Anybody else suffering from the 40s metabolism slump?



  • mmiele14
    mmiele14 Posts: 4 Member
    Almost 47 and finding it next to impossible to drop the pounds. I have blood work done and everything is fine. Back in January I started exercising every day on the elliptical. I eventually added weights and sit-ups and was watching what I ate. After 8 weeks, I lost a total of 2 pounds. Talk about feeling discouraged! I am now ready to get back on track. I am currently at my heaviest and not liking it at all! I need motivation!!!!
  • VegasFit
    VegasFit Posts: 1,232 Member
    mmiele14 wrote: »
    Almost 47 and finding it next to impossible to drop the pounds. I have blood work done and everything is fine. Back in January I started exercising every day on the elliptical. I eventually added weights and sit-ups and was watching what I ate. After 8 weeks, I lost a total of 2 pounds. Talk about feeling discouraged! I am now ready to get back on track. I am currently at my heaviest and not liking it at all! I need motivation!!!!

    That can be frustrating. When you say watching what you eat what does that mean exactly? Are you eating enough? What was your elliptical workout like?
  • wissywig
    wissywig Posts: 11 Member
    I second (third? fourth?) the comments re resistance training (free weights for me). It is consistently the difference between me being able to lose and not lose. Plus seeing the definition in my muscles gives me motivation to continue on the right path, which can be difficult if you have a long way to go (or even if you don't). I've read that second only to tracking calories, weight training is the most important thing you can do for fat loss.
  • theeitfactor
    theeitfactor Posts: 12 Member
    I'm 41. I got my fairness trainer certification andalso aabout to get my sports nutrition certification. My motto is, if I can stay in fit shape and can perform many execises,then anyone younger than me has no excuse. I'm nota ripped chilsel guy. But I cconsider my self to be fit and lean. Eat your calories fir the day and give yourself sat or sunday to cheat. Workout 6 days. Include yoga and a few two a days a week. Meaning extra cardio later in eveining. If you have a stationary bike or treadmill at home get on it while you watch yourtv shows instead of sitting on couch. Eat more protein build muscle. More muscle. Kills fat. There are so many ways.
  • trulyjoyouswoman
    trulyjoyouswoman Posts: 36 Member
    edited August 2015
    Mine slowed. I had some blood work done and my iron, vitamin d, vitamin b12 and another b vitamin folic acid were deficient so within a few weeks of getting more sun, eating more foods with those vitamins, and taking supplementation a lot of symptoms and tiredness went away. I guess it is growing more common for people to be deficient in vitamin d and they did a study that shows that more women than men have the deficiency, and that if obese and deficient in vitamin d then getting vitamin d back in optimal range of at least 50 helps with weight loss. It takes at least six months and supervised by a physician.
  • dollbabymom
    dollbabymom Posts: 2 Member
    mhooge wrote: »
    I'm 43 and struggling so bad with losing weight. I'm always tracking my food and exercising 4 times a week but not seeing results. Frustrating.

    The same thing was happening to me - I went to my MD and they found nothing wrong - I went to a holistic doctor and they found my liver and adrenals aren't working properly - so with clean eating and herbal supplements I have lost 10 pounds this month!
  • jaycoup15
    jaycoup15 Posts: 10 Member
    I am too... struggling! It is like pulling teeth to get off just a few pounds. I can only do light exercising right now, but I hope to incorporate a little strength training in. But I only drop if I fast and I am sure that is just water weight.
  • torchita
    torchita Posts: 32 Member
    mmiele14 wrote: »
    Almost 47 and finding it next to impossible to drop the pounds. I have blood work done and everything is fine. Back in January I started exercising every day on the elliptical. I eventually added weights and sit-ups and was watching what I ate. After 8 weeks, I lost a total of 2 pounds. Talk about feeling discouraged! I am now ready to get back on track. I am currently at my heaviest and not liking it at all! I need motivation!!!!

    I'm 45 and found myself at 283 , i decided to come back and try losing the weight again after so many failed attempts. I managed to lose 19 lbs in the last 3 weeks, But it took me 3 strait weeks of hard work and measuring every bite on a scae to lose weight.. I also had to cut out All processed foods and began eating whole foods. i love chocolate so struggled with not being able to have my sweets but found a black bean low calorie recipe , I now am able to have my protien & chocolate and been having them as a prework out before i began my work out for energy. stick to it and moniter all your intake. your body will adventually give in and start letting go of the lbs.. p/s make sure your taking a multi vitimin to ensure your getting your daily nutrients..
  • Graceious1
    Graceious1 Posts: 716 Member
    edited August 2015
    I don't struggle with my metabolism any more because I had an awakening. Around 5 weeks ago I started eating cleaner by juicing and having more whole grains and plant based foods in my diet. I also started carrying a water flask with me wherever I went. This helped the pounds to shift.

    In terms of exercise I train in taekwondo (3 hours a wk), run (3 x 20 mins a wk) and lift (3 x a wk). I cycle as a mode of transport. All of this has helped to boost my metabolism and mood. I must stress that I gradually added activities in and didn't start all of that in one go. With all of that being said, what you put in your body and strength training makes such a difference. I hope you find the posts helpful.

    I have just turned 47 and have a new lease of life.
  • countrcowgirl
    countrcowgirl Posts: 249 Member
    edited September 2015
    I meet with a personal trainer - I was doing cardio and hour to two a day and not losing anything. Where in the past once I start exercising I can usually drop weight. The trainer suggested adding weights and I have started to loss some weight now. I do 40 - 50 minutes of cardio and a half an hour of weights six times a week.

  • Runagain_4
    Runagain_4 Posts: 97 Member
    I have definitely noticed a shift. Before my 40's and even after childbirth, my body didn't want to hold on to weight. Granted I used to run about 25-30 km a week, which I can't do anymore because of piriformis syndrome, but still ...
    I have to admit that the last two years (I'm now 45) I've been in an extremely sedentary job that pretty much limits me to my desk. And I've continued eating exactly the huge portions I always have. It's not a recipe that's working for me.
    I've been watching my waistline expand, trying off an on to make a difference through HIIT training, walking, weights, elimination diets, juicing, etc.
    HOWEVER, a few months ago I started doing pilates and swimming, and for the first time I started to see great results (not on the scale, but in my shape, my posture, etc.) Then I went on a 3-week cruise and though I kept on stretching, hiking and doing ab work, I ate and drank whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. And when I came back home and stepped on the scale I had to face the music. I was at my heaviest ever. Lesson to me: I can't indulge the way I did in my teens, 20's and 30's. Not if I want to be fit.
    So I've been back here on MFP for the last two weeks. Logging EVERYTHING. Activity level set at sedentary. Keeping it real. Reducing portions and eating as many unprocessed foods as possible. Trying really hard to stay within my calorie allowance. Carrying my Camelbak water bottle with me everywhere. Doing pilates with an instructor 2 times a week. Trying to walk whenever I can.
    I've lost 4 lbs so far. My weight hasn't shifted at all in the last 3-4 days. But we'll see if this works. I've chosen to do something that I know is extremely sustainable for me. No elimination, no burning myself out working out to a schedule I won't be able to maintain with a busy 10-year-old and a full-time job. I've not been hungry once yet.
    So yes, I have seen a difference in the way my body processes food. But I'm not yet convinced that I can't retrain it if I treat it right. I'm willing to go slow: I will be happy with .5-1 lb loss a week. I still have hope!
  • hellokittymaui
    hellokittymaui Posts: 226 Member
    Yes! I am 47 and have a bunch or hormonal issues and the weight is GLUED to me.
  • crpoll5
    crpoll5 Posts: 105 Member
    edited September 2015
    I quit using this site about a year ago and gained all my pounds back. I realize I need MFP or I fail. Looking for some new best friends to help me get back to where I was at before I started drinking Pepsi and eating Doritos again. I promise I will be very active and try to be supportive. Anyone feel free to add me.
  • WinnieJane
    WinnieJane Posts: 8 Member
    edited September 2015
    I am 47. I had my annual and had gained 10 pounds in one year, after a decade of maintaining a stable post-baby weight. I never used to weigh myself at home, so that was a wake-up call. I've tried paleo and IF for the past several months but made almost no progress. That's why I'm here. I am optimistic; I feel in control keeping track of everything and I've finally lost a pound. I expect to be active here, and welcome new friends!
  • hellokittymaui
    hellokittymaui Posts: 226 Member
    I tried IF and gained 6 pounds.
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    Oh I can so relate. I'm 45 and have noticed a shift in my weight (fat) distribution mostly in my tummy area and can't seem to lose my last 10 lbs. It's so frustrating because I'm fairly active. I started a strength training program (StrongLifts) back in April and have been consistent although I've cut down on cardio. I'm miss a good run so I'm trying to incorporate runs on the same day as my strength training program. Another issue: I'm a total foodie and love me the red wine, so I know what my problem is. Anyway, I welcome new friends and try to be supportive when I can.
  • leeannscanapico
    Lots of good info. 55 and trying to lose 30 lbs. first five came off quick probably water weight. I get on the gazelle and do one hour every other day and some crunches. So hard to lose the weight but I'm going to try some of the above advise and see if the scale moves. Good luck to all!
  • Azuriaz
    Azuriaz Posts: 785 Member
    I just hit 43, and I think the slowdown just hit me. I am losing much slower and gaining much easier than even six months ago, and if I go out of ketosis, when I get back in, low carb flu slaps me down hard.

    But I won't let that derail me. Because Stephanie Keto Person (47, looks 27, in incredible shape, has been in ketosis for years). That lady is one of my major inspirations for keeping out of the cookie jar. Now if I could just get rid of the cheese and coffee...
  • CherylNTexas
    CherylNTexas Posts: 1,275 Member
    I want badly to have all my hormone levels checked but can't afford it, but have discovered through logging at MFP that my set point to lose is around 1000 cal a day. If I eat 1200 or so (my goal) I actually gain. In the past few years I've tried 1500 after listening to all of those who immediately start screaming "You're not eating enough" and that was a complete disaster. This time I've definitely pinpointed the magic number, but is that really what I'm stuck with now?!?!
  • jenniferbfab
    jenniferbfab Posts: 4 Member
    I am 43 and I feel like ever since I caught pneumonia last December, I feel much older and weaker. I never used to gain weight and over the last 9 months, I gained 10 pounds, which is nearly 10% of my body weight. All of a sudden everything I eat makes me gain weight and it seems to be getting worse. I have to turn things around now!