July: Our Journey to Health



  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Here's a couple of the stops we made on our vacation...couldn't get the others to download...

    I am still working toward healthier choices... this month.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Gail!!! lookit you - techie queen downloading pics!! LOVE EM!! what's the second pic.. is that a massiveTREE stump or a flat top kind of mountain??
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    hahaha....not quite a techie...I thought I blew up the mad hatter system when trying to bring these two to life. The bottom one is called Devil's Tower, I think...It was in the Steven Spielberg movie "Encounters of the Third Kind " some years past. The alien ship parks on top of it...Did you see that one? WE saw so much beautiful things. Will just said today he is ready to go back to South Dakota tomorrow...lol
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    WAY COOL! I had to go and google it once you gave me the name... lol I thought it was a rock but appears to be something quite unique google says Geologists agree that Devils Tower is an igneous intrusion. Magma welled up into the surrounding sedimentary rock. There it cooled and hardened. The sedimentary rock has since eroded away to show the tower.

    WAY cool!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Morning Hatters...
    still sending positive vibes to Susan and OWR....

    I hit my 1% body weight loss for this month this morning; challenge will now be making sure its still gone July 31st lol.

    Seems rather quiet in here lately from the others in this group (OWR and Susan excluded); wondering if perhaps the few of us left here would rather take a hiatus for the summer or just simply close the group down if there's no interest anymore?

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    I don't think it's no interest...it's just that time of year ,like last year, that everyone is out and about on vacation and stuff.......we can't shut it down!!...it's the only thing that keeps me going....
    and that's just my opinion...lol

    Kudos on the 1% !! I know you will keep it off!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    lol T2... ok glad to hear it; I don't either... so will just sit back and see if anyone wants to play other than us LOL. have you recovered from your vacay yet??
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    I'm with Gail. ...please don't close it down
    I really enjoy the fun stories and pics

    It's great that we have a place to share and encourage each other


  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    edited July 2015
    Morning Hatters..

    hit my goal of losing 1% of my BW for this month (about 1.5% if my math is right); wouldn't normally update my weight til the end of the month but frankly, needed to see it in writing now to keep it off for the next two weeks LOL.

    Had a pig out last night for dinner.. of veggies! been short on them lately as packing mainly portable quick eats like sammiches and yogurt for the weird shifts this month, so did up a small roast and a stock pot full of potatoes, carrots and green beans for dinner last nite... sounds strange I know but omg the veg were SO good.. was fine with the portion size of meat but i'm pretty sure I ate enough veggies to seriously impact the price of crops LOL!

    Summer seems to be flying by - but the 1% goal and setting the aim for at least 2 healthy meals or snacks a day seems to be helping me stay the course; know it should be more but also recognize over the summer its THE MOST realistic and doable goal for me, and is still allowing me to progress towards my GW. Biggest struggle right now is the water; so will focus on that today.

    Hope everyone is doing okay with their own journeys and enjoying some lovely weather; it's actually cooled off here today only about 13C (maybe about 60F) but still gorgeously sunny so will head down to the lake shortly - gonna be a long day as my shift is 3pm to 1am and I was up at 5 LOL.. might be ready for a nap by the time I have to head In ha!!

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Not meaning to whine or complain...just needed to write it down:
    I am struggling with my metformin...it is impossible to take...it gives me the big D....big time...have to stay close to a restroom, so I can't take it much....I called the Dr. Office to see if they could try me on the time released type...hopefully it will work... I do better as far as cutting down sugar, and carbs......but exercise has fallen to the side this week... I will pick it back up next week.

    I am so tickled for you, Suzanne! You are rocking and rolling!!

    Carol, Be good!!

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Gail - u ain't doing either whining or complaining... this is what we're all here for to vent to and/or get opinions, help and/or advice... or just a good old venting!!

    not sure if it will help.... butI seem to remember when I first started on it, I had a small prob with the big "D"... but as I tend to usually go the OTHER way, it didn't really have a big impact on me (I seem to remember kinda wishing it would... it also didn't help with the weight loss for me that some people get.. grrrr!)

    I am on a half dose 500mg 2x a day.... and not having any issues anymore... not sure what your dosage is, but perhaps doc will suggest starting with less until your tummy/guts get used to it..maybe a half dose (quarter in the morning quarter at night) for a few weeks.. then increasing slightly for another few weeks? or trying another med like the time release one.. can't remember the name of it... I know how frustrating it must be for u tho.. hard to go out in public when you know if it hits you aren't given a lot of time to make the run!! specially at work its also a little embarrassing!

    im proud of you for recognizing if you can't take the meds, they aren't going to help and reaching out to your doc to find something that will... well done you!! and IPOU on the sugar carbs reduction girl.. huge IPOU - little changes add up to big results!!!!! :)
  • PatriceMG
    PatriceMG Posts: 232 Member
    Do not shut it down! This is where I love to stalk! Don't post much but do enjoy the posts. Summer is harder though as mentioned above with vacays and getting out and doing it weather. Snooozie you are doing so well. Keep it up! If you have problems with the reverse of the bid D, you might want to look at the Plexus product called Bio-cleanse. That's what I take daily along with a probiotic and the pink drink and it has made a huge difference for that problem and it keeps my blood sugar down and many other good things. Check out patriceglasscock.myplexusproducts.com. Lots of you tube videos too. I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have. Just pm me...
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Good evening ladies! I am finally back. I've been incredibly busy trying to unpack, do laundry, catch up with appointments etc and readjusting to 3 hour time difference. Wanted to pop in and say hi, though. I've got a crazy day tomorrow, but Friday looks like a good day to catch up on everybody's posts and set some goals for the rest of the month :-)
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Patrice - lmao @ the stalking - TOO FUNNY! I actually printed out the message u sent me with the info on the plexus and stuck it on my fridge LOL (why does the fridge become the place to put important stuff?? think there is something Freudian in that?) Once the PanAm games are over end of July, i'll be back on normal shifts and plan to investigate it then.. thanks for the info I can't believe your sugar #s!! (well I can im just so impressed!)

    Susan - welcome home! we missed ya; look forward to hearing how you're doing Friday.. hang in there!!

    im off today; and since I didn't get home from work til 2am, i'm lazing in bed a little later lol... but about to lace up and head to the lake.. its a gorgeous day out there by the looks of it - rock on people!!!!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    LOL....you find the funniest pics, Snoozie!! especially the bumper sticker!

    I got my Meds...a bit more expensive than the reg. Metformin...but if they work!! It will be worth it's price...The only thing is I am afraid to take them...hahaha...I really don't like bathroom trotting, and now I am over thinking it and wondering if it's extended release, then I could be trotting, until it is out of my system.....could be all day and night.....see my thought process? I will try them today , though, so I will be at home after work today until Monday..if needed, UGH!! ....fingers crossedXXXX

    HOT, HOT weather here, not quite up to AZ. standards, though. Susan, good to see you back,

    Carol, Patrice, OWR, Suzy, Vailara, Milove, Who Am I missing, I know I am... Hello to you all!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Hello to you too! I hope you get your meds sorted out. I had a similar problem with one a few years back - it was a nightmare! I had to be on codeine while I was at work to counteract the effect, but of course that would wear off during the night ... you have my sympathies! I hope it works out for you.

    I LOVE those last two pics - so funny! Especially the dressing room one.

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Morning Hatters!

    It's pigging hot here this weekend - jhumid and feeling like 40C but mornings at the lake always have a beautiful breeze no matter what the temps and this morning was spectacular... I didn't want to come home LOL

    Had a great day poolside with friends yesterday; overindulged a wee bit with a couple of coolers, wine and some nibblies but dinner was grilled chicken, spinach salad and little marble potatoes so guilt free in that department! And one of my friends and I decided to perform a "synchronized swimming" routine in the pool to celebrate the Pan Am Games being held here in Toronto ..... unfortunately due to the fact we were about as graceful as a ruptured gazelle, and laughing too hard to stay afloat, it was a pretty pathetic salute to our athletes... but burned a few calories just from trying to keep from drowning every time we went under!! Great day with great friends.. and today got to start my morning here... sadly should spend the rest of the day catching up on woefully neglected cleaning.. BUT... i'm thinking.... its too nice out and summers short - so im thinking the vacuum ain't gonna be put into service after all!! hope everyones having a great weekend!!

    Gail - so glad you've got the new meds... just remember to give your body at least a week to get used to it... after a few days hopefully any side effects will go away once your system catches up....

    OWR - so glad to hear baby harry is holding his own after the surgery; know it's been such a difficult and busy time for you; am glad to hear your daughter flew in to help with the shower too!! Don't forget to take 30 seconds now and then if you can to just breathe, k??

    Susan - hope you're getting sorted back into your routine now that you're home; and hope things went as well as they could with your mom's move to AL. hugs.

    Patrice - still thinking about that margarita LOL! I DID have a lime margarita cooler yesterday but I refuse to let it count! not a real one LOL
