Cheat Days

Ashar33 Posts: 17 Member
Spent some time with my sister yesterday, she's also doing low carb, and we got on the subject of cheat days. Sounds like she does one like every two months. I've been really hesitant to even think about cheating, but sooner or later I'm sure I'll want one. What do you guys do? I have a list on my phone of things to eat on my cheat day lol.


  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    I don't like the terminology myself.

    If cheat means allowing yourself to go over plan for a day, why is it considered "cheating"? That sounds like a planned plan excursion.

    If "cheating" is another word - a euphemism really - for losing discipline and diving into a bag or two of chips or a a tin of cookies or a loaf of sour dough bread or ^ insert your vice here ^ - that isn't cheating, that's a loss of control, not a plan.

    If I *want* to go over my plan, I do. Usually this only occurs in conjunction with an evening out, and as we don't go out all that much, when I do if I'm in the mood for a beer I'm not going to deny myself a lovely tall pint of locally brewed hoppy IPA waiting to be drawn. You'll find beer and salad on a couple of my nights out. :wink:

    Even then on such a day my calorie intake on such days rarely goes above what would be considered maintenance for me, but even if the intake was higher yet, one planned day is not an issue.

    Live is there to live. Have your plan-vacation day if you want, just plan for it.

    I've got one planned already: On my birthday in September I'm having cake. Home made carrot cake with cream cheese icing, or my wife's chocolate zucchini cake so moist no icing required or wanted -- I've not decided. It won't be a cheat but a choice.
  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    How can this possibly be a good idea? It'll increase your hunger. It'll increase insulin after your body has developed a benign form of insulin resistance.

    If you have to eat more, eat more fat.

    If you have to eat more carbs, increase your level slowly so your body can re-adapt to the insulin surge.
  • minties82
    minties82 Posts: 907 Member
    It isn't worth it, if you are trying to lose weight and you suddenly eat a truckload of carbs for a day. Not for me anyway. 2.2kg flew back on overnight for me last time and it takes at least 2 weeks to get back down to lowest weight.

    If I were to plan a binge, because that what it is, isn't it? I'd just scoff down some meat and fat.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I'm not a fan of the idea only because I slipped after a week on LC and ate like I used to (not even huge quantity of foods, just all the wrong foods), and I felt AWFUL. I don't want to feel like that again so I'm not going to consider it. That said, I don't stick to 20g or less per day, I eat in a range typically 40-75g. I imagine it would be an even more awful feeling if I was sticking to lower than I am.
  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    I gained 7.5lbs last time I "cheated" during a vacation. Most of it was water, but not all of it. :(

    I guess we're designed to "cheat" from an evolutionary perspective. If you're knocked out of ketosis by a carb binge, the resulting hunger is probably evolution's way of saying "yay! feast time! eat! eat! store fat! mmm!" :)
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    I really like the idea of a planned "off plan" excursion. Goes along with the mindful eating concepts I'm researching!
  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    mwyvr wrote: »
    I don't like the terminology myself.

    If cheat means allowing yourself to go over plan for a day, why is it considered "cheating"? That sounds like a planned plan excursion.

    If "cheating" is another word - a euphemism really - for losing discipline and diving into a bag or two of chips or a a tin of cookies or a loaf of sour dough bread or ^ insert your vice here ^ - that isn't cheating, that's a loss of control, not a plan.

    If I *want* to go over my plan, I do. Usually this only occurs in conjunction with an evening out, and as we don't go out all that much, when I do if I'm in the mood for a beer I'm not going to deny myself a lovely tall pint of locally brewed hoppy IPA waiting to be drawn. You'll find beer and salad on a couple of my nights out. :wink:

    Even then on such a day my calorie intake on such days rarely goes above what would be considered maintenance for me, but even if the intake was higher yet, one planned day is not an issue.

    Live is there to live. Have your plan-vacation day if you want, just plan for it.

    I've got one planned already: On my birthday in September I'm having cake. Home made carrot cake with cream cheese icing, or my wife's chocolate zucchini cake so moist no icing required or wanted -- I've not decided. It won't be a cheat but a choice.

    PBI: Mwyvr your wife's Chocolate Zucchini cake sounds delish. I couldnt have the recipe by any chance could i? Im a serial baker!

  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    I will try to dig it up!
  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    I, too, dislike the term "cheat day". I dont want to be part of a mindset where i plan to deliberately cheat, it doesnt feel positive or controlled to me - If anything i would tend to call it a treat day (or treat meal or w/e).

    I prefer not to have planned cheat/treat days because i will naturally have days where i have higher hunger and will allow myself to eat more if necessary, but these tend to be balanced out naturally by lower hunger days.

    When i do have higher calorie days im still careful to not allow my carbs past 30g absolute maximum (im normally 15-20g), and i watch that my protein doesnt go too high as that can turn to glucose, so i concentrate on fats. Those are the closest i get to cheat days. I wouldnt choose to eat higher carb foods ever now because i know it would throw my body off balance and make me gain weight and would take days to get back into keto & stop the cravings. If planned 'cheat days' work for you - you still feel good and continue to lose weight - then why not if it makes you happy and aids you sticking to plan the rest of the time, but they just dont work well for me.

  • SlimBride2Be
    SlimBride2Be Posts: 315 Member
    I don't do 'cheat days' as such but I have had the odd high carb day due to weddings or unavoidable food etc.

    The most interesting thing is that now I am fat adapted (I assume, after 8-9 weeks strictly on plan) I seem to be able to tolerate those higher carb days without problem.

    Before I would take a week to get back on track, kill the cravings etc. Now I just wake up the next morning, eat a boiled egg, plan a day of careful low carbing and NOTHING negative happens. I've been really pleased and assume it means my damaged metabolism is repairing itself.

    It's not a reason to go off plan regularly as I imagine that would stall my weight loss some, but it's a great thing to have in my back pocket nowadays.

    Of course going off plan is like 100-150 carbs so still way lower than the average SAD day!
  • _jayciemarie_
    _jayciemarie_ Posts: 574 Member
    I know there are a lot of people out there that have discipline and can go through life doing low carbs day in and day out. Whether you call it a "cheat" or "plan" or "vacation"--the hardest part will be getting back on track. As long as you have the discipline to get yourself back on track and go through "Missing carbs" once again--do it as often as you like. If your weightloss slows down or stalls, just make sure you hold yourself accountable. For me, I don't want to go through the period of time it takes to get carbs out of the system. I'm always hungry, miserable, and craving every sweet thing I can think about. I liked it when I was weeks in and no longer was controlled by cravings. I just had a 4 day binge, and this week has been awful. Your results may vary. I just know that I don't want to go through this again.
  • AngInCanada
    AngInCanada Posts: 947 Member
    I also hate the term "cheat meal or day". I've also stopped referring to certain foods as good or bad. In my precious life, if I ate something I considered bad Id refer to myself as being good or bad and it was frustrating. Now I just know there as foods for ME that are better choices but there's no food that is good or bad. Some are just better choices than others and some o choose not to eat because I know how they make me feel.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    edited June 2015
    I know there are a lot of people out there that have discipline and can go through life doing low carbs day in and day out. Whether you call it a "cheat" or "plan" or "vacation"--the hardest part will be getting back on track. As long as you have the discipline to get yourself back on track and go through "Missing carbs" once again--do it as often as you like. If your weightloss slows down or stalls, just make sure you hold yourself accountable. For me, I don't want to go through the period of time it takes to get carbs out of the system. I'm always hungry, miserable, and craving every sweet thing I can think about. I liked it when I was weeks in and no longer was controlled by cravings. I just had a 4 day binge, and this week has been awful. Your results may vary. I just know that I don't want to go through this again.

    But at least you learned from your 4-day choice. Imagine the people who jump off for 4 weeks from Thanksgiving to Christmas...(not judging at all - just observing the fact in a curious manner...) I don't know that I could do that or have any interest in trying, really. I know I really don't want to go back to that old me, so going back to my old habits is really unappealing still...
  • professionalHobbyist
    professionalHobbyist Posts: 1,316 Member
    It is just a choice with a consequence.

    I have to fit it in with what means the most to me.

    Quite honestly good just isn't that much of a god to me. I do want certain foods and balance out my calories for the day to work it in. Sometimes I have to do more cardio.

    I have been up at 9:00 on the treadmill before working off food before. It will happen again. It is just about being accountable to myself.

    That is the new thing. Owning it. Diets don't fail. I do. Or I don't...

    And I like having a flat torso and no love handles. So I don't have cheat days . I have splurge meals but I work it off.

    I never knew how much I totally hated being fat until I wasn't.

    I'll pass on a cheat day. But I don't judge those that can do it and handle it.

  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,057 Member
    I have been experimenting with having planned excursions away from my normal routine, planned around family special occasions, but have not gone over 60g carbs while doing it. So I try not to go overboard and stray too far. So far I have been able to get back on track easily. In fact I think that the last carb excursion resulted in kick starting my most recent weight loss. My weight went up about 3 pounds artificially, and the change to ZC immediately afterwards yielded an 11 pound loss or 8 pounds net in 2 weeks. This was after losing only 2 pounds in 2 months doing keto aiming for under 20g carbs. This is something I can see myself fitting into my routine in the long run.
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    Nope. Not considering anything of the sort. I finally found a plan that works, with consistent weekly loses. I'm not going to screw this up. I'm getting this weight off and this time I truly believe I can sustain LCHF and I'm feeling that live and eat normally now. Compared to powders, pills and pre-packaged meals and all the other crap I tried and couldn't maintain -with minimal weight loss. I've got boxes of my old "skinny" clothes calling my name in the corner of the bedroom. I don't want to disappoint them.. I'm staying focused and moving towards the goal. Keeping my eye on the prize.. o:) Nothing tastes as good as healthy feels.
  • professionalHobbyist
    professionalHobbyist Posts: 1,316 Member
    I ate close to my calories back today, for losing 1.5 lbs per week.

    But I also don't log anything at all for lifting weights.

    It felt like a splurge!
  • dessiepenn
    dessiepenn Posts: 167 Member
    Kitnthecat wrote: »
    I have been experimenting with having planned excursions away from my normal routine, planned around family special occasions, but have not gone over 60g carbs while doing it. So I try not to go overboard and stray too far. So far I have been able to get back on track easily. In fact I think that the last carb excursion resulted in kick starting my most recent weight loss. My weight went up about 3 pounds artificially, and the change to ZC immediately afterwards yielded an 11 pound loss or 8 pounds net in 2 weeks. This was after losing only 2 pounds in 2 months doing keto aiming for under 20g carbs. This is something I can see myself fitting into my routine in the long run.

    I've noticed when I stopped loosing, a carb day or two kick started weight loss for me too. That being said, I hate the way I feel after carb days. Particularly heavy gluten carbs....I have no known intolerances just now noticing what that toxicn does when i over indulge.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,057 Member
    I know what you mean about feeling bad after eating gluten. I don't want to ever eat gluten again, so the carbs I reach for are usually more vegetables, a bit of fruit or sugar and starchier items like potato or sweet potato, or alcohol, but in portions small enough not to have too much of an impact on how I feel. And I still feel as if I've had a treat.
  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    This thread makes me want Christmas cookies. Just saying.