The Five-Letter Game
Cravings really attack Zoey's yearnings.
Y E A R N0 -
Yellow elephants are really neat.
N E A T O0 -
Not everyone ate Tom's onion.
O N I O N0 -
Only nannys insist on neatness.
N A N N Y0 -
Not a nice night yet.
N I G H T0 -
Nigel is going home tonight.
N I G E L0 -
NIckels inspire goals easily learned.
L E A R N0 -
Let's eat apples right now.
A P P L E0 -
All possible products leave early.
E A R L Y0 -
Examining accounts requires lotsa (
) yawns.
Y A W N S0 -
You absolutely want nothing sewn.
S H O N E0 -
Silly Harold often nibbles ears.
S I L L Y0 -
Sliding inside lets Lucy yell.
S L O T S0 -
Sautéed lentils over toasted sesame.
T O A S T0 -
Today only a sweet tater.
S W E E T0 -
So, will Evelyn eat tomatoes?
Everyone ate tomatoes, eels, raisins.
E V E R Y0 -
Each vine exquisitely reveals yumminess.
G R A P E0 -
Get red apples, please, Eric.
A P P L E0 -
Apple pie pleases little Elroy.
E L R O Y0 -
Everyone loves red over yellow.
L O V E S0 -
Lowell often votes every Saturday.
V O T E S0 -
Vacations only take eleven Sundays.
T A K E S0 -
Terrible Abe kicks every squirrel.
K I C K S0 -
Kindness is certainly kissing sweet.
S W E E T0 -
Sweet women establish extraordinary times.
T I M E S0 -
Tennis is maybe extra special.
M A Y B E0 -
May all yaks be educated.
0 -
Someone made a real tart.
T A R T S0 -
Tarts are really tasty sometimes.
T A S T Y0