The Five-Letter Game
Yawning away while nodding sternly.
S T E R N0 -
Staying together erases round noises.
N O I S E0 -
No owls in Sacramento ever.
S A C T O0 -
Surely Alice cares to organize.
C A R E S0 -
Cats are really extra special.
E X T R A0 -
BTW Debrora, here's another 5-letter game on the main forum if you ever want to jump into that one.0
Ellen xeroxed two red apples.
Marcie, it is a lot of fun but do you think I need something more to do. It is tempting though.0 -
yeah, like you have tons of free time on your hands! Just wanted to let you know it's there though.
All purple people like eggs.
P E E P S0 -
Please eat every pea silently.
And my resistance was low as you may have noticed.0 -
Love it. I so rarely see a fellow NMer out there!
Embrace very enthusiastic radishes yearly.
H U G G Y0 -
Here ugly Gus goes yellow.
S H O E S0 -
Simple Hal often eats shoes.
S H O E S0 -
Show how often Ethel shines.
O F T E N0 -
Opie forgot the egg noodles.
O P I E S0 -
Only people in eateries speak.
S P E A K0 -
Should people eat after kicking?
Wow, you guys have been really active. Of course I had to read them all!0 -
A frantic Tami eats rapidly.
R A P I D0 -
Realize all poles indicate disaster.
P O L E S0 -
Plopping on leaves equals smiles.
S M I L E0 -
Soon many incite little eels.
S M A S H0 -
Slamming my arm sure hurts.
H U R T S0 -
Hal undoes Ruth's tied shoes
V A L U E0 -
Val and Lou ususally eat.
F O O D S0 -
Fighting odd odors does simplify.
O D O R S0 -
Old doctors only reply softly.
Really energetic people like yoga.
B E N D Y0 -
Ben exercises nightly, dailyand yearly.
Y E A R S0 -
You'll earn a reward soon.
E A R N S0 -
Ernie asked Rich - not Susan.
A S K E D0 -
A silly king eats dragons.
K I N G S0