Meativore May {{May 1 Check-In}}

Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
Hey Meativores!

The first day of May is upon us! For those participating, that means it's time for the first check-in.

Let us know where you're at, what your goal is for the month, and anything else you want to share.


  • Juliste
    Juliste Posts: 298 Member
    I'm new to this group but not new to LC. At the moment, I'm trying 20gr of carbs but I still get strong sugar cravings. It seems that I am very sensitive to carbs and cutting them out completely would definitely help me. (there is no such thing as moderation with me!!)

    I've been trying to lose the same 15-20 pounds these past 4 years. (Gained 20 lbs with hypthyroidism)
    My goal is to adapt to a ZC way of eating for the next 30 days so that I can get rid of my carb addiction.

    I am mentally prepared and all set to go.!!! good luck everyone.
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,789 Member
    I am planning to give it a whirl.

    My main thing will be ditching artificial sweeteners. Guess that means I have to eat up my sugar-free jello/cream cheese concoction today/tomorrow, lol
  • ChairmanWow
    ChairmanWow Posts: 44 Member
    Here is my current trend:
    Starting weight: 238.5 on 3/20 - the day I started keto
    Current weight: 222.2

    I've been 99% zero carb for the last month, but I have been having alcohol and diet sodas and such. I quit alcohol a couple of days ago and will be doing just water for May. My goals, other than to lose weight, is to kick the artificial sweetener addiction. Even though it doesn't seem to be slowing my weight loss, it still feels like a good idea.

    My other goal is to get really comfortable with meal planning and purchasing. I was very comfortable before I started keto, but it has been a struggle to understand how much to purchase since going zero carb. Additionally, I have to plan for two little kid's lunches. That presents its own challenges, and I don't intend on having them be zero carb as well, but I do want to remove as much added sugar as I can from their diet. No more Welch's fruit snacks.

    So basically, my mantra for May is "No drinking things other than water." :smile: I can't say I'm looking forward to it, but I do like a challenge!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Pumped and ready to go!

    My goals: 10g carbs, or less since this level is where I feel the best.
    Achieve more weight loss (not setting a number since this isn't my main goal, it's become a side effect to this woe)
    Starting weight: 205.4 lb.
    Use as a measuring stick for my own research into my fibromyalgia improvements so far (using as data to try to,
    hopefully, help others who are like me!)

    I do have a family, husband and 18 year old son who aren't ZC but are very supportive after seeing the changes in me. I have two birthday parties (my sister's are both May babies), a wedding, an out of town college graduation, and my son is graduating from high school. So, I have a super busy month, starting with the first birthday party Friday night (older sister turning 50 on May 1!!). I'm glad to be armed and ready with my zero craving LCHF woe! So, yea, bring on the challenge!

    Good luck everybody! :p
  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    edited April 2015
    Current weight: 185
    Goal: Simplify my eating to the point where I can stick to it, even when I'm having my down days.

    I have a hubby & part-time kids (stepkids, so they're not always here). Feeding everybody has always been a point of stress, because the things I can cook ahead & easily without issues, he doesn't like (pretty much anything with cumin or beans in it). Our kitchen has been completely gluten-free since we've shared a kitchen. If I can do zero-carb, I may be able to lighten up on that & just have my cooking equipment gluten-free and don't worry about the rest of the kitchen. This would require us to duplicate a few things, like the rubber-ended tongs & cookie sheets & maybe the microwave, but it would make everybody's life so much easier. Half our stuff is already duplicated because he won't use cast iron and I won't use nonstick. :tongue:

    Our grocery budget is $160/week, I figure I'll keep the $60 for my food & let hubby have the $100 for him & the kids. I *think* @FIT_Goat has said his food costs between $40 & $60 most weeks, so hopefully that'll be enough.
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,789 Member
    I am planning to give it a whirl.

    My main thing will be ditching artificial sweeteners. Guess that means I have to eat up my sugar-free jello/cream cheese concoction today/tomorrow, lol

    Forgot to put where I am at:

    My low weight for this month was 216.4lbs, so that is what I am using for this month's starting point. I plan to weigh and possibly actually chart every weight for the month, then post it at the end.

  • Sajyana
    Sajyana Posts: 518 Member
    OK, here we go.

    Goals: Meat, more water, no carbs, minimal diet cola (I have been averaging about 2 litres a week).

    1st May 140kg
  • Sajyana
    Sajyana Posts: 518 Member
    *that should be no plants, not no carbs
  • LaurenLK
    LaurenLK Posts: 17 Member
    Goal: Cut out artificial sweeteners and alcohol for the month and see how this affects my weight loss.
    Starting weight: 155.8lbs
    Looking forward to simplifying meals and not having to track anything because, meat.
  • wrkm2038
    wrkm2038 Posts: 7 Member
    Starting wright 291.6
  • stillonamission
    stillonamission Posts: 140 Member
    Starting: 140.2#

    Goal: No plants, No artificial sweeteners

    I'm not going to really give myself a carb limit, I am hoping for under 5 total, since I eat a lot of eggs. I am pretty confident I can do the no plant thing, I have been moving that direction for the last month or so.

    My challenge is going to be the artificial stuff. I love Jello after dinner. I like Splenda in my coffee. I hate water and have to add flavoring to it. I know my water intake will go down significantly, but I will try to drink it plain. That will be the real challenge.

    So tonight... after dinner... send me positive thoughts. That is the hardest time of day for me. I know the artificial sweeteners have a pull on me, because even though I have been VLC for a long time, sometimes I think I will go crazy if I don't have my 'dessert' after dinner.
  • CanadianKate25
    CanadianKate25 Posts: 1 Member
    edited May 2015
    Just started LC with my husband this week, so far so good!

    Starting Weight: 175.2lbs
    Goal: Cook more in bulk so we can take our lunches to work, also cut back on alcohol and drink more water.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    edited May 2015
    My official measurements for this:

    Weight: 245.8lb
    BF (Covert Bailey formula): 31.2%
    This morning's fasting blood sugar (measured at 8:30am): 112mg/dL
    Waist Measurement: 41.5"
    Hips: 48.5"
    Chest: 39.5"

    My goal is to try this without tracking, and just eating from the animal kingdom. I'm also going to try to cut down on the cheese snacking. I suspect the weight loss will come as a result, as it has already, so that front will largely be just seeing where I end up. At the rate it's been going, I won't be surprised to see a 20lb loss by the end of the month, but I don't expect the trend I saw initially to keep up and I'll be happy (nay, ecstatic) to be down 10lb.

    I do have a couple of days that I know are probably going to be at least partially off-plan, between this weekend (adult time), my son's birthday, and Memorial Day. My goal is to do the best I can with what's available and get right back to it the rest of the time. I sometimes/often struggle with lingering cravings after something like that, though those have significantly reduced since I went ZC. I'd like to limit any off-plan stuff to the one or two meals at the height of those events. They shouldn't be too difficult, since my son wants to go to Bob Evans (eggs! burgers! bacon!), and Memorial Day stuff is pretty ZC friendly by default (though the train ride trip might be a little sketchy, depends on what goes on). I'm going to try to avoid anything cake and if I eat anything with sugar, stick to ice cream or things with a fair bit of fat to counter the sugar, and only have one small serving.

    I'd also like to see my morning blood sugar lower, which is further motivation to behave even on the above events. I'm also starting to be a role model for my in-laws, since my MIL is rather shaken up from having to go on insulin.
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    I'm excited for you guys!!
  • iam4life
    iam4life Posts: 39 Member
    I started zero carb three weeks ago to combat Candida. I guess I'm super sensitive to carbage. I'm happy with my weight, and I don't even own a scale anymore, so my goals are more health-related.

    I'm looking for more energy, fewer muscle and joint aches, & longevity of life.

    I'm currently around 155-160 I guess, size 6 US pants size, measuring 36-29-39. I wouldn't be sad to see those numbers drop just a hair.
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,789 Member
    Dragonwolf wrote: »
    My official measurements for this:

    Weight: 245.8lb
    BF (Covert Bailey formula): 31.2%
    This morning's fasting blood sugar (measured at 8:30am): 112mg/dL
    Waist Measurement: 41.5"
    Hips: 48.5"
    Chest: 39.5"

    My goal is to try this without tracking, and just eating from the animal kingdom. I'm also going to try to cut down on the cheese snacking. I suspect the weight loss will come as a result, as it has already, so that front will largely be just seeing where I end up. At the rate it's been going, I won't be surprised to see a 20lb loss by the end of the month, but I don't expect the trend I saw initially to keep up and I'll be happy (nay, ecstatic) to be down 10lb.

    I do have a couple of days that I know are probably going to be at least partially off-plan, between this weekend (adult time), my son's birthday, and Memorial Day. My goal is to do the best I can with what's available and get right back to it the rest of the time. I sometimes/often struggle with lingering cravings after something like that, though those have significantly reduced since I went ZC. I'd like to limit any off-plan stuff to the one or two meals at the height of those events. They shouldn't be too difficult, since my son wants to go to Bob Evans (eggs! burgers! bacon!), and Memorial Day stuff is pretty ZC friendly by default (though the train ride trip might be a little sketchy, depends on what goes on). I'm going to try to avoid anything cake and if I eat anything with sugar, stick to ice cream or things with a fair bit of fat to counter the sugar, and only have one small serving.

    I'd also like to see my morning blood sugar lower, which is further motivation to behave even on the above events. I'm also starting to be a role model for my in-laws, since my MIL is rather shaken up from having to go on insulin.

    I checked out that formula and it is telling me my BF is 29.8%. I know that can't be right, lol. Still interesting to track as a trend, so I am going to do that.

  • tru2one
    tru2one Posts: 298 Member
    5/1 starting weight: 219.2

    I plan on continuing using AS (stevia, sucralose) sparingly in my coffee and tea, but no faux desserts. Remainder of food from the animal kingdom, so my biggest challenge will be in leaving out veggies, nuts, and seeds for the month. Will limit dairy to "condiment" portions rather than as a snack or meal. Memorial Day weekend (which also happens to be my birthday weekend), there will be adult beverage imbibing, but I plan to try to keep my food plan as close to meativore as possible. Carbs should remain WELL under 20 by default.

    With this challenge I hope to see how increased protein and further reduced carb consumption affects my personal energy levels and weight loss trends.

    Good luck, all!! :-)
  • rkufeke
    rkufeke Posts: 73 Member
    Starting measurements:
    Weight: 167.8
    Waist: 37.5
    Hips: 43

    My goals from doing this are to hopefully further help with inflammation, eliminate cravings, increase energy, and lose more weight without having to obsess over tracking everything I eat (although I'm sure I'll still be tracking somewhat). I'm going to cut way back on dairy (no more Brie for lunch!). No AS is also going to mean no coffee for me, because even with BPC I need a little sweetener... So I'm going to start drinking a cup of ginger or peppermint tea in the mornings instead. And I won't be having my once- or twice-a-week spritzed red wine or booze & stevia soda either. So all told, I'll be giving up veggies, sweeteners, coffee, alcohol, and greatly reducing dairy. I'm interested to see what happens!
    I'll have a few challenges with events coming up this month, like it seems most of us will- I have a fundraiser party next week to attend with my husband for his work, then of course there's Mother's Day and Memorial Day, and my son's bday is also in there, along with a weekend at a bed & breakfast with my husband at the end of the month. I'm sure I'll have a couple of drinks in there (I have homemade sugar-free Kahlua currently brewing in my cupboard, so if I drink it'll probably be that with a splash of HWC...), but I will be doing my best to stick with the animal kingdom for food. Memorial Day might be the biggest challenge, we're headed to a party at our pastor's place up in the mountains and he and his wife are vegetarians...
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    Starting weight: 152.2

    My expectation is that weight will drop and focus / satiety / mood will level or increase.

    I know I'm going to be out of compliance tomorrow, but since that's only on day 2 I look forward to a relatively solid month of success.
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    Well, the month of April ended off with a bang for me. There was a big surge on the scale. It was expected, but it looks funky. I am going to continue with the same basic graph and reporting style for this challenge. I've added a new line for my starting trend, slightly higher for this month, and we will go from there.


    So, I am starting at 71.4 kg according to my trend. It's probably not accurate because of this week's weight having an undue effect. But, we're going with what we have to work with. I haven't done any body fat measurements recently, aside from electrical impedance (which I don't believe). That puts me at 19% body fat. The last calculations I have, from months ago, say around 16-17% body fat. Obviously, all those numbers could be improved. I would like to get a real scan done to be sure. For my age, the calculated values put me in the "ideal" to "average" range of body fat %. I still would like it lower.

    I am not going to quit coffee this month. I thought about it, but my students would not appreciate dealing with my without coffee at this time. Maybe in June or July, I could try and remove it from my diet.

    I am cutting all dairy except butter. I know the effect it has on me. It's best to just leave it out.

    Aside from that, I will keep on keeping on. I don't really expect much. I will probably drop some of the weight I am currently holding. I am still under my goal, so I am not too worried about how much or how fast. I will continue to eat without tracking, weighing, or otherwise accounting for quantity. This is just another month for me. :smirk:
  • iam4life
    iam4life Posts: 39 Member
    For some reason the rest of my post got truncated. I wanted to emphasize that I'm happy with my body and I wouldn't be sad if my measurements didn't change.

    I also talked my husband into joining me in this challenge. He wants to lose a pants size and 20 lbs. We are doing p90x, so I'm sure he's hoping to lose body fat %.

    It's gonna be funny watching him suffer through the flu.
  • iam4life
    iam4life Posts: 39 Member
    By George, it truncated again. I give up. Anyway, we are here, we are meativore a with butter and wine, and we are loosely tracking changes.
  • cdpits
    cdpits Posts: 91 Member
    Gonna give this a whirl to help me stay on track. New to this, so my goal is to stay 20gm or less carbs, and lots of meat and water.
    Starting weight is 258
    waist 41"
    hips 51"
    Be nice to see all those numbers go down.
  • ruthieo7
    ruthieo7 Posts: 12 Member
    Good morning from london.
    Current weight 182lbs
    5.5 height
    Goal for may. Zero carb. Introduce bpc for breakfast to increase fat intake. Try at intermittent fast.
    I have tried zero carb for 2 weeks. I have enjoyed it and lost abt 5lbs. However my mood has been dull. Not depressed just not excited. So i am hoping d bpc will give me some zap and keep me excited a bit. saying that a part of me likes the dull mood. Cos it leaves me in control and i dont get to make weird unnecessary jokes which i hate.

    Wish me luck. I am sure we would all excel if we can just stop by and discuss progress and challenges daily.
  • ChairmanWow
    ChairmanWow Posts: 44 Member
    I thought I'd give a first day overview. You know, for commiseration.
    So, I did good eating. BPC and bacon for breakfast, 8 oz sirloin for lunch, a couple pieces of pepperoni, and crackling chicken for dinner. So far so good.

    But oh my god the urge to break the diet was strong. I wanted soda or alcohol or some sort of treat. It was driving me a little crazy in the evening. My wife made some tea in the evening, and I was surprised that did the trick. It always seems like if I can make it through the 4 - 8 o'clock window, then I'm good. I always seem to get bogged down at that time of day.

    Good luck everybody!
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    Day 1 went pretty well for me! It took me until late morning to remember I was even doing it, but luckily I don't normally have anything that wouldn't qualify according to The Law of Goat. I did almost eat a pickle after lunch but remembered and my husband ate it.

    Today is my scheduled "non conformist" day, with a few deviations planned as part of my birthday. But I've decided I won't be drinking, and I think it should be well under control.

    Oddly enough I've actually had a few extra carbs the past couple of days that seemed to prompt some new weight loss, so I'm interested to see what minimal carbs do.
  • rkufeke
    rkufeke Posts: 73 Member
    Day 1 I had the same struggle as ChairmanWow with wanting something sweet...
    I gave up my BPC because I don't like it unsweetened so I had two cups of ginger tea instead. Had 2 eggs & 2 slices of bfast sausage for breakfast, ended up eating a whole bag of pork rinds for lunch, and then had a pork steak baked with chopped bacon for dinner. No dairy at all yesterday! I threw a pork shoulder in the crockpot last night with some spices to make carnitas, but I was nauseous at bed time and thought for sure I wouldn't want any pork today.
    Turns out the good smell was too hard to resist- I fried some up in some of the fat I rendered off of the roast last night and topped it with an egg fried in Kerrygold, delicious! I woke up feeling thinner than I have in a long time, not bloated at all, and down 0.2 lb from yesterday (I know that's nothing but it still made me feel good!).
    Also, last night I convinced my husband to give this a try too! He has terrible eczema, that comes and goes with horrible flare ups, and it's painful and makes him miserable. So I'm hopeful this might help and get it resolved for good! My question is, he is 6'4" and about 157 lbs, so he does NOT want to lose weight... He asked last night if he could have milk and I said I thought whole milk would be ok, because the carbs wouldn't matter as much since he doesn't want to lose... Am I right or wrong?
  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    edited May 2015
    Yesterday, I had BPC, rotisserie chicken, & tea with cream. Today, I had a little bit of eggs & bacon plus BPC for breakfast & the remnants of the rotisserie chicken for lunch. Hubby is cooking burgers for dinner, so burgers with bacon & mayo for me!

    And, of course, the punk has wine, Dr. Pepper, and jalapeno poppers that I'm not eating...
  • Juliste
    Juliste Posts: 298 Member
    OMG! I devoured about 2 lbs of meat today!!! But it was either stuff my face with meat or give in to sweets.
    .... one day at a time.... :smile:
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    rkufeke wrote: »
    My question is, he is 6'4" and about 157 lbs, so he does NOT want to lose weight... He asked last night if he could have milk and I said I thought whole milk would be ok, because the carbs wouldn't matter as much since he doesn't want to lose... Am I right or wrong?

    He could. If his eczema still doesn't clear up, he might want to try cutting it out to see if the dairy is the cause.
    Juliste wrote: »
    OMG! I devoured about 2 lbs of meat today!!! But it was either stuff my face with meat or give in to sweets.
    .... one day at a time.... :smile:

    Two pounds of meat sounds like a very good day.