Meativore May {{May 1 Check-In}}



  • iam4life
    iam4life Posts: 39 Member
    For some reason the rest of my post got truncated. I wanted to emphasize that I'm happy with my body and I wouldn't be sad if my measurements didn't change.

    I also talked my husband into joining me in this challenge. He wants to lose a pants size and 20 lbs. We are doing p90x, so I'm sure he's hoping to lose body fat %.

    It's gonna be funny watching him suffer through the flu.
  • iam4life
    iam4life Posts: 39 Member
    By George, it truncated again. I give up. Anyway, we are here, we are meativore a with butter and wine, and we are loosely tracking changes.
  • cdpits
    cdpits Posts: 91 Member
    Gonna give this a whirl to help me stay on track. New to this, so my goal is to stay 20gm or less carbs, and lots of meat and water.
    Starting weight is 258
    waist 41"
    hips 51"
    Be nice to see all those numbers go down.
  • ruthieo7
    ruthieo7 Posts: 12 Member
    Good morning from london.
    Current weight 182lbs
    5.5 height
    Goal for may. Zero carb. Introduce bpc for breakfast to increase fat intake. Try at intermittent fast.
    I have tried zero carb for 2 weeks. I have enjoyed it and lost abt 5lbs. However my mood has been dull. Not depressed just not excited. So i am hoping d bpc will give me some zap and keep me excited a bit. saying that a part of me likes the dull mood. Cos it leaves me in control and i dont get to make weird unnecessary jokes which i hate.

    Wish me luck. I am sure we would all excel if we can just stop by and discuss progress and challenges daily.
  • ChairmanWow
    ChairmanWow Posts: 44 Member
    I thought I'd give a first day overview. You know, for commiseration.
    So, I did good eating. BPC and bacon for breakfast, 8 oz sirloin for lunch, a couple pieces of pepperoni, and crackling chicken for dinner. So far so good.

    But oh my god the urge to break the diet was strong. I wanted soda or alcohol or some sort of treat. It was driving me a little crazy in the evening. My wife made some tea in the evening, and I was surprised that did the trick. It always seems like if I can make it through the 4 - 8 o'clock window, then I'm good. I always seem to get bogged down at that time of day.

    Good luck everybody!
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    Day 1 went pretty well for me! It took me until late morning to remember I was even doing it, but luckily I don't normally have anything that wouldn't qualify according to The Law of Goat. I did almost eat a pickle after lunch but remembered and my husband ate it.

    Today is my scheduled "non conformist" day, with a few deviations planned as part of my birthday. But I've decided I won't be drinking, and I think it should be well under control.

    Oddly enough I've actually had a few extra carbs the past couple of days that seemed to prompt some new weight loss, so I'm interested to see what minimal carbs do.
  • rkufeke
    rkufeke Posts: 73 Member
    Day 1 I had the same struggle as ChairmanWow with wanting something sweet...
    I gave up my BPC because I don't like it unsweetened so I had two cups of ginger tea instead. Had 2 eggs & 2 slices of bfast sausage for breakfast, ended up eating a whole bag of pork rinds for lunch, and then had a pork steak baked with chopped bacon for dinner. No dairy at all yesterday! I threw a pork shoulder in the crockpot last night with some spices to make carnitas, but I was nauseous at bed time and thought for sure I wouldn't want any pork today.
    Turns out the good smell was too hard to resist- I fried some up in some of the fat I rendered off of the roast last night and topped it with an egg fried in Kerrygold, delicious! I woke up feeling thinner than I have in a long time, not bloated at all, and down 0.2 lb from yesterday (I know that's nothing but it still made me feel good!).
    Also, last night I convinced my husband to give this a try too! He has terrible eczema, that comes and goes with horrible flare ups, and it's painful and makes him miserable. So I'm hopeful this might help and get it resolved for good! My question is, he is 6'4" and about 157 lbs, so he does NOT want to lose weight... He asked last night if he could have milk and I said I thought whole milk would be ok, because the carbs wouldn't matter as much since he doesn't want to lose... Am I right or wrong?
  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    edited May 2015
    Yesterday, I had BPC, rotisserie chicken, & tea with cream. Today, I had a little bit of eggs & bacon plus BPC for breakfast & the remnants of the rotisserie chicken for lunch. Hubby is cooking burgers for dinner, so burgers with bacon & mayo for me!

    And, of course, the punk has wine, Dr. Pepper, and jalapeno poppers that I'm not eating...
  • Juliste
    Juliste Posts: 298 Member
    OMG! I devoured about 2 lbs of meat today!!! But it was either stuff my face with meat or give in to sweets.
    .... one day at a time.... :smile:
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    rkufeke wrote: »
    My question is, he is 6'4" and about 157 lbs, so he does NOT want to lose weight... He asked last night if he could have milk and I said I thought whole milk would be ok, because the carbs wouldn't matter as much since he doesn't want to lose... Am I right or wrong?

    He could. If his eczema still doesn't clear up, he might want to try cutting it out to see if the dairy is the cause.
    Juliste wrote: »
    OMG! I devoured about 2 lbs of meat today!!! But it was either stuff my face with meat or give in to sweets.
    .... one day at a time.... :smile:

    Two pounds of meat sounds like a very good day.
  • rkufeke
    rkufeke Posts: 73 Member
    FIT_Goat wrote: »
    rkufeke wrote: »
    My question is, he is 6'4" and about 157 lbs, so he does NOT want to lose weight... He asked last night if he could have milk and I said I thought whole milk would be ok, because the carbs wouldn't matter as much since he doesn't want to lose... Am I right or wrong?

    He could. If his eczema still doesn't clear up, he might want to try cutting it out to see if the dairy is the cause.

    Thanks, that's what I thought. He's gone playing army man for the weekend, but I worked out an eating plan for him that's a good 600+ calories over his TDEE, but uses eggs and dairy. I told him I think he should try it for 2 weeks, and if his skin doesn't get better then we will cut out the dairy and/or eggs...
  • conniesoper
    conniesoper Posts: 8 Member
    Dragonwolf wrote: »
    Hey Meativores!

    The first day of May is upon us! For those participating, that means it's time for the first check-in.

    Let us know where you're at, what your goal is for the month, and anything else you want to share.
    Dragonwolf wrote: »
    Hey Meativores!

    The first day of May is upon us! For those participating, that means it's time for the first check-in.

    Let us know where you're at, what your goal is for the month, and anything else you want to share.

    IM NEW HERE AND CANT SEE WHERE TI JUST POST SOMETHING THATS NOT A REPLY TO SOMEONE ELSES POST. IM DOING THE MAY CHALLENGE! CAN I ASK FOR IDEAS FOR MENU PLANNING? What are others DOING? I really need this since I struggle withalways adding flavors to my water and having Atkins bars if cravings are bad, and this has kept my weight stuck. Think this group will help. Hi y'all!
  • conniesoper
    conniesoper Posts: 8 Member
    So I posted my REPLY at the end of the above comment... Trying to figure this out.
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    Connie, you're fine.

    I find a good menu, for me, is eggs and bacon in the morning. Then I usually do a couple burger patties for lunch, or maybe leftover steak. Dinner is more varied. I sometimes make ribs, steak (ok, mostly steak), or will roast a chicken. It really depends on what you like.

    There's really not a lot of meal planning for this way of eating. You just end up cooking the meat you like or feel like eating. Nothing fancy needed.
  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    Bacon & eggs with coffee for breakfast, leftover rotisserie chicken from the store for lunch, & burgers with bacon & mayo was the plan for dinner, but hubby never got hungry so he never cooked & I ended up cooking the jalapeno poppers he'd bought.

    So...only 8 carbs or so, but still had vegetation. Ah well. I'll keep going.
  • rkufeke
    rkufeke Posts: 73 Member
    Fried egg over carnitas for breakfast, tuna & egg salad with pepperjack cheese crisps for lunch, jalapeno beef stick & pork rinds for snack, and more carnitas for dinner. Today's "meal planning" was easy, since I threw the pork for the carnitas in the slow cooker last night and have had it on the keep warm setting all day- if I get hungry, I go grab some meat from the slow cooker.
  • iam4life
    iam4life Posts: 39 Member
    Okay people here's the thing: I'm 36 years old, and I played a competitive volleyball tournament all. Day. Long. (I pre-games with ibuprofen! Lol)

    I had eggs and bacon for breakfast, but I felt myself bonking after the first game, so I drank a p90x recover drink--40 carbs!! After that, I did fine the rest of the day and even this morning don't feel as sore as I have in the past.

    Strangely, I didn't really feel hungry the rest of the day. I had some summer sausage about 3pm for a snack. I suppose if someone had put a half-pound burger in front of me, I would have devoured it, but I was too tired to cook. Lol.

    Anyway, poor planning=3,000 calorie workout on Day 2 of zero carbs.
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    @iam4life Were you not low carb at all prior to May 1?
  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    Hubby cooked burgers tonight. He asked how many, and apparently if I say "All of them", I end up with 35 burgers leftover after dinner to freeze for later. Woohoo!
  • rkufeke
    rkufeke Posts: 73 Member
    I made meatloaf tonight, stuffed with cheddar cheese, wrapped in bacon. 1 1/2 slices and I am stuffed! Hubby ate 2 1/2, plus some green beans with cheese. He's starting Meativore May tomorrow!