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  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Ang - Stay dry and hope your apartment does too.

    Jenny - I hope you get your mo jo back soon. :D

    Some snow this morning but already melted.

    We had a nice dinner last night and too much food. I picked out my main meal on line but then
    appetizers came and Dave and I shared a dessert. I felt like crap when I came home and went to bed. Dave stayed up with friends a little and then they headed for bed too.

    A light breakfast this morning of fruit and toast and coffee. We visited my MIL and took our friends who have not seen Dave's mom in a few years.

    Now we are babysitting their dog while they visit their family and then they will come back for her and head home.

    Dave has one week and half left before he is done work. Since he worked at home most of the time he has 25 years of stuff to pack up and give to his replacement so he is out doing that now. A revamp of the office downstairs which is in our partial basement will have to be done. Also he had books and work stuff in the garage too. So another area which has to be cleaned out after all the stuff is gone. Lots of projects to be done this Spring before boating season starts.

    Kathy is due April 6th and waiting patiently for the baby. She still hasn't decided what course of pain management she is going to use for labor yet. She is scared and confused which is normal for first time moms. A busy time for us and so exciting. We have a date for her shower/housewarming party which will be in May. She wanted it after the baby was born .

    Well have a great day whatever you all have planned.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    things won't really settle down until after Holy Week. Unfortunately - immediately following the Confirmation fun is the Spring Musical on Wednesday (I can't believe they scheduled it during Holy week) then all our extra singing b/c of the extra services and Zach and class won't have first communion until Maundy Thursday which they will do as a class so that will also involve some visiting from the folks - I plan to take Good Friday off with much lazing about and only the evening service to worry about. Niece's first soccer game today! Need to turn in zach's faith project! Schedule the meeting/questioning with Pastor!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    I was very lazy this weekend. I finished a book and read another. I did manage to be productive on Sunday and clean out my car, organize my work materials, and make some behavior visual supports for the stubborn little toddlers on my caseload, LOL!

    I didn't sleep well last night with leg pain and stomach/intestional stuff. I was up for awhile so had a hard time getting out of bed. Russ has the stomach stuff today. These flu germs are sticking around. I think my house needs sanitizing!

    Shirley- Is Dave excited to be retiring or does he have mixed feelings about it? 2 more weeks and you will be a Grandma!

    Marla- Life is so busy with teens and preteens. I felt like my time was never my own for a long time. Hope confirmation goes well.

    Amy- I hope you are having fun on your trip. Enjoy!

    Ang- I hope you don't have flooding in your apartment. That would be awful. Has your town ever had this much snow before? Fingers crossed for slow melting.

    Hi L!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    went to the soccer game - niece was the studdette who set up the beautiful positioning on the game winning goal in the last seconds - my little animal!

    Zach had questioning last night - he rocked it out. So proud. Pastor "stretched" him out by going beyond the normal questions and Zach was awesome. Only stumbled over a couple of the really hard ones. He exasperates and worries me constantly - but daaayyyyyynnnnnnggg he is such a smart kid. If only he would always use that power for good!

    I finally made the chicken, green bean, potato recipe that has been on pinterest for years - it was really good. And easy.

    Jenny - I was reading an article in a magazine about (crud now I forget the exact name) but more 'exact' hormone therapy - because not just low thyroid can cause hair loss - progesterone and estrogen can too. I hope you are all feeling better from the stomach yucks and that you also get answers on your hair.

    The 70's have departed and it is upper 30's today. Spring fun.

    Hope Ang hasn't had to canoe to work!

    Enjoy your time Amy!

    Hey all the rest you!!!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    A slow start for me finishing up laundry and washing sheets after our company this weekend.

    A walk this morning even though it was 33F but sunny. The snow is finally melting but still a lot of piles around. Lower than normal temps for this time of year. I think a very short Spring this year. Choir practice tonight and we have our songs in order now. Our concert will be April 26th.

    Time is getting close for baby grandson to be born. April 6th Kathy has picked out May 23 as her shower /house warming party with family and friends.

    Dave and I got new phones, Smartphones HTC I think I have those letters right. Another learning experience for me. I had an emergency phone and only could use minutes and free roadside assistance. Now I am in the 2lst century of texting and such.

    Enjoy your evening.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    I had a family cancel this morning due to illness so I got the whole morning at my desk to get organized. I did two afternoon visits and both went well. Tomorrow I only have one appointment so I can get some actual paperwork done, yay!

    Marla- I'll ask my doc about the hormones. They may test and see what my levels are. The last one I had just showed I was through menopause. I think that means both prog and estrog are lower doesn't it? Not sure... Still losing a lot of hair when I blow dry my hair after washing and when I wash and comb it. Not as much falling out on my pillow anymore so that's a relief. I style my hair in the morning and then I don't touch it until the next morning if I can help it. I don't comb it at all after the morning. Too afraid to keep losing it.

    Shirley- I'm not very phone savvy. I can use my camera, text, search the internet and check email. I don't know all the things my new phone does yet. Not really trying to find out either.

    We did get an inch of snow on Sunday eve but it all melted by yesterday. We are suppose to get a slushy rain tonight.

    Well NCIS is going to start soon so I must go, LOL! Love Mark Harmon!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    bio-identical - that's the word
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Feels like I haven't been on here in a while and posted. I've been reading, I just haven't been posting. Mostly because I've been reading from my phone and don't want to type on my keypad on my phone to post on here.

    Work is going well. Traffic is back to busy again since spring break is over and the kids are back in school. I've almost been late a couple days this week because of traffic. It certainly gives me a lot of reading time. I read a whole book on Monday and another whole book on Tuesday. The one I am reading now is taking longer, mostly because I"m not enjoying it. However, it's one of my books I get through my book club, so I still need to read it.

    The snow is starting to melt!! The days start off freezing (we actually broke our record low temperature on Monday and were 2/10 of a degree away from breaking it on Tuesday) but in the afternoons it's above freezing. Tomorrow it's supposed to get into the double digits!!! It's also supposed to rain so that will also help in the snow melting. Though there is something forecasted for Friday into Saturday. All I can say is, it's Nova Scotia it can change!!! It had better change!!!! We need to get rid of what we have so I can get out running!!! I had a dream Monday night that there was grass and leaves on the trees and flowers and I was out running. Then I woke up. Needless to say I wanted to stay in bed and get back into that dream!

    Well supper is almost done. I'm having a late one tonight.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    it's official, I'm sick. Less than three days till "C" day. Lucky. Me.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Marla - I guess all the running around for Confirmation day was too much. Please feel better for the big day!
    Jenny - No insight yet on the hair falling out? Try not washing it everyday, may that will be help until you find out what is going on.

    Ang - We had a rain/snow mix today and it stayed on the ground. So sick of this weather.
    You must really be sick of it!

    A rain snow mix today. I left around 10:30 am to drive to my sister's for shopping and
    lunch. I hit something in the road, don't know what it was, a piece of something and was
    worried about my tire but I made it there and back without road side assistance. ;)

    We had a lovely day despite the weather, she has a new boyfriend and I got the scoop on that. She bought some nice things for the baby and then we had lunch at her favorite restaurant. We both had the chicken souvlaki salad and it was delicious and coffee. She gave me my birthday gift early so it was a pleasant day.

    Tuesday is Dave's last day of work and then retirement. (*) (*)

    Now to make some dinner, Dave has board meeting at the sailing club and I am staying home.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Marla- sorry you're sick :\ Not good timing but it never is. We get worn down from running all the time from here to there and then our body tells us too much. Hope you feel better before confirmation. Thanks for the article. I haven't had time to read it yet but will this weekend.

    My week is over. Tomorrow is vacation day and long weekend. I work M, T, W next week and then a week and a half off for spring break. I have projects to tackle so I need to be productive.

    Ang- glad your snow is melting. Hopefully no flooding. Your dream sounds lovely.

    Shirley- I only wash my hair 1-2 times per week now. I don't touch it after morning drying and brushing. I only touch it once per day in a.m. Hopefully I get some answers but I won't get my hopes up. I don't find doctors to be very thorough or helpful with my pain and other issues. If I don't get a satisfactory answer or at least some proactive results, then I may consult a holistic doctor and pay out of pocket.

    We had a baby shower after work today for my boss. She's young (30's) and having her first baby. The people who planned it and decorated the room did a great job. It was very sweet. She's having a girl and she got some darling clothing for a little girl.

    Well have a wonderful Friday!

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Jenny - Maybe a Holistic doctor might help you if you get no results from the western medicine.
    - It sure can't hurt to get some answers.

    Today was Yoga Class, picking up some groceries, going to get my prescription for another cortisone shot in my finger. Ouch! I get that on Monday afternoon. Dinner tonight with my MIL and our friend Tom for a fish fry.

    Having company for dinner on Saturday night so I picked up some yellow tulips to brighten up the table.

    Enjoy the day!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Cold here but sunny. I'll take it!

    I need to go buy a new comforter for Rory's bed and a rug for his room. Cement slab under his floor so it feels cold with the wood floor.

    I'm trying to decide on paint for my table and chairs in my hobby room. I'm thinking I may paint the chairs a blue that compliments the walls, the table white and put a blue (same as chairs) stencil on top of the table for some interest.

    Shirley- I love a good fish fry dinner! Enjoy!

    Hope you all are having a good weekend!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    ahhh - made it through the big event - the boy is confirmed! Served dinner for about 20 people and entertained until almost 6 p.m. I am tiiirrrreeeedddd - my sister got informed she had to leave for TX Sunday yet too - so she not only made me three salads she was getting ready to travel - she's a great sis - this week will still be plenty exhausting with the activities/events to come plus I probably won't be able to take the time off I thought since sis is gone - but we'll make it somehow.

    Better get back to it - have a great Monday!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Day one of three worked this week, yay! Low key work day. Hardly anyone around. There were 4 of us in my office and the secretary down the hall.

    Beautiful outside today. Slightly cool and the sun is out. I want to get out and rake my flower garden this weekend and cut back the old plants I wasn't able to tackle last fall with my injury. I hope to see tulips and crocus peeking out in the next weeks.

    David arrives home on Wednesday for a week. It's nice it coincides with my time off too. I need to get my bike down from its hook in the garage so I can ride and build up distance. My knee needs the movement and I need the exercise.

    Congrats on Zach's confirmation, Marla! I'm glad it all went well Great pictures posted on Facebook!

    Have a nice night everyone!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    the weather is beautiful today - I hit the wall last night - feel a little better today - tonight will be the last 'calm' night with only choir practice - tomorrow the Spring Musical (Zach's LAST!) excited to see his 'secret' part. Thursday more singing and Zach's first communion.

    Do you think Shirley is Gramma yet?

    Enjoy having David home Jenny.

    WAVES at everyone!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Hi Marla! First communion after confirmation? Wow, things have changed since I was young. We made our confession and communion in early elementary school and were confirmed around 10th grade. Is Zach singing a solo in the musical? Pictures!

    Beautiful here today. 60's and no coat. 70's tomorrow. David arrives sometime late morning and I think Russ is going to pick him up at either airport or light rail station. It will be good to see him. He'll be around for a week.

    Charlie, dog, cut his leg on something. I noticed he was limping when I came home for lunch. Checked his paws but nothing embedded. He wouldn't go outside but stayed right by the door. After work he still stuck by me as I sat on the deck. He was licking his leg and I found a deep cut where his leg meets his body. I have to take him to the vet at 4pm. I'm sure they will give him a cone for his head and an antibiotic. Can't imagine what he did to it.

    Well have a nice evening! Enjoy the sunshine if you have it.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    No, I am not a grandma yet. Due date is April 6th which is our 41st anniversary.
    So we are still waiting. <3

    I just got back from choir practice and I am tired. We had our group pictures taken for the newspaper and I picked my tickets for the family to come to the concert.

    We had a big day today with Dave's last day of work and a luncheon at his office with his co workers. A really nice turn out about 50 people. He got some nice gift certificates and a bottle of Brut champagne but the best was a travel certificate for $3,000 to go wherever we want. So we have to decide what to do with that in the future.

    I see everyone is busy and waiting for the Easter weekend. My oldest daughter Kristina will be coming for the weekend. We are also planning on a dinner for my birthday which will be Saturday. Busy times.

    Good night I am losing steam.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Shirley - WOW!!! Retirement, cool gifts, birthdays - BABY!! So much neat stuff going on for you. enjoy, enjoy, enjoy

    Jenny - most places would do the communion at the same time but since they always do it here on Palm Sunday there is no communion that weekend - so their first communion comes on the day representing the last supper.

    hope the pup is better today - almost hot today with temps reaching 80!

    Tonight will be an evening of entertainment with "Awhile on the Nile"

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Shirley- Dave's company/coworkers are very generous. What a fabulous way to honor both of you by giving you money for a trip. I look forward to hearing of your retirement adventures that you experience together.

    Marla, it supposedly reached low 80's here today. Right now we are having thunder, lightening and rain. First storm of the season. Winds reached up to 30mph or so today.

    Charlie, dog, is doing better since the sedative wore off. He's taking his pain killer and antibiotic without any problem. He hates his cone and keeps bumping into things. Another dog/cat fight today. The vet said that his wound was a bite from a large cat or our other dog. Not sure whose tooth snagged his leg but the cut was deep and he was bruised on back side of leg. He must have caught in the middle between Tommy and Maggie and one of them snagged and bit him. He has staples in his wound and is wearing a cone. A very expensive fight! I guess it is time to find a foster home for the cat. They all can't coexist very well.

    David's home! He looks great. He and I cooked dinner tonight so Russ could relax (Russ is main cook). Now he is off to visit his school friends he grew up with.

    Well watching Fixer Upper on HGTV. Love this show!
