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  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Beautiful, sunny day here too. A little chilly this morning but hope we get warmer temps by afternoon. I have a baby shower to attend from 1:30-3:30 and then Russ and I are going to church at 6pm. If I remember, I'm going to put a crockpot breakfast together to eat in the morning. Tomorrow Russ and Jeff arranged for us to go to Jeff's house at 4pm and then we are going to the Ethiopian restaurant that I've wanted to try. We never went there for my birthday because I changed my mind to Thai.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Run is next week. :smile: I've got one more week. Which is good. I got the washer and dryer so late today that I didn't get my laundry done in time. All my running clothes were in the wash. I need more!!!

    Had a lovely day today. At church we had our annual ladies spring banquet. We did a picnic type of banquet this year with picnic foods. (sandwiches, chips, fruit, veggies and cookies) It was really good! The decorations were lovely. The theme was "He Loves Me" (referring to God's love for us) so all the decorations were daisy and white and red with red checkered. It looked great!

    I got myself four pairs of new shoes today! My boss asked me not to wear heels to work. (He doesn't want them doing anything to his natural hard wood floors.) The only thing was that I only had ONE pair of flats! (That and I need to hem my dress pants so they aren't so long!) Now I have my blacks ones I already had, plus purple, pink, read and teal. Now I need more! (and some flat sandals for the summer - ones that do NOT have the part that goes between your toes, I don't like those ones!)
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Happy Mother's Day! Mine was great. Rainy and wet but a nice time with Jeff and Iva, dinner out, and Rory and David called to chat.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Hey all - hope you had good weekends and remembered for Momma day's.

    Still training

    went down to see my mom Saturday - took her to lunch - went looking for plants - did some picking up at her house - went home and found it in the same condition I left it - not clean. Not yay.

    four days till 8th grade 'graduation' - excited to see the slide show they put together with each of the kids pictures. Last full week of school - last full of Zach being an ILS kid. Wowz.

    Jenny - yikes on the odd family- glad you have someone to go with

    back to work - later luvs
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Rainy and cool today.
    I can tell when my two-year old student on Monday at 8:15 is out of sorts that the other visits may be the same. Out of 4 appointments this morning my first was a stinker, the second was so sweet, the 3rd was not home, and the 4th was also a stinker. Whew! Worked on some paperwork this afternoon but don't know how to complete some of it so couldn't finalize. Still learning...

    Russ and I are taking a Nordic Walking class tonight to learn how to use our poles the right way and have correct form and posture. It will be wet and cool :/

    Marla- High school goes as quick as a blink! Congratulations to Zach for graduating 8th grade. Rory gets done with his exams on Friday and is coming home for the weekend. He has a busy summer with 40 hours a week work and two classes he is taking. We may see him in July for an evening and maybe again later before Fall semester starts. I think we will need to make a trip to ND to visit.

    This weather makes me tired. I could use a nap!

    Have a nice evening!
  • lcrockett
    lcrockett Posts: 147 Member
    My goodness, you ladies have been busy! It's going to take me a month to catch up!!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I just lost my post after being done and ready to sign off. :p

    Will write later.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    HI L!!!! Miss you busy lady
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Trying again this morning. Nice to see you back L we were wondering where you were. :/e37gxbllnk8x.jpg

    Hope your day is going well. We had a big rain storm last night and the humidity is gone and very cool today.
    I like it! Dave is going across the border with our friend Paul to get more boat stuff, what else. :)
    Boat is in the water and ready to go. I will do my thing and maybe go shopping and pick up a few things.

    Mother's Day was a success, Kathy had her first mother's day with Isaac and we took my MIL to their house and celebrated.
    It rained most of the way there and then when we were there but cleared up enough to show her around the
    house and the back yard. We got to hold our grandson and he is 12 lb 15 oz now. Out of newborn everything!
    He is growing like a weed. I got to change his diaper for the first time, that has been a long time. Fraser's mom was
    there too so all grandma's and great grandma was there. A special day.

    I got on the scale this morning and not happy. I have to make some changes fast these pounds are creeping up.
    I have to change my eating habits. I am still exercising everyday so food habits have to change.

    Well enjoy your day!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    what a special picture Shirley!
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Bah. Didn't get my run in tonight. :( I wore one pair of my new shoes to work today. My shoes rubbed on the backs of my heels. Putting socks on rubs against them and they ache, I didn't want to try putting sneakers on and running. That means I only have ONE more chance to run before my race on Saturday. oh well. Coming off a winter of not running, I don't expect to do well. I'm not to worried about my time on Saturday, I just want to cross the finish line and get my medal! I hope my shoes tomorrow (I plan on wearing another new pair) don't do that. Yesterday's didn't, but the ones today did. I might have to put band aids on my heels tomorrow.

    Been talking to my new friend some more. He's coming down to see me this long weekend. We are trying to plan something for Monday. The associate pastor from his church was down to our church to preach on Sunday. (Our pastor has mono so we've been having other pastor's come and fill in on Sundays). I had a special delivery of a letter. He really opened up to me in the letter and told me about himself and his personality.

    Shirley - Nice picture!

    L - Welcome back!

    Jenny - Sorry to hear about the bad day. Hopefully the rest of the week goes better with your visits!

    Marla - Kids grow up to fast! I'm looking at some of the teens in my church who I used to teach in Junior church when they were in lower elementary grades. Sigh. Makes me feel old!! I've told my nephews many times to stop growing so fast. It seems like I held my oldest nephew for the first time just the other day and now he's 8 1/2!!! Hope the "graduation" goes well.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    good luck on your race Ang - and enjoy some face time with your new friend. Woot!

    I hope to enjoy my cake ;>)
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    This has been my busy week of the month. Nordic walking class on Monday, knitting group on Tuesday, the Guthrie Theater play on Wednesday and I have a funeral to attend this evening. Whew! Between my busy days full of student appointments and going straight to something in the evening, I'm beat! All my stuff seems to fall on the same week. I'm hoping next year to have the theater the 3rd week of month and not the second. Last night we saw the play The Crucible. It was about the Salem witch hunts in the 1600's. Dark and long but well done.

    Welcome back L! We thought we lost you and we would miss you :/ What have you been doing in your busy life?
    Marla- School must get out this week? Off to summer schedule and events.
    Ang- Can't wait to hear about your time spent with your new friend. Hope your run goes well. Good luck.
    Shirley- Hugs to Isaac! I love your picture with all the generations.

    I need to get ready for my day so I hope you all enjoy yours.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    I love that picture of the grandmas but what was I thinking of wearing stripes. I look so wide. Anyway, not wearing that
    blouse again in fact i am getting rid of all stripes tops. :#

    It is cool today and yesterday it was in the 40's. We had an early day yesterday, Dave had a test at the hospital at 7:30am.
    Then I cleaned the downstairs and not a lot of energy today. I am planning a long walk down by the river so I have to
    drive to get there. Dave has already left for the boat to do more varnishing on the wood.

    I had an accident this week. A steam burn on my arm, I was putting a knife away and reached over the kettle
    and BAM! Now I have a big bandage on my arm and it opened this morning after I rubbed it in bed. I didn't know
    it had a blister on it. What a mess.

    We are going to a paddle wheel cruise tonight at 5:00 it was opened to the board members of the sailing club. I don't
    know what is in store and what we are doing for dinner yet.

    I got on the scale this morning and it was down. I am substituting one meal a day with a smoothie. Dinner's are my South Beach Plan. I hope to see a loss this week. I am doing a weight loss challenge on MFP and not doing very well.
    I am loving my Fit Bit and seeing results in my movement. I am pretty much getting 10,000 steps everyday. This
    mostly movement.

    Jenny - Sounds like a busy week enjoy it!

    Ang- A nice letter from your friend, sounds like he wants to give some insight on his life. Maybe serious one day. <3
    I hope all goes well in the romance area. Good luck with the run, too bad about the shoes I hope it doesn't interfere
    with your run.

    Hello to Marla and L.


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    tonights the night! AND the training wheels are leaving tomorrow - thank goodness - will try to put together a more complete post then - wish me luck on not bawling
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Shirely - Outch!! Hope it heels quickly

    I did it!!! I set a goal of doing my race in 35 minutes, but haven't been coming close. Tonight I did it!! Hill and lights included that slowed me down! So excited!! It was such a perfect night for my last run before race day as well. Saturday is going to be sunny and a high of 19 (66F). It's going to be a great day for a race. The best part of any race is NO street lights to wait for! I might even be able to get it under 35 minutes. I will just have to wait and see what happens.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    good job on reaching your time goal - good luck!
    Graduation was awesome. So proud. Sniff. People suck though - one 7th grade parent stood in the way of the photo presentation for nearly half of it talking to someone and then during Mrs. Graf's annual class poem (the 8th grade teacher always does a poem/roast with something for each of the kids - "Vengence" ! :>)) and there were five kids screaming and talking loudly and running around during the whole thing. I mean - come on - this was important to some of us - I read this facebook post this week about teaching your kids to not be *kitten* - well that's not going to happen when most adults are *kitten* too. Feh.

    Of course I was more than a bit more highly strung than normal and normally I run pretty high. So - irritated by thoughtless people - but so proud of my boy and so sniffy at his ILS career over - he also got a President's Academic Excellence award so yay on that!

    Caleb got selected to read his DARE essay today at their DARE 'graduation" so I need to try to get over to school for that -

    have a great day my peeps!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I feel like I lose track of the days and don't always get to check in. Rory came home yesterday after his last final exam. He feels the exams went really well. His 40 hour per week job starts Monday morning so he's only here until tomorrow. Rory has been eating paleo and exercising every day so he has shed the freshman weight from his first year of college. He looks great. I could learn discipline from him.

    Today is sunny to start but storms are moving in. I'm glad you're going to have a nice day for your run Ang. Good luck and I know you can meet your goal.

    Marla- Sniff, sniff :'( Your boys are growing up! I know what you mean about thoughtless people. That kind of thing seems to happen more often these days. Some people don't seem to be able to think beyond their own self and consider what is impacting others and how they feel.

    Shirley- I loved your picture but I know what you mean about stripes. I don't wear them now and they have been the big style for the past two years. Your walk sounds lovely. Wish I could walk with you.

    I need to pay some bills and get them sent so off I go.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I didn't meet my goal....I passed my goal!!!! When I got to the finish line and could see the clock my jaw nearly hit the ground and I had a burst of energy, I did it in 29:43!!!! A new personal best!!!! I can't believe it!!!!!! Pictures soon. I need to get them off my phone.