Jump into June - Let's Lose Just 1% of our body weight this month!



  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Susan - will be looking forward to hearing if the new setup works for you as well? so far today ive done well with it; just scan or log and don't have to go thru the hassle of which meal blah blah lol.. funny tho when I see it all together I think holy moly have I eaten all that today? and it's only noon hahahah (I've logged what im taking for dinner to work tho ... phew!) i'm not trying to stay within a calorie goal at the moment (well, I am lol.. but more so for me right now seeing what im actually eating.. but I feel yer pain because i'm sorta trying LOL.. and i'm not eating back my walking cals. kudos to you for doing the logging an moving yer butt!! I know early mornings are SO not your thing normally so extra brownie point for the pooch walk and curves... well done you!

    i'm liking the 1% goal myself; have to admit tho i'm glad I wrote my weight on the calendar on june 1st, along with what 1% loss would get me to - I suck at math and will need those numbers to prove my 1% success when I get there LOL..
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    edited June 2015
    Well, we have been really lucky and had a mild May and beginning of June for us, but YIKES, here it comes:


  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    omg Susan.... that is HOT!! what was that line you said used to make ya nuts that people said?? Something about "but it's a dry heat, right?" I still remember you sharing that and a reply along the lines of "ya.. just dry heat so just put your head in a 350 degree oven and see how it feels.. cause ya know.. it's a "dry" heat...." LOL

    im guessing "siesta" is a necessity in the afternoons there!! hope you can get out in the early mornings with the pooches afore that wicked heat kicks in every day!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I had to see what that was in Celsius - over 40! That is really hot, and it's only June! I don't think I've ever had that in the UK - only abroad (Italy). I would definitely struggle. I have sometimes gone to the cinema when it's been really hot because they have air conditioning. The supermarkets too. I hope your house is cool.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    We're about halfway through this month's goal to lose 1% of our total body weight, so in case any of us could use a little inspiration to continue to rock this challenge for the upcoming week! :)

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    edited June 2015
    Morning Hatters!

    Week 3 of our "lose 1%" is ON!!





  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    edited June 2015
    Loosing the 2 lbs is so hilarious Snoozie.
    And me too OWR, logging helps keep me informed of my calorie intake. Sometimes when I am guessing and then I logged I am so over and so surprised.

    Great posters I am taking all of them for my pinterest boards.
  • OldWomanRuns
    OldWomanRuns Posts: 106 Member
    Getting this week started. Was down the 1% - up 2% - down 1.8% - up 1% -- seriously?? Oh well, it is what it is when I run into those Patron Margaritas at my favorite Mexican Place AND didn't get a run in either.
    Working toward that 1% Sticking by the end of June. We Can Do This. "Have" to fly to Florida on Thursday to babysit the little grandson while his parents go on a cruise. Sure don't know what will happen during
    that time - but, chasing a 2 year old? Hopefully, at least, maintain. Everyone is doing so well! Log On!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    OWR - my fluctuations have been similar to yours so far this month lol.. but I just keep reminding myself it WILL drop and stay dropped - it's like a man.. it WILL do, only when IT wants to, not when I want it to lol! Wowsa on the trip; yep im thinking you're gonna be burning a whole lotta NEPA cals with the little one!

    milove - I think of u a lot when I struggle with my logging; its been way easier for me these past few days I must say since I erased all the meals and just have one big list a day of everything I eat... so i'm hoping it will help me keep up the loggin since it is doing what I wanted; giving me a clearer view of just how much i'm putting in my mouth!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    edited June 2015
    Thanks Snooozie for all the inspirational photos!

    OWR and Snooozie, Count me in on the yo-yoing! Geeze Louise, it's been crazy. . As of today I am down 1%, but that's because I had major intestinal distress yesterday, and other days I"ve been up as much as 2-3% up because of water retention when I didn't take my meds. I am grateful for the 1% goal, though, because when I start to get discouraged, it is easy to get re-motivated because it is a reasonable goal.

    I'm still getting used to the new logging without the categories- of kind of threw me at first , but I'm liking it more and more. Thanks for the idea Snooozie.


  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Holy Moley- not to be the resident weather reporter or anything, but just looked at our updated Weather forecast for this week and wondering if my fellow Canadians would be interested in a Hatter and two doggies for a summer roommate???? So what is THIS in Celsius?


  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    lmao Susan!!! I asked SIRI to convert those to Celsius... I think he fainted!!! (it's aout 42-45C tho LOL)

    I'm not sure you'd want to summer here tho; we don't get anywhere near that hot but with the added humidity, average 30C temps feel like higher! But c'mon over in February ??? (insert evil grin) promise you a snowball fight!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    hmmm I posted this eons ago I thought.... but now its gone.. so OWR... this ones for YOU!rmuxrcv26512.jpg
  • OldWomanRuns
    OldWomanRuns Posts: 106 Member
    hahahahahaha!!! Somehow it just doesn't ring as yummy as Fudge Day!! Have to admit - ate those little pieces of fudge and all that sugar is playing havoc with my belly and I am feeling very punk today.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    I figured if Kim Karshashian can break the internet with a selfie, maybe I can too????? not sure mine will do it but nothing ventured, nothing gained right?? haaaaaaaaaaaa :p

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    OWR... ya that was exactly my thought - broccoli day?? I think NOT !!! sorry the fudge is leaving an ick with ya; hope you feel better as the day goes on! There was some kind of pot luck thing going on in our community room and the leftovers were put out for anyone who wanted em last night; I took a store bought cookie but it ended up saving me cause it was hard as a rock LOL.. so one bite and it hit the garbage... not thru an virtue on my part just a big old blech!

    Patrice.... not QUITE as good as your lovely picture I covet (and yes stole.. but I already confessed that to you way back LOL... hope that migraine is gone for good and you're feeling better too!

    Susan - you haven't melted into the pavement I hope???

    Gail - I hope you are enjoying every minute of your vacay!!

    Milove - rocking those steps well done you!

    Vail - hope you're having a good week!

    Tonight is my LAST shift before a week of vacay off... counting the minutes as i'm pretty much having to work every single day next month due to all the events happening here in the city... gonna do some spring cleaning in the form of getting rid of a bunch of stuff that's accumulated over the years, but using most of it to get chores done like the car tune up, blah blah blah.. not too exciting but better be productive!!
  • PatriceMG
    PatriceMG Posts: 232 Member
    Love your pic. Water is soothing to me. Well, unless it is waves crashing over the bow of a boat I am on lol. Looks like a lovely day. I should take a pic of my duck pond view. Not for a bit though I am leaving for 4 days to CA. My son is having surgery on his face there. Good thoughts for him tomorrow please...I'll have a new pic off the front porch once our next phase of the vineyard is planted... Been walking the duck pond but not logging as such. I think fitbit is adding some for my steps though...
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Oh Patrice; will definitely send up a prayer and good thoughts for your son! Glad you are going to be with him through it... safe trip for you and take our positive thoughts with you.... (and yes would love to see your duck pond pic (and the porch altho i'm rather fond of that porch you're on now as you know LOL).. !
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Patrice - thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery for your son - safe travels

    I love the pics too... so motivating .. esp the don't give up Susan...
    and stay cool.. wow on the temps - we have rain and about 70ish - thanks Bill...

    I've changed my diary settings to what I've ate and what I've drank - seems easier

    Hope everyone is having a great week and let's get off this damn roller coaster.... lol...

    See you on the "It's a Small World" ride at Disney - and now let's get the song off our minds.....

    Love ya

    Carol :smiley: