Introductions! (Can we re-introduce ourselves in light of recent events?)



  • kyedo
    kyedo Posts: 83 Member
    Karlottap wrote: »
    @kiddo, read the Launch Pad at the top of the group page. Lots of reading and video information to help learn the ropes. Welcome! Best of luck!

    Thank you
  • JustMe2C
    JustMe2C Posts: 101 Member
    edited June 2015
    So glad you are here, Cari. :)

    And to of my guilty pleasures is joking with my family about how I don't fart anymore and they still do. Yeah, I gotta still have those childish moments from time to time. LOL
  • bernadettemariev
    bernadettemariev Posts: 23 Member
    Hi! I'm Bernadette, 42, married for 15 yrs. with a 14 and 8 yr old. Of course, it's been on and off, but I've been on MFP for about 3 yrs, give or take. I've lost about 40 lbs in that time, depending on what day it is. I stopped drinking soda and lost 10 lbs the first year. I stopped eating gluten and lost another 10 that year. I've been low carb (< 30 g/day) since April 21st and have lost about 20lbs in that time- as much as the past two years combined!

    I knew I had to go low carb because the only time I have ever lost a substantial amount of weight was when I'd go low carb or had a baby (weird, I know... morning sickness for 9 months). CICO just doesn't work for me unless I'm down to less than 1000 a day and starving to death in the meanwhile.

    I lost 60 lbs. when I was 16, 50 when I was 25, and 60 when I was 32. Each time I'd gain the weight back because I would go back to eating like everyone else and end up in the same situation as before (or worse). This time I am determined to get down to a heathly weight and stay there... it's not so I'll look good this time, but because I want to be a healthy and energetic for my kids (and hopefully grandkids, one day!).
  • dtobio
    dtobio Posts: 55 Member
    I'm Diana, just turned 35 and just got married last November. My husband has 2 children so I have 2 stepchildren and I'm really hoping to get the okay later this year to start trying for a baby.

    I was diagnosed with insulin resistant pcos ten years ago after having symptoms from at least the age of 16. I tried every kind of diet that all of my doctors suggested. For a long time I followed Weight Watchers where the meetings helped me discover all of the junk food I could eat for very little points. For a long time, I also beat myself up about everything I ate and believed that despite my best efforts at diet an exercise I was a failure.

    When my most recent doctor handed me a pamphlet telling me what to eat, I was angry. When I realized that pamphlet is sponsored by a major manufacturer of diabetes medication I was furious. I decided about two months ago to turn my WOE on its ear and re-visit a lower carb diet. Right now I limit to 100 carbs (roughly 75 net) per day and while the pounds aren't melting off, I'm a new person. My skin is clearer, my sleep is better, I'm losing inches, and I have more energy. This has truly saved my life and I am grateful for everyone who has offered their story or their advice here.

  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    This thread is great! I love reading them all!
  • greenautumn17
    greenautumn17 Posts: 322 Member
    JustMe2C wrote: »
    So glad you are here, Cari. :)

    And to of my guilty pleasures is joking with my family about how I don't fart anymore and they still do. Yeah, I gotta still have those childish moments from time to time. LOL

    Ha! Yeah, my mother seems to consider it a badge of honor to let one really loud! (My father did too before he passed) She calls them "floopas" Some family tradition, huh? I am sooo glad I have gotten rid of that disorder. :smiley:
  • LuizH
    LuizH Posts: 211 Member
    Hello. I'm Louise, I'm 36 and married with 2 boys. I lost 4 stone on Atkins after my youngest was born but I've gradually regained it over the past 8 years as the barbs and sweet stuff have crept back in. I rediscovered LCHF again 2 months ago and it's all clicked very nicely this time despite the numerous attempts I've had to restart over the years all ending in failure after a few days. I'm 6kg down since restarting and my plan is to keep losing at a nice slow rate so that hopefully this time the weight will stay off.

    My diet currently is strictly low carb (below 20g carbs per day), once I have hit my first goal of 14kg lost I intend to switch to a less restrictive paleo type diet. I have discovered in the last few weeks that grains do not agree with me so I need to keep them out of my diet long term.
  • Meeezonajourney
    Meeezonajourney Posts: 101 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    I can't help but notice this thread, and this entire group, boasts of people who are able to employ excellent grammar, spelling and punctuation in their posts.

    And with that said, I hope my own post boasts this :smile: Hopefully, I haven't inserted any irony here.

    Cheers to the uber literate low carb crowd!
    It's because our brains don't have carb fog.
  • Keto_T
    Keto_T Posts: 673 Member
    I'm T. Been low carbing off and on for years. Been dieting otherwise off and on for years too but low carb is easier, gives me better results and is more sustainable. I stay below 20 net carbs, sometimes below 20 (or 10) total carbs. I indulge in diet drinks almost every day. Atkins bars, Quest bars, flavored waters, HWC, and alcohol aren't my friends but I still visit them from time to time. :) I feel better physically when I am low carb. I can tell a huge difference. Also, there is diabetes in my family and I am trying to avoid it.

    I am an emotional binger...blah. I used to beat myself up and then say screw it but now try to forgive myself and move back to keto eating. My diary is usually pretty accurate. I've lost 35 lbs.....over the years that isnt statistically significant but better than gaining.

    I'm an every day I track on the Libra app so i get the trend instead of freaking out over small losses or gains. It helps keep me on track.

    Anyone feel free to friend me-mention low carb or keto in the friend request so i'll know. :)
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    Jess - keto 15 years, medically prescribed after an elimination diet. Turns out it helps the inflammation in my legs, too, so not deviating from it much even with the things that weren't eliminated. Had bypass a few years before the elimination diet and lost 300ish. Maintained that until 2 years ago. Got a blood clot, was in and out of the hospital with complications, didn't bother tracking or readjusting intake to my new non-existent activity level for a few years while dealing with that, gained some back, have since lost 65 since November again. Better part is that I finally got cleared to do real exercise again a few months ago.

    My weight as a number is actually a pretty useless measurement, since I have lymphedema, and carry somewhere around 50lbs of lymph fluid in my legs. Even if I could get down to bodybuilding levels of bodyfat, my legs will probably still push me into a size 16 and an overweight BMI. My goal for now is to see if I can get back below 200 safely.

    Have a DEXA scan next month, crossing my fingers that it gives me back good news. If nothing else, it should give me a better idea on muscle mass to reassess my macros.
  • teachingmama28
    teachingmama28 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is April. I am 29, I started a very low carb diet back in 2012 when I was at my highest weight of 190 after having two kids. I lost 45 pounds in 6 months and felt great! Over the past few years I have stopped restricting carbs, had another baby, and started a high stress job. I was back up to 160 when I started MFP and cutting carbs 2 weeks ago. Now I am down 5lbs, but I have another 20 to go. I feels so good to be eating this way again. As yummy as those sugar and potatoes are, it took stopping eating them ( for the 2nd time) to realize how awful they made my body feel. The constant shaky hungry feeling is gone and I have more energy to have fun with my kids this summer.
    I don't tend to post much, but I will be doing lots of lurking! I learn so much from everyone else's posts!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    True that @Gnulie & @ newmeadow! I enjoy conversing with these educated folks! Makes things so much easier to read! :smile:
  • AngInCanada
    AngInCanada Posts: 947 Member
    I'm Angela and I am from Canada ;) I live on a small homestead with my husband, two kids, two dogs, 1 degu, 29 chickens, 3 rabbits and 14 baby rabbits. We keep busy with our animals and 1 acre vegetable garden that provides a lot of produce for us over the summer and throughout the winter.

    I have been obese since I was 12 or 13 and have been a binge eater since about the same. I have tried every diet known to man kind and faoed every time because I was soooo freeking hungry. 6 weeks ago I started the keto diet and my life changed. For the first time in 17ish years I rarely feel hunger. I haven't had a binge in 6 weeks because there's no desire to. I am loving this group and the friends I've met along the way :) I can definitely see this as a lifestyle rather than a short term diet

  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    @AngInCanada, this woe has changed my life too and it's wonderful! The control is something I've never experienced before. I wouldn't be here without MFP and all of the great people in this group!
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    I'm not low carb per se, but over the past two months I have reduced simple carbs and increased protein and fat, and feel a lot better. I have more energy, exercise more, sleep better, am losing my goal of 1 # per week, and premenstrual food cravings were much, much less this month.
  • smadaris91
    smadaris91 Posts: 63 Member
    Hi!! Im sarah i am 24yrs old im 5'7 im here to LOSE 120lbs
    I am doing a low carb high fat life style due to PCOS(Polycystic ovarian syndrome) & insulin registant. I have a 7month old daughter. She is my drive to be fit. I have to be healthy for her so i.can be around for my grand children. Im trying to stay nder 50grams of carbs per day. I discovered the website i love the recipes on there.
    I also work out doing HIIT (walk 2mins sprint 1min for a total of 30mins) I have been doing this for 10days and have lost 8lbs. I AM going to change!!! I AM going to conquer this weight. I dont care if it takes me 5yrs i will finish my journey! And i will be happy with myself and be confident for my family!!! And a good example for my daughter!!!
  • JustMe2C
    JustMe2C Posts: 101 Member
    Welcome Sarah. Definitely sounds like you have the right mindset. Now get it done! :)
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    I'm not low carb per se, but over the past two months I have reduced simple carbs and increased protein and fat, and feel a lot better. I have more energy, exercise more, sleep better, am losing my goal of 1 # per week, and premenstrual food cravings were much, much less this month.
    LOL, unfortunately for me, my PMS cravings have always been for huge hunks of cheese (easily 700g in 2 days) - which is still too much for a weight loss keto woe. Never was interested in the ice cream, cookies, cake, etc. Always salt & fat. You might find yourself craving something different nowdays, hahaha.

  • smuller73
    smuller73 Posts: 71 Member
    Hi I am Sarah. I am a 42 year old mother of 2. I have struggled with weight issues since college and I was about 90kg when I met my husband in 2002 and almost 100kg before I moved from the UK to South Africa in 2003. Managed to lose weight and get to 70kg before my wedding in 2005 by eating 1200 calories a day and walking like crazy (and feeling starving the whole time) but after falling pregnant and having my first daughter in 2007 the weight crept up again because this new mom was too exhausted to make healthy meals every night and ended up eating a lot of take out and Pasta. I have lost and regained the same 10-15kg over the past 7 or 8 years since I had my first daughter and having another baby in 2012 didn't help. I started having a very bad relationship with food and went through cycles of binge eating and then starving myself due to guilt. The beginning of this year I was 95kg again and determined that this year was the year I would do something about it. I found out about a guy called Tim Noakes who was advocating the "Banting" diet which is basically LCHF with emphasis on "real" foods not overly processed ones. Thought I would experiment and try it out and 6 months later am already 18kg down and feeling amazing. This WOE has been so much easier and I am rarely hungry and (shush don't tell anyone) I rarely do any form of exercise other than a bit of walking. My relationship with food has improved and now can have the odd splurge without feeling guilty. My family have also backed my effort 100% and often eat the same things I do to the point that my kids prefer the cauli rice, cauli mash and the zoodles to the real thing. Want to get to a healthy BMI which would be about 68kgs but am not too worried if I don't get there will probably be happy when I get to 75kgs at that has been my unreached target for the past 8-10 years and I am only 2kgs away :)
  • camtosh
    camtosh Posts: 898 Member
    Hi everyone, I am Cheryl, 58, living in Tokyo. 172cm tall. I started LCHF in spring of 2013 at 80kg (after a lifetime of carb addiction), and now have just hit 69kg, yay. That is just 1 kg off the official "goal weight" but who really cares at this point? I feel great! I lost 11kg very slowly in about a year, eating moderate veggie carbs of less than 50-80gr per day, high fat, moderate protein. My blood work has all improved as a result. I would love to go Meativore (my dad was a butcher by trade and as a kid in Canada, we ate meat at nearly every meal), but my dear Japanese hubby, who cooks dinner every night as I have a long commute home, loves veggies and tofu, so we still eat lots of greens, onions, eggplant, tomatoes and whatever else is in season (goya champuru, anyone?). I knew he had acquiesced, though, when he finally stopped adding brown rice to my plate, so I can't complain.

    I have been on MFP since early 2013, started out in the CICO main forums and didn't have much success with the 1200 cals/day thing. I was lucky to find this group and have not gone back. A friend of mine lost 18 kg on Atkins, and that inspired me. I started with Gary Taubes's books and the Jimmy Moore podcasts, which led me to more and more books, better thinking about food and how nutrition affects my body. I still listen on my daily 45 min walks from Tokyo station to Tsukiji, where I work.

    Living in Tokyo, I am surrounded by unbelievably tiny people! There are more obese Japanese around now that Coca Cola and McDonalds have settled in here, but they are still the rarities. Most Japanese people consume fairly good carbs, like rice and veg, but beer and bakery goods are also popular and fattening. OTOH they also are extremely "body conscious" which makes them obsess about looks and weight. Hence, many young women (and men) are struggling with anorexia and bulemia. LCHF is not a mainstream thing here, but there is a version of it they call "tei (low) insulin diet" that some people follow. It is not easy finding "low carb" labels on foods in the convenience stores, but with all the dieting focus, there are lots of fresh salads, meats, hard-boiled eggs, etc, available so I can keep low carb for the morning and afternoon meals, then eat most of my allotment with the dinner DH makes. It can be done! delivers to Japan and so I can get most of my LC goodies that way. And my SIL just brought me a bag of pork rinds from the Philippines, which taste divine. Need to find a supplier here!