New members - tell us about yourself



  • BRaye325
    BRaye325 Posts: 1,383 Member
    Wow Marty, quite a story. Sounds like you are lucky to be here, thanks for sharing. Stories like yours are what keep me motivated!
  • camblin
    camblin Posts: 38 Member
    Sorry, Marty, I didn't mean to post on your post! Good job!
  • BRaye325
    BRaye325 Posts: 1,383 Member
    Welcome camblin.... so glad you found us! It sounds like our group should be exactly what you are looking for. Congratulations on your weight loss, you must be feeling better and have so much more energy.
  • chersei
    chersei Posts: 9 Member
    Hi , I joined MFP three weeks ago and have lost 3 lbs, yay! The encouragement and sharing of struggles , and successes has really helped me to stay on track. I'm particularly happy to find a group for over 50. I just turned 57 and I've been trying to lose weight this last year on my own but was unsuccessful.
    I've always exercised and ate very healthy because I'm one of those people who gain weight so easily, but the last few years , I seemed to gain no matter what I did! It helps to know I'm not the only one .
    The food log and being mindful and accountable for everything I eat , really makes a difference.
    Thanks everyone for the support! I look forward to hearing from you .
    We can help each other achieve our goals together
  • djscavone
    djscavone Posts: 133 Member
    Hello everyone. I am Dan from Connecticut. 54 years old, married 32 years, two kids - son 28 and daughter 23. Like most on here my sedentary life and all work no play brought on some health issues. A nutritionist mentioned MFP so I gave it a look and joined last year. I have since lost the weight I wanted and I am very active in the jogging community having now completed 6 5K's and and a half marathon. I have now made this less about diet and exercise and more now about a permanent change in life and behavior.
  • mk2fit
    mk2fit Posts: 730 Member
    Hi all! I've been here since October 2104 and am glad I found this group. I am 56, married for 33 years with two kids, 30 & 29 and two grands 10 & 2. It is nice to have people close in age and temperament to hang out with. The only time in my life I ever thought about my weight was after my 29 year old was born. I quit smoking just over 3 years ago. It took a while but after about 15 months, I discovered that food tastes really good! I gained lots of weight, maybe 60 pounds. I never had a scale until last November. My doctor, God bless her, told me about MFP and calorie counting. Hooray, it worked! I have lost 61# (56 on MFP) and have reached maintenance. I actually went on maintenance about 6# ago but that is another thread. I exercise every day, watch what I eat and splurge on occasion. I will continue logging here indefinitely. I spent a week chasing my 2 year old granddaughter, something I couldn't have done pretty much any time in the last few years.
  • Fugley01
    Fugley01 Posts: 45 Member
    I'm a 50 year old male happily married with 2 wonderful young daughters aged 13 and 11. I joined MFP In March of this year. I'm 5'6" and at my heaviest was 219lbs.
    I decided last November to finally take responsibility for my health after a little scare with my blood glucose readings (type2 diabetes). I had also noticed my wife didn't seem very attracted to me anymore so it was time for a complete overhaul of me.
    I contacted a family friend that is heavily into power lifting to ask for his help in getting me into a routine at the gym. I tell you that was the best phone call I ever made. He was more than willing to help me out so we set up a time when he would be at the gym and he would show me the ropes. My first day working out with him was his "shoulder and chest" day. We started on bench press. I started at 95lbs x8 reps x2sets, then went to 115 x8x2 and finally 135 for only 5 reps.
    Fast forward to today. I'm currently at 181lbs, wearing a 34" waist down from 38". My biceps went from just over 12" to my current 15 1/4".
    I currently have a 3rep max of 205 on bench press
    315x8 on deadlifts
    240x6 on squats
    40lb x 8 x 2 dumbbell curls.
    I lift 4x per week and just love it. I have a set of 30lb and 8lb Dumbbells at home that I try to use daily.
    I've gone from a men's large T-shirt to a medium which fits great around my mid-section but is getting tight in the shoulders and arms. I also use a Fitbit one to track my steps and usually walk between 24-36 miles per week.
    My blood sugar levels are very stable now and as of my last blood work up, my T levels are up:) and my wife has regained her interest in me again.
    After my first two months of tracking my calories, my wife download the MFP app and has since lost 24lbs.
    When the weather permits we walk our dog on a nice 2 1/2mile route every evening.
    My weight loss has sure upped my confidence and self esteem but I'm on a plateau and just can't seem to break into the 170's. Knowing I didn't gain all my weight in a short period of time, I'll just keep on doing what I'm doing and take all the NSV's I can get.
    If it wasn't for the MFP app, I'm sure I'd still be looking at myself in the mirror in total disgust. I'm glad I found the 50+ group. It should be easier to get info on weight loss from people in my own age range.


  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,228 Member
    Welcome all! Marty, amazing story and fantastic transformation. My husband had a stroke, straightened up his act and recovered almost completely. He had that weird hot/cold thing in his extremities too. Camblin, you sound like me, busy professional who sits a lot and lives in the boonies, you can do this. chersei, great start and it really does help to have people who understand to learn. Good luck to us all.
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,228 Member
    OK,Dan, mk and Mike, welcome to you also. Getting newbies faster than I can type. This is amazing! We can rely on each other for support and lend a sympathetic, "mature" ear.
  • nikkib0103
    nikkib0103 Posts: 969 Member
    Welcome to all. I look forward to getting to know all of you.
  • BBee5064
    BBee5064 Posts: 1,020 Member
    Welcome to all our new comers.. Great to have u with us
  • Fugley01
    Fugley01 Posts: 45 Member
    It'll be nice to talk with people in my own age group, especially about fitness. Most places I frequent are filled with the young folks who think supplements, not hard work, give you what you need. For me, whey protein, a healthy diet and hard work is all I need to succeed.
    On a good note, last night I picked up an Olympic weight bench for $40.00 off of kijiji. I have been looking at new benches but they were all around $200.00 or more for something decent.
  • BRaye325
    BRaye325 Posts: 1,383 Member
    ^^^ sounds like a nice find. I've gotten half of my workout stuff off Craigslist. I guess there is some benefit to all those that start and then give up!
  • Fugley01
    Fugley01 Posts: 45 Member
    ^^^ the guy had a nice weight machine for $150.00. I got home and checked his ad, he dropped it to $135.00
    It's a very sturdy bench that has an adjustable back for incline presses. Now I have to start searching the classifieds for a bar and weights.
  • BrendaSue1962
    BrendaSue1962 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello! My name is Brenda, I am 52, I have been happily married for 25 years and have two wonderful children ages 15 and 13. My weight is causing me health problems and I just feel lousy. I have struggled with my weight since I was 12. I lost 80 pounds after high school and kept it off for about 10 years. After 10 years my weight started to yo-yo until I gained it all back, plus more. Then in 2004, I dieted and exercised off 96lbs. I hit a platue and then slowly I regained it all back plus 12! I couldn't keep the weight off. Since then, I start diets all the time. I yo-yo, I have a problem being consistent. I am really struggling. I need to get the weight off and keep it off. So here I go again. Never give up right! Although, I have never tried groups like this or any other weight loss group before I feel compelled to give it a try. Anyway, so this is me, and today I will eat healthy, move my body, and think positive thoughts...
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,228 Member
    Welcome Brenda! I think many of us have done the yo-yo thing. This time I decided had to be the last. Gave myself an upper limit of only 5 pounds, then I take action. Much easier to lose 5 than 90.
  • professionalHobbyist
    professionalHobbyist Posts: 1,316 Member
    Upper limit of 5 pounds.

    I like that

    I'm a few days new but so many people joined after me I feel as old as I am...?


    I hope all the new peeps fee as welcomed as I did.

  • BBee5064
    BBee5064 Posts: 1,020 Member
    camblin wrote: »
    Finally! I'm a 50 year old woman who spends most of her time at a desk or sitting in a courtroom. A few months ago, I let myself be interviewed for a news story, and while I wasn't excited at the prospect of seeing myself on TV, I was appalled by how awful I looked. I barely recognized myself. I moped and cussed for a couple of days, and then decided to do something about it. In the course of researching "success stories" to see how other folks over 50 took off weight, I kept running across references to MyFitnessPal. I decided to check it out, although I didn't think I was capable of logging calories and exercise EVERY SINGLE DAY. It was addictive. Then, I added a Fitbit. I realized a few weeks ago that my smartphone has become my best friend and confidant, and while that works well, it would be nice to talk to humans about the ups and downs of getting control of one's health after "a certain age." I have been looking for a good group, and this one seemed to fit the bill. I am a single trial attorney with grown children, and I live way out in the country, so this has been a pretty solitary endeavor, so far. I have lost 51.7 lbs and am over half-way to goal. Since I realize this is going to have to be a lifestyle if I don't want to find myself back in the same position in a couple of years, I figured I ought to find some similarly situated friends to make the journey a little more fun.

    welcome to our group. When I was reading your synopsis..i could have written it myself.. I too sit at a desk most of the day & like you hi have a fitbit now & my smart phone has become a great friend to me. and to top it all we have a superb group to share our journey with. Looking forward to getting to know you :)
  • BBee5064
    BBee5064 Posts: 1,020 Member
    Hello! My name is Brenda, I am 52, I have been happily married for 25 years and have two wonderful children ages 15 and 13. My weight is causing me health problems and I just feel lousy. I have struggled with my weight since I was 12. I lost 80 pounds after high school and kept it off for about 10 years. After 10 years my weight started to yo-yo until I gained it all back, plus more. Then in 2004, I dieted and exercised off 96lbs. I hit a platue and then slowly I regained it all back plus 12! I couldn't keep the weight off. Since then, I start diets all the time. I yo-yo, I have a problem being consistent. I am really struggling. I need to get the weight off and keep it off. So here I go again. Never give up right! Although, I have never tried groups like this or any other weight loss group before I feel compelled to give it a try. Anyway, so this is me, and today I will eat healthy, move my body, and think positive thoughts...

    Brenda its great to have you aboard.. We can all relate to yo yo dieting.. Its the life of a constant dieter.. Heres hoping we can all start to find the right balance & feed off each other ideas, suggestions & example. WE CAN DO THIS!!
  • BrendaSue1962
    BrendaSue1962 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you so much for your warm welcome and words of encouragement. It means more than you know.