3 Day Quick Fix



  • nables73
    nables73 Posts: 29 Member
    @venuila I missed my chocolate protein shakes horribly too! Way to stick with it. I just kept telling myself it's 3 days :smile:
  • venuila
    venuila Posts: 190 Member
    nables73 wrote: »
    @venuila I missed my chocolate protein shakes horribly too! Way to stick with it. I just kept telling myself it's 3 days :smile:

    Thanks! I just had the 4th meal and honestly again I don't feel like I can do 6 today. I guess I really don't eat that much during the day. That's probably why I'm feeling like this. It was even hard to finish the last meal. I'm definitely realizing I should eat more often though. It's tempting to sub a meal with a protein shake. I suppose that would be better than just doing 5 of them in a day? I'm going to try to do the whole 6 today though. It's the after lunch and between dinner period that's the hardest because there's two meals in that time.
  • venuila
    venuila Posts: 190 Member
    I did it! I didn't end up cheating either and I was able to get in the six meals the last two days.
    For those of you that don't know, I don't use the containers with the 21df I just count calories on here but this 3 dqf has opened my eyes to a lot of things. I don't nearly eat as often enough as I should that's for sure. And it has helped me see proper portion sizes too. It was a little tough but I'm glad it's over lol and over the moon that I did it. Not just for the results I got but because of everything I learned as well. And definitely know I can go without eating after 6pm! :)

    Results: -4lbs !

    I was also doing two workouts a day to get the most out of it so I'm sure that helped move the scale. Definitely worth it. Id recommend it to anyone. Hopefully what I learned from doing it will influence my eating habits going forward. I have a feeling my steamer will be getting a lot more use from now on.
  • nables73
    nables73 Posts: 29 Member
    That's just great news @venuila!! It really does make you think and appreciate your meals better I thought when I did the 3DQF. I lost only 2lbs but 4! Wonderful! :smiley:
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    Starting the 3DQF again today. I know it's supposed to be the final 3 days of each round but we are going to the Renaissance Festival on Saturday and I wouldn't be able to do it while out all day so I am going to do it a bit early. Just did my day 1 weigh-in. Curious to see if I lose anything.

    I'm not doubling up the workouts, though. I did that last time but, at the time, I was also doing PiYo so I was actually doing 3 workouts in the mornings (two back-to-back and then the third later). Since I just started Slim in 6, I don't want to add to my body's stress/confusion by adding something new and doubling up on 21DF.
  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
    Good luck with the Quick Fix, @SatiaRenee . Such boring bland food - but it works. Hope it will push you past this plateau!!
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @jpkrueger I think you need to check out my Instagram. @dkwi04 commented on my pics the last time I did 3DQF about how great my food looked. I make even 3DQF look good. LOL!
  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
    @SatiaRenee I will check it out! If you can make that food appetizing, you are a master :)
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    So I managed to get in all my food yesterday . . . . I just didn't manage to take pics of everything. Oops. Here's my Day 1 of Round 4.

  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    Day 3 of 3 Day Quick Fix

    Down a total of 2.4 lbs.
  • venuila
    venuila Posts: 190 Member
    SatiaRenee wrote: »
    Day 3 of 3 Day Quick Fix

    Down a total of 2.4 lbs.

    Yahoo! That's awesome @SatiaRenee :)
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    That's awesome!!!! Great job
  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
    @SatiaRenee you're down 2.4 lbs!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!! You must have been very happy to see that number!!!!
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    And once again, if not for the 3 Day Quick Fix, I would have not lost any weight on this fourth round of 21 Day Fix. It makes me feel a little less resistant to the Countdown to Competition eating schedule. But my official weigh-in for Round 4 is tomorrow morning. I'll take my measurements and another round of "after" pics on Monday and start 21 Day Fix Extreme.
  • KingsGirl4
    KingsGirl4 Posts: 152 Member
    Do any of you have open diaries for your 3day fix? I just pre-logged all my food for the 3 days and wow the numbers are skyrocketing above my daily goals. Is this correct? I'm getting 1900 calories, 74g carbs, 59g fat, and 248g of protein! That is crazy high! I'm doubting this plan now...

    Plus with the 2 hour spacing between 6 meals leaves more than a 12 hour fast at night. I'd be eating at 6:30 AM and having my last meal at 4:30 PM. That's also not a convenient schedule. I could of course eat my first meal later in the day but I like to eat protein as soon as I wake up. Do you think I could split the first meal into 2 separate meals?
  • deltayork
    deltayork Posts: 71 Member
    @jpkrueger Same here.. but I do have to travel next week and I miss my Shakeology when i don't drink it. Had an Egg White McMuffin From McD's today with a hashbrown. After I was done, I told my husband "wish I had made Shako instead"! I've not had breakfast there in months and it sounded good :/. I'm looking at buying the $20 Hamilton Beach blender at Walmart to take with me next week! Then I can at least pick up a banana and some OJ and blend in my hotel :).
  • venuila
    venuila Posts: 190 Member
    KingsGirl4 wrote: »
    Do any of you have open diaries for your 3day fix? I just pre-logged all my food for the 3 days and wow the numbers are skyrocketing above my daily goals. Is this correct? I'm getting 1900 calories, 74g carbs, 59g fat, and 248g of protein! That is crazy high! I'm doubting this plan now...

    Plus with the 2 hour spacing between 6 meals leaves more than a 12 hour fast at night. I'd be eating at 6:30 AM and having my last meal at 4:30 PM. That's also not a convenient schedule. I could of course eat my first meal later in the day but I like to eat protein as soon as I wake up. Do you think I could split the first meal into 2 separate meals?

    I did this at the end of May and had 1000-1100 calories per day 110-120g of protein. I had my meals two hours apart from 730-530. It seemed like so much food to me, honestly the first day I only got five of the meals in. I'd weigh everything if you have a scale. I don't think the numbers should be that high but I'm probably not the best to advise on it. I've only done it the one time. Maybe @jpkrueger can give some advice.
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @KingsGirl4 I don't know what the dates were but I did track my food when I did the 3 Day Quick Fix one time and my calories and protein were more like what @venuila said. Ranged around 1000 calories and nowhere near 200g protein. I think your measurements may be off. A red container holds approximately 3-4 ozs of meat--closer to 3 ozs for some forms of protein. Steamed chicken only has around 35g of protein for 4 ozs. Same for steamed cod. Ground turkey about 20g. . . I forget exactly. Anyway, add those up and you have about 150-175g of protein and that's at 4ozs for all of them. Unless your egg whites are very different from mine, your totals are waaaaay off. Or you're really packing your containers to the brim.

    I'll be doing the 3DQF again starting June 25-27. If you think it would help, I can track my food again.
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    @KingsGirl4 Remember the 3DQF isn't about calories, it is a carb depletion diet.

    Its been a while since I've done it - I will probably do it again soon though. I don't recall how many carbs but I remember the calories being higher than I expected.
  • Wgngrl
    Wgngrl Posts: 3 Member

    SatiaRenee wrote: »
    @KingsGirl4 I don't know what the dates were but I did track my food when I did the 3 Day Quick Fix one time and my calories and protein were more like what @venuila said. Ranged around 1000 calories and nowhere near 200g protein. I think your measurements may be off. A red container holds approximately 3-4 ozs of meat--closer to 3 ozs for some forms of protein. Steamed chicken only has around 35g of protein for 4 ozs. Same for steamed cod. Ground turkey about 20g. . . I forget exactly. Anyway, add those up and you have about 150-175g of protein and that's at 4ozs for all of them. Unless your egg whites are very different from mine, your totals are waaaaay off. Or you're really packing your containers to the brim.

    I'll be doing the 3DQF again starting June 25-27. If you think it would help, I can track my food again.

    I'm pretty sure the red container is 6 ounces. That's what fits in mine. My calorie count was way high too.