how do you handle commentary from folks?

sass_hole Posts: 13 Member
Specifically negative comments about eating so much fat/cholesterol. Especially people who eat a lot of "diet" food, egg whites, lean meat, lean cuisines, etc.
I'm getting a lot of it from family and co-workers (friends have been interested/supportive) and it's really annoying. I'm not trying to be confrontational, just shrugging and saying "hm, this is working for me!" but when I'm eating wings, celery and ranch for lunch and they're eating Subway, I know which of those meals is going to make me feel like crap...
I try to be pretty honest in my belief that various "diets" work for different people. I've been vegN, vegetarian, paleo and keto, and have felt WONDERFUL and HORRIBLE on all of those diets depending upon what I ate and other factors in my life.

I dunno, I think it's just rude to comment on other people's choices and I try to not do it. All my friends who consume nothing but processed crackers and breads and fast food probably aren't making the best choices but they're adults and don't need me nagging them. So why do people think it's okay to do this?



  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    Learn about how your body needs dietary fat especially hormonally, it is necessary for you body to have fat to function properly. Eating low fat starves you of that. Also look into cholesterol, eating more doesn't give you high cholesterol, your body regulates that unless you have a medical condition. If you are educated on the topics they bring up it'll be easy to dispel they myths they have.

  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    I draw a lot of negative comments with the way I eat. My typical response is to drag the conversation right over the edge.

    If they comment on the amount of fat I am eating: "Once I melted a whole stick of butter and drank it because I thought it would taste good. I was right." [True story]

    If they comment about how I am going to get fat: "I am trying my best to gain 400 pounds."

    If they tell me I am going to have a heart attack: "That's impossible. I never eat any fruits or vegetables and those are the things that will kill you."

    If they comment on my cholesterol: "My doctor was very concerned about my diet as well. She encouraged me to drink less coffee." [No, it doesn't make sense. And, I could use my very good Trigs/HDL numbers as a response but they will just say it is only a matter of time until it gets worse.]

    If they tell me that one little treat won't hurt me: "Neither will one cigarette or just a little crack cocaine. I'm not going to have those either."

    People don't like arguing with me very much. :lol: The ones who have known me for 2+ years have seen the results and know that I've been doing this the whole time. They know better than to try and argue with me.
  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    Food should be added to politics and religion as topics you should keep to yourself about unless someone asks you about it.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member
    edited June 2015
    Tell them that "they are finding out now that they were wrong about fat and cholesterol." And then tell them to look it up. Something I say to my family when they question it is "I lost 92lb eating like this." Or "I'm healthier than I've ever been. A bobsled team could whoosh through my arteries." Or "I look like this, because I eat like this. I'd be crazy to mess with that formula." Or you can look at them blankly and keep chewing. I do this to my bros-in-law when they are being jerks.

    People are nosy. Their comments say more about them and their own personal demons than anything accurate about you. Try not to let their rudeness bother you too much. :smile:
  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    edited June 2015
    My snark self has also asked people which nutrients they think I was missing. Every single one they usually mentioned was ADDED to bread.

    If they tell me it's unhealthy to cut out an entire food group, I ask which one I'm cutting out (sushi has rice!), and if they tell vegetarians the same thing.

    If they ask about my cholesterol, I just say my doctor is satisfied with the improvements.

    I've also asked people if they're knowledgeable about the socio-political origins of the cholesterol hypothesis, which marker on your blood tests is most indicative of health problems, and if they've heard of the Framingham study, but those are reserved for people who really tick me off.
  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    FIT_Goat wrote: »
    I draw a lot of negative comments with the way I eat. My typical response is to drag the conversation right over the edge.

    If they comment on the amount of fat I am eating: "Once I melted a whole stick of butter and drank it because I thought it would taste good. I was right." [True story]

    If they comment about how I am going to get fat: "I am trying my best to gain 400 pounds."

    If they tell me I am going to have a heart attack: "That's impossible. I never eat any fruits or vegetables and those are the things that will kill you."

    If they comment on my cholesterol: "My doctor was very concerned about my diet as well. She encouraged me to drink less coffee." [No, it doesn't make sense. And, I could use my very good Trigs/HDL numbers as a response but they will just say it is only a matter of time until it gets worse.]

    If they tell me that one little treat won't hurt me: "Neither will one cigarette or just a little crack cocaine. I'm not going to have those either."

    People don't like arguing with me very much. :lol: The ones who have known me for 2+ years have seen the results and know that I've been doing this the whole time. They know better than to try and argue with me.

    I'm so going to borrow some of those responses!!

    I've found that I don't get a lot of commentary about how I eat, but most of the people I dine with know how much weight I've lost, and many of them are diabetic or have carb issues anyway (or know people who do) so they "get it" and if anything I get a lot of positive comments. So I'm lucky on that front. Mostly I just reply to those few who question what I'm doing with a variation of "I can't imagine what makes you think that what I eat is any of your business." It effectively shuts down the conversation. Now if someone is legitimately asking questions because they are interested in learning something, sure I do my best to answer, but everyone else can pound sand.
  • professionalHobbyist
    professionalHobbyist Posts: 1,316 Member
    This is a great topic.

    My job is a technical one. I deal with almost all engineers or MS people. We have some unusual discussions. Nerd stuff.

    Food is never one of them that gets sideways. Food is a rather finite entity. It has a caloric value, nutrient profile, fiber content, and craving factor by person.

    So when I am being told how to eat and live by those that don't have the basic grasp of how the body is a chemistry set of sorts, I listen at first and reply with how it works for me based on a few facts.

    When they go on and on trying to beat me down, I consider them as a fool and move on. I really have no need to drag out a conversation with a fool.

    Sometimes I run across people with a different life experience and a new way of making the food equation work for them.

    And those are awesome learning experiences! I copy what I can and hopefully become better for knowing them.

    There are those that are just sincerely duped by marketeers. I try and get away from them. Again it just does me no good to someone still seeing food as a deity.

    I have seen people make all sorts of diets work. I always over ate whatever diet I tried. Now I have a nutrition strategy and I don't ever eat for my activity level. But I can over eat on my good diet and gain weight. I can eat at a calorie deficit and drop some fat.

    No rocket science. I just have to exercise some self control, which I actually hate doing some days. But I am a flawed person and am at peace with it. Just not as much of me as before
  • azcowgirrlup
    azcowgirrlup Posts: 207 Member
    A lot of my friends think this is some kind of a fad / desperation type "diet". They ask a few questions and I can tell they pretty much pity me for even bothering with this. I have to admit there are a few of them researching it and a tiny bit interested. Tomorrow will be 4 weeks for me and I am down about worrying about calories and I am eating bacon and avocados and cheeseburgers! So when I have comments now, I either just smile and try to ignore it or I tell them nothing feels so good as pants that are now too big.....and then I smile :smiley:
  • mongoosealamode
    mongoosealamode Posts: 112 Member
    If they are dieting or only eating salads or bland foods or constantly worry if they are eating too much fat: "I am happy with my progress, I am more comfortable in my own skin, I feel great all the time, I always enjoy what I eat, and I am healthier than ever. How about you?"
  • GSD_Mama
    GSD_Mama Posts: 629 Member
    I just give them a lecture about poison they eat, they don't wanna hear it and stop asking lol
  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    I just ask them "are you going to eat that cream cheese?" And then I scarf it down. :)
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    I grin and bear it. They usually don't know what they're talking about. And I could care less about what they think about my diet. I've done the research, it looks good and to each his own.

    Dan the Man from Michigan
  • lauraesh0384
    lauraesh0384 Posts: 463 Member
    I think I've been fortunate that my friends and family don't question me too much when they see the results from me eating this way. They know how heavy I used to be and how much my body has changed because of it. My step brother did make a comment on Memorial Day when he saw me dipping my burger into mayo. He said I was ruining my low carb burger by using mayo. I simply replied, "fat doesn't make you fat". To be fair, he hasn't really been around me much to know the specifics of my diet. I think most people know that I do low carb, but they don't know how much fat I eat, unless I make it a point to tell them my diet is high fat, low carb.
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    And if I'm in a bad mood, I'll tell them some really super fatty thing I eat on a regular basis. Or if we are eating together, I'll order melted butter and pour it over my (steak, veggies, etc). While I'm pouring it, I'll state, This is how I lose weight" and smile. I love to see their face after that... LOL!

    Dan the Man from Michigan
  • dalansteiner
    dalansteiner Posts: 61 Member
    Funny, so far no one asks except those who are trying to lose weight with me
  • sass_hole
    sass_hole Posts: 13 Member
    Haha some great responses! I think it's difficult for me right now because I'm only 2 weeks in. I basically have to pick my battles--do I choose to educate, ignore, or be snarky? I suppose it depends on the day! :)
  • sweetteadrinker2
    sweetteadrinker2 Posts: 1,026 Member
    Depends who's bugging me. If it's my parents (they've mostly stopped) I tell them they didn't rAise an idiot. If it's classmates I remind them I'm a bio major who is going to vet school(they aren't science people). If it's random people I just look at them and keep eating.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    I think being 64 most just think I do not have much time left so I can eat whatever I want. :)

    Actually 8 months into LCHF at the 100% level people are starting to see how far I have come in the right direction some are asking serious questions. A Huddle House manager had a long conversation this past Friday for example.

    I was at a local farm store last night and saw two younger guys that seemed very nice and each was carrying an extra 100 pounds. They left about the same time I did and I saw when they got into their trucks how I must have looked a year ago to others. Of course one can not say anything but the freedom of being free from the grasp of CARBS is so exciting it is hard to not shoot it to the world. :)

    It was knowing from my research that I was going to be facing cancer if I started the Enbrel injections for pain that made me latch onto cutting out the sugar. The more I researched the more I learned about LCHF. My excessive compulsive nature kicked in and here I am today eating for health vs without understanding it I was eating for death.
  • Thaeda
    Thaeda Posts: 834 Member
    DittoDan wrote: »
    And if I'm in a bad mood, I'll tell them some really super fatty thing I eat on a regular basis. Or if we are eating together, I'll order melted butter and pour it over my (steak, veggies, etc). While I'm pouring it, I'll state, This is how I lose weight" and smile. I love to see their face after that... LOL!

    Dan the Man from Michigan

    LOVE this. Awesome!
  • Foamroller
    Foamroller Posts: 1,041 Member
    edited June 2015
    No-one in my vicinity have so far questioned my eating. Rather the opposite, people are curious how I lost 1 kg per week. When they realize it involves fasting and lowcarb, they shake their head, cause the can't imagine life without carbs. (I used to be one of those too, so I can understand it).

    If anyone was to criticize my foods, I'd probably say something like: YOU don't have to eat what works for ME. So no need to get worked up over this. Then smile :)

    Anyway. Results speak louder than words.