The Five-Letter Game
Donuts in every theme - scrumptious.
T H E M E0 -
Try having eight mashed eggs.
H A V E S0 -
Having almonds values energy savings.
V A L U E0 -
Valuable artwork lends usual envy.
U S U A L0 -
Usually sandwiches use all lettuce.
B L E E D0 -
Beautiful little Edna eats dandelions.
P E T A L0 -
Putting elegant tulips along lithograph.
T U L I P0 -
Try utilizing little insect poop.
I N S E C T0 -
I noticed Sue enter Cecil's tunnel.
(That 6th letter threw me.)
E N T E R0 -
Oops. I didn't realize I gave you a 6 letter word! Sorry about that.
Eating nine times encourages regurgitation.
T I M E S0 -
Ten items make easy spending.
I T E M S0 -
I'm tired, every muscle sore.
T I R E D0 -
Try it really early dawn.
D A W N S0 -
Does a woman need space?
S P A C E0 -
Speak please and cease eating.
C E A S E0 -
Cease eating all salted edamame.
S A L T S0 -
Start acting like Tarzan sweats.
S T A R T0 -
Sweet tarts are really tasty.
T A R T S0 -
Taking a risk to swim.
R I S K S0 -
Really icky slugs keep showing.
S H O W S0 -
Show how often widows shine.
O F T E N0 -
Ollie forgot to eat Nutella.
O L L I E0 -
Old ladies look in eardrums.
D R U M S0 -
Drums really undermine my slience.
Q U I E T0 -
Quit using instruments equally tough.
U S I N G0 -
Using sugar is not good.
S U G A R0 -
Sally uses guitars at rallies.
S A L L Y0 -
Sally always lets Louise yodel.
Y O D E L0 -
Young ones do eat lasagna.
Y O U N G0 -
Yvonee only uses new geese.
G E E S E0