Chatr and Accountability (rest of July)

Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
Looks like we've all dropped the pace of our updates so can probably finish out July with this one. Hope all is well with all of you.


  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Day 8 100 34 lb Kettlebell swings.
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Oh man! We are piddling out huh? I wonder if folks don't need so much support or if folks are not in it. I'm the latter. I need support for sure. Just searching everywhere for my mojo.
  • kilosierra83
    kilosierra83 Posts: 228 Member
    In and out here. Set some personal records for lifts, but with the heat this week not sure how much I will get done. Back to logging food this week. Had some blood tests and they wanted me eating "normal" for them. Was nice to not care for a week or so, but I have to get back at it now.
  • Hey everybody. I'm with Carol - I can't find my mojo! The Vegas TM is going to be here before I know it and I am going to be an absolute wreck!!!! UGH!!!!!!
  • sbuzzard
    sbuzzard Posts: 4 Member
    I got my 70,000 steps in last week but I'm in a slump right now... My baby is growing molars... IT'S EXHAUSTING!!! Then Sunday the kiddos & I head to Florida for 2 weeks of's hoping I don't completely blow all my progress!!
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Your stats look great Susan! I'm also trying (failing) to navigate vacation time challenges.
    Have some fun in Florida though!!
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Happy Tuesday Folks. Hope all is well. Day 9 of 100 per day is in the books. Did Body Weight Squats today. Thanks for the challenge Carol, show's me I can do a bit more in my daily practice so 100 of something is going to be a part of my day from now on.

    Great Work Susan Keep it rollin'!

    Can't say I've lost my Mojo, I'm still very motivated to do. This is a time of year where I have to focus a bit more on keeping my mind focused on the present. Some days it is a real struggle just to see my duty and much much more so to do it.
    This is the time of year where I have to figure out if my survival to this point has been a blessing or a curse. It's a question I usually answer sometime in August.
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    Summer? Everybody busy? Idk..
    I'm back from Portland, tired.. Didn't weigh myself and the last few days haven't been good. Trying not to cry over spilled milk. I was feeling bad thinking "I can never be thin" but right after that I think why am I chasing the thin dream? Instead I should focus on being strong and lean.
    I haven't lost my mojo, I'm still here trying. Just not getting results haha.
    Hey anybody read Sara Gottfrieed? And if so what's your opinion of it?
    Susan great week. Have fun on your vacation!
    I will check out the book that John recommended.
    John, I can't even begin to imagine what you must be feeling. Human are resilient, I read the horrors of war and life's loss and it never ceases to amaze me how strong a person's will is. Granted some aren't but people like you are trying instead if giving in. So keep fighting the demons and find your answer. I wish you peace. Big hug!
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Beautiful words to John, Heron. Welcome back! And I've seen pictures of you. You're beautiful! We are our own worst critics. We would do ourselves good to talk to ourselves they way we would talk to a friend. I'be been so critical of myself lately. So down about weight and damage I've done over summer. Going to try to get positive & do the girlfriend talk.
  • 2:30 in the morning Carol?
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Thanks Heron for your kind thoughts and words, You are a great friend.

    Day 10 of the challenge complete 100 reps of Body weight squats. Thank You Carol may I have some more please Ma'am? Is what I say at the end of each set.

    Carol - There is a balance between the critical eye that makes you a great teacher and thinker, and the twinkling one that makes you a great Mom and friend. Find your balance lass. Whether it is good times or bad, always remember This too shall pass, prepare for what comes next.

    God Bless and have a Happy Wednesday Folks.
  • Hey everybody.

    First, John I hope you didn't suffer any damage in the storm. I saw the picture of your neighbor's porch. Be careful out there doing cleanup of the downed limbs.

    Second, I HAVE to get to doing something. I'm not helping myself by eating the garbage again. I know I'm causing my own issues and I know how to STOP them. I need to get moving as well. I have a defensive pistol training class next Saturday and I'm pretty sure it's going to be hot and humid (it is Illinois, after all). Hopefully it won't be raining. But with that class, there will be a lot of running around. I know I won't be 'in shape' in a week but I will at least get out walking this weekend as a start. Vegas is only three months away and in my current state, even bypassing all of the obstacles and just walking the course would be pushing it.

    So it's time to get started again and push away the bad habits, the bad food and the bad moods. I CAN DO THIS!
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    edited July 2015
    Happy Thursday Folks. No House Damage to my house but my next door neighbor lost their back porch it just flew apart in the storm, I got the stuff I needed to out of the street so heading off to work late, but no one to cover for tonight's events so need to go. Working through Saturday so will finish up clearing the lumber Sunday.

    Jen lets get a July Jaunt going, Here's the deal. I drive 2 hrs to get home at night and I recently started doing a 20 min walk when I get home to deconstruct the damage from the 2 hr drive. Plus heard some research that says 20 min walk after dinner is a good glucose control mechanism (Marks Daily Apple Blog) so lets do an evening jaunt 1 mile or 20 min. Log it by sharing the view. I do mine at 1100 pm roughly, I think it may be interesting to share the view of what we see during our jaunts. See how it goes eh?
  • Hmrjmr1 wrote: »
    Happy Thursday Folks. No House Damage to my house but my next door neighbor lost their back porch it just flew apart in the storm, I got the stuff I needed to out of the street so heading off to work late, but no one to cover for tonight's events so need to go. Working through Saturday so will finish up clearing the lumber Sunday.

    Jen lets get a July Jaunt going, Here's the deal. I drive 2 hrs to get home at night and I recently started doing a 20 min walk when I get home to deconstruct the damage from the 2 hr drive. Plus heard some research that says 20 min walk after dinner is a good glucose control mechanism (Marks Daily Apple Blog) so lets do an evening jaunt 1 mile or 20 min. Log it by sharing the view. I do mine at 1100 pm roughly, I think it may be interesting to share the view of what we see during our jaunts. See how it goes eh?

    John glad to hear you had no house damage.

    I like your idea for a #Jaunt. Yes, let's do it. Ok, my drive home is 20 minutes, so does that mean I only need like 2 minutes to distress? LOL!!!! Just being silly. I'm down with 20 minutes.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Jen do yours after dinner
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    I like the idea of a Jaunt with a view!
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    That's a beautiful fountain behind me at Buffalo by Park which rinsing the middle of Houston. It's finally not sweltering hot here, I should probably get up and walk. Yes, I laid down and took a nap.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Tonight's Jaunt,,, Walking in my neighborhood, it could be any middle class area really, moderately size three bedroom homes, on a quarter to a third of an acre lot. Kids bikes parked and laying in the driveways, next to mom's SUV or mini van, and Dad's Pick up or metro commuter car in the second slot of the two car driveway. This being the south every third or fourth one has a Bass Boat on a trailer, maybe in the yard along side the garage. I don't think it matters much at all that I live near the coast, I do believe in Georgia at least; that the boat to population ration is pretty consistent throughout the state, and that there is at least one boat within every families direct relations circle. Everybody has an Uncle, Brother, Cousin, if not the Dad or Mom, that probably gives a bit more attention to the boat than land lubbers can understand. Ah, Love. It's a grand thing. The hour is 1100 pm so tonight the high cirrus clouds are visible and in aviation terms would be called thin broken, Enough to create a ceiling bit so high it doesn't really matter. The streets are not exactly wet but the water in the gutters attest to showers earlier in the evening, The warm wet smell of growing grass, and jasmine is the scent of the hour. In the morning as the sun begins to clear the tree line the jasmine will retreat to the shadows and even the grass smell will retreat to the shade of its tiny blades as the breeze brings the pine and trees back to the front of your nasal pallet. The two hour drive home has left my right knee a bit stiff but as I stroll the stiffness retreats as well to the interior shadows of it's patella, just as the night smells will retreat with the motion of day.

    First glimpse though my window, can you begin to see the picture?

  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Well today is the 10th Anniversary of Zena's and my last goodbye at the Airport. I can still taste and smell her perfume. My inclination would be to isolate today, but with today being Friday, and with vacays we are short staff already, so at 0930 I'll look in my mirror snap my fingers three times and say "It's Show time." Fix my smile that will be in place til 1100 pm tonight when I get home. I've gotten really good at this so no one at work will have a clue. Not sure I should have even mentioned it here but today is my day to look out the window at the blank wall across the alley and describe a park and playground.
    Have a good day folks, and be mindful of those you love. In fact I would like you all with SO's to take a moment and just out of the blue go give em a hug and tell em that's one from Big John, for being here for one of his friends.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    That's a beautiful fountain behind me at Buffalo by Park which rinsing the middle of Houston. It's finally not sweltering hot here, I should probably get up and walk. Yes, I laid down and took a nap.

    So Carol since you're napping in the Park these days Do you have enough Cardboard to be a Park Lady? Do I need to send you some big boxes? Where is your poncho? and your Hat? Your Paper MD 20/20 Bottle Bag? Kids today! don't even know how to get dressed!?