Daily Check-In



  • annemmr
    annemmr Posts: 27 Member
    Started off my week with a bang yesterday, trainer during the workday, 90 mins thai boxing and then an indoor soccer game right after last night. Was hard to get all my protein in after that because I just wanted to crash. I was a little under but not too bad. The scale is moving in the right direction but we will see if I am losing fat or muscle in a couple weeks. Fingers crossed!
  • bhagarmckee
    bhagarmckee Posts: 31 Member
    "Daily check-in" - heh - apparently my "day" is a couple of months long! Been in a holding pattern for a couple of months. End of the school year was BUSY. Just attended HS reunion and then drove an extra day to meet up with an old college friend. Back home, recording again, motivated to drop the last 10ish pounds. I'm at a healthy body composition now (which is why I've been okay with the holding pattern); but I'm ready to work on the flatter stomach and make use of the remainder of summer vacation to really get the exercise thing going and consistent. New profile pic - I'm actually brave enough to be seen in a sleeveless T.
  • wikkidwanda
    wikkidwanda Posts: 163 Member
    Well, it took me a week, but I got a good jaunt of exercise in today. I weighed myself last week and I had apparently gained... it threw me RIGHT OFF... I barely kept to my calories for a few days, gave up on exercising and couldn't find my "mojo" but today, I bit the proverbial bullet and I went to the dog park with my pup before work this morning. After that, I worked out some at work. I've decided not to weigh myself again for a few months. I can't take the distraction. I can SEE the weight difference, so I will stick with that. Thank goodness I got back into it, it was super hard! That said, in the past, I dropped things for YEARS, this time it was a week. Yesterday my knee hurt and the day before my finger... both pains are fairly constant however, when I'm doing well exercising, both fade a lot (never go, but fading is a close second in my books!) so when I noticed the serious pain, i KNEW i had to get back on the horse! I'm doing it. One day, one step, one moment at a time, I won't give up this time.
  • TonyTrink
    TonyTrink Posts: 38 Member
    Just back to MFP for a couple of weeks now, after being gone for nearly a year. Saw this thread on my feed today and thought I'd check it out. Have had a good day thus far. Just got in from a 5 mile walk. Trying to figure out what I'm going to eat for dinner tonight.
  • TonyTrink
    TonyTrink Posts: 38 Member
    Had a "sort of" yummy dinner tonight. I've been wanting to try out this recipe for using an avocado instead of mayo to make a chicken salad. Well, sadly I got out of work late tonight and just wasn't in the mood to cook some chicken and make a chicken salad, and the avocados at the store weren't all that ripe, they need a day or two sitting out. :( So, instead, I bought some pre-made chicken salad and some packet guacamole and mixed them together. Not as good as I imagine the real home made version will be, but it was enough to satisfy the itch I had tonight for it. :) I'll try the full monte this weekend when I've got the time to cook and the avocados are ripe.
  • wikkidwanda
    wikkidwanda Posts: 163 Member
    I love using Avocados in my chicken salad... along with celery, onion (or jicama) and peppers, and dried cranberries and hemp hearts...

    *slowly eating my stupid celery....*
  • ryanp_942
    ryanp_942 Posts: 44 Member
    BIRTHDAYS! Curse birthdays and having 3 friends born in the same week! Big meals and heavy drinking do not a fit body make. Seeing the scale go up sucks.

    Nevermind, we all need to have fun sometimes I guess, back on it now.
  • annemmr
    annemmr Posts: 27 Member
    Look at all us gripers!!! I tweaked my knee yesterday and am so sour over it...hopefully it works itself out by tomorrow, I hate missing a soccer game! Did a full upper body workout today but doesn't feel like enough and am grumbling over getting all my protein and water in already today. Grrrrr, someone needs to send me a swift kick in the a** today!
  • robbie_1982
    robbie_1982 Posts: 21 Member
    I was taken into an office to be told that I have been promoted which is fantastic news. Though I then find that I have worked through my lunch and caught in the office for an extra hour. A bit of better planning from now on methinks! I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend.
  • peppermintcaroline
    peppermintcaroline Posts: 151 Member
    Did agility and obedience classes with my dog. Trying to eat healthy. Have a great rest of the day everyone!
  • TonyTrink
    TonyTrink Posts: 38 Member
    Morning all! Getting ready to hit a morning walk before work, didn't eat so great yesterday, here's hoping today will be better!
  • annemmr
    annemmr Posts: 27 Member
    Mondays are my killer, 3 tough workouts that drain me and completely dehydrate me by the end of the day no matter how much I drink before hand. I drop a lot of pounds but I know it's water so I end up gaining a bit back over the next few days as I replenish water stores. Get's frustrating to see the scale go up when I am on point with my intake and exercise but it does make sense. Long term, slow, steady loss is what I am looking for so trying to keep that in mind today.
  • wikkidwanda
    wikkidwanda Posts: 163 Member
    I'm finally back on track in a solid way, day 5 of 30 day challenge. I'll be keeping it up and have decided that weighing myself needs to be every couple of months. I'm looking for NSV anyway, and the only thing that has deterred me at all was weighing myself and so I'll not be doing so for the time being.
  • ryanp_942
    ryanp_942 Posts: 44 Member
    My gym buddy's arms have been getting noticeably bigger than mine in the last couple of weeks & i've been struggling to keep up so I invested in some matrix whey protein that I saw cheap on groupon. Eaten well within my goal today and don't feel too hungry, if only every day was like today! :)
  • annemmr
    annemmr Posts: 27 Member
    Have a good day all!
  • wikkidwanda
    wikkidwanda Posts: 163 Member
    today is a good day! Hope all of you are enjoying it!
  • TonyTrink
    TonyTrink Posts: 38 Member
    Awesome day today! Got tons of work done at my job, super productive! Now, getting ready to hit an evening walk planned. Looks like a gross day is coming tomorrow, according to the weather channel, so got to enjoy today while it's still here! ;)
  • wikkidwanda
    wikkidwanda Posts: 163 Member
    Feeling pretty positive today. I'm back on track, reporting, taping, and paying attention to my eating and loving to exercise. Some days it is a chore, but i ALWAYS feel so good after! It's great to feel like I've accomplished something!
  • shiftynj
    shiftynj Posts: 103 Member
    I then look up and realise the other client is the 20-odd-year-old girl and then it makes sense.

    Yes this goes on all the time. My gym is down to one floor trainer at night who is supposed to circulate and give people guidance and instruction, and also help keep the place neat. He spends 85% of his time talking at this one buff young dude who very clearly does not need a trainer, while n00bs try to figure stuff out on their own and the weight room looks like a cyclone hit it. I've pretty much learned to expect this.
  • annemmr
    annemmr Posts: 27 Member
    I had an all day dentist appt yesterday so we went out for dinner! Stayed under calorie but was way short on protein so back to the basics today.