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  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    What an awesome weekend!!! I was up at the camp my church supports for the single's adult retreat. We were supposed to have it back in February, but it got postponed due to a blizzard. (With the winter we have had that wasn't a surprise!) It was such a good time. There was 23 people there, 14 guys and 9 ladies. It was a surprise to see more men there then ladies. I met several new people and made new friends.

    There was one guy there that I remembered meeting last summer when I went to family camp. Imagine my surprise this morning when I saw him show up at my church. Found out later that he has been thinking of me since he met me and came up to my church today specifically to ask me out!! Apparently he couldn't get up the courage, but the people I rent from invited him over for lunch and invited me up as well. We had a great conversation. :smile: A lot of people in my church know him and were saying he's a really great guy. He seems very nice. I sent him a friend request on Facebook so we will just have to see what happens. (He lives in New Brunswick)

    Two beautiful spring days in a row!! It's been so nice to see all the snow melting! I spotted a hill today where there is lot of grass showing!! It's still going to be a long time though before all the snow we have does melt. I'm eager for it to go away!

    Shirley - Your grandson is so adorable!! I"m sure you like to get an as much cuddle time as you can. Enjoy your boating season when you get out again! It's great to finally have the nice weather coming to get outside and enjoy it!

    Jenny - I hope everything with your hair loss works out. I know I have very fine hair and used to loose a lot due to breakage. (Especially after I would dye it!) Ever since I switch to Redkin Extreme products, my hair is the healthiest it's ever been!

    Amy - Hope your job is going smoothly and that you are getting lots of rest. Love all the pictures you shared on here.

    Marla - Hope you are feeling better soon!!! Spring time is never a fun time to be sick.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Jenny - I hope you come the answer that brings you the most peace. Also glad to hear that derm had some hopeful words.

    another boy! Seems to be a lot of 'em in our group. ;>)

    Zach's last Gathering of Talents this weekend (competitive event for music/drama for the parochial schools) it went very well for him. Caleb didn't enter this year, but has his Sing around Columbus this week which he is excited for and baseball practice starts as well. (yuck.)

    Ear still hurts and is not hearing very well - I have debated just making an appointment with an ENT right away - but think I am going to hit the walk in clinic today because I am too impatient to wait
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Ouch Marla! I hope you went to the walk-in clinic. I wouldn't want you to get a ruptured ear drum. Some bad germs have gotten in your system. Feel better soon!

    Ang- I'm glad your retreat was so fun. Exciting that you have a nice guy pursuing you <3 Let us know if you go on a date. Nice to hear you can see some grass too!

    I need to get a pedicure this coming weekend. The weather is warm and I could be wearing capris and sandals. Flowers are coming up too. I need to finish raking dead grass and plants from my garden this weekend.

    Russ and I went to Pizza Ranch tonight for my early childhood program fundraiser. 10% of proceeds from sales and tips goes to the program to help us get materials to teach kids. I didn't want to work at the fundraiser so we went for dinner. Now I have heartburn. I ate too much. I should never go to buffets because I have no self control :/

    Well spring has sprung, yay!

  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    oh no . I had a long post and it's gone ! dang it ... I'll have to do it again in a bit I have people walking in now :blush:
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    I had a wonderful day with my daughter and my new grandson Isaac. He is my Love Bug.
    We helped Kathy yesterday with some vacuuming and Dave did some yard work for her since
    Fraser is back to work now. We both didn't want to leave but I had choir practice last night
    and only two more practices before the concert. If there is a concert, our director told us
    if we don't sell more tickets we won't have the money to pay all the people for the putting
    on the concert. I wish you all lived closer!!

    I just got back from Yoga class and Dave is at the boat, of course, doing the bottom paint
    and getting it ready to launch in our dock. I will come after that and get things organized
    for the inside when it goes into the water. The weather here has been in the 60's and
    quite nice and sunny.

    I was supposed to go to lunch today with my friend but our schedules were not
    aligned today so I guess next week will have to do. I do plan on cleaning my downstairs
    today at least get started.

    I am showing another picture of Isaac.


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    cutie, cute, cutie!!!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Thanks Marla, I think so too.

    How are feeling these days?

    Ang - Did you get that job, I can't remember its been busy lately? I hope so you deserve it.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Shirley, Isaac is growing so fast. His face changes every time you post a picture. Very cute little guy! You look like you love being a grandma!

    Tonight the school district held their annual recognition dinner. This was the first year I was invited since I was recognized for 25 years of service. They recognize people at 25, 30, 35, 40 and 45 and once you reach 25 years you are invited every year after that. The food
    was really good. I had the vegetarian option. We had a green salad with fresh mozzerella, tomato, onion, and balsamic dressing. I had squash filled ravioli with spinach and a glass of merlot.
    Dessert was lemon raspberry cake and coffee. Russ didn't want to go even though he's at 31 years of service. I went with coworkers that started when I did. We had to walk across a stage and receive a 25 year medal. That part was sort of silly.

    Feeling better Marla?

    Tomorrow night I host book club. We are all meeting at a restaurant and then going to the Minneapolis Institute of Arts for an Inspired by Books Tour. Our book Flight Behavior by Barbara Kingsolver is the book they are featuring.

    This posting is really weird. It keeps going across the line and never switches to the next line below.

    Well getting late so off to bed.

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Interview went well. It will be 4-6 weeks before I hear anything. For being interviewed and asked questions by three different people, I was surprisingly not nervous at all! I could tell there was a lot of people praying for me. Now it's just wait and see what happens. Even if I don't get, I am thankful for the experience.

    Spring is here!! The snow is melting, the birds are singing, the snow is melting, the sun is shining, the snow is melting, the temperatures are climbing....Did I mention the snow is melting?? I am starting to see grass in a lot of places. It will be a few weeks yet before we see lots more of it (especially since under everything is nothing but ice). The sad part is that with the grass nearly completely buried, the birds have nothing to eat. They are finding dead birds as they can't get into the ground to get at what they eat. Poor little birds. :( People are putting food at for them to help them.

    Lately I can't stop eating junk food and it's showing on the scales. It's also showing at my first run outside. I simply couldn't keep the pace. Not good! Not when I am running a 5K race in only 4 weeks. Sigh. I didn't get out tonight as it was cooler tonight, and I didn't think I would be warm enough. Friday's is a lost cause for any type of workout. Saturday I need to get a run in! A good run!!

    Shirley - Keep those pictures coming! He's adorable!!!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi All!

    Just popping in to say hi. Thanks Jenny for the compliments on Isaac. Yes I love being grandma
    and grandpa can't wait to see him again. We are already making plans to see him in about a week.

    So glad we are all on Facebook and can share there too. It was Dave's idea to get my own account
    now I am glad I did.

    Jenny, congratulations on 25 years of service. Be proud and take that medal, you deserve it .

    Hi Amy, L, Ang and Marla.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    congrats Jenny on the service - it's a big deal - enjoy it! glad the service and food was nice to boot.

    Ang - glad the interview went well, good luck. I have been in a 'bad' food place too and am struggling to get off it - I have really bumped up my fruits and veggies but have obviously still been over on cals - grrrr -

    Caleb's Sing around Columbus honor choir was last night. So good. Got teary eyed several times. One Moment in Time and Clouds (the song written by a boy with cancer before he died) really got me. Typical proud/aggravated momma evening - proud oh proud of my Caleb with his wonderful performance and aggravated oh aggravated with my Zach and his lackluster mid quarters. Of course I love them both to death and am proud to death of them and all their talents - but there is seriously always something to make me crazy - I guess as a main job description is to test, test, test and push buttons - they excel! :>)

    Happy Friday and have a great weekend!!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    I'm trying to eat my higher protein diet and balance my carbs. It's been a busy week so I was out every night which made it a little difficult.
    I haven't been able to log every day either. I will do well this weekend and make sure to log, get exercise, and be productive.

    Beautiful weather today. I wore capris and sandals and it's 74 degrees. Cooler tomorrow and rainy on Sunday so need to enjoy it when we get it.

    I'm cooking dinner tonight to give Russ a break. We are having Tilapia, baked potato and light coleslaw. Easy peasy for a Friday night.

    I need to clean up the yard tomorrow (finish it) and do some Nordic walking.

    Marla-kudos to you for adding more fruits and veggies.
    Angie- Glad the interview went well and your snow is melting.
    Shirley- hope the time goes fast until you see your little guy again.

    Have a nice evening!
  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    Hi Again , I was so upset the other day I finally had time to write and I lost it . My fault , I pressed the back button sigh . Anyhow it's so busy here most days but not like regular busy lol
    We are expanding services and adding a PA. but we haven't learned how to do things differently haha so I keep doing them wrong and our anchorage office keeps fussing at me haha
    But how am I supposed to know if I haven't been trained - mostly how to put clients in the computer and collect payments hahaha!

    My last post was telling Anj how excited I was about the guy that went to her church !!
    and Marla how I feel terrible that she's still sick - and the choir is beautiful -
    Jenny I'm glad you went to the dinner ,I can't believe your husband didn't want to go !
    Shirley - that baby ! I love all the pictures and can't wait for my next two to be born . That's right My oldest grandson is getting a baby brother or sister ! I'll find pictures to post on here .

    I had a very productive day filing insurance documents that the P.A . TAUGHT ME HOW TO FILE FOR MYSELF - OUR COMPANY PAYS THIS INSURANCE SO THAT WE DON'T HAVE TO PAY SUCH A
    High deductible , we get like 3,000 back out of 5,000 deductible . but I have never filed it in the last 5 years because I didn't know how and boy did she fuus at me so now I know how and my
    company has allowed me to file last years also !! so excited !

    gotta go already

    darn this work stuff
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Beautiful day here! We went Nordic walking at the regional park this morning for 60 minutes. Then I finished raking my piles of plant cuttings I cleaned out
    last weekend. I need to buy a new clipper so I can finish the side of the house and front garden. My other one broke and went in the garbage. It was about 20 years old or more.

    Amy- Nice you learned to file for the insurance so you can get money back! Always welcome...
    Ang- I am also excited about the prospect of a romance for you!
    Marla- I see you exercised! Woo hoo! You've done so the last few days. How do you feel?
    Shirley- Is your snow gone? Seems like spring has sprung for you. Our forsythia bushes and some other kind with white flowers are blooming around the city.
    My plants are all coming up too :)

    Well we are suppose to get an inch of rain tomorrow. We need it so hope it doesn't pass us by. It would be nice to take a spin on my bike before it begins. Fingers crossed!

    Have a nice night!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    Another beautiful day, we just finished breakfast of omelettes, toast, and coffee. The omelette was

    We will be checking out our carpet samples to see what color we want for the downstairs.
    Dave has painted our metal cabinet for the office so we can put our personal files in there
    now that his work stuff is all out.

    I will be finishing up going through my Dad's paperwork we have had for 5 years and recycling them.
    I will also have to practice my choir music. One more rehearsal on Tuesday and Sat. then the
    concert. I hope we sell enough tickets because if not we will have to cancel. :(

    A few more things still have to done to the boat, like buffing the bottom, putting on a new
    stripe on the side and some painting inside the storage haul before it can go into the water.
    Hubby says probably not until May. I know, a late start this year.

    Have a good day.


  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Good morning! Have a wonderful day. Cold and blustery here. Possible snow, ugh!

    Off to work!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    the weekend was pretty good - even though I spent a good portion arguing about going to the
    youth banquet with Zach - I basically blackmailed him and said he could have the xbox Saturday if he went or that if he still wouldn't I find something amazingly unpleasant to do - I was done arguing about it and since in my mind it essentially boiled down to the fact that yes, there would be consequences for not going but he wouldn't see those consequences for years (scholarships) I presented him with immediate consequences that would speak to him. I know I know I have to step back and let him face it on his own - but honestly once I picked this battle - hellz if I was gunna lose. I exercised good - but am not down at all - I must not be getting my portions or calories right - I woke up this morning and broke into one of those cold, clammy sweats that usually precede a violent stomach virus - so far ok - but I am FEARFUL!!!

    Amy - glad you can file for your insurance on your own now - keep those hard earned dollars!

    shirley - hope the concert tix start flying and selling - it would be a big ol' bummer if all that work didn't get its due applause

    Jenny - We had a very wet weekend here too - happy dirt
  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    Good morning everyone ,
    Work has been steady . I feel like I am just starting to adjust to being woken up for post accident drug testing so many times this hitch and I feel pretty good today . although I am sitting here eating those darn little maple candies that I have no self control over ! sigh .

    I have 7 days left before I go home to Anchorage . I can't wait .

    Shirley how is your husband settling in after retirement ? I bet he loves time to get the boat ready and such .
    I bet you like him being home also ?

    Marla, I'm sure Zach will be glad later that he went to the youth banquet . I wish I had made my children be more involved in social events .
    Are you feeling any better ? I hope so .

    Jenny , I looked at that pattern you poste don face book. I love new patterns don't you ? I'm making a corner to corner for my new grand baby right now I love that pattern .

    Weather here has been gradually improving ,it's up to 18 degrees today .

    well; I'm at work so gotta go again :blush:

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Amy, I signed up for a link on FB that came across my feed for free knitting patterns. I need something new to knit.

    Marla, motivating kids to do things they should do isn't fun. Don't beat yourself up. Parenting is a hard job. Kids/teens don't have the ability to see consequences of their decisions long term. We need to repeatedly discuss good and bad decisions with them. Tedious!
    Kudos to your exercising. Give it time. You will lose.

    I had two over stimulating home visits with 2 year olds this morning. They were both in the "2" year old mode of behavior and I was exhausted when I was done. On the good side, one of them was initiating sentences and commanding his mom and I to do things. His language
    use has exploded recently, yay! The other one is a challenge and progress is very slow.

    Well tomorrow is a very busy day for me too so I'm signing off to let my mind veg.

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    We exchanged phone numbers. *blushes*. He also wanted my address to write me. He doesn't have a computer so it's hard for him to email or message over Facebook.

    I've been trying to get out running. It's hard to get back into the habit. I was lazy yesterday and didn't go. Saturday when I went out I did attempt my first hill. I got about 3/4 of the way up before I just couldn't do it anymore. I won't be able to get out tonight, mostly because of the all day rain in the forecast, but also because I'm gong over to my sister-in-laws to work on invitations to the spring ladies banquet at my church.

    Well I best be starting my work. I just wanted to take a quick stop in this morning as I haven't really posted in a couple of days.