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  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Ang - <3
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    A very cool day, I hope no snow, just kidding. I missed Yoga this morning my choir rehearsal ran late and I didn't get home
    until 10:45 then I was not tired for bed all those songs were going through my head. Our accompanist Tony was there
    and it was nice to hear a different sounding piano. We have sold 90 tickets so far, our director wants 100 so I think we are
    good to go. I tried to get another couple to come but they have plans already I should have done that earlier.
    My sister and MIL are coming and Dave so that's good enough for me. I have rehearsal on Saturday morning too and then concert on Sunday. Wish me luck!

    ANG - I am so happy for you finding someone to share things with. I hope the best for you both. <3

    Jenny - You are so busy at work lately. How is the health front going? Are you feeling any better? My MIL
    is already planning a knitting project, a sweater, for Isaac. Maybe some knitting will give you therapy.

    Yesterday was lunch with a friend for my birthday, belated. We went to a pub style restaurant and then
    Dairy queen for dessert. Yes, I know I shouldn't have but I did. Sometimes its so hard to be on track all the time.

    Amy - I bet you are glad to be home soon. Dave is liking retirement and he was home working anyway so that
    hasn 't changed. He just went out to call on his customers but he worked at home for 25 years. So that
    isn't different. He is working on the boat now during the week, but the weather has not been cooperating.
    He will go down on Saturday while I am at rehearsal. We probably won't get it into the water until May.

    Marla- You are one busy girl with your boys but a very diligent and caring mom to keep them going and
    participating in everything. They should because I see times when i didn't go to functions and regret it now.
    Hope you don't get sick you have been having a terrible time with infections. Feel better.

    New picture of Isaac. I know some of you have seen it on FB. We are seeing him next week Wed and Thursday
    can't wait to hold him.


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    edited April 2015
    feeling the un-fun feelings of mom failure - off to a parent/teacher conference for Zach as he just got his 'third strike' for not turning in homework on time. God love him and grant me patience - I wanna thump him.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Marla- I can guarantee you will be so proud and amazed of Zach in 4-5 more years. Those teen years are a bugger! You are not a failure as a mom even if you feel you are. You are so attentive, caring, dedicated and every other adjective that is positive :) The kids just have to find their own way. Rory was always so diligent about his school work but several conferences during high school revealed he had assignments not handed in. It stunned me but we worked through it. We also let the consequences fall on him as they should when he didn't turn something in and his grade was lower. Natural consequences are great motivators. Internal motivation is the key... Hope all gets figured out.

    Shirley- I wish I could hold Isaac. He's so CUTE!!!!! Lucky Grandma and Grandpa! If I lived near you I would attend your concert. Good luck!

    Work is so busy now! My caseload is full and I run from one visit to another. Hair loss has lessened but still occurring. Arthritis flare up has been unpleasant and painful. Haven't been consistent with good eating. Blah! No more said on that!

    Well it's late and busy day tomorrow. I've been doing paperwork at home tonight. Tomorrow eve a friend comes over for dinner (salad and whole grain bread, ice tea, cheladas (beer with limeade and lime), and dessert). We are going to knit and crochet. I will give her a knitting lesson and she will teach me crochet. Girl's night!

    Night Night!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Thank you for the words Jenny - love being able to come here and vent and get a pat on the head <3
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    niece's soccer game last night was intense - one of the poor girls got head-butted and most likely earned a broken nose and the game went double OT and into a shootout - they lost on the 11th girl - someone who has never done shoot out - unfortunately the coach got out-coached with that. Apparently you can restart you shoot out lineup after 10 - so the other coach was back at the top of line up/starters and nailed it - and CHS put in a way down the list who never played - oh well. They were playing right there with the number 2 seed and CHS is only 9th - so way to go girls.

    Caleb and hubs went to school last night for the 'you're growing up talk' can't believe my 'baby' is that old already.

    Shirley - baby is so adorable - lucky gram and gramp

    Jenny - hope things calm down - but I really appreciate all the supportive words. I just wish I had a window/crystal ball to show Zach (and Caleb) what their potential could do (and not do if they're careless) -

    Ang - have you heard from your guy? very exciting!

    Hiya Amy!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    I didn't get to check in last night. I had a friend over for dinner, knitting and crocheting. I taught her to knit and she taught me to crochet. Crochet is hard! My arms are sore because I was so tense with the yarn and needle. She thinks knitting is harder! I guess it is what you know. We worked on our lessons until almost 11pm so I got to bed late. Good day at work but an exhausting week so TGIF.

    Marla- growing up talk? Is this the birds and bees, hormones and girl stuff talk? Preteen! Sounds like quite the soccer game.

    Angie- Are you getting to know your new male friend? Do you like him? I saw you had to walk far in heels since you missed the bus! Ouch! I don't do well in tall heels. 2" is my limit and that is seldom.

    Hi Shirley and Amy!

    Tomorrow I'm going to see The Woman in Gold with a friend. Has anyone seen it?

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Jenny - I didn't miss the bus, it was just bad bus timing and my connecting buses didn't line up. I won't have to worry about walking far in heels very much anymore. My boss asked me not to wear them as they ruin his natural hard wood floors. One issue - I have ONE pair of flats!! All my shoes are heels! I guess I need to do some shopping.

    Marla - Yes I have. :smile:

    Shirley - Your grandson is so adorable!!

    Amy - Safe travels back to Anchorage!

    I had a wonderful weekend!! I was back up to the same camp I was at two weeks ago, but this time for the ladies retreat. It was such a blessing and encouragement to me. There was so many there!! I'm thinking there was around 80 or so Friday night and about 60-70 on Saturday. My best friend was there again and it was great spending time with her. I've now seen her twice this month and I don't get to see her often as we don't live in the same city. On the way home, me and four ladies from my church stopped in at a fish and chip place in my home town where I grew up. (The camp is only about 20 minutes from my home town) It's been so long since I've been there. I did limit myself to the one piece meal but the other ladies for the 2 piece meal. I had to sit there and wait for them to finish. Only issue was I was so tired from the weekend and my long week as well with many late nights, I found myself barely able to keep my eyes open. I was starting to fall asleep at the table! (I did fall asleep in the car on the way home.) I still couldn't get to bed last night to nearly 1 am as I had to finalize things for my Sunday School class and Junior Church, (I do Junior Church once a month, and this has been my month) and get my laundry done. It was funny though as I was working on it I didn't feel as tired, though I was asleep within a couple of minutes of turning out my light! Normally I don't sleep Sunday afternoon as I won't get to sleep easily at night when I go to bed. Today I think is an exception. I'm taking a short rest before church tonight! I need it!

    Three weeks to my next 5K race and I didn't get out at all last week! My days I can run are Mon, Tues, Thurs and Sat. Monday I was to lazy and didn't go. Tuesday and Thursday was raining to hard and to cold of rain to go. Saturday I was dead tired when I got home - at 8pm. I simply had no energy left in me to run! I did get lots of walking in already today. I walked to church (30 minutes) and back home again. Provided it hasn't started raining, (it's supposed to start around noon time but still hasn't) I'm going to walk to church at least this evening, not sure about walking back just yet.

    Oh, and yes we are still talking, well texting. He lives in New Brunswick and I'm here in Nova Scotia so we are limited to ways we can communicate since we are to far apart to see each other.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Hi, just checking in. I worked in the yard yesterday to finish cleaning out the old dead leaves and plant stuff. Now they are all ready for some rain and continued new growth. We need rain badly. I think I need to water my plants since they aren't getting it from the weather. Russ needs to get the hose out.

    At work but in a coffee shop between appts. My second appt. cancelled so I was able to get some documentation done. Lots more to do. After my next appt. I'm going to Panera for lunch and going to work there instead of going back to office. I get way more accomplished when I'm on my own and don't have coworkers interrupting with questions, etc.

    I bought my yard to knit a shawl. I went with a natural cream color and a multi colored, fleck yarn for trim. 8 rows done. My friend sent me an easy afghan pattern to crochet a blanket. I viewed the video and it is easy now that I"ve practiced. At some point I will find some yarn on sale and make it.

    Well I hope you all had a great weekend. It should be in the 70's here this week so that is nice for us. We let the cat outside yesterday in the back yard. He liked that but was eating the new growth on my cat mint bush. I put him inside so he didn't ruin my bush. When it's bigger he can eat the leaves and sit by it but I want it to grow first. Of course, now he wants to go out with the dogs every time. Not easy to call a cat to the door when you need to leave for work. He'll have to wait until after work. Maybe he will be a happier cat?

    Have a nice day!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    another weekend - and april is pretty well done - both kids sang, had a 4-h meeting, piano lessons (zach is through the book series the teacher uses and she was pretty excited about that - he is done earlier than most), argued about homework. Pretty much the usual. Last home game for niece's JV soccer, want to go and take some pictures, but Zach's group is also supposed to sing for the 'church ladies' and I don't know if the timing will work out. Caleb has ball practice - but - NOT IT on that. Niece has dance recital this Saturday. ONLY THREE LEFT! Woot.

    Ang - glad you are enjoying getting to know each other. HAVE FUN! And I must be totally abnormal - but I hate shoe shopping - when I need new shoes I keep buying and returning pair after pair and generally just return to wearing what I have until they fall apart.

    Jenny - what is the the woman in gold about? did you enjoy? The boys are excited about the new Avengers movie coming out.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Marla- The Woman in Gold is the movie with Helen Mirran (British actress) about her aunt, in the 1930's, was painted wearing a gold dress. The Nazi's stole it from their residence in Vienna along with other possessions. The Vienna museum acquired it after the war and it became a national icon for Austria. Anyway, Helen Mirran wants her aunt's portrait back in the family. Ryan Reynolds plays the lawyer who helps her fight for it by sueing Austria. It was a very good movie. Not a kid movie though.

    Both dogs had ticks on them tonight. Charlie's was embedded, yuk! Hate removing those things.

    Nice, warm week. I've been working out of Panera the last two days when not at visits. Great place to accomplish paperwork without interruptions.

    Tired so being lazy.

    Have a nice night.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi from Mt. Albert, ON at Kathy's and just saw Isaac get his bath in the tub. Kathy put on her bathing suit so I could watch
    because they use the regular tub.

    We did some yard work today to help them out and I am tired. We picked up a book case at IKEA and still have to put it
    together. Dinner is almost ready so I will close and write more later.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    only one more day left in April. Only two full weeks and a couple of days till school is out. Holy crack.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Shirley- It's nice you get to see Isaac frequently. They change so fast at that age. How many weeks is he now?

    Marla- this has been a quick year. I can't believe May starts on Friday. Rory will finish his sophomore year of college in two weeks. He told me he may be able to graduate after 1st semester, senior year. He won't be home this summer so we'll have to go see him at some point. Quiet household:(

    Beautiful out today. I actually got office time after lunch today. I got some things ready for families and have two appts. tomorrow morning.

    Tired though. Keep falling asleep in my chair as I watch NCIS and check email and FB. I should have been knitting tonight. May have kept me more alert. I'll have to knit on the weekend. Still plugging away at the book club book Goldfinch. It's over 700 pages! Way too long for a 4 week turn around to the next meeting. Working full time and other commitments doesn't bode for a 700 page read. I'm half way through it and it must be done by May 14th.

    Well sleep well!
  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    Good morning ladies ,

    I'm back at home settling in and sleeping late ish hahaha I woke at 5.45 this am . The house is a mess and have been working on cleaning it up. Since I haven't been home pretty much for 9 weeks due to my visit to Louisiana last time off. It's so yuky lol.

    So I know y'all saw my Facebook post yesterday - We paid off our mortgage yesterday ! I'm thrilled . I'm so proud of my husband , even though I make good money too-he really gets most of the credit . He loves to pay the bills haha and paid a 15 year mortgage off in 10 years . to me that's amazing . I am not that good with the bills . We are having a mortgage burning bar b q on Sunday ( Husbands idea hahaha he says we will actually burn the mortgage I think that weird but ok)

    I put insurance on my vw bus and am driving it around again . I love that vehicle .

    Anj, awesome that your new "friend " will write letters to you . I love getting letters from someone special.

    Jenny , I love the new patterns you are sharing . in fact I may try to make those booties !

    Shirley , The baby is so beautiful , You're so lucky !

    I am so happy to be home whew, my youngest grandbaby was over yesterday . He's so adorable . He just made two last month and counts to ten easily and knows most of his letters ,thanks to ipad games . It's really amazing .
    I'm going to go buy a wagon for the grandbabies today .

    Also going to go to my office today to learn how to do this new report that our company want us to do .I'm not good at new computer things lol . Especially with no real guidance you know.

    well, see yall soon ! I'm off to check out that report.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Jenny - that is quite a proud deal for Rory. !! Nice!

    Shirley - love those baby pics - how nice you get lots of snuggle time

    I am without a washing machine again and it makes me very stressed. Hubs ordered a part that will supposedly fix it - but if not - more stress! Order new pants in a bigger size - even though I am working on getting cals back under control I couldn't handle the tightness - very bummed
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited April 2015
    I had two wonderful days with my grandson, Isaac. I will post a picture, he is growing like a weed. He will be a month old
    tomorrow. He is flourishing.

    We did do some yard work for two days trying to get things done for their housewarming party in May. Dave did some other
    jobs too and we were tired by the time we got home, but it was a good tired. We had a lot of snuggles with Isaac in

    I did get a 40 min walk in the morning before my doctor apt. this afternoon. I got some good news from the doctor
    report. No more type 2 diabetes and cholesterol was good but could be a little lower. My BP was 136 over 68 for
    being taken first time, not 3 times with an average like usual. So I believe the yoga is helping with that. My weight
    was 3 lbs lower than my scale at home so my scale is higher than it used to be. So all in all I was a happy camper.
    My hard work over the last 4 years has been working. I have a goal of 160 and still have to lose 17 lbs to get to that
    goal. My first goal was 150 but I think that is a pipe dream with our lifestyle as I mentioned to the doctor. He is
    just happy I am working at it.

    I have not been having any problems with MFP lately and hope my picture doesn't mess things up.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Quick check in...
    Wow Shirley! WTG on your Dr. appt. results! Isaac has changed so much. Big boy!
    Marla- Didn't you just have problems with your machine? Hopefully you get it fixed soon. We are contemplating buying a new washer and dryer soon. 21 years old, not efficient and doesn't clean or dry too well.
    Amy- I love those patterns too! They look easy. Enjoy being home with hubbie. Congrats on paying off the mortgage. Unfortunately we have not:(

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Shirley - WTG - fantastic BP results and everything else. Rock on.

    Amy - fanfreakin'tastic on the mortgage payoff - WOOOTTTT!!!!

    Jenny - yes, ugh.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited May 2015

    Another beautiful day in the neighborhood. Happy May !

    Last night we went to a fundraiser for an Irish Theatre Group and saw some young girls Irish Dancing. Very cute costumes and all! It was put on like an Irish Wake and every one pretty much wear black and was dressed like going to wake.
    Some of course were in jeans. The food was so so, catered and salty. As the scale reveals this morning.

    We are waiting for the Home Depot guy to come and measure our downstairs for carpeting. He is coming at noon so i better
    get going and get my shower. I plan on a walk today later on.

    Dave is taking is easy after being at the boat all day yesterday putting on a new stripe down the side and buffing. His
    back and arms are sore today. He still has to wax the bottom then it can go into the water. No one seems to be
    in a hurry getting their boat in this year. I guess the cold weather for so long has done that.

    Enjoy the day!
