


  • leutloff1988
    leutloff1988 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm Julie from Chicago il. I actually have 5 lbs to go to reach goal. I love to exercise (can't believe I just said that). It's the clean meals I have trouble with and the love of German beer. Looking for help so I don't give up on those last 5
  • amsdragonfly
    amsdragonfly Posts: 152 Member
    Hi all, I'm Ams from Otsego County in NY. I'm 28 and have started excercise/eating well multiple times, but after a couple months always fall off. I gained a lot of weight after college from not walking everywhere like those days, and am trying to get healthier now. My biggest problem is staying motivated when it feels like no one else is trying to be healthy around me. So that's why I joined this group. :)
  • WWnot
    WWnot Posts: 141 Member
    Hi everyone - I'm in Montreal and am looking forward to this challenge! I'm 54 and since my baby is going to be 31 at the end of August, I guess i can't blame my excess weight her! My downfall is munching during evenings or when ever I haven't had enough sleep and have to keep moving through my day...munching to stay awake. I would like to grow 4 inches taller or get down to 145-150lbs. I'll also be working on getting myself to bed earlier each night to deal with the fatigue-inspired eating. (So if you see me online late in the evening, feel free to tell me to get to bed!!) Good luck to all!
  • WWnot
    WWnot Posts: 141 Member
    Thanks so much degeorgeff for organizing this! You rock!! :)
  • debbysatit
    debbysatit Posts: 125 Member
    Hi, my name is Debby and I am from Wisconsin. This will be my first challenge and hope it helps me get going. Been struggling with motivation. I tend to eat for comfort. I have about 100 lbs to lose. Looking forward to giving this a try!
  • BaconBae
    BaconBae Posts: 4,568 Member
    Hi all - My name is Ind hailing from NYC. I'm 5'1, 32 and trying to get in the habit of exercising regularly and eating healthier, even though I'm around my family of eaters who try to discourage me whenever they get a chance. My weakness is anything sweet and anything fried.
    As a mom, I always thought is was selfish of myself to go exercise at the gym or anywhere rather than spend time with my little one. I'm slowly coming to realize that it's important for me to be healthy, so I can be there for my little one.
  • anvillanuev
    anvillanuev Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Anjelica and I'm 25. I have a degree in Nutrition and currently doing my dietetic internship. I've been following a pescatarian diet for almost 3 years now. I grew up playing sports and being very active all until about 17 years old. In high school I weighed about 175 (I'm 5"6). After high school I stopped playing sports and gained tons of weight (my heaviest 216). When I was 20 I decided I needed to change my lifestyle. Within 3 months I dropped down to 180 and was pretty happy. During my weight loss journey I developed a love for nutrition and decided it was the career path I wanted (now I'm 6 months away from becoming a registered dietitian and couldn't be more excited). During college I started crossfitting so I had gained more muscle and didn't really worry about the scale so much anymore (my weight was still about the same ~180). Sadly right now I'm weighing 190. My goal is to loose about 20-30 lbs. I never really gained weight because of what I ate, it's because I have lost motivation to workout daily. I'll go 3 weeks sometimes without working out. This is the reason why I haven't dropped below 180. I know what I have to do, it's just a matter of doing it. That's why I've joined this group, hoping everyone around me can help keep me motivated going to the gym. The past two weeks I've been going to the gym 5-6x a week for at least 1 hr and I feel better already. If anyone has questions about food or nutrition, I'd be happy to share what I know. I've attached a picture, on the left was me at my heaviest of 216, and on the right is me now at 190. 62ixr8fl6l00.jpg
  • vatsyayani
    vatsyayani Posts: 6 Member
    Hey there! I am shruthi! I am currently at 209.4lb and my target is to be 137lb in the long run. I struggle to maintain a long term commitment to weight loss and am bad at maintaining my water intake. I tried weight lost last year and managed to loose 23lb only to gain it back again due to lack of motivation and commitment. Hopefully this time Id stick to it!
  • i4gv777
    i4gv777 Posts: 17 Member
    Hello, my name is Brenda. I'm from Texas. I'm needing to lose 100pds. I gained weight to self protect by keeping people at a distance. But I have developed a lot of health issues from my weight that I've got to overcome. So to me losing weight means becoming vulnerable but necessary.
  • igarcia13
    igarcia13 Posts: 59 Member
    Hi, I'm Iris from California. In the last 10 years I gained about 40 pounds and when I was at my heaviest, I got pregnant and gained an additional 50 pounds. So far I've lost about 40 pounds but I need to get back in shape for my little one :)
  • michele32871
    michele32871 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Michele. 44 years old, and very slow loser, but I'm determined! I'm currently 173 pounds with an overall goal of 130. I'm only 5'1", so the "powers that be" suggest I should weigh less, but I"m a curvy girl and that just isn't going to happen! I'm a teacher, so it's easy to find the time and motivation over the summer, my ultimate issue is going to be staying motivated once we go back to school in late August. Good Luck to everyone!!
  • Karlirosem
    Karlirosem Posts: 73 Member
    Hey everyone! I am 31 years old and I live in Oregon! I am a busy mother of 3 and love every min of it! I have been dealing with health issues for the last 2 years and keep loosing and gaining weight. I am currently at my heaviest right now and that needs to change. My goal is to loose 40 pounds and to keep it off!
  • jessicarobinson00
    jessicarobinson00 Posts: 414 Member
    My name is Jessica. I'm 28 and from WI. I am married, work full time, and have 3 amazing kids (12, 7, and 6). I HATE CARDIO! If getting healthy meant I had to do it...I'd be heavy I found a love of body weight movements and weights that has allowed me to accelerate my weight loss. :) Started MFP at 174 lbs and am now 139.5 lbs. My goal is to hit my GW of 135 during this challenge. Good luck everyone!!
  • lbcrawford
    lbcrawford Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone, Lance from South Tampa, FL here. 3 years ago I was at 322 and had got down to 239, and for reasons I'm still now sure of, my wife and I both stopped working out and apparently my vodka-grapefruit diet wasn't working out so great... I'm back to 296, but we are on the wagon and on plan! Started tracking food and exercise!
  • nerdymathgrrl
    nerdymathgrrl Posts: 270 Member
    Hi! I'm Liz from Virginia. I am married with 2 kids (9 and a toddler who will be 2 in October). I usually work as a substitute teacher, but I should be starting a job tutoring math in less than a month! I've been a stay-at-home mom since January, when I herniated a lumbar disc. Due to depression and pain (and steroid injections), I regained some weight, but I've since lost it again, and I'm now at my lowest adult weight (190 lbs). I've been on MFP since October 2013, and so far I've lost 94 lbs, putting me about 20 lbs away from the "healthy" weight range. I've finally been given clearance by my physical therapist to lift weights again, and I'm really excited!
  • lasvegas262004
    lasvegas262004 Posts: 1 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hello, my name is Jessica I live in Tampa FL. I don't have a problem working out, I really enjoy bootcamp which I attend 3-5 mornings a week. My problem is eating out & alcohol consumption vs preparing food and grocery shopping.

    My current weight is 150
    My goal weight is 140
    August goal 145
  • Rach_B_81
    Rach_B_81 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi I'm Rachel!
    I'm 34 yrs old and from Kingston, Ontario. I'm short 4'10" and been carrying a lot of extra weight for years! Last month decided it was time to work on it so started logging on MFP and walking more. I've gone from 176 down to 163 in just under 2 months and looking forward to staying focused and motivated with you all!
  • SBHWeav
    SBHWeav Posts: 89 Member
    Hi! I'm Samantha :) I'm from Ohio USA and am a SAHM to two awesome girls. I have about 80 pounds to lose. I have trouble with emotional eating and having no energy to work out by the time the kids are in bed. My husband has FINALLY decided to join me in this which helps a ton having his support and not having to buy junk for him lol Excited to get started!
  • tracylynnc
    tracylynnc Posts: 10 Member
    I'm Tracy, 47 yo, want to loose 61 lbs. Diabetes runs in my family and I am determined not to get it. I haven't eaten sugar in years; I also have a wheat allergy (so I have a lot of no-sugar/gluten-free recipes). I will follow a keto diet since it shuns both wheat and sugar.
  • MicheleStitches
    MicheleStitches Posts: 306 Member
    Michele in Wyoming trying to lose that same 10-15 lbs. that I've lost and gained back multiple times. I have found when I workout regularly and track my food, after much hard work, I can get it off...but as soon as I stop tracking and get side-tracked by life (injuries, moving cross-country, etc.) it creeps right back up again!

    My goal is to find an eating and exercise regime that works for me and is sustainable. My ultimate goal is be fit and strong and FABULOUS. :)