Fitbit doesn't sync with myfitnesspal



  • thorsonej
    thorsonej Posts: 10 Member
    Yeah, mine stopped syncing this morning. I'm getting calorie data from MFP to Fitbit, but step data isn't syncing from Fitbit to MFP.
  • NancyN795
    NancyN795 Posts: 1,134 Member
    There does seem to be a problem today. I'm rarely had issues with syncing, but today I am. So far, I've disconnected and reconnected twice. Food data is reliably going from MFP to Fitbit, but calories burned data (and steps?) only seems to go from Fitbit to MFP when I reconnect.

    I want to avoid the disconnect/reconnect procedure as much as possible, since in the past, MFP has indicated that a high volume of this can make problems worse. So, I've changed my food log setting in Fitbit to "Personalized" instead of "Sedentary" and I'm going to use it, rather than MFP to determine how much to eat. If it is still not syncing by this evening, I'll do a disconnect/reconnect before bed, to hopefully get a better exercise calorie number to show in MFP.
  • JethroXP
    JethroXP Posts: 49 Member
    This used to be a fairly regular problem, but today is the first time I've experienced it in well over a year. I used to get pretty frustrated, but eventually learned to just wait it out. Once you know that others are having the same issue and it's not just you, you can be assured that FitBit and MFP know about it as well and are working to fix it.
  • stephanieferree
    stephanieferree Posts: 3 Member
    I have not had many problems syncing my fitbit to myfitness pal since I starting doing it.
    Once in a while, it will go screwy. The next day it will seem to be fine.

    Whatever is happening now though since "it went premium" I have no idea. I don't know if it's a whole different monster. It won't work for me at all. I've tried installing and re-installing. I love using it here, and keeping track of my information this way. I've lost 108 pounds doing it this way.

    If they do not fix it soon, I guess I will head over to spark people. They also have the feature where you can do it there. Although I haven't figured out how to do it on your cell yet. You can, however, track your information there. And they do offer a lot of support there.. FOR FREE!! Just sayin..
  • danifo0811
    danifo0811 Posts: 544 Member
    edited May 2015
    I'm having this problem today and never had it in the past year. Hoping it gets sorted out soon.

    Anything that I enter in MFP shows up in fitbit but not the other way. So irritating.
  • rhoule76
    rhoule76 Posts: 217 Member
    I just disconnected and reconnected my FitBit account with MFP, it's working again for me.
  • Cherri3770
    Cherri3770 Posts: 7 Member
    Having the same problem. Good to know its not just my device
  • GSV3MiaC
    GSV3MiaC Posts: 22 Member
    edited May 2015
    Been there, done that, still no joy. Raised a ticket with MFP which is now flagged as 'resolved' but the problem goes on, and my partner has same problem too (didn't yesterday). Data not moving in either direction - no calories getting to fitbit from MFP, no exercise getting to MFP from fitbit .. when I say 'not getting', they did eventually get there about 8 hours late, which is pretty much useless for menu planning.

    ah, just found:
  • 71starpuck
    71starpuck Posts: 4 Member
    Glad to see I'm not the only one to have this issue creep up on them. I'm certain it has to do with the changes while they convert to free vs premium, but oi, not cool to come back from a 3 mile run and still see a disastrously wimpy 'calories remaining' number!

    I'll give it until tomorrow before I start going with the disconnect/reconnect. Hopefully they sort it out soon!
  • JethroXP
    JethroXP Posts: 49 Member
    I suspect this is a FitBit server issue rather than an MFP issue, as my FitBit will connect via Bluetooth to my phone, but the phone is unable to sync the data up to FitBit.
  • suggers54
    suggers54 Posts: 4 Member
    Hope we don't lose the data that hasn't synched from Fitbit to MFP - it's rendering the MFP app pretty useless for me at the moment. I'll try the disconnect/reconnect solution tomorrow but relieved to see it's not just me - MFP has been really clunky since the last update.
  • NancyN795
    NancyN795 Posts: 1,134 Member
    JethroXP wrote: »
    I suspect this is a FitBit server issue rather than an MFP issue, as my FitBit will connect via Bluetooth to my phone, but the phone is unable to sync the data up to FitBit.

    I don't think it is a Fitbit issue. My Fitbit syncs normally to either my phone or my laptop and the data shows up on my Fitbit dashboard. However, none of my Fitbit data shows up on MFP. MFP has acknowledged the problem.

    I'm sticking with the approach of using Fitbit for planning how many calories I can eat and I'm resisting the temptation to disconnect/reconnect because I know that increases the load on what MFP is trying to fix.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    MFP seems to have always used a cached incoming system.

    Any info coming in hits a cache, MFP tells the sending party it's done and received the data.

    The problem is it hasn't gotten out of cache to your account actually - so not really received yet.

    But as far as the sending party is concerned - they got acknowledgement it was received - so until there is a change to the data - they don't need to waste their resources and send again.

    Sometimes the issue sounds like the cache is really backed up, and just slow.
    Sometimes it sounds like the cache has been corrupted and data just lost, so it's never applied.

    Throw in the fact the apps are running off different servers that must talk to your account data, and MFP again seems to use a cached response system, the app can think it send the data, but it never makes it to your account.
    But it then receives new data from your account to display on the app, but that data isn't actually updated with latest.
    So you'll have some parts of the app display stats it received from the device or you entered manually, but totals that must come from the account are wrong.

    It's a crazy hodgepodge system of improvements. I'm betting at this point the lines of code are one huge mess to look at and too much to correct, so just keep adding to them and hope you cover all the bases.
  • NancyN795
    NancyN795 Posts: 1,134 Member
    heybales wrote: »
    It's a crazy hodgepodge system of improvements. I'm betting at this point the lines of code are one huge mess to look at and too much to correct, so just keep adding to them and hope you cover all the bases.

    Yeah, over time, code can get like that. I'm betting that in trying to fix something involving getting step data from other devices/apps, someone really broke the whole system and they've probably been scrambling to back out the change all day.

    Mine seems to be working again.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Mine just started working again an hour ago. Will see what mood it's in tomorrow. ..
  • rachylouise87
    rachylouise87 Posts: 367 Member
    mine is still down :/
  • thcoba
    thcoba Posts: 1 Member
    edited December 2015
    I have also had this issue. Can fit bit do something? It is pretty annoying. The sync between fit bit and MFP worked for months and stopped working in November.
  • NancyN795
    NancyN795 Posts: 1,134 Member
    thcoba wrote: »
    I have also had this issue. Can fit bit do something? It is pretty annoying. The sync between fit bit and MFP worked for months and stopped working in November.

    What have you done to try to resolve the issue? Occasionally a problem will pop up that affects lots of users and it generally has turned out to be an issue with MFP that we just have to wait for them to solve. But, I'm not aware of an issue like that right now, especially not for a whole month. So, if yours isn't syncing, then you need to try steps on your own (disconnect/reconnect the accounts by disconnecting on the MFP side, revoking access on the Fitbit side, waiting a while then reconnecting on the MFP side) and if that doesn't work, contact MFP and/or Fitbit support.