Optimum meal ratios for ketosis?

CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
I was wondering does having an ideal macro ratio every meal help you get into and remain in ketosis better than just going by daily macros? (whereby you could have a protein heavy dinner and fat heavy lunch or w/e).

And what would be the perfect ketosis meal macro ratio?


  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Unless you're using ketosis for therapeutic reasons and really need it dialed in (and no, vanity pounds don't constitute therapeutic reasons), you're overthinking this.

    Take a fatty cut of meat and grill it, roast it, or fry it. Add some non-starchy vegetables dipped or dressed in a cream or oil based dressing. Done.

    Everything else is tangential and is typically beyond the diminishing returns of dietary tweaking for ketosis for most people.

    If you need a guideline, look at the ratios for your full day and use that as your guide for each meal.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Dr. Thomas in his 2012 book about cancer talks about getting blood glucose into the 55-65 range and ketones to 4.0 and staying in that tight range for a period of time. I am wanting to learn if I can even do it. I can get the ketones to 3+ but BG levels are staying 85-95 after 18 hour fasting. I must be converting both protein and fat to glucose?
  • SnowFlinga
    SnowFlinga Posts: 124 Member
    edited June 2015
    I nail my macros pretty much every day (3% Carbs : 17% Protein : 80% Fat) and keep my calories at least at a 20% deficit off my TDEE. I typically never get my fasting blood ketone levels above 4.0 (usually somewhere in the 3.x range) and my fasting blood glucose (FBG) is usually somewhere between 75-80. I can't imagine what it would take to get my FBG down into the 55-65 range. I'm not sure if it's even possible.