Five Days Dairy Free - 4th to 8th May (and beyond if it works!)



  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    They speak Yiddish in South Africa?
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    Isn't Yiddish 'Oi, oi, oi'? The South African version sounds more like 'iy, iy, iy' I suppose. If you haven't seen the film 'The Gods Must Be Crazy' do yourself a favour and try to get hold of it. Best film ever IMHO. It's G-rated too, and then you'll know aaaalll about how, and when, to say it ;)
  • spush
    spush Posts: 132 Member
    Oh my gosh, the Gods must be crazy is FUNNY haven't seen it in yonks.

    Weight wise, I didn't get a Monday reading, but will go by last Saturday's and this Saturday's. I'm also thinking less dairy might be good for my eczema? My legs have had constant irritation for the last 5 years. It just won't go however much steroid cream I use. It subsides a but then flares right up. Though to be fair my blood sugar was raised for most of those 5 years and being a t2 didn't help with healing. So it's been No summer skirts for me

    I must say, I'm missing cheese :(
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    @Spush, I know, I just *love* that film! Not to give anything away to others, but those hills on the way to and from collecting the teacher and then 'Where's the anti-christ?'. The whole thing is genius.

    I believe passing dairy is good for eczema, sure I've read that somewhere. I hope it brings you some relief. In fact, lots of relief and get rid of the steroid cream forever, wouldn't that be fantastic? Now you mention it, David used to have to use that sometimes between his eyebrows, but he hasn't used it for so long it's expired.
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    Well, I'm feeling free to eat cheese. This is day 5 for me, and no loss. I'm not really surprised; I haven't lost anything new since March. I keep thinking I must be doing something wrong that prevents any loss. It doesn't make sense to me that I'm eating below what it supposedly takes my body to function and I'm still not losing anything or even getting smaller.
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    Cook your bacon on low. If you can't walk away from it (or if you need a splatter shield) your burner is up too high. I used to do this all the time, then tried it on "2" on my stove top and wow what a difference. Just flip it over frequently. So glad I don't have to make a mess of the stove top anymore!

    For cooking your eggs in a fry pan, you don't have to flip them. Just put a lid on the pan after you put them in and have added your salt and pepper. The whites will cook on both sides. Again, unless you love your whites crispy and your yolks solid, cook it low and slow baby.
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    @Wheatless I wonder if having a high calorie day would kick start something for you? I've been considering it myself but don't know if I dare. What do you think - I'm game if you are. I think. Eeeekk!

    @octobubbles I'll do that if I ever have to cook by myself again. I used to cook well enough, but I gave it up 8 years ago and am now completely hopeless. David usually pops the yolk and then turns the egg.

    I added some butter tonight otherwise I would have been finishing the day with 56 grams of fat. I'm happy with butter added that this is sustainable, so I'll carry on with no cheese or cream for a bit longer.
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    @GrannyMayOz Whooo. I've thought about that too. Dare we? Feels like jumping off a cliff. Without a parachute. But hey, at this point I'll try anything. Desperation demands action. What's the game plan?

    Any savvy smart people want to advise us?
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    @GrannyMayOz Whooo. I've thought about that too. Dare we? Feels like jumping off a cliff. Without a parachute. But hey, at this point I'll try anything. Desperation demands action. What's the game plan?
    Fully agree with all you've said, including 'what's the game plan'. I've no idea.
    Any savvy smart people want to advise us?
    Yes please!!!!! Should we start a new thread to ask a wider audience than this thread is receiving? If yes, are you happy for anyone to look at your diary so they can see what we've been eating until now? Is it open for everyone to view?
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    Yep, my diary is open. Everyone can have at it!
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    The Gods Must be Crazy was a wonderful film !

    Day 1 - 98.7 / 217.14
    Day 2 - 97.3 / 214.06
    Day 3 - 97.1 / 213.62
    Day 4 - 96.5 / 212.3

    I'm liking this.......I think I will keep parts of this strategy as part of my normal routine. MY BPC isn't the same at work though, without my immersion blender...unless I get a cheap one for work to try to incorporate the butter better.

    I do not miss the cheese yet, or the yogourt, and I'm glad to see I can make it without cream for my coffee as long as I have butter. It's the coffee issue. Maybe if I have my BPC at home, then I could incorporate a bit of cream for the work coffee only and see what happens. I think I was overdoing it on the cream, since I'd put it in my 3 big cups of coffee , then make a cream sauce or soup for supper quite often.

    I was over in my calories yesterday since my daughter made a vanilla pudding with a can of coconut milk, egg yolks, some xylitol and some vanilla bean...delicious. We love to cook at my house, so it's my fear that there may be too much to eat at any given time at home, especially if I come home from work and something that I hadn't counted on is prepared and looking at me, calling from the fridge... But in this case, my plan to lose weight still came through even though I ate more than normal.

    I have noticed a change in bathroom habits this week and I am more "regular" this week, so maybe the cheese constipation connection theory is correct. Or maybe the extra coconut products and avocado I have been eating are helping in that department. It's very interesting anyway.
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    @Kitn oh, that's fantastic, wow!!! I'm so pleased you're doing so well. It's good to know that someone is LOL Keep up the great work, and I love that you're fine-tuning what works for you, in so many ways!!!
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    ^^^^^This, Kitn---Really, really great!
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    Thanks ladies. You know, I'm not getting too excited yet. April had so many highs and lows and so many special occasions, and after going up and down all month, I still haven't reached the low I reached April 18 of 96.1 / 211.42. So in my mind, I'm still trying to catch up. It could be that 96.1 was a fluke, I really can't remember anything special about what lead up to that. I had lost 13-14 pounds in March, so to only have a net loss of 0.6 kg for April, I have a strong desire to get back on track.

    It really does feel very freeing to try these different strategies, while removing myself from all the emotional stuff....the worrying I used to subject myself to while trying to lose weight, beating myself up etc. It is so interesting, I am really enjoying it. And now I do feel that I have a few more strategies in my bag of tricks, to help kick start things again.

    I will be going out for very fancy Mother's day brunch on Sunday, so don;t be surprised to see my weight jump back up on Monday. But after that I think I'll just get right back on track.

    I'll start with the shrimp and mussels with the beautiful marinated veggies, then move on to the omelet made to my liking, with bacon and sausages, smoked salmon and cream cheese, and then try to keep myself away from the dark chocolate fountain and strawberries. It is a beautiful brunch and I intend to enjoy it, but do not have any of the starchy things anymore.
  • lizziewonka
    lizziewonka Posts: 2 Member
    Here's a yummy dairy free recipe for those doing this. Enjoy!
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    @Kitn Well I surely hope for you that the weight stays gone and takes its friends with it! That brunch looks spectacular. Enjoy!

    @lizziewonka thank you very much, that does look very tasty!
  • happylifex10
    happylifex10 Posts: 56 Member
    awesome results @Kitnthecat - I wish! I am back down the .5 I was up yesterday so the same weight since weigh in. A nice NSV this a.m. though - was heading out to a doctors appt and the weather is to be in the 80's so I went and tried on some of my dress shorts and shorts that I could NOT take on my Mexico trip in January fit like a charm...yippee.

    have a great day ladies
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    Cross posting this to the 'Two Ladies' thread as well...

    It looks *really* odd seeing a 40 in my carb goal column instead of the <15 that it's had in there since January, but here goes. Probably going to have to buy some sweet potato or rice, which will thrill David to bits, he's been missing them. Or maybe extra onion, capsicum (peppers) and tomato. Have been limiting onion to half a small one for so long ha ha!

    Oh and I had butter yesterday, as well as a decent night's sleep after 3 that were a bit short. Back down 500 grams (1.1 lbs) of the weight I'd gained in the past 2 weeks. Was it the sleep? Was it the continuing lack of cheese and cream? Was it the addition of the butter? Far too many options, and to reproduce each in turn... well, life's too short even for this statistics-lover ;)
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    @May Glad you went back down again! I agree that it is odd to see 40 as the carb goal. I didn't get that far yesterday, but it's better to increase in increments anyway. No loss for me, so I'm concluding that dairy can be back on my plate. :) I wish eliminating it had been the answer, but kind of glad I can eat a little without gaining.
  • Foamroller
    Foamroller Posts: 1,041 Member
    @May Glad you went back down again! I agree that it is odd to see 40 as the carb goal. I didn't get that far yesterday, but it's better to increase in increments anyway. No loss for me, so I'm concluding that dairy can be back on my plate. :) I wish eliminating it had been the answer, but kind of glad I can eat a little without gaining.

    Concluding anything after just a short time span is a gamble. But up to you how to fix your issues :) For example when someone has non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFL) it can take up to several months depleting that organ fat, before other metabolic processes work properly again.