When do you start feeling great on Keto?



  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    Well, things seem to be improving. My body is still not letting go of any weight, which is hugely frustrating, but im feeling good and that's a start. Most notable change is my appetite reducing dramatically. I heard so many other people declaring this amazing lack of hunger on keto and i just wasnt getting it - i felt constantly hungry and i made myself sick with too much fat for the 1st month. And now all of a sudden im finding myself satisfied on 800 cals some days (like today). Seeing as i wasnt losing on 1000 cals a day im reluctant to force food in my mouth for the sake of it just to raise up my calories. So i think im going to listen to my hunger signals and if im not hungry im not going to eat. Ive never had a day in my life where i dont feel like eating - im the type of girl that will be groaning from a too-stuffed, stretched stomach and still posting more food in her mouth. So this is a revelation. Im not sure if regularly eating below 1000 calories will kickstart some weightloss (finally) or if it will work against me and slow down my sluggish metabolism further. I guess all i can do is listen to my body and try not eating if im not hungry.

    Is anyone else experiencing a huge reduction in calories consumed due to lack of hunger? What are the lowest cals you would allow yourself for the day? Do you have a minimum calorie allowance that you force yourself to eat up to, regardless of hunger? Or do you go some days with very low calorie intakes?

    I've had a few days that never hit 1000, but then I'll follow that up within 2 days of eating closer to maintenance. Not purposely, I guess it's just following the hunger signals. Though I wouldn't say that I feel hungry on those days the same way I knew of hunger feeling in the past. Does that make sense?
    I have forced myself to get a few more calories in the past weeks by having tea with coconut oil or something easy like that, but more recently I've been going where my appetite takes me.
    As long as I feel good, get enough protein and am losing weight, I'll stick with it.
  • MelodySmith511
    MelodySmith511 Posts: 25 Member
    I see. It's actually physical lethargy, muscle weakness, aches & tiredness that's bothering me much more than mental tiredness, so that makes sense then. I guess ive got another 2 weeks to go before my muscles stop aching a few steps up the stairs.

    Me too. Body ache, feverish, tired, brain fog. I'm 6 weeks in & just started feeling sick this week. I'm adding sodium, magnesium & potassium on the advice of others here :)
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    I do not force myself to eat when I am not hungry except for yesterday when I was breaking the challenge fast. I very rarely get very hungry any more. I try for 1000 calories per day but usually end up around 800. Some days even less.

    Some of the physical symptoms experienced may be from too little minerals, especially potassium.
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    I actually started feeling crappy this week too. 80 days started LCHF and keto 2wks after (so 10 wks?). But sleep has been very spotty & stressed to the max. Am trying more coconut oil in BPC (up to 2 tbsp) and going to add supplements next week. I definitely haven't noticed a decreased appetite (on regular basis) yet, but am not starving the way I was in beginning.