The Five-Letter Game
Tasting a strawberry - too yummy.
Y U M M Y0 -
Your understanding made my year.
Y E A R S0 -
You easily are really simple.
M A K E S0 -
Mr. Archer's kitten eats string.
K I T T Y0 -
Knowing it takes time yearly.
Y E A R S0 -
Yes, Emma always reads satires.
Really, eating apples deserves smiles
F E N C E0 -
Ferris eats no cake ever.
C A K E S0 -
Cookies are killer edible snacks
K I W I S0 -
Ken insists wisdom is sweet.
S W E E T0 -
Southern women eat extremely tastefully.
T A S T E0 -
Tooting a saxaphone takes energy.
T O O T S0 -
Talking owls of the street
H O O T S0 -
How often owls toot shyly.
O F T E N0 -
Oliver Foxworthington taught everyone's nanny.
N A N N Y0 -
No adequate news nor yarn.
Not even a little yarn? Good to see you.
Lucy often speaks Tasmanian.
S P E A K0 -
Sue peeked earlier at Kel.
E A R L Y0 -
Every armadillo really likes you.
L I K E S0 -
Look, Iggy knows each snail
Y U C K Y0 -
Yellow usually covers kindred yachts.
Y A C H T0 -
Yet all creatures hate ticks.
0 -
Some merry old llamas do eat rhubarb.
M E R R Y0 -
My energy really revved yesterday.
Even nerdy engineers roast grated yak.
N E R D Y0 -
Never even read dirty yokes. (use accent for jokes)
(Sue, you rebel you, it's hard to stick with five letters, ha ha ha)
It's great to see you0 -
Join one kind easy society.
K I N D S0 -
Ken insists needy dogs snore.
Someone needs one red elephant.
N E E D S0 -
Not eating, Ed dieted seriously.
D I E T S0