Anybody else suffering from the 40s metabolism slump?

pez9375 Posts: 59 Member
About three years ago, I dropped 40 lbs but put it right back on and then some. Now here I am starting again (lost 20 lbs with 30 more to go) and I'm finding it much more difficult to get the weight off. I'm eating right and exercising and the weight just won't come off! I've heard and read that once you hit 40, your metabolism crashes. Anybody else finding it difficult to get the weight off? I'm open to suggestions on what I can do to get the scale moving in the right direction!


  • Schnootie
    Schnootie Posts: 329 Member
    I think this is true for most of us. I did some research and found that adding strength training will certainly help to boost metabolism. I am not as limber as I used to be and also have some knee problems, I have a new found love for Yoga. It is very calming, energizing, and the poses stretch and strengthen at the same time without being boring (like my free weights's like pulling teeth). If you are interested, check out Sarah Beth Yoga on Youtube. She has everything from beginner to advanced and from 5 to 30 minutes or even more.
  • 20yearsyounger
    20yearsyounger Posts: 1,643 Member
    If mine slowed, I somehow managed to speed it back up. How much exercise, what kind of exercise are you doing and are you consistently meeting your calorie weight loss goal?
  • LVNF04
    LVNF04 Posts: 2,607 Member
    I'm have that problem, but I am aware of what derails my diet and I am finally putting it together.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I think the reason behind that truism is that in general people let their musculature decline over time. As we move less and less we lose more of our lean body mass and so our metabolisms slow down. It's nothing that can't change with good diet and exercise :) I hope...!
  • VegasFit
    VegasFit Posts: 1,232 Member
    I can't say I can blame it on age. If anything I know my body better now than in previous years. But I find that if I track honestly and consistently and I get my workouts in the rest just falls into place. I do a lot of resistance training though so I'm sure that has something to do with it.

    What kind of workouts are you doing?
  • schlosslerk
    schlosslerk Posts: 11 Member
    VegasFit wrote: »
    I can't say I can blame it on age. If anything I know my body better now than in previous years. But I find that if I track honestly and consistently and I get my workouts in the rest just falls into place. I do a lot of resistance training though so I'm sure that has something to do with it.

    What kind of workouts are you doing?
    pez9375 wrote: »
    About three years ago, I dropped 40 lbs but put it right back on and then some. Now here I am starting again (lost 20 lbs with 30 more to go) and I'm finding it much more difficult to get the weight off. I'm eating right and exercising and the weight just won't come off! I've heard and read that once you hit 40, your metabolism crashes. Anybody else finding it difficult to get the weight off? I'm open to suggestions on what I can do to get the scale moving in the right direction!

  • TheGaudyMagpie
    TheGaudyMagpie Posts: 282 Member
    edited July 2015
    There was a study a few years ago about menopausal women and resistance training. The conclusion was that resistance training was very effective in reducing fat (especially abdominal!) and increasing lean body mass in menopausal women. HRT helped to preserve lean body mass, but resistance training led to a significant increase in lean mass whether or not the woman was on HRT. As resistance training also helps to preserve bone density, it's a really good thing for 40-something women to be doing whether or not they are menopausal. I am 12 weeks into a very simple full body program using machines. It took about six weeks to see any real movement on the scale, but the weight is coming off very steadily now. I'm about four inches smaller around my abdomen. I plan to transition to more free weights in the near future, but just a simple machine routine that takes about a half hour twice a week has had a lot of impact. If you don't have access to machines or free weights, body weight and resistance band workouts are also effective.

    I also hike and walk. I try to get in a 5+ mile hike every week and walk or hike a shorter distance a couple of other times during the week, but I don't do it intending it to be a cardio routine or on any particular schedule. I just like to get out in the sun and nature.
  • glitzy73
    glitzy73 Posts: 6 Member
    I need to introduce a stricter exercise regime! when I was younger I could just cut out snacking, walk 10k steps a day and the weight would steadily drop off.... That doesn't happen now. I'm going to have to work hard to drop this 20lb!!
  • naanpocen
    naanpocen Posts: 11 Member
    I am also having a hard time losing weight that I give up but then return when more weight pile up and my body starts reacting in ways I don't want it to. What I think I need is a fitness buddy to keep each other encouraged and accountable. My husband is great but he simply refuses to see the extra pounds always telling me I am beautiful in any size. And as much as I like that he accepts me, he fails to understand that it isn't really about beauty per se, but about being healthy. I need to drop 20lbs and yes, at 43 I can't help but think my age makes it harder.
  • ClarityPeace
    ClarityPeace Posts: 81 Member
    What is resistance training & what is HRT?
  • TheGaudyMagpie
    TheGaudyMagpie Posts: 282 Member
    Resistance training is exercise that relies on resistance - weights, body weight, or resistance bands, for example. HRT is hormone replacement therapy.
  • Lovoya12
    Lovoya12 Posts: 10 Member
    Just got my hormone levels checked and everything is normal, so I cannot use that as my excuse anymore. Cleaned up my diet this week, but can't seem to fit in a workout due to my schedule. Will start again on Monday. I hate cardio so I am going to do a 3 cardio/ 2 strength training week to see how I manage. My five year old will be back from summer break with my parents and she keeps me really busy.
  • Rogsman
    Rogsman Posts: 106 Member
    47 here. I sit 11+ hours a day between a desk job and commute. I'm not an expert, but I'll share what worked for me: 3 weight days (push/pull/legs) with 2 cardio days each week (35 min, 85% max HR). I'm seldom in they gym more than an hour a day, I have active weekends. If you're on a 1k a day deficit including cardio or HIIT each day can help give you extra calories to eat. Use an HRM for the first year or so. All these online tools are just estimates, you need to adjust until you see scale movement and continue to adjust calories within reason all the way to goal weight. If you're starving yourself you're doing it wrong. You may also want to consider that you're on a deficit and beating your 40 year old self up doing brutal workouts - so think about refueling accordingly.

    Maintaining as much lean muscle as you can while on a deficit is really important. Weights, keeping your protein count up, not crashing your calorie count will all help. The more muscle you keep, the higher metabolism you're going to have. I highly recommend doing some research regarding the subject, there's lots of articles.
  • mhooge
    mhooge Posts: 42 Member
    I'm 43 and struggling so bad with losing weight. I'm always tracking my food and exercising 4 times a week but not seeing results. Frustrating.
  • alusainc
    alusainc Posts: 26 Member
    Lovoya12 wrote: »
    Just got my hormone levels checked and everything is normal, so I cannot use that as my excuse anymore. Cleaned up my diet this week, but can't seem to fit in a workout due to my schedule. Will start again on Monday. I hate cardio so I am going to do a 3 cardio/ 2 strength training week to see how I manage. My five year old will be back from summer break with my parents and she keeps me really busy.

    I had a nurse tell me that the trick sometimes is to break up your workouts into 10 minute bites. Try 10 minutes in the morning of exercise before you hit the shower, put in 10 mins of walking or something active at lunch, and 10 minutes in the evening. It gets easier as the results start to show, and suddenly you find you actually have time to exercise if you do it that way. I did abdominal exercises (8 minutes on YouTube and it started to whittle my waist away. The P4P also have other exercises that are geared to tone other parts of your body, also broken into bite sized pieces. Great way to add workouts to your day without feeling overwhelmed.
  • alusainc
    alusainc Posts: 26 Member
    Oh, and my daughter would exercise with me when she was younger. She's harder on me than I am on myself (got to the point I would hide from her so we didn't have to It's a great way for her to also learn to incorporate exercise into her daily routine and see it as a normal part of life.
  • 20yearsyounger
    20yearsyounger Posts: 1,643 Member
    mhooge wrote: »
    I'm 43 and struggling so bad with losing weight. I'm always tracking my food and exercising 4 times a week but not seeing results. Frustrating.
    Are you really only trying to lose 3 pounds? If so, those last pounds take a while.

  • morcobmom
    morcobmom Posts: 5 Member
    Yes, I am struggling, too. I know my problem is portion control. I've to get out the scale & Measuring cups. It just doesn't come off like it use to. A good week of high hydration & vegetables, and I could drop 5 pounds. Not any more. :smiley:
  • skinny4me2be
    skinny4me2be Posts: 358 Member
    Me! I'm in the process of doing a metabolism reset. I need to find my TDEE and then letting my metabolism repair to do a cut. I was eating at too big of a deficit I found out; and my body adapted to it, and it wouldn't let me lose. It hung on to everything and even gained. I will be doing 3 days of strength training and minimal cardio. Strength training and protein is the key from what I am hearing.
  • GabinkaP
    GabinkaP Posts: 188 Member
    In 2004, I lost 30 pounds in 7 months. Nice and slow. Kept it off for awhile. But it was too low of a weight for my sedentary lifestyle here in the US. It was perfect for living in the mountain town of Teplice in the Czech Republic when I was teaching English there after college. Effortless 110lbs. Not effortless here in Missouri. Constant diet. So I let it go. And eventually surpassed the 140 that made me want to lose those 30 back in 2004. I stopped myself at 147.4 in mid-April and got back on track. And yes, I find the weight is coming off slower now. I'm 43 this time around. I used to lose around .5 a day back then, with fluctuations here and there. Now, I think it's more like .2, with fluctuations of course. So it's a slower loss. But it's a loss and I'm trying to be patient with it. Aiming for 125lb.s this time around. Presently: 134lb.s