Daily Check-In



  • hgtedo
    hgtedo Posts: 18 Member
    Hi Everyone! I have been missing daily reflections because I have had a lot to deal with. I have been working on studying for an exam I had yesterday (I am working on adding certification to my current teaching license) and helping my husband with things regarding his work. Sometimes things feel like an emotional juggling but I have been keeping a good balance--I don't feel I backslid anywhere and have been keeping track of most data.

    Do most people work out in the mornings or the evenings? I have to be out of my house by 6:50 in the morning and I am trying to find time to work in exercise right when I get up. If anyone has had success doing this, I would love to hear about it.
  • shiftynj
    shiftynj Posts: 103 Member
    Oh boy, overindulgent weekend all around, put a few pounds back on despite doing a TON of work (paddleboarding, mt. bike, and a long walk). Succumbed again to the family food pushers (finish this, you can't waste it! Um, I didn't ORDER it!) So back on the rails today, all you can do is begin again.
  • wikkidwanda
    wikkidwanda Posts: 163 Member
    @hgtedo I got the ab challenge here: http://www.blogilates.com/blog/2014/12/29/30-day-flat-abs-challenge/ and the Squat challenge is actually from MFP blogs. it's the 28 day squat challenge.

    I'm really working on being healthy, and just making good choices... I love that MFP will remind me of things, like yesterday when it told me I should weigh myself soon.... much appreciated MFP!

    Also, re: when do people workout. I work out throughout the day, almost NEVER first thing in the morning (though I keep telling myself to do so) but mostly either during the day or at night.
  • elenaa55
    elenaa55 Posts: 5 Member
    hgtedo wrote: »
    elenaa55 wrote: »
    Do any of these suggestions help? If not, let me know and we can brainstorm some more!

    @hgtedo, thank you so much for all the sugestions and it trully is helpful! :) I tried all of this changes and it makes a significant difference! :)
  • TweedleDebo
    TweedleDebo Posts: 423 Member
    NSV - This morning I realized that I didn't have any of my work t-shirts clean so I took a chance and dug in the back of my closet and found a work polo that I haven't been able to wear in almost 2 years. I put it on thinking it was a long shot and IT FIT! It was actually a little loose. Absolutely made my morning!
  • rebolaugh
    rebolaugh Posts: 125 Member
    edited July 2015
    hgtedo, I was working out several times a week at 5:00 am at the end of last year (when I rejoined MFP), and it was GREAT. I had so much energy all day and of course it felt good to get the workout out of the way. But for some reason, lately, I cannot get up so early! I set my alarm and it just does not happen. I do want to get back to those early morning workouts because otherwise, I don't usually have time for much during the day.

    TweedleDebo, great job on your success! That must have been a great feeling!

    Yesterday was my wife's grandmother's funeral and it was a day of eating and drinking lots. The day started with a ridiculous baked french toast my wife made (so good!) and ended with whiskey and chocolates. It was great to see a lot of family members whom we hadn't seen in a while and share memories. But I'm happy to get back on track today with some healthy food and hopefully a good walk during my lunch break (it's a hot one today, though, so I want to be somewhat careful about being out in the heat for too long).
  • aleph_0
    aleph_0 Posts: 30 Member
    I usually work out in the evenings, but today I went for a run first thing (I actually just got back) because we have a major cause of celebration at work and I'd rather not miss that for the gym, so I went running instead. It was only my second time, so I'm still rather rubbish at it and had to walk for a bit in between, but I think I could run for longer than last time. Progress, yay!

    @TweedleDebo Congrats, that's awesome!
  • logdog86
    logdog86 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm only one pound away from my first weight loss goal (dropping below 200lbs). I feel pretty pumped lately...I moved closer to a beach and every day I'm exited to go walk/run along the waterfront. All the exercise is paying off, on Sunday I hiked 8 miles up a mountain and then walked over 6 miles later that night.

    I'm a 28 year old transguy and always welcoming new friends if anyone wants to add me! I'm just starting C25K, I eat low carb (20-30g a day), and love hiking and backpacking.
  • feithne
    feithne Posts: 60 Member
    I've been doing really really good on my diet, but I've been pretty much crashing and burning the past couple days. Was hanging out with some friends and totally splurged on several cans of Dr. Pepper and a bunch of pizza. The next day my mom made my favorite cookies in the middle of the night the night before my first date with this really cute girl, so of course I ate a ton of them out of nervousness. The date itself went really well though! We talked for nine hours and didn't once get bored!! I'm pretty sure the people at the cafe were starting to wonder when we would leave. But I did have a few more cookies before I left, and some ice cream while on the date.

    Getting back on track today though! I've gotta lose some more weight before date #2.
  • maniahum
    maniahum Posts: 14 Member
    Hello! This is my second day getting back into the swing of things. I lost 30 pouds before, got busy at work and watched my diet and exercise routine slip. I got a free weight set last night and did my first routine this morning! Chest, tris and shoulders! I feel awesome! I need to loose weight and build my chest for top surgery.

    P.s. Im trying to trick my girlfriend into getting outside more. Yesterday we went to rainbow river which is four hours and we got out to swim a lot. I've thrown around the idea of hiking but its Florida and she says theres no chance until winter. Any ideas?
  • wikkidwanda
    wikkidwanda Posts: 163 Member
    PMS is NOT my friend... i MUST attribute it to said, otherwise, I just gained 10 lbs... I could cry. I've done so well, and was totally on point. I think I have only gone over my calories perhaps once or twice in the past 3 months... which is breaking my heart. *sigh* so... thanks to a heavy dose of PMS, I ate my kitchen the other night and haven't been so gung ho the past 2 days... REALLY struggling with getting back on track.
  • shiftynj
    shiftynj Posts: 103 Member
    NSV - This morning I realized that I didn't have any of my work t-shirts clean so I took a chance and dug in the back of my closet and found a work polo that I haven't been able to wear in almost 2 years. I put it on thinking it was a long shot and IT FIT! It was actually a little loose. Absolutely made my morning!

    Yea! Great feeling innit? I had a similar experience on the week-end. Was going paddleboarding with friends and realized i had not washed the one pair of large boardies. In desperation I pulled out my favorite pair which hasn't fit in over a year, and lo and behold, they fit... snugly, but manageably. Goal now is to have them be loose by labor day.
  • robbie_1982
    robbie_1982 Posts: 21 Member
    Have a ball mate :)
    kraigiark wrote: »
    Hey all,

    Trying to keep my calories low this week in preparation for Munich pride. (I wanna look good, but it'll also be a cheat weekend!) Wish me luck!

  • robbie_1982
    robbie_1982 Posts: 21 Member
    Hello everyone

    I have been away for a while, but started again properly at the start of the week. About two months ago I got a pain in my knee and I have been seeing a sadist (or physiotherapist for their official name) who has made me feel pain like I have never felt before.

    So, getting back on track, I have been going back to the gym. Three times this week already from Monday and I had booked time with my trainer two weeks ago for this morning at 8am as it was between my treatments (I’m advised to take two/three days off training each physio meeting).

    So, I turn up at the gym and I’m waiting in the member’s area and my PT walks past. He looks at me and says “Have we got a session today?” Yes I reply, 8-9. He then realises he has double booked and tries to arrange another time with me. I’m not available during the times he is available and then it hits me – why am I being sacked off as I obviously booked in advance (and confirmed the time with him twice).

    I then look up and realise the other client is the 20-odd-year-old girl and then it makes sense. I worked a late shift today so that took its toll and I ended up going on the stationary bike for 30 minutes as I was there, but also annoyed that I wasn’t prepared for it as I didn’t have my programme with me.

    Anyway, that was today. Tomorrow is good as its Poet’s day! (Piss Off Early Tomorrows Saturday) as I finish at 4:30 
  • annemmr
    annemmr Posts: 27 Member
    New to the group and MFP but not my first rodeo with the battle of the bulge. Loving that this group is here and looking forward to the journey with y'all! - Yes, I do live in TX, lol.
  • aleph_0
    aleph_0 Posts: 30 Member
    @robbie_1982 Ugh, sorry to hear that thing about your trainer session, but at least you did get a workout in after all! I hope your knee is getting better.

    @annemmr Welcome! :)

    I'm a bit under the weather (while mainland Europe is apparently being hit by a heatwave, we have 14°C and rain here in Ireland, and I have a cold), but I still managed to get a workout in. Pretty happy with myself because I did not feel like going at all, but then I just walked into the gym on autopilot ;)
    Anyway, I have tomorrow off, and on Saturday we're flying out to London for a week. I'm really looking forward to it!
  • schneizilla
    schneizilla Posts: 66 Member
    edited July 2015
    just stepped on the scale...gained two kilos back over the last weeks :/ I know I ate way too much and too *kitten* lately with the move and pack out...so it wasn't surprising at all...but to see those digits in real sucks.

    and a hot hello to Ireland! It's supposed to go up to 36°C here in Germany today ;-)
    and get well soon with your cold and have fun in London!
  • ryanp_942
    ryanp_942 Posts: 44 Member
    Hello to everyone, it's been a while for me as well (so forgive the longwinded message!) Lost ~15lbs between Feb and May, proceeded to stupidly stop tracking, had a holiday in Spain in June and went up by 5lb again.

    Started tracking again at the start of July and back down a few pounds :) I've been going to the gym 3x a week and cycling in the days between which is a lot more exercise than I was doing in the spring & I feel amazing for it!

    I'm taking a year out from uni for my sandwich year starting September & managed to get a placement in vaccine research which is very exciting. Had to have a few jabs for it today so my arms are a bit sore - may need to skip the gym this weekend :/ )
  • wikkidwanda
    wikkidwanda Posts: 163 Member
    Well... this week hasn't been a complete washup, but gaining that weight really put me in a weird place... I'm struggling to get all my veggies and water in, neither of which I had trouble with until I weighed myself this week... I felt myself slipping into a vat of gravy, but stopped when just my toes got yummy.... so stayed within my calories, though my macros are WAY off.... and now my girl will be up for the weekend, and I've got her lovely appetite and lack of discipline (she's so cute when she doesn't want to make healthy choices... never thought I'd say that, so it's hard to be super stern about things... while she eats ice cream, and chips, etc)... make it really hard for me to stick to things...

    Maybe I should pre cook weekend food for her too... haha, i can't imagine.
  • maniahum
    maniahum Posts: 14 Member
    Hey everyone! Had an awesome leg workout this morning! Dumbbells and body weigh but I felt it right after I was done (that good sore feeling) Tomorrow is a run day! I was gonna go yesterday but it rained all day!