Introduce Yourself Geek!



  • poptart13
    poptart13 Posts: 3 Member
    hello! i'm sarah. i'm 34, and female. i don't really rp or larp anymore, i'm more into board games, video games, and card games. i want to lose 100 lbs. so far i have lost 2.2. and no walk on the beach, i don't like sand.

    my husband and i collect vintage video games, we have an nes, snes, 64, gamecube, ps2, xbox, wiiu, ds lite, new 3ds, a couple gameboys, and my favorite, a dreamcast. i like all sorts of game but puzzle/point and clicks are probably my favorite (phoenix wright, professor layton, tetris). i also love platformers. and top down shooters. and rail shooters. and rpgs. pretty much anything but fps because i am sensitive to motion sickness (so lame, i used to love fps)

    so yeah, my husband and i share a nintendo network id of mach_riders. feel free to add.
  • interrobanger
    interrobanger Posts: 13 Member
    My name is Jasmine, and I'm 21. Current weight is 149, at 5'1. Looking to get back down to 125. It's not listed on my profile, but I have lost over 35 pounds since 2013. I've been yo-yoing between 145 - 155 for a frustratingly long time now, and I'm about ready to get over this hump for real.

    Now onto the reason why I'm posting here in the first place!! My favourite games include titles from Mass Effect, Dragon Age, BioShock, Tomb Raider, L4D, Saints Row, GTA, Fallout, Dragon's Dogma, Far Cry, The Witcher, etc. There are a lot more that I'm missing, but I think it's ok to stop now lol. There are a lot more games I need to play that I've just never gotten around to, like Dishonored and ALL the games by Naughty Dog.

    I've been holding off on getting a new console because the game selection is going to take awhile to build up, but I think I'm going to pick up a PS4 early next year, and finally play those exclusives that I've been missing out on. And also because of Fallout 4. Anyways, that's me.
  • LadyValacri
    LadyValacri Posts: 17 Member
    Hello, I'm Eliabeth. I'm a female and I play all sorts of games.

    Some of my favorite games are the Dragon Age games, Pokemon, Animal Crossing, and Tomb Raider. I play plenty more but it would take too long to list them all.

    I love forum based role plaing. I also play MtG and I hope to start playing D&D soon. I would love, love, love to LARP one day.

    I've been off and on trying to lose weight for almost a year. It's only recently that I've really given it my all. I'm hoping to lose 80 pounds!
  • missm2
    missm2 Posts: 608 Member
    Hi , my name is Celia and I am from UK.
    I've never done LARP or RP
    I play anything. I still play my N64 ..cube, snes ( loved jungle strike!) My favourite is Zelda.. all of them! Atm I played Gge online, lots of hidden games from big fish. I love word, board, console and PC games
    I've lost 27lbs so far. . Still another 30 to go!
    Planning to replay Majoria's mask with my 13 year old son this summer. . Can't wait
  • missm2
    missm2 Posts: 608 Member
    I forgot. .. walk on the beach..yes as long as it's not windy.
  • UKbear76
    UKbear76 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey guys! Mike here from Newmarket, Ontario, Canada. Love me some gaming. I'm a dedicated WoW'er where I have RP'd in the past. I also like playing DCUO, Destiny, and other PS4 games. My gamer tag on there is Wilkocub.

    Today is my first day on my weight loss plan so I've got a little way to go! My first goal is 30lbs.

  • MissKrueger
    MissKrueger Posts: 10 Member
    My name is Carol. I'm about to turn 30, 5'1" and currently 150ish pounds. Looking to loose around 25lbs.

    I'm a huge gaming nerd. Grew up on everything Nintendo. Love the Zelda series (Minish Cap is my favorite). Lately I've been immersed in Fantasy Life for the 3DS. I've got almost 200 hours logged on that one. I did some online wrestling RP groups way back in the day. Love board games and card games. And now I'm living the dream as an assistant manager at a Retro gaming store. :smiley:

    I like walks on the beach... But I burn even thinking about direct sunlight. So I'd much prefer a hike in the woods.
  • fledglingilora
    fledglingilora Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I'm Amber. I'm 32, and I play RPGs (I even run 2nd ed D&D), and also love video games. My favorite games are Mass Effect, Dragon Age, and Skyrim.

    My goal is to shed 80 lbs. I just started getting serious about it, and have lost 3.5 lbs in the last 2 weeks!

    I absolutely love the beach, and miss it terribly.
  • looneypumpkin
    looneypumpkin Posts: 12 Member
    Who are you! I'm Kim! Or most of my gamer tags are looneypumpkin
    Age? 31
    Female or male? Female
    RP? D&D every Sunday!
    LARP? Naw
    What are your weightloss goals?! To get to 225....
    How many pounds have you lost? I've lost 55lbs after having my son. I have another 50 to lose
    Walk on the Beach? I love the beach but live 6hrs from it :(

    I used to play on a modded Left 4 Dead 2 server before my son was here. I find it hard to PC game with him running around now, especially with others, so I mostly stick to 1 player games on PS3/ps4. Looking forward to Fallout 4!
  • strangeling06
    strangeling06 Posts: 25 Member
    Hello!!! Everyone calls me Vixie :smile:
    My overall goal is to lose 50lbs.

    Currently playing Elder Scrolls Tamriel Unlimited. I also love Final Fantasy.
  • ternacious
    ternacious Posts: 16 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Chris, 26, female, from the US but currently finishing grad school in Canada. I grew up loving RPGs and games on PC/nintendo/game boy. Nowadays just PC games. My recent favorites are the Dragon Age, Bioshock, and Mass Effect series. I enjoyed Elder Scrolls Oblivion and Fallout 3 quite a bit too. I also love retro games (the adventure games by Sierra, Myst, Civilization, etc) and was playing an online text-based RPG for many years, till I had to give that up to focus on studying...
    Fitness goals - losing another ~10-15 lb and then some recomp.
    Not much of a beach person, I prefer hiking in forests instead!
  • K_Amiot
    K_Amiot Posts: 2 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm Katie and I'm 22 years old and living in the US. I mainly play on my PlayStation consoles and play games like fallout, bio shock, last of us, beyond two souls, elder scrolls, etc. And of course I have all my game boy systems to satisfy my Pokemon addiction. I used to do text based rp religiously for probably most of my life. Sadly college likes to suck the life out of you and I no longer had time for it :(

    Growing up I was the fat home schooled girl and even now into my early adult years, having been teased and ridiculed has made me really self conscious about my body (though I've lost a bunch of the weight). At my most I weighed 200 lbs. When I was 17 and since then I've been able to drop my weight down to 150, though I still don't feel comfortable and want to lost another 20-30 lbs. And start building muscle.

    Oh, and yes, walks on the beach are a must.
  • kbleiweis
    kbleiweis Posts: 5 Member
    Hi. I am 41, a women and a gamer. XBOX, PS4, table-top etc. I hover at about 300 right now, and i need to lose a bunch of weight, but my main goal is to live to play another round! My hubby and I bought each other the Microsoft Band for our anniversary so we can gamify our health goals. So far we are mostly challenging each other to make our daily step goals, but as we improve I hope to add new ways to make working out a game. Any other Band users?
    Beach = YES!
  • pah483
    pah483 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi all! I'm Patty
    22 year old female
    When I'm not at work it's (almost) all about games!
    Mostly video games (big into horror, simulation/survival, and RPG).
    I've never LARPed before but have always wanted to try!
    I'm trying to lose about 25-30 pounds and was well on my way (at about 9 down), but had a bunch of big life transitions and let that get in the way of my progress. Back to it though!
  • KenziesFrenzies
    KenziesFrenzies Posts: 1,014 Member
    kapeluza wrote: »
    Who are you!
    Female or male?
    What are your weightloss goals?!
    How many pounds have you lost?
    Walk on the Beach?

    You get it!


    I'm MacKenzie, 25 years old, female.
    I am all for roleplay of many varieties. :D
    LARP'ing, not so much. Many of my friends do, but it's never been my thing.
    30ish more pounds and I'm done! I started at 220, currently at 167, shooting to be around 135.
    I have lost 53 pounds. (Contrary to what my profile says, it began prior to my profile here.)
    For the first time in my life, I live in a land-locked state! No more walks on beaches for me, woh-wohh...
  • DarILS
    DarILS Posts: 3 Member
    I'm Mo. I'm 35 years old and female. I have 60+ lbs to lose. I spent way too much time at working, working on working, stressing about working, thinking about the next thing I wanted to work get it. I love what I do now. You could almost say its who I am. But no longer at the sacrifice of my body. I've lost 11lbs on diet alone but now I've added my workout component by joining a local wellness center and working with a PT. I have a LONG way to go but am determined. First weight loss and cardio health, while slowly adding a little muscle and stamina. When I get my weight under control I want to focus on muscle building and strengthening.

    I love all kinds of games. I'm mainly a PC gamer and have over 600 games on Steam. I keep a PS4 around for a few platform only titles I still love. I'm currently on sabbatical from WoW and enjoying the relaxation of HoT. Rocket League is also keeping me very entertained. I LOVE strategy games and can play endless hours of Civ5, I don't know why. I also really enjoy playing every level of every Lego franchise game with my god children.

    I don't know if any is even hear anymore but I thought I'd see if I could get it going again.

    My dog walks/runs on the beach. My calves are ready for that yet. I'm still on the treadmill...
  • JamieATX
    JamieATX Posts: 6 Member
    Hey, I'm Jamie, 33 yo and female. I have lost 101 pounds (started at 309 currently at 208) and want to lose (at minimum) another 50ish.

    I'm mostly a PC gamer though we have some Xbox 360s, a PS3, a Wii, and some handhelds hanging around too. I don't really have a game type, but my most favorite game of all time was Kingdom Hearts II. I also love BlackOps, Minecraft, Skyrim, the Lego games, Left 4 Dead, both Portals and just yesterday I started playing CS:GO. I currently really suck at it.

    I'm super pale, so the beach in a no go for me. A nice shady mountain trail sounds better.
  • DrNerdy
    DrNerdy Posts: 168 Member
    Good Afternoon, I'm Nick. I'm 27 years old, and male. I play all sorts of RPG's including WoW, Fallout, Skyrim, and the like. I've even dabbled with tabletop gaming. When I was a kid, we used to play with foam swords, so I guess you can say I have done LARPing. I am working towards a six pack. I have lost the same 15 pounds over and over throughout the years... I just moved to Hawaii, so Yes, walks on the beach.

  • bdedi
    bdedi Posts: 9 Member
    Hi! I'm Bill. 51 years young. Never going to grow up! Male, 5' 8". Topped out at 422 lbs and am working my way back down. Had lapband surgery in 2010 when I was at 396 lbs. Lost 130 lbs in the year following, but due to life circumstances, I gained it all back and more.

    I've been in the computer industry since the Apple ][ came out. Sold and serviced them and never looked back. First real RPG I played was Wizardry and continued to play them. Eventually playtested the games for Sir-tech, tested around five or six.

    Currently working as a Windows Server administrator for a large Chicago newspaper company.

    Currently I'm doing a lot of XBOX One gaming, read that as 'Destiny', gamertag 'bdedi'. Also do a significant amount of PC gaming. Currently replaying Fallout 3. Steam id is 'bdedi'.

    Weightloss goal is to get down to 180. Currently down 30 lbs from my max weight.
  • chaniluv
    chaniluv Posts: 61 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Chani. I'm a 25-year-old gamer mom from Iowa. My daughter is turning six tomorrow and is my whole world. My main quest is to learn how to love myself again after suffering a devastating loss last year and treating my body right is one of the prerequisites to that quest. I seem to be different from most people endeavoring to lose weight because my problem is not eating too much, it's eating too little. For years I've drank so much soda that I only felt the need to eat once a day. Now I've quit drinking soda and I'm hungry all the darn time. I'm trying to deal with my new appetite healthily, but it's not as easy as it sounds.

    I don't have any consoles beyond my PC right now, so I mostly play League of Legends, Heroes of the Storm, Hearthstone, Diablo 3, and Minecraft. I played WoW for years, but a lot of my friends have quit or found other games over the last couple expansions so it's no longer worth the $15 a month for me. I like RPG, RTS, and tower defense games most, but dungeon crawlers are fun, too. I'm horrible at shooters and so avoid them like the Plague. I have an interest in tabletop RPG's but I live in a pretty rural area, so we don't have any groups for that sort of thing.

    I used to participate in text-based role-playing on a high fantasy forum, but it went inactive so I'm entirely out of practice. I don't LARP, but I do enjoy going to the local Renaissance Festival every autumn to watch the jousting tournaments, get a wax-dipped rose, ride the elephant, and be escorted around by my favorite satyr Heplek. Maybe this year I'll feel comfortable enough in my own body to get a corset and dress... I'd like to see Heplek's face then!

    Anyway, hello fellow adventurers! I look forward to getting to know all of you better. (: