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  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    the program was so fun - so sad that was Zach's last one. I may have three more with Caleb - but Zach's class will always hold an extra special spot in my heart - they are super kids.

    hope Charlie dog is feeling better. Good luck figuring out how to 'adjust' your animal situation. I unashamedly admit I loved having the animals all out of the house last weekend at the kennel. It was awesome. Enjoy your David time - and I too love that Fixer Upper show. :>)

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Feeling a little teary and guilty. I just submitted an online form to request a foster home for Tommy. I feel guilty because I know if he was the only pet here he would do pretty well. He's always gotten along with dogs until this year. He's also eating the fiberglass insulation in our basement ceiling (ceiling not finished and he sits on top of cabinet and pulls it down). I think it is causing dementia. I can't believe it hasn't killed him. I was making breakfast and Tommy started hissing at the dogs. I intervened and got the dogs to back off. Tommy kept hissing and attacking them even when they were not provoked. Crazy times and he's obviously not happy in the presence of dogs.

    Marla- at least you still have some programs left with Caleb. High school will bring new things for Zach. Will he join choir?

    The house is quiet, no one is home but me. I need to enjoy the peach. All animals are sleeping...

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Jenny - I fully understand how you feel. The night before I had to give up Reid, I hugged him tight and cried into his fur. It broke my heart to give him away but I knew I had to. Perhaps you can find him a new home close to you and you can maintain visitation rights. :smile:

    Ok I knew this snow has to be more then I have ever seen before, and I was right.

    See below:

    Keep in mind this JUST calculates what we got in March. I'm in the Halifax area. Note what it says for "on the ground". Note when the record was last set. No wonder I don't ever remember this much snow on the ground come the 2nd day of April! I wasn't even born yet with that previous record! Thankfully it is starting to melt and I am noticing. It's going to take awhile. Especially if we get more Monday into Tuesday like they are saying. :'(:'(:'(:'( My dad says though with getting more this late in the year, it actually helps it melt more. One local meteorologists, using calculations based on average temperatures for this time of year, calculated out when the grass would appear and almost all the snow would be gone. Not counting snow piles, it could be as late as May 2 before we see grass. :'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'( One area in New Brunswick might not see grass until the end of May.

    Hurrah for long weekends!! I was hoping to get off 5 minutes early to catch my earlier bus to get home on time for supper before our final practice tonight for the Cantata tomorrow. I got off 45 minutes early!

    One another brighter note I got some exciting new today. VERY exciting new. I entered a contest on a Facebook page for Maritime Race Weekend. (The very first race I ran last year). I WON!!! I won LIFETIME registration for the Tartoon Twoesome!! That's when you run a 5K race Friday evening and then either 5K, 10K, half of full Saturday morning. I'm already registered this year to the the 5K and the 10K. This is a price, that one average can be $105-$135 a year, depending on what race you choose for your second race. This is price, that if I am still running in 40 years, could potentially be worth over $5,000!!! So I can pretty much guarantee this will be one race I do every year!!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Congrats on your win Ang! That is a lot of snow. Where I grew up in Michigan averages 140 inches per winter season if it's a snowy year. Has been up and down in the last decade for them.

    Well I saw my MD this morning. They took blood to relook at thyroid, glucose, and other things. They also did an EKG which was normal (I have had some chest discomfort occasionally). She looked at my scalp and thinks the hair loss is due to aging and some women lose a lot and others don't. I have to use Rogaine for women daily for several months and go to my dermatologist by June. If the Rogaine stimulates new hair growth then all is well, if not then it means my follicles have scar tissue and the hair won't come back in. She also wants me to see a nutritionist and go on a very high protein diet (100grams per day) to blast weight loss around my middle. She says with my Type 2 Diabetes and such I'm a candidate for that diet and insurance will cover the nutritionist. So another call and appt. I need to schedule. I'm going to reschedule my dermatologist appt for June instead of next week. I want to see what the Rogaine does. She said he would recommend using it as his first step too.

    Well Russ and I are going shopping. We will go to Easter service tonight at our church. They have several services and we chose tonight so we can relax the rest of the weekend. We are going out to brunch on Sunday with the kids. Unfortunately, Rory won't be coming home but at least David and Jeff are here.

    We are off so have a nice day.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    Here is Isaac Henry
    8lb 10 oz
    21 1/2 inches long

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Jenny - So glad you are getting some results from the doctors. I hope the Rogaine helps I heard it was
    a good product. Good luck with the health issues and hope you start to feel better.
    Also sad about the cat situation, its hard when they are part of the family.

    Marla - Happy Easter and hope all choir songs go well at church.

    Ang - Those are some snow records for sure! Congrats on the run win and I am sure
    you can't wait for the weather to break and you can start practicing for your next run.

    Happy Easter to all.

    Going out for dinner tonight for my birthday, of course I got the best present ever!
    Kathy goes home today from hospital.

    I also got a Fit bit from Dave for my birthday and anxious to get it set up.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Shirley, I can't see Isaac's face :/ Do you have another photo or how do I make it smaller? Have a wonderful birthday and let me know what you think of the fit bit.

    Beautiful day here today! I was going to rake out my bushes and gardens but we did some errands and have one more to do. Maybe when we get back I will tackle the front of the house.

    Something weird happening on here as I type. The right margin just keeps going and going. I wonder if it will post right.

    Posting now to see what happens.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Figured it out Shirley. He's cute!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Jenny - I had that happen to me the other day. Everything was large and out of whack. I used the scroll at the bottom to find the Post Reply. Very frustrating.

    By the way ladies, I started a Facebook account so you can find me by Shirley Bruce.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member


    It is snowing right now ! :s

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Happy Easter! We went to brunch with the kids. It wasn't as good as last year. Of course, they seated us at a table next to the kitchen door (happens 9 of 10 times we go out) and wouldn't switch us. Then the table next to us has a screaming 1 year old that they encouraged to scream. Oh well...

    I went out in the back yard and began to pull our the dead plant stuff and rake it out so the new growth gets sun. Maybe I shouldn't have done it so early in case we get new snow but it is April and I want a long growing season.

    Shirley, I will friend you on Facebook. Yay!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Jenny - I'm glad you got your appointment - I hope the Rogaine helps - as much as I bemoan my unruly hair - I would be unhappy to lose - good luck! And sorry - but yuck - high protein. Good luck with that - I pray things work out with the Tommycat - it's gotta be heart tugging to make that decision.

    Shirley - what an amazing birthday present - enjoy, enjoy, enjoy

    Ang - congrats on the race win. Still in awe over how much snow you have had. Crazytown
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    One more picture of Isaac Henry coming home from the hospital then i will stop. B)


  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Don't stop posting grand baby pictures Shirley! What a cute little guy! How's your Fitbit?

    Got my hair cut this morning. Still have hair!

    We have appts. tomorrow to talk with our pension people. I wish so much they would say I have fewer than 5 years...but that would be a pipe dream.

    Rainy here today. Bummer! Russ got my bike down and pumped up the tires so I could ride this week while I'm not working. Hopefully tomorrow morning.

    Have a great day!
  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    Just returned from my vacation and I am back to work .
    I have not read anything yet since it's been pretty steady so far . I did not bring my laptop to Louisiana because I knew I'd be way too busy to log on but I had my phone.
    Mexico in the cruise was amazing ! I swam in a Cenote in a cave ! It was beautiful . My friend didn't go because she won't swim in open water or anything other than a pool haha .
    We also did the Tequila tasting tour in Cozumel . I didn't like that part but I loved the margarita's !
    When I returned to Louisiana my son decided to marry his girlfriend ( she's expecting ) and we planned the wedding in like 2 days ! Seriously . It was amazing but my sister is amazing at things like this .
    I cried his new bride cried , my brother said he had to get away from me before he cries too ! hahaha.
    I did purchase internet at my mom's house the day before I left because they are having a great incentive at 20 dollars a month for one year so why not right?
    It's still cold and winter here in dead horse but having this nice warm vacation really helped .

    I'll write more soon . I'll try to read the thread .


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Isaac is adorbs - what a blessing

    glad your vacay was so good Amy - congrats on the new daughter - she looks and sounds lovely

    happy hair day Jenny! :>)

    feeling fat and frumpy - feh

    after having been so geared up for all the big things they last many weeks - finally 'letting down' and feeling really exhausted - I suppose a bit of the blues while I try to make up ground lost (and regained and lost and regained) and the adrenaline let down.

    but the baby pics help! keep 'em coming Gramma
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    One of the jobs I applied for back in February was a government job. I applied knowing I would probably never hear from them. I heard from then today!!!! I have an interview on Tuesday for a government position!! So excited and nervous all in one!!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Still wet and rainy outside which makes me lazy. Excuses, excuses.....

    We met with our pension people today. Informative! My retirement date (earliest I can retire with full benefits) is 7/1/2020. 5 years from this July 1st. Russ' is 10/31/16 but he will wait until Rory is out of college or later. At least now we know the kinds of decisions we will have to make regarding how we want to receive our payments, beneficiaries, etc.

    David, Russ and I went out for dinner tonight. I will take David to the airport tomorrow to fly out to Seattle. I have an appointment with a nutritionist tomorrow afternoon to discuss an eating plan that is high protein.

    Congrats Ang on your interview!
    Marla-hang in there, you'll get back on track.
    Amy- I saw your pictures snorkeling. Very cool!

    Let's see Isaac again!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited April 2015
    Marla - Sounds like you need a hug. Sending hugs your way. :)

    Jenny - I hope you get some good information from the nutritionist. Seeing our kids is always a lift to our spirits. Retirement not too far way.

    Ang- Good luck thumbs up

    Amy - Congrats on the new daughter in law and welcome back.

    Picture of Isaac with my daughter Kristina.