July: Our Journey to Health



  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    edited July 2015
    Well, it's Sunday, not Friday lol, but finally gave some time to check in with you all.

    Gail- hope those meds work for you. My sister went on a lower dose and then added a half pill mid day to help. Anyway, I sincerely hope you all find what works for you.

    Snooozie- Love all the humor! You are always good for a chuckle.

    OWR sounds like you are going through some rough times. Hope things are working out well for all.

    Hi to Patrice, Carol and Vailara and anyone else who may be stalking the board lol.

    It has been super crazy settling back in, and as of last night I came down with a cough and cold- darn! Loading up with Zicam , airborne, Claritan, aspirin and throat lozenges. This too shall pass, right?

    My trip was rewarding in many ways. It felt good to actually be able to be there to help my mom, and I accomplished a lot for her. It was really nice to spend time with her, and she was well aware of who I am in spite of her dementia. Here is a pic of us having some ice cream at her new residence.

    She looks happy, right? Well that's when she was taking her meds. Unfortunately I hear now she is absolutely refusing to take her meds and spits them out, etc, and without them she is as ornery as they get. I am hoping this will be resolved!

    I did manage to get away for a bit in the northern tip of the thumb of Michigan at a place called Pointe Aux Barques. Haven't seen so much green in quite some time!



    Oh my goodness, nothing like enjoying a cool lakeside breeze!


    While I was there I ran into a friend from high school whom I hadn't seen in like 40 years, as well as the older sister of a good friend of mine who passed at the young age of 14. I hadn't seen her sister since high school either. We used to have a cottage up there when I was a child, too, so there were a lot of great memories.

    Then back to Detroit where I was treated to a ticket to see the Rolling Stones- felt like I was in my twenties again!! They were fantastic!!!


    And was also able to catch up with my best friend from high school that I hadn't seen in decades which was so fun. We met for lunch at noon and closed the place down at 4 lol.


    Had a little family drama that went on, of course, particularly the last evening, but overall I was felt things went well. I was exhausted, between taking care of my mom and trying to get in some play time, too, but it was all good.

    It's taken me awhile to get settled in back home, and now I caught this dang cold from one of my students. But I am trying to get back to healthy eating habits within my goals, and so far so good. Gained three pounds while gone, but have already dropped two of them and am motivated to keep going. I'm laying low with exercise until I can breathe and not cough, etc.

    Hope everyone enjoyed their weekends in spite of the heat, and here's to a new week starting Monday full of health and wellness :)

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Lovely pictures, Susan! How wonderful to catch up with your old best friend! I think there's always a bit of a special connection with those first best friends. (And sometimes with first loves too!). And lovely to have that time with your mother, of course. She does look happy! I hope your cold is better soon: well done on staying on track.

    I haven't exercised as much as I should this best week. I've been feeling a bit rough (don't know what's wrong - nowadays I'm putting everything down to perimenopause, because it seems to cover such a wide range of symptoms!), so haven't been to the gym - last time I went I kept feeling like I wanted to cry! So I've just been doing some walking instead, which has been so much better for my mood.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    morning Hatters!

    Susan - LOVE the pics.. you look FABULOUS btw!!!!! and omg the point aux barques.. how lovely!!! I was quite envious of the hammock pic tho I can't lie LOL!! SO glad you were there for your mom's move.... having been thru a similar experience, I think with a bit of time she will settle in and start on the meds etc.... even with the issues she has with dementia, I'm sure she feels the changes and environment differences from her home ... will send good vibes and hope she can find some happiness there! Sorry about the cold.. omg summer colds are the worst! great job on ditching the wee bit of time away gain - as I said to vail last week; I now prefer to think of it as simply "adjusting weekly fluctuations" rather than losing a regain LOL.... HUGS and glad to have you back!!

    Vail.. omg I had to laugh at your post - or I would have cried!! I can so totally relate.... !!! I'm 3 years into full MP now...and while I find it this aspect has lessened a lot, I can remember the emotional roller coaster of peri... I am SO not a crier. never have been... im someone who keeps their emotions pretty tightly checked - prefer my meltdowns in the privacy of my own home so to speak... BUT for a couple of years there I seriously thot I had been possessed.... someone at work would make a casual remark that normaly would prolly even make me laugh, but I would honestly hae to walk away because I could feel myself about to cry.. WHAT THE HELL lol... and anger.. omg I went from happy to instant rage for a while too.. anything could set me off... just like the tears.... it was horrible LOL... I still have moments but if its any consolation.. that aspect has calmed down a lot...... and remember the walking is good for far more than just the body; it's a great time to relax the mind and soul and still get the parts moving so don't worry about taking a break from the gym - this whole journey is about ebb and flow.. just like the tides we have waves of motivation for different things... enjoy the walks and have no doubt when you're ready, you'll naturally just head into the gym one day and find yourself enjoying it again!

    I have had so much time off while being detailed to the Pan Am games these past few weeks... as most of my shifts are evening ones so have had the mornings to indulge at the lake and putter and have lunch with friends etc... I have to go in today for 3 regular shifts.... and I SO DONT WANNA GO lololol... I have to admit haven't missed work at all and am getting quite used to working what I consider part time right now LOL.. so the next three days might be a bit whiny for me ha!! Have a great week all!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    I KNOW we're all aware of the things we should be eating by now... but we also know life seems to get in the way sometimes and time itself for prep and ideas can become the biggest challenge.. so thot it might be a good time to post this reminder about 25 ideas to make things a little easier/faster from the hello healthy blog... altho a lot of it is stuff we've learned, I particular liked the 90 second breakfast I must say..


  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Thanks so much for your comments, Snoozie. It's good to know that somebody understands! Honestly, this is so not like me - I'm naturally quite calm and easygoing. Even with PMS, I used to get physical symptoms, but wasn't too bothered by moodiness. Now it's a completely different story!

    I hope work goes OK for you. Well done on coping with shifts. I know I'd struggle if I tried to do it now. My brain has switched off by the evening - lol! And my body follows shortly after! But I suppose if you've worked in your lake walks and lunch into the mornings, then it's going to be harder working a normal shift. Do feel free to whine!
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Hi Ladies...

    Susan - looks like you had a great time, glad you got to spend time with Mom and friends... so jealous ... would love to see the Stones.
    Dementia can be a b...tch.... been there done that with Mom... prayers

    Vailara - moodiness, yes, can definitely understand... check my diary... anti seizure in the am, mood pill when I get home.....

    Gail... hope the situation with the big D settles down sooner rather than later...

    Patrice ... yes... I stalk too lol...

    Snoozie ... can you send some of that scenery my way...??? would love to be able to walk with you....
    and I'm sure you would have us laughing all the way....

    Can anyone send the "dry heat" to Jersey...??? hotter than the dickens.....

    Looking forward to that rain shower....

  • OldWomanRuns
    OldWomanRuns Posts: 106 Member
    Please don't shut this down! Just got caught up.... LOVE LOVE LOVE the snappy sayings, the musings, the gorgeous pictures of folk's vacations and walks and such; and the words of encouragement that flow. And thank you for the kind thoughts lifting up our little Harry dude. My apologies for not being more present. Life certainly gave us a kick to the head (or, I guess heart). Our little guy is holding his own. His heart surgery was a success, but has actually caused a myriad of other issues to pop up. Being tested for so many other things now with blood clots and bleeding in his airway, lungs and stomach. Still ventilated, but hoping that comes out today or tomorrow. The Pulmonary team is checking on that. He did get trickle feed of mommy's milk for the first time yesterday and tolerated it well - good step! YAY little guy.

    I confess to NOT paying very close attention to my own health and well being - stress eating, stress not walking, stress not sleeping and stress yelling :s -- I am not going to weigh myself right now until I get me under control. Not wanting to add stress punching walls to the list ;).

    I have enjoyed reading about Not slapping people that say nice things to us.... hahahaha, I so relate to that. My favorite -- "OMG, I didn't even recognize you!" Seriously? I didn't have a face transplant! I am still that silly, sarcastic, laugh at everything, hard working old farm girl. Obviously when I was much fluffier, I was also invisible. And the How did you do it? Yep, hard work, eating right, exercising, you know - old fashioned way.... well, I could never eat like that, I like food too much. Again, seriously? And you all think that I just stopped liking food? Oh well. Each to their own!

    Everyone enjoy the heck out of what is left of this summer.....where did it go??
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    lmao @ OWR... you crack me up!!! and you and Susan were excluded in one of my posts inquiring about whether we wanted to keep going, because both of you were going thru extreme challenges this month! It was just to see whether peeps still wanted to keep the group going LOL.. so no worries!!

    I'm so glad wee Harry came thru the surgery well, and know it's still a long road to go for him and all of you, but we'll keep sending good vibes and prayers he continues to improve all over! And the reality of being at our stage in life, is that LIFE itself throws us huge curve balls now and then, and I think it's perfectly normal and REAL for us to push our own journeys to the back burner for a bit when we need to... the experts may say its important for us to continue to look after ourselves, but I think they're all men.. because while it may be true, the reality of being a woman is that sometimes.... our priorities have to change and that's our reality!! So do what ya gotta do for YOU right now OWR! HUGS!

    So I went back to work last night for my first real shift in over a month.. and quite frankly...I found it quite annoying LOL... having a great deal of time off this past month (and I'm off again after wed til mid august.. age does have it benefits when it comes to vacation draw!) has made me realize I am absolutely gonna be just fine with retirement next year LOL!! Have a great day Hatters!
  • OldWomanRuns
    OldWomanRuns Posts: 106 Member
    hahahahahaha!! I so need a little bit of that inner peace! I would even settle for "outter" peace.....or just peace - um, piece, yeah, piece of pie.... wait, how did I get there??!!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    OWR, I am sorry , I didn't know about the little Harry's medical issues. So sorry to hear this, his moma's milk will be the best thing for him to help heal up from this...keeping you all in my prayers.

    Susan, I am so glad that Mom knew it was you. I sat with a lady for 3 years that had dementia or Als....and she was able to know all 5 of her children till the end....she lived to be 90. Her short term memory was nowhere to be found. Funny story, I had to sit with her in the hospital one night, and go to work the next day, ...I had to answer the same 5 questions a hundred times...I finally got smart and answered them all when she asked the first one. I managed to get a bit of sleep that way. .lol

    Snoozie, you are so lucky if you are retiring next year. I know it has been tough with all this different shift work...you will be a new woman when you get used to it next year!

    Carol, Young Son was talking about how hot it is up in Corning NY. He said what made it so bad was that the week before , he had to wear a jacket in the mornings .

    Third day of meds...A bit better, no running to the bathroom....too much...hoping it will get better with time.

    not exercising yet...maybe after the meds settle in..
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    OWR - love your math!! inner piece + outer piece = piece of pie LOLOL... TOTALLY!!

    Gail - glad to hear the meds are a bit better!!!! Woo hoo!!

  • PatriceMG
    PatriceMG Posts: 232 Member
    I'll take a piece. Just stalking B)
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I love the "inner peace" picture - that's pretty much where I'm at just now!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Thank you, So true!! I really needed a good laugh today....I fit them both...

    Got in a little exercise today...
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    edited July 2015
    Have a fabulous weekend Hatters!!! Lets NOT let go of where all our hard work has gotten us so far tho!!


  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    : )