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  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,443 Member
    I got home late last night. We had a fun time at my friend's cabin and our weather couldn't have been more perfect. Low 80's, sunny, breezy and no humidity. My kind of weather. The cabin was cute but still a work in progress. Very comfortable and situated perfectly with the east/west location on the lot and lake to get the breeze all the time. We took a couple of pontoon rides (cocktail cruises), sat in the sun, floated in the water, shopped in a nearby town with quaint shoppes, played dominoes and ate too much. My floaty was a dud. I could blow it up but couldn't get it closed without it losing all the air. Tried pumping it up with a pump but it would lose air at the valve site before getting it closed. I didn't float but that's okay because the lake was a little too green and weedy for me. We never did knit.

    Congrats on running 10K Ang! WTG! You'll do great the day of the run.
    Shirley- Great picture of Dave and Isaac. Two great looking guys! Isaac looks so much older. Time goes too fast.
    Marla- what's new besides transporting kids from place to place?

    Russ and I are going to a hibachi restaurant tonight (Benihanna) for our anniversary night out. It was 22 years yesterday. I didn't get home until 10:30 from the cabin last night. We didn't have plans to celebrate until weekend anyway.

    I relaxed reading on the deck in the sun and under my pergola today. I did go to a chiro appt but then was lazy the rest of the day.

    We found out our church campus is going to discontinue Saturday evening services beginning September and do 5 services on Sundays. We enjoy attending Saturday evening so we are bummed. We had just started at this church campus in the spring. The last campus we attended canceled too many Saturdays because it shares the space in a high school (mobile campus). We left due to inconsistency of Saturday services. We may switch back to the campus we originally attended when we started going to this church a few years ago, although it was very large. The campus we've been attending is small and intimate and we liked the feel of it but Sundays are a day we tend to do family dinners or get together with the kids doing something else. Sunday morning services are packed and to go late afternoon or evening isn't our preference. Not sure what we are going to do.

    Well I hope you all had a good week. This is the most gorgeous summer I can remember in many years! Going way too fast.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,443 Member
    When you have a moment go on Facebook. Amy or a family member posted an article from an Alaskan newspaper regarding a 5 car accident with a tour bus that occurred yesterday (Friday). I read the article and I gasped and my heart broke when I read it. I double checked Amy's Timeline page to see if I understood correctly. Amy, John (husband) and her daughter were traveling in an SUV and were involved in the crash. Amy and her daughter are ok but John died shortly after the crash at the scene. I don't know the extent of Amy and her daughter's injuries except the paper said they had cuts and were ok. My heart breaks for you and your family, Amy. I know you had some marital struggles lately but I'm sure John knew how much you loved him. We all need to hug our loved ones and tell them how much we love them. We never know what tomorrow will look like for us.

    We are getting prepared for Russ' Dad's celebration of life picnic that will be next weekend on Sunday. I hope we have decent weather. Too bad it wasn't this weekend since the weather is perfect. So much death this year for everyone's families.

    Hello to all of you and hugs and prayers to you, Amy :'(

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,443 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    Today, Sunday, just feels sad to me. Yesterday's news from Amy about her husband John passing away really made me think about the fragility of life. This morning I received a phone call from a good friend and coworker. Another coworker, Renee, who retired 5-6 years ago passed away from a heart attack this weekend. She was 61 years old and a very vibrant person. She had battled breast cancer for the past year and was in Wisconsin visiting her father who is in hospice and dying. Renee passed away laying next to her husband in bed at bedtime. Many losses this year of friends and family and many other losses experienced by my friends.

    Amy- Your stories, videos and photos on Facebook must give you great memories. Thanks for sharing. I hope Eiko recovers soon and you and your family can share laughter with the memories and give comfort to one another. The shoe video was very creative and funny. John must have been a fun person to be around. Please don't leave the group. Check in when you can for news, humor, sharing, or when you need a listening ear.

    Russ went to Wisconsin early this morning to meet his brother and dispose of his father's furniture, clothing, etc. I'm lazy doing laundry and vegging in front of the TV. I did go to the store to look for new couch pillows and patio lights. Found both. I managed to vacuum up the dog hair so I can sit and feel like I'm not covered in it. I hope Russ stays in a hotel tonight instead of trying to drive home when he's tired. He can be very stubborn and never wants to stay the extra day when he's away from me at home. He's suppose to let me know of his plans.

    Take care and hug your loved ones.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    We are still boating and just arrived at our second port and will be here for 2 days and heading home on
    Wednesday. I just read on Facebook that John Zollner passed away, Amy's husband, and was shocked to read this.
    I just got on my tablet to see if you ladies gave any details and found out it was a car accident. My heart goes out
    to Amy and her family during this time of sorrow. I will check back with everyone when I return home.

    Give your loved ones a hug today!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,443 Member
    Amy- You are an amazing, strong woman! I can see that the photos you are posting on FB are giving you solace and memories of your life with John. I hope Eiko is doing better. Take Care!

    Shirley- I hope your trip has been great. My cabin week at my friend's cabin was so relaxing and fun. Summer is flying way too fast.

    Marla- how are you?

    Beautiful weather here. Windows open, sunny, blue sky, and 70's. Where I'm from in Michigan just experienced a horrible storm (100 mph winds) that pulled up huge trees by the roots, smashed cars, and one town is blocked in by trees. They are calling it straight line winds but the clouds I saw in photos looked like they had rotation. My family is fine. My sister had a tree fall on her garage and the lightening was very scary.

    More later,
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,889 Member
    hey all -

    good job on your race Ang
    Jenny - lucky you with the nicer temps - it's HOT here - sounds like you are relaxing here and there which sounds ah-mazing - hope the picnic goes well - hopefully you can find a service easily that fits your needs - I like Saturday nights too
    Shirley - sounds like your trip is going well - I agree definitely hug your loved ones - we are not promised tomorrow and it is too easy to take that for granted

    Amy - I love reading your posts and your family and friends posts sharing and lifting you up. I hope you feel comforted and buoyed by their love and faith. Even though I am often only lurking in the background know the I am thinking of and praying for you and sending you love and hugs.

    busy with boys! Caleb is off at his last camp (woot) Zach is 'testing' this week for weights and starts regular football practice, we have sports meeting tomorrow, computer meeting/training for the laptops the high schoolers get, and registration - gack - calgon
  • lcrockett
    lcrockett Posts: 147 Member
    Just a brief check in before I get kicked out!! No real time to post, but I sure enjoy reading up on everyone. Terribly saddened by Amy's loss.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,889 Member
    Hi L!!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,443 Member
    Hi L!
    Amy- I agree with Marla. Love your Facebook posts sharing memories about John and your life together. Your photos show how happy and in love you are with one another. I hope you are feeling a big hug around you from all your friends and family.

    Marla- I remember those days you are in now. Hard to catch your breath. A color coded calendar for each boy was how I made it through. Crazy! At our high school they did "2 a days" for football practice. The boys arrived at 8am, practiced for the morning in the heat, ate their sack lunch, and practiced in the afternoon until about 4pm. This went on for 2-3 weeks.

    Hi Shirley and Ang!

    At work, gotta go.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    Got home yesterday our travel back was winds around 22 knots which is high for sailing and uncomfortable for the
    crew, (me). Glad to have docked and back on dry land.

    We had a great time at the club cruise which was hot at times and then some rain which took all humidity away.
    We did have the A/C on the boat on but only once. Once the storm came all the humidity was gone and it was
    cool and comfortable. On Sunday they had a "build your own boat" out of an alcoholic beverage, at least one, and
    it had to sail across the basin around some markers. Dave's boat missed the marker instead of going on the
    inside he was on the outside for 1st place so no prize. It was fun and a lot of laughs.

    After that we went to Queen City for two days and rode our bikes on the island. We also had some rain during that
    stay but then it cleared up and beautiful again.

    I am eating way too many snacks while away and have to get a handle on this. I am still sporting some sodium right
    now and did not weigh in on my Thanksgiving Day challenge because of the sodium. We have a week at the cottage
    coming up again and I hope to take in at least one Yoga class while I am there. Then we have our last club cruise
    on Labor Day and I am not buying any snacks on that trip. I hope to get back to my normal diet soon and start
    to lose instead of maintain.

    Amy - I hope you are getting through each day with family and friends supporting.
    Hi to L and Ang.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,889 Member
    Jenny - I just got the schedule - holy cr@p on a cracker. Morning practice 6:15 to 7:45. Then after school practice 4 until at least 7:15. Game weeks it adjusts some - but not much - the top of my head is gone. And they are supposed to of course do homework and other activities on top that. I mean I knew it would be busy - but I am more than a bit freaked out right now. I just pray that Zach can stay on top of his studies during the day b/c my son is not one to push through the tiredness to get it done when he has had that big of a day. I guarantee you he will come home, collapse, and tell me has no homework (even if he does) - that's why I am freaking. DEEP BREATH, I know I just have to let him to deal with whatever he does or doesn't do.... but that's a hard thing for this momma - don't want baby bears to fail! On a up thought he is off to a good start on his 'quarters' to get his his letter.

    Bernie said he didn't have a schedule like that until he played college ball - I'm like, well this ain't class 'D'...

    and here we go people - shiz just got real -
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,443 Member
    Marla- I forgot your boys start school earlier. The "2 a day" practices were before students and teachers/coaches started the school year. Once the teacher/coaches were back at school, practices were from 3pm-6 or something like that. I hope your high school coaches are fair, play kids when they are winning by a lot so everyone gets to play, and that it's not all about the win. My experience with coaches in general has been less than stellar. I don't like it when the coach makes it about him/her and not about the kids, teaching how to lose and win, sportsmanship, etc.

    Shirley- glad you had a great time. Your "boat" race sounds fun! Hot and humid here too. Jealous you were on the water.

    This coming Sunday is the "celebration of life" picnic we are hostessing for Russ' Dad in lieu of a funeral at a church or funeral home. I think at least 50-60 family/friends are coming. We've been out doing errands this week after work to prepare. I hope his brother pulls through with the part he's responsible for (food, grill, etc.).

    So glad it is the weekend. Work is crazy right now and may not let up until late fall. I feel grateful I have two weeks vacation coming up again after next week and am also looking forward to two weeks in October off. So many review meetings for kids, paperwork, and new procedures once again. My brain is overloaded and slow to process these days. I hope it's just that I feel overwhelmed and not failing cognitive abilities.

    Hi Amy, Ang and L!

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    I see school is already starting for Marla's kiddos. Jenny you are getting busy at work and Ang is MIA but hope in a good way.

    I am home once again to do cleaning and laundry. I have next week to get caught up and then we are leaving for the cottage
    and taking my MIL back up. Kathy and Fraser and Isaac will be coming toward the end of the week. Our friend Tom will be
    coming at the beginning of the week. I plan on doing a few Yoga classes in North Bay and still have to find out the times
    and days. I am finding that not doing my Yoga I am starting to get back to Aleve and joint pain when I don't stretch.

    Today I am finishing up dusting my upstairs after cleaning yesterday. We are going down to the boat today and staying
    overnight. I have to fix some BBQ food to take with us yet.

    I just wanted to check in before things get too far gone again when I don't check in.

    I have not weighed in yet this week but have been keeping track on paper so I can keep in touch with my body weight.

    Have a great weekend, weather is good here and high of 83 tomorrow. We have an AC unit on the boat now and can
    sleep in comfort if it gets hot.

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,122 Member
    Amy - My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I do pray you remember all the wonderful times you two had together.

    Shirley - I know I've been MIA. I don't really have an excuse. Just lazy. Sounds like you have been having a great time on your boat.

    Jenny - I hope the celebration of life went well and lots of memories were shared.

    Marla - That schedule sounds crazy!!! Kids here still have about another 3 1/2 weeks before they go back. I think they go back started Sept 2 or Sept 3.

    Hi ladies. I know I haven't been on here for awhile. I kept telling myself I need to get on. I kept telling myself I needed to watch what I eat. That I needed to work out. That I needed to run. (I haven't been out for a run since I ran that 10k that night) I just haven't. I've allowed myself to get lazy and not care. I'm trying to eat right again, but I had some of the candy I bought yesterday (that I should not have bought) and as a result I'm over my calories for today already and it's only 4. Sigh. I do intend to try to get a workout in tonight when I get home from church. (I don't run on Sundays). I need motivation. (as if my race that is 32 days away wasn't enough). Help me get my motivation back ladies! I have my health to think of here. I have diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and heart disease on both sides of my family. I want to avoid all that!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,443 Member
    The "celebration of life" picnic is over. Whew! It poured rain with lightening and thunder through the whole thing, from 1-4pm. Luckily we were under a park shelter that was large. We put the tables of food and photo albums in the middle and the 6 picnic tables were in a circle around the food. My brother and sister-in-law, chefs, grilled the burgers, corn on the cob, hot dogs, and beans. We also had potato salad, chips, and chocolate chip cookies/brownies. The chefs were soaked since they were not under the shelter. Russ' Dad loved storms so maybe it was a sign from him that he was there too. The sun came out right when the party ended after most of the people left. Weird!

    I should be doing paperwork but don't feel like it. Too tired. I'll work on it tomorrow eve when I'm in work mode.

    Rory drove home last night from Grand Forks but his car broke down 2 hours from home on the interstate. Remember I told you we were buying a truck for him to take to school because our 3rd car was not dependable? Well he called at 8:30 and said he had to stop because it was smoking from under the hood and oil was spewing everywhere. Russ took off to pick him up 2 hours from home. They left the car on the side of the road and we had it towed to some town today. Russ will have to go there and get the expensive winter battery we put in it last year and then we are donating it for someone to fix up and give to someone in need. It needs some work but I won't spend any more money on it. The truck will be safer and dependable. Luckily we bought it and he can drive it back up to school and get to work.

    I have a funeral visitation tomorrow morning for my former coworker who died last week. Very sad! She was only 61 or 62 and so vibrant. Our boss is excusing us for the visitation and funeral as long as we make appointments with students. I'm going to stop in before the funeral and visit, leave my card and memorial.

    Ang- I know you can get back on track. Think of how good you feel when you run and your sense of accomplishment. Put one of your photos of you running in a race on your fridge to motivate you to stay in shape and eat well. We've been eating out way too much as we've been busy getting ready for the picnic and doing errands. This week I want to fast at least one day and eat lightly at home. We also have foregone exercise lately so we need to get back to walking and yoga.

    Enjoy your trip up north Shirley!
    Hi Marla and Amy! Amy- it looks like you had a nice memorial for John. How are you and your family?


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,889 Member
    Jenny - sheesh - that's awful Rory's car died on the interstate, there is nothing quite as helpless feeling. At least you were basically prepared and didn't have to try to rush into a purchase. Sounds like the picnic was wet, but kind of a success. Sorry to hear about your co-worker - that's never easy. Take care!

    Shirley - glad you had a successful trip - and are getting settled back in - welcome home!

    Ang - I know how easy it is to fall off plan, I know! Like Jenny says, I also know how I feel ultimately better when I work on it. Some days are better than others. Just keep swimming.

    Amy - still keeping you in my thoughts and prayers dear heart. Hugs.

    Two a days started today. Caleb's teacher visitation tonight (at Immanuel the teacher comes for a home visit before the school year to meet and greet and hand out paperwork). I always get overly sensitive to how zoo-like the house smells - commercials are correct that we do become nose blind to our own smells, but then knowing someone is coming suddenly I smell it all! Of course, with three cats, a dog and three boys there isn't enough febreeze in the world. Eau de dog butt.

    Zach has 'orientation' Wednesday and regular days start Thursday and Caleb starts Monday. Good. Grief. Oh, first scrimmage Saturday too. And heck, I'm inviting the folk up for cake and hot dogs for Calebs birthday too, since that is next Tuesday. Ayyiyiyi
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi All,

    We had a great weekend at the boat but the weather was windy kind of cool and sunny. Isaac came to visit grandma and grandpa. He had on his anchor pants and anchor diapers, so cute! He is getting big, we carried him around the basin
    to show him off to some of the members that were there and he was heavy. Ha! Today he is getting his second set of

    This week I hope to get in 3 Yoga classes before we leave on Sunday for a week at the cottage and no Wi Fi again. :(
    It drives me crazy not connecting but sometimes its nice not to have to go on the tablet all the time. I must be getting
    old. :p

    Today was Yoga class and meditation and lunch with my friend Donna across the border. We went to Olive Garden and I
    tried to eat light. Eating this summer as I said before has been a challenge. Too many snacks on the boat. We should
    just stick to our 3 squares a day and that's all. Dave always wants a snack when we watch Netflix on the boat at night.
    Of course I can't resist.

    After our last club cruise on Labor day weekend I will be back to changing my weight on MFP and starting again. I am
    still looking at the goal of 160 which seems a long tunnel right now. I am on a challenge here for losing 20 pounds
    before Thanksgiving and so far I lost only 1.6 pounds and gained that back. So I will persist.

    Ang- Good luck on the next run and may the motivation gods be with you. B)

    Jenny - I am glad the picnic was a success even if the weather wasn't. Sorry about Rory and the car, how awful.

    Marla - School is in order and so is your running around and try to have fun at the birthday party. I am guessing you
    are doing most of the work for set up. <3

    Amy - Still thinking about you and how you are doing these days. <3

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,443 Member
    Sluggish today...we are all tired. Forgot we had to go to a fundraiser at Pizza Ranch tonight for our friend's daughter's dance team. So ate out once again. Not tomorrow, we will eat in. Doing paperwork tonight after I check in with you. I didn't have time today in my office and I skipped it last night, oh well :/

    Marla or should I call you Super Mom? You are a busy lady and will be running for the next two years until Zach gets his license. As someone who goes into my students' homes, don't worry about your house. The teacher visits a lot of kids and she's not there to judge you or your home. Pets and kids make a lived in home so don't over work yourself to make your home "acceptable". She's not going to notice unless she's sitting on old food, cat pee, dog doo doo, or sees mice and bugs running across your floor. That's when we say hmmm, this person could at least take care of these messes, LOL! I was in a Liberian home today with no AC. The mom was boiling meat in a large caldron on the stove. The smell almost knocked me over when I walked in. I got use to it and dripped sweat through the visit.

    Shirley- enjoy your time with family at the cottage. Your MIL doesn't stay up there anymore alone does she? You could do yoga by the lake on your mat in the early morning with the movements you already know.

    Great job running 5K Ang!

    Thinking of you and your family Amy. I saw that Eiko was coming home from the hospital today. How is she doing?

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,889 Member
    Jenny - yikes - boiling meat -
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited August 2015
    I agree, boiling meat :o ick!

    I imagine you see lots of things in some people's homes.

    Well not much going on here today, for a change. I did have an eye apt. check up and all is well in fact the pressure in my
    eyes has gone down a bit. My mom had glaucoma so I get nervous about getting it too. No signs are there and no
    cataracts. Right eye has improved, left has changed a bit. Go figure. Prescription stays the same. Good for another year.

    I did finish up some ironing and had very little laundry for a change this week.

    I did get on my bike today and did 12 miles, always feels like an accomplishment in exercise.

    Well have a good evening, have to start dinner.


  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,443 Member
    Busy work day, haircut, checking in with you and then more paperwork. I'll be glad when this week is over. Tired!

    WTG on riding your bike Shirley! I need to get my butt in gear. My knee issues can't be a constant excuse even though they always feel painful.

    Marla- boiling beef or whatever it was is gross. Not to mention the steam creating so much humidity and odor in the home. The house is really clean! How did the meeting in your home go?

    Well must tackle the forms. More later,
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,889 Member
    orientation day done! first 'real' day tomorrow!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited August 2015
    Yoga class this morning and my body was feeling more flexible already. Did some cleaning because we are leaving
    next week for the cottage with my MIL.

    I have set up two yoga classes while I am away at the cottage. B) I visited my MIL today who I have not seen in a while due to always being away. We had a nice chat.

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,122 Member
    So the people I rent from are away for two weeks. Last night I was jumping at any and every little sound. I think I was being more then just a little paranoid! These next two weeks will be interesting!

    Last night I didn't run. :( I was tired and cold and paranoid and didn't want to go back out. I ended up working on the cross-stitch I am doing almost all night last night. Today was work and church so I had no time to run. Tomorrow I will get a run in after work. :)
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    Nothing exciting here today just finishing up cleaning downstairs, and exercise. I did get on the evil scale >:) and gained
    3 pounds from being away at the boat. Next week is cottage week I hope I can maintain at least.

    When Fall comes and all these vacations are out of the way I will be back at the weight loss game.

    70F here and no humidity and had a great sleep last night with all windows open.

    Ang - You will get used to the sounds in a few days. Be patient. I used to get that way when Dave was gone for work
    and I had this big house to myself. I heard everything too.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,889 Member
    I feel the same when I am alone in the house - it's weird isn't it - suddenly you hear ever.y.thing.

    WAVES!!! First official day - and boy was this morning volatile - I should have just let the bag thing go - I know he has a lot to adjust to - siigggghhhh - we are all going to make a lot of mistakes -
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,443 Member
    Crazy and busy week at work! Everyone feels crazy so I'm hoping my brain is not deteriorating. My memory has blanks and I can't keep things straight. Hopefully it's just the stress of the work load.

    I have more paperwork tonight but thought I would check in quickly. Tomorrow is last day of work for two weeks. I'm so excited about that but I do have some work issues that don't have closure so that is stressful. Out of my control...

    Marla- Did 2 a days start today? Or school?
    Shirley- Nice to have a relaxing week to look forward to. I've scheduled a lot of appointments over my two weeks. This way I don't have to take sick time.
    Ang- that happens to me briefly. I hear everything and imagine someone hiding in the dark hallway. Doesn't help that the cat startles and watches the door.

    Well must get to work. Have a nice night!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,889 Member
    yep - drop him off no later than 6:15 a.m. for practice until 7:45 - then school, school, school, then practice from 3:45 until 7:15. BRUTAL. Boy is whipped.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    One more day and then vacation. I don't know if it will be relaxing, our friend Tom is coming from Tuesday to Friday and
    Kathy, Fraser and Isaac from Friday to Sunday. We will leave Monday to go back home. I booked two yoga classes
    one on Tuesday and one on Thursday. It's at a mall so I think on Thursday I will go shopping and look around.

    Tomorrow is our club party, Corn Roast, and staying overnight on the boat. Leaving early and shower at home and
    pick up my Mother in law and head up to the cottage.

    No Wi Fi again so I will see you guys when I get back. Maybe I can sneak into Tim Hortons cafe and try
    Wi Fi there but no luck the last time I was there.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,443 Member
    I made it through the week and all paperwork is done except my 3rd party billing. I'll do that on a rainy day over break. I still don't have closure on situations for two of my students but one I have a plan B if plan A doesn't work out. The other, I'm not sure how it is going to get fixed. Nothing I can do until 8/31/15.

    6:15am practice, then school, and then practice again? Wow, Marla! That is brutal for the student and for parents to get them there if they don't drive. Will these practices go like this the whole football season or just until season officially starts?

    Last night we relaxed at home. Russ made us gin and tonics with extra lime and it was lovely just to read and sip. Very hot here, 90+ and very humid. Too hot for yard work so we are putting the dogs in the car today and heading up to Lake Superior in Duluth. It should be a little more tolerable up there and we can get wet, enjoy the view, and eat lunch on the rocks next to the lake. I haven't been up there in awhile so I need my Great Lakes fix.

    At 6am I felt a furry paw on my mouth telling me time to get up. Darn cat! My bladder also urged me to get up so I fed the animals early and am enjoying a quiet house with my coffee and computer. In awhile I will shower and be ready to leave for the road trip.

    Shirley-have a relaxing time at the cottage. Has Isaac been there before?
    Marla- you haven't had a breather. Any time you can take for yourself? If I was there, I'd take you out to lunch/happy hour kid free, go for a walk and get pedicures or something.

    Hi Ang and Amy!

This discussion has been closed.