The Five-Letter Game
Susan cares about rolling stones.
S T O N E0 -
Stingy Ted only needs everything.
N E E D S0 -
Nudity easily embarrasses Don's sons.
S T I N G0 -
Still thinking I'm not going.
G O I N G0 -
Grazing only increases nine gallons.
G R A Z E0 -
Giraffes, rats, and zebras exist.
Z E B R A0 -
Good one.
Zoos exist because rabbits abound.
E X I S T0 -
Zelda effortlessly bought red apples
M O C H A0 -
Mochadot occasionally chews her apples.
C H E W S0 -
Well, Marcie, I thought you'd do a double and catch when Sheryl and I posted at the same time.
Charley has everyone watching snails.
S N A I L0 -
Ha! I didnt even notice!
E X I S T - Every Xray is so tingly.
S N A I L - Sheryl never ate in Louisiana.
N E V E R0 -
I figured I shouldn't do it since it was my word.
Not everyone veers easily right.
R I G H T0 -
Really impish gophers have teeth.
T E E T H0 -
The east elephant took hash.
S T O C K0 -
So true, of course kooky
And, you're right, never ate in Louisiana0 -
A double 'K' come the kangaroos!
Kangaroos often ogle kangaroo youngsters.
S T A R E0 -
Stop taking away rare eagles.
S T O P S0 -
Stop taking old peoples' supper.
T A K E S0 -
supercharger cars are really speedy
S P E E D0 -
Special people exude extra-special dedication.
E X U D E0 -
TAKES - Ted always kisses Elsie Snow.
Elaine xeroxed unintentional dictated exercises.
S N O W S0 -
So, no owls work Saturdays?
W O R K S0 -
With one round. Ken sank.
R O U N D0 -
Really old underwear needs ditching.
I think I used that one before.
D I T C H0 -
Do it to collect honors.
C A T C H0 -
Cathy ate the catfish heartily.
H E A R T0 -
Healthy eating always rings true.
R I N G S0 -
How easy are ripe tomatoes.
R I P E N0 -
R I N G S - Really innocent nags get serious.
R I P E N - Really innocent people eat noms.
N O M M Y0 -
No other man may yawn.
Y A W N S0