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  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Sounds like nice girl time with your MIL Shirley :) Lots of small projects here too but they will have to wait.

    Ok ladies, my hair continues to fall out and it is very thin. I just checked it in back for bald spots. None yet but very thin! I'm calling the dermatologist tomorrow to get an appointment. I can't wait until I see my regular MD on the 7th. I need to know what's going on. I better start researching wigs and how to tie a scarf in a fashionable way. My hair has always been so healthy, thick and shiny. It grows fast and is never dried out. This is so weird. With my muscle and joint pain, hair loss, rashes and occasional chest discomfort I want them to test me for Lupus again. I haven't felt normal in a long time and now losing all my hair? Scares me!

    I heard from my friends at the cabin. 15 people went up Friday night and 5 stayed a second night. Sorry I missed it. Anyway, my friend's septic system was frozen so they had no running water, toilets, showers, etc. with all those people. Luckily he has the key to her brother's cabin next door and he had two working bathrooms they could use. They had to walk across the yard to his place when they needed to go to the bathroom or shower. Ugh! I'm so glad I didn't get sick up there instead of home. That would have been a disaster.

    I'm debating on calling the animal rescue agency I work with and see if they can find a foster home for my cat. He's 11 going on 12 years. We've had him for 9 long years. He has behaviors that are driving us crazy and he gets us up earlier and earlier each night. I've started giving him all the food he wants, forget the diet the vet wants him on. I don't care if he weighs too much at this point. I don't think he likes living with dogs in his later years and they all do not get along most of the time. He needs a dogless home. I feel bad but wouldn't miss him for long. I do feel guilty about it and that is what is making me hesitate to make the call.

    Well enjoy your Sunday. Rory comes home tomorrow.

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Storm seems to be over. Not sure how much we ended up getting. I know this morning around 7am they were saying there was about 20cm down but it was still falling. It changed to freezing rain late in the morning. Thankfully we didn't get the normal cycle of rain on top of that as well. I just hope that by tomorrow morning the sidewalks are cleared. As of right now they are concentrating on the streets and haven't done sidewalks, forcing people who are out to walk down the street. All services were cancelled today so I am in for the day. I listened to a message this morning that I missed once when serving in the nursery. Very glad I finally got to listen to it! This afternoon I gave myself a manicure. Nails look much better now. :)

    Jenny - Hope you are able to find out what is going on. Sorry to hear you might need to give up your cat. I was heartbroken when I had to give up Reid. At least he is near and I have had chances to go visit him. I am glad he's finally settled in there and doing so well.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Jenny - so sorry to hear things are not going so well right now! I hope you get answers for your hair loss and that you can find a new home for your cat. I feel much the same way right now - too many animals! Hope you have a nice visit with Rory and that things improve drastically!

    Ang - I thought we had had a long winter - but you are still in it! It has been very nice for this last week. Yay!

    Amy - hope your husband is feeling better

    Shirley - sounds like you had an enjoyable time - it has to be so exciting with baby time coming so soon!

    I will probably be lurking more for awhile - busy getting ready for confirmation - did some deep cleaning and baked for treats for the freezer this weekend. Music for all three services - boys back to school this morning - Fourth quarter already. Holy frack! Caleb is saying he doesn't want to go back to Taekwondo (are you kidding me) but wants to do baseball. Feh. I HAAAATTTTEEEE baseball. I said he could if his dad was willing to take 100% responsibility for it. So far - no signing up has taken place. This mess is going to end up in my lap yet. Smeh
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    :'( Winter just wont go away!!! :'(:'(:'( We ended up getting 21cm on Sunday. There is another 15-25cm coming tomorrow night into Wednesday. Sigh. Winter just won't let go of it's icy grip on us! I am getting desperate to get out and get running!!!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Here's another picture from Jamaica.


  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Love the picture Shirley! You and Dave look relaxed and happy. Vacays are the best :)

    Ang- How long do winters usually last up there? Ours is ending somewhat earlier than normal providing we don't get any major snowfalls/storms. Feeling lucky down here! So sorry you are snowed in and can't run. Hang in there!

    Marla- Wouldn't baseball be starting like in a week or so? It's always interesting to see what the boys want to try. Has Caleb played baseball before? I don't care for it either. Too slow and boring to watch for me.

    I took a half day off this morning to sleep in until 7:30, take a shower, eat something and relax. Still tired and my head is a little cloudy. I ate a good dinner (Rory home) but it was a little too much considering I had hardly eaten a thing all weekend since Thursday night.

    Windy tonight but was in high 50's today. Cooler temps returning but no snow on the ground so I'll take it for now.

    Have a nice night!
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Jenny - This year we've seen the worse snowfall in about 12 years or more. The last time I remember this much snow in a winter is the first year after moving back from Florida in 2004. There were winters like this when I was growing up but over the last several years its been a lot milder. There are areas in PEI and in New Brunswick that have broken their records for the amount of snowfall they've gotten this winter. There are places in New Brunswick where people can climb up a snowbank by their house and easily get on their roof. Hopefully this one tomorrow into Wednesday is the last one, but one can only hope. I just wish I had the funds to escape it!
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Over 85cm (33.5 inches - that's nearly 3 FEET!!!!) of snow fell yesterday. That's on top of the just over 20cm we got on Sunday. Buses still haven't been put back on the road, so I'm off for the morning at least. I just need to wait to see if the buses can go back on the roads this afternoon and what my boss says. There's more weather coming for Saturday. Right now they are saying it will be rain. Either way, it won't be good. I can guarantee that all the storm drains are covered right now. They say it will be a week or more before everything is cleared. If rain comes the rain has no where to go. If it rains, that means it's warm enough for snow to melt. Melting snow that will have no where to go. I can see flooding streets if this happens. If it turns into snow that will be even worse. This is by far the worse winter for snow fall I can remember. This is definitely one to remember!!! Although we have yet to actually break any records for snow fall amounts.

    However, we did break the record for the amount of snowfall in a single storm for the month of March yesterday. Not surprised.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited March 2015
    Ang - I don't envy you and all the snow. The snow here is melting finally but there are still some large piles around. Its all dirty and muddy looking right now. We will be having rain Saturday so more snow will be melting. :D Hang in there its March and it has got to be better.
    Jenny - I hope you are feeling better, any news on your health lately besides the cold?

    Marla - Both our girls played baseball for many summers. We didn't take any vacations back then. The only time we went anywhere was up to the cottage or travelling team baseball where we stayed in hotels and watched more baseball. I can relate.

    Well our dinner last night was good. I ordered steak, mashed potatoes, green beans and no dessert. I had two glasses of wine and a decaf cappuccino. One more dinner on
    Saturday night with our friends from London, ON. and my husband's customer and wife who is also retiring. Dave got a card and a gift card for $100 from the two coworkers who arranged the dinner. I had not seen them for quite a few years.

    I did manage a walk this morning even though it was cold but it was sunny and it made it worthwhile. Still trying to get back on track after vacation and hope to see a loss soon.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    another day rushes by - Caleb's 5th grade class is at the SAC museum (Strategic Air Command) and then he has the spelling bee tonight and choir practice. Zach is supposed to have weights - but they haven't had it earlier days this week, so not sure if it is on for tonight or no. The confirmands go on their retreat tomorrow and Saturday, kids sing Sunday and good grief less than 10 days until confirmation!!!

    Ang - Snowmaggedeon! crazytosn

    Shirley - mmmm, steak

    Jenny - hope you are feeling better - any doctors help with the hair?

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    The snowbank behind me is actually much taller. I was taking this at an angle as it was a selfie.

    This is the snow bank behind me.

    Somewhere there IS a sidewalk.

    The sign says it all!!!!

    The reason I was walking up the street on one of the busiest streets where I live. This was chest to shoulder height. Some of it would be from what fell Sunday and Wednesday but the street plow added to it.

    This is on my street. This is shoulder height on me.

    The snow behind me
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member

    I don't care for the language he uses, but this pretty much sums up what we've been going through over here.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    We celebrated Rory's 20th birthday last night. It is on 3/28 but he goes back to college tomorrow. He's eating the paleo diet so he's lost weight. We had grilled salmon, roasted brussel sprouts and carrots, and brown rice with pecans and craisens. Cheesecake with cherries on top for dessert.

    I go to see my MD on 4/3 and my dermatologist on 4/9 so no answers yet. I'm trying to wash my hair only 1-2 times per week and not spending a lot of time messing with it. Not looking so good but I don't want too much more to fall out if I can avoid it. Enough falls on its own without me touching, tugging, combing and washing.

    I'm hoping I feel back to normal on Saturday so I can go back to the gym. My digestion has been wacky since the flu last weekend so it may be residual germs or something.

    Our weather is great for March! Spring coats or none at all, no sweater needed, open windows for fresh air at times, and snow is gone. Now we need rain to get tree buds and green grass. Sorry Ang!

    I have some internet searches to do for work stuff so have a nice evening :)

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Happy bday Rory!

    good grief ang - that is a crazy town amount of snow -

    I was so skeptical of this spelling bee thing because we don't do hours of quizzing every night or anything - but Caleb won his 'class' group. His group was down to three by the second round of words! So in that regard he was lucky - he didn't have round after round to sweat through and such - guess all those nights of me making him quiz his brother (making Zach practice his 8th grade spelling words each week) had a hidden help. My smart guy.

    Zach is off to confirmation retreat this weekend - I will try to continue to power through the things I want to get done - I want to seriously scrub the bathrooms so that all they should need next week is a quick wipe - fingers crossed. Also want to get all the tables and chairs at the house so I can count - and do another shopping trip - 8 days!

    Have a wonderful weekend!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited March 2015


    Ang - Love your picture. Actually our snow was almost as high but a lot has gone now.
    It seems you are still getting blasted. I saw the news last night and the pictures.
    I hope spring comes soon but not too fast that you start having flooding.

    Jenny - Let us know what the docs say. I can't imagine what you are going through.
    Thinking of you. <3

    Marla - Happy cleaning, and good luck with the confirmation.

    Hi to L and Amy!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member

    I'm tired. It's been a busy week with kiddo appts. at work so lots of running and little desk time. I have a 3pm appt. in a few minutes and then home to say good-bye to Rory :'(

    Another storm headed your way Ang! So sorry about that. Your pics are amazing and I also hope your melting goes slow and steady to avoid flooding. Get your swim suit out :)

    Shirley- Your are tech savvy! No idea how to attach pics to this thread. How do you do it?

    Marla- Happy for Caleb and it is amazing what they learn when around older siblings. I hope he's proud of himself. Do you get to relax for a bit after confirmation is over? Treat yourself to alone time or something.

    My stomach is rumbly today and not quite normal. Made the mistake of getting a sandwich in Target's deli and it isn't sitting well. Ugh, enough of this!

    Well I need to pack up my stuff and get to my car (sitting in Caribou doing paperwork). My brain is fried and ready for doing nothing and thinking nothing.

    Have a nice evening!

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    For graphics go to

    To attach to this thread copy and paste code. I use the BB code.

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Jenny - We are supposed to get all the rain portion. City water has spent the day clearing away catch basins in flood prone areas. They are still clearing away the snow from the streets. Most of the work is being done in the capital (Halifax) I live outside of Halifax. The sidewalks are NOT done and the side streets are narrow. Tomorrow is not going to be good. After all the rain, the temperatures are supposed to drop back below freezing. The rain is going to have no where to go. The melting snow is going to have no where to go. This doesn't bode well.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Thanks Shirley! I'll check it out.

    Ang- Glad for rain for you to get rid of snow but hope all goes well and slow.

    Beautiful here today but chilly, in the 20's. Once the ground thaws we need some rain to green up the landscape. Rory left last night and after that I was lazy! Snoozed in my chair, read my book, and had popcorn for dinner.

    Church tonight. It's been awhile since I've attended so need to get back to the service. Taking a day of rest and then tomorrow I need to organize some things. Never made it to gym this morning due to fatigue so taking it easy. I know exercise will help me feel more energetic but just couldn't get motivated.

    I hope everyone has a nice day. Hungry so time for lunch.

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    And its raining!! There's been a lot of work getting the catch basins cleared but with the huge amount of snow we have, there is still going to be flooded streets. (Already saw on reported on Twitter) Just hopefully no ones basements! (like me since I have a basement apartment. They say they have never flooded, so hopefully it stays that way!)

    I just did an insanely intense workout!! Wowzers!!!! My brother called me when I was part way through it and asked me why I was so winded!! I should have let it go to voice mail, but I can't stand a ringing phone!! Now I really need a shower!!!