    Today's my 2nd fast day. Yesterday I totally thought I was going to blow it off and have a huge binge, but low and behold I have (so far) pulled it off. I was out and about today and I always like to treat myself (bad habit), but today I still gave myself treats, but low calorie ones. First I had a Venti iced Americano with sugar-free caramel (25 cals) and it's still only half done (pasted midday :)) and a whole cucumber (38cals). I forgot how much I like cucumbers. Then I went to the store and got a ton of veggies for a stir-fry for dinner...even trying mushrooms because I found out they are super low calorie and they have the texture of meat. So I am very pleased that I turned a potentially disastrous food day to a brilliantly fun fast day. Have a great weekend everyone! B)
  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    These are all the veggies I have prepared for my dinner...can you believe that all of that is under 250 calories!!
  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    I also just tried Hartley's cranberry & raspberry jelly. Really good and only 9 calories...fun find :)
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Good for you Snaps!!

    I'm almost back in my weight comfort zone. my 2 1/2 fasts this week got rid of the vacation water and some real weight. 57.9kg today. YAY! It'll be back up a bit by Monday (my usual weekend water gain), but 3 fasts should be possible next week too. So I am chipping away at the real weight again.

    Just finished 65min on my rebounder. Quite intense. Felt really good.
  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    Yay! down two pounds since last weeks weigh-in!
  • karen_fitzgibbon
    karen_fitzgibbon Posts: 736 Member
    snaps27 wrote: »
    Yay! down two pounds since last weeks weigh-in!

  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Super, Snaps!!
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Anyone else crazy enough to fast with me today? B) Asparagus and cod are on the menu.

    Had a good week, but yesterday was a bit off the charts. Decided to add a fast today as I wasn't hungry this morning and have no special plans. Will also add some exercise on my rebounder and I started a plank challenge yesterday. That'll get my core working :p

    Have a great weekend.