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  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    Haven't read anything yet . Back at work . SLAMMED as usual . Sadness here because I had to leave Louisiana before my beautiful grandson was born - generally unhappy at this point ..

    will write more asap . Doom and gloom here ladies .
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,718 Member
    enjoy seeing Rory dear J!
  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    Ok I have a few minutes here ,

    I haven't caught up on everyone but

    Anj Happy belated Birthday and great to hear about the new job ! As well as the boyfriend ! looks like things are definitely looking up for you I'm so happy for you !

    Shirley great boat picks I'm sure there's more to catch up on with you but I thought I'd type quickly before the next client comes in ..

    Jenny , so very sorry about your father in law . I'm sure your husband will appreciate his last visit with him even if it was not the best but some people don't even get that so I'm glad he was able to .

    Marla , I'm sorry to hear your legs are bothering you, I don't have much more input .lol

    I went to Louisiana after only one night with the hubby and we did make up but he doesn't get it at all and is very defensive .
    He says if I don't like it that's just too bad and that he doesn't have time to text me all the time while I'm away at work He's busy with his work ( he only works 3 days a week if that , then goes to the cabin the other 4 days )
    Well we are not angry at each other but unfortunately I am not alright , I'm saddened and can't shake it . He told me on the night I returned from Louisiana ( only one night together again) that he will probably be inviting his friend Lori to the cabin for the the 4th of July , which again hurts my feeling . Shirley We didn't really have enough time together in a while and my hope is that the next three weeks off will help this situation . I sure hope so because I am not used to feeling sad or jealous . lol

    So the baby wasn't born until last evening so I didn't get to meet him yet and probably wont be able to return until September and it breaks my heart .

    I'll post picks tomorrow ,today I'm slammed .

    I'm sure you guys saw the FB picks . He's adorable .

    Talk more tomorrow

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,265 Member
    Welcome back Amy. Sorry you are sad and hurt. Also sorry you did not get to be in LA when grandson entered the world. He is a cutie! Will you be able to go to the cabin and join your husband soon? Why is he inviting a woman to go with him, even if she's a friend, when you are feeling so down about the events lately?

    Ang- your new boss sounds great and I'm glad you don't work for the other guy anymore. He has issues.

    Marla- how are your legs doing? My muscles are so tight. We went to yoga this evening and it feels good but my left leg, the one I injured, is so tight up and down the whole leg. It seems the whole leg has issues, not just the knee.

    I'm packed for the trip and will take care of the animals' stuff in the morning. Cat gets a boat load of food in his feeder and a big bowl of water plus the dog bowl. My neighbor will check on him on Sunday. The dogs are going to the kennel again. I send their doggie beds, food, and a bone for each. The weather is suppose to be great this weekend so I hope they are right.

    I won't be posting on MFP over the weekend so I'll check in again Monday eve. Have a wonderful July 4th and happy holiday today to Ang and Shirley!

  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    Good morning ladies ,
    isn't this just beautiful

    Have a great day
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Amy - He's adorable!!

    Such a beautiful day today! I took my Sunday School class out today on their outing. It was so much fun! The kids loved it and we all had a great time.

    I tried to run today, but it was to hot to run! I need one of those water belts to start taking water on my runs.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited July 2015
    Happy fourth to all!

    Our pot luck was great yesterday and everyone had fun, Long Island Ice teas was the signature drink.

    We are staying one more night here at this port, we don't have to move which is good we can stay where we are.
    Our friends Tim and Regis will have to move though so we will help them.

    A beautiful day here we are staying in this area until Friday all goes well. Kathy and Isaac are coming on Friday so
    we will be home for them.

    We found a new restaurant to try tonight celebrating Dave's retirement and our friend Regis (a woman) who retired
    end of June.

    I have been walking a lot lately, I made the 20,000 steps badge from fit bit.

    So long until I write again.

    AMY - Bringing a woman friend along. RED FLAG (just saying)

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    AMY - Beautiful baby !!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,718 Member
    what a beautiful g-baby Amy - woohooo

    argh - reset my days again - smeh
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,265 Member
    Beautiful grandson Amy! When do you get to see and hold him?

    Shirley-sounds like you are having a great time on your sailing trip. WTG with the 20,000 steps!

    Marla- How are your legs? Did you have a good 4th?

    Ang- glad your outing with the kids was fun. Spend any time with your honey this weekend?

    We got back about 4pm today. Lots of driving over the last 4 days. We are tired and I see an early bed time for me this evening. I got a great picture of Rory in his ranger uniform. He knew we were coming to Grand Forks last night to see him but did not know we would surprise him at the park while he was working (at the end of his shift). I wanted a picture of him in is ranger uniform. We went out for Thai food and then bought him groceries. He needed to go back to his apartment and write a paper for his class. We took him out to breakfast this morning and then said good-bye until August sometime.

    The wild fires in Canada are causing MN to be very hazy and smokey. Not great air quality right now. On Friday it got more hazy and we drove north and west. Today was more hazy down where we live in the central part of the state.

    If it's not too hot tomorrow I need to weed my flower gardens. Looking pretty bad right now. Also need to clean the bathroom this week, ugh!

    Well I hope you all had a nice holiday this past weekend and the one before.

    Have a nice evening!
  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    Nice pics of Rory Jenny .

    Not much time to chat , I get on facebook every time im doing a drug test waiting for them to pee hahaha. so busy I'm overwhelmed again .
    The owner of our company came in today and I was telling her that this one company wants us to do 280 audios asap and she looked at the schedule and said we may need to extend out hours and I burst into tears and I said I do not have anymore hours to give them I cannot do one extra thing or I will explode and so that was the end of that ha!

    with work and family life I don't know which one is gona give first . so busy - so many changes - sigh
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,265 Member
    Amy- you sound pretty stressed right now. I don't think I could do your schedule and be away from home for so long. You certainly are kept busy so the time must fly by. How's it going with hubbie?

    I finally finished weeding my flower and shrub areas today. We had yoga tonight so that felt good since I was so sore. I couldn't do all the moves since my left leg is so tight. I have to work up to it. Tomorrow I scrub the tub and shower in the bathroom. It's time!

    Jeff and Iva came by to get a suitcase for Jeff, put her car in our garage while they are gone, and give us a key to their house to check it and take in their mail. They fly to Croatia tomorrow for two weeks to visit her relatives and see the country. This is Jeff's first trip out of the U.S.

    Our weekend weather is suppose to be above 90 degrees with 70% humidity or higher, ugh! I made sure my weeding was done today. We are ordering new mulch to put around our bushes and flowers. It's been a couple of years since we refreshed it so it's time.

    Well TGIF tomorrow!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,718 Member
    Jenny those are great pics of Rory - how exciting for Jeff to be off on such a big trip - and glad you are keeping with the yoga - I am still sore in the legs but had a massage last week that helped and have one scheduled next week too. Fair entry is over, I am beyond exhausted but pleased with their products. I hate the getting it done craziness but seeing their pride keeps me going back for more. If we could just do a little more earlier... I made the comment of FB that I take everything out of the oven I started pondering that statement - because I mean do do that - because well the oven's hot - my babies need to stay away from the owie hot. But then I think - Zach is 14 - close to 15. I'm supposed to be teaching him to drive - I really need to be ok with putting oven mitts on him and showing him how to pull things from the oven. Control issues much mom? Yep. Boys enjoyed the 4th - Caleb blowing things up and Zach surprised me by jumping into Grandpa's new Gator and zooming around the farm. All the kids loved it. I don't really like fireworks - I like the pretty part but the loud ear drum shattering booms and screeches really upset me. I always joke with the kids when they ask about me and the 4th when I was a kid that I was the one hiding in a car with my Grandma holding me because I was crying. I don't cry anymore - but it still bothers me. And as I think on that it also bothers me that everyone knows that and still I am expected to sit and endure and pretend to love the hours of painful loud - oh well.

    Amy - yuck, just yuck. I hope they don't pile any more on you girl. Hugs.

    Hey Shirley!

    Hi Ang!

    So much more to ramble about but better get back to work - just remember even when I'm not visible I am still lurking about rooting you all on!! LOVES!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,265 Member
    I never cleaned the bathroom today. Procrastination! I called my sister while drinking coffee and we talked for 2 hours! Not unusual but blew the morning. Then I went to Menards and the grocery. My legs hurt by the time I got home so I read my book in the recliner. I made a southwest salad and fruit bowl for dinner and now we are relaxing with our lap tops. Together but separate activities...

    Very hot and humid. Could feel like 100 degrees on Sunday. How are your temps Marla?

    Tomorrow I'm going to buy a cabinet for my teaching materials to keep in the garage. That way my car won't be so full and messy and I won't have to go down to the basement to the closet each time I need something. I need to organize my stuff this weekend.

    Marla- I'm the same as you with fireworks. I love to watch them but hate the noise and being too close. I really hate firecrackers. One blew up on my knee when I was little and it hurt pretty bad. Sparklers are my speed. Glad your 4th celebration was fun for the kids. Congrats on the fair ribbons.

    Hello to everyone else!

  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    I have just a moment to say hi,

    And in answer to your question Jenny - not well I think I am actually not feeling well in general -this has taken the wind out of my sails if you know what I mean . I'm tearful and sad all the time - I'm not sure if it's work or my life in general that's bringing me so down . Or honestly the idea that tomorrow's my 49th birthday - because I get tears in my eyes every single time I think about it .
    I'm overwhelmed at work and my husband , well he's being very insensitive about this whole mess and says I have and am over reacting . I don't think so ...

    I mentioned to him that when I get home I want to put some new Formica in our Kitchen and he said no we didn't need it all I kept thinking in my head is why should I care if he wants me to or not he doesn't care what I think and oh my goodness do I know that's not the sign of a healthy marriage :'(

    I'm so sorry to keep bringing the forum down I'm sure I'll be back to my old self soon .

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,265 Member
    Sorry you are so down Amy. Not to pry, but have you suffered from depression in the past? Maybe you should talk to your doctor about how you feel and see if an anti depressant would help you feel better. I remember when I had an episode of depression after my divorce many years ago, crying over ridiculous thoughts that weren't even happening was a big sign.

    I bought a cabinet but did not see the fine print on the box if it was there. The cabinet does not come with shelves. Seriously? Russ is going to have the school district carpenters cut me some shelves that will slide in. Yes, the supports are present but you have to provide your own shelves. Ridiculous! $134 dollars, it should have shelves already available. So I can't organize my toys and materials until I get the shelves.

    85 degrees with 75% humidity today. Walk out the door and it feels wet. Bad storm predicted for this evening. We'll see if it actually arrives where we are.

    Well I go back to work tomorrow, ugh! I love not working but we need the income so back I will go. I know I will love retirement in 5 years! Hope I can retire then.

    Have a wonderful evening!
  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    Good Morning Ladies ,

    Today is not so bad I did the deed of turning another year older and survived it .
    Jenny , No I have never had any feeling of depression other than situational . I have an appointment set up for when I go home .
    However , I feel almost great today ? I feel like I can't feel that dark sadness deep inside anymore ? How can it be completely gone when it was there for like three months just eating at me ? I can't understand it .
    I'll still go to my appointment set up for the day after I get home but wow I feel so alive today .

    Jenny , Retirement sounds great from my window too but I have a lot longer to wait for that wonderful day . How confusing this life is where I can't wait to retire however I don't want to be 50 next year ha !

    Ok Ladies I will make it a point not to dwell on what ever was bringing me down because I can't have grand abaies if I don't grow older right?

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,265 Member
    First day back at work after 3 weeks. Two cancelled visits with kids but did one. Hot in our building and outside. Lots of new staff started today too. Bad storm last night but we didn't have any more damage I don't think. I didn't look at the roof to see if more shingles had blown off. Having problems keeping the shingles on the ridge on the house when the wind blows.

    Nothing new. We are having BLT's with the tomatoes we bought at the farmer's market for dinner.
    Amy-glad you feel better.

    Hello to all!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Okay I had a nice long post about my week away but MFP would not post it or my picture. So I will try again.

    This is grandma feeding Isaac while Mom was at a bachorlette pool party.
